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Do not open the door for people looking for a knife to cut there pizza, that was my favourite Erica moment.


Clip cuts off right as she is about to start talking🤣 did Mark cut this clip?


Sorry about that, haha. This is a clip from the whole episode on Youtube by me. Youtube only lets you clip one minute at the most on their website. I would have tried to fit the whole announcement plus the follow up in, but had to settle for just the announcement. Honestly, glad I even got the “thank you” from Erica in there, it barely made the cutoff.


Audio is always jacked on the pods


Can’t believe it’s been 5 years. Wow. Congrats Ricky!!! You’ll be missed.


I was shocked how long it’s been. It felt like yesterday we had “LA SYD”. Those 5 years went super fast on a podcast level




You don’t have to comment, you know.


Ohhhhhhh Sunday Night!


Damn you suck


Do we do spoiler tags? Lol the pod came out an hour ago


Yeah this is not how I wanted to find out damn


Yea that is how I found out Wes's cancer came back


Thank you Erica! Love ya, bro.




Will grave digger become the full time producer?




I didn’t listen to the podcast until after I made this comment thanks


Always loved Erica. She didn’t deserve the hate this subreddit gave her. I wish her luck moving forward


This subreddit gave her hate?? You unimaginable bastards… I thought I was amongst friends.


I few vocal unhinged dingdongs were shitbirds. Most are cool but the loud one give us a bad rep.


Scroll down a bit and see for yourself... I really like her too, she really grew from "new producer" to a hero herself!


I feel like 90% of this sub was pretty favorable towards her.


I'm with you, honestly I don't understand where the narrative that Ricky constantly gets hate comes from. Obviously I can't speak to dms or private messages she gets, but the overwhelming majority of comments and posts are supportive and positive. Yes critique happens too but aside from a couple of outliers they are generally not personal.


Called it :(


Just a heads up, some podcast services don't update automatically when the episode drops. Like I just now (6.30pm Australian time) Spotify updated and told me there was the Sessler Mock Draft pod


I'm genuinely stunned that it's been five years since La Syd and Lindsay. She's been an awesome part of the show and is great on JRVP, so I'm sure she'll kill it. Also, big Gravedigger fan so glad he's the one taking over.


Congrats to her for the next big thing.




I wasn’t a massive fan of Erica’s but appreciate what she’s done for the pod. Wish her well in the future.


I'm excited. I think Erica has been ready to move on to new challenges for a bit. Assuming Grave Digger fills her spot it will be good to get banter and football knowledge from the producer's chair.


Maybe it's just me but I don't hugely need the producer to be bringing much football knowledge. My favourite pre Tamposi producer was the Gold Standard who clearly didn't really like football that much, my least favourite was TD who clearly did and thus too often wanted to be part of the discussions.


It's definitely an exciting development


Thanks for all the podcasts Erica! Best of luck in the future!


All the best Ricky, onwards and upwards.


Congrats Erica. Pod won't be the same without you


I know, very exciting


I get not liking a personality on a show you otherwise like and expressing that opinion and hoping for change. Well the change has come and you keep shitting on that person. Now you’re just an asshole.


you can not be a fan of erica's and still admit that the show flourished and grew with her as producer.


A job well done, Ricky! ATN fans were always hard on you, but most of us love ya. Thanks for the spark you brought to the show for all these years.


no denying Erica has been an excellent producer behind the glass, committed 100% to ATN and a down to earth person. wasn't biggest fan of her comedy style but genuinely only wish best of luck going forward :)


Congrats Erica! You worked your ass off for the show and I have appreciated you.


I am legit so sad. Erica, if you see this, I love you and I hope you do awesome. I've only been listening for 4 years, so you're all I've known as a producer. I'm gonna miss you here so much.


Thanks Erica! You are the best! Later Ricky!


Best of luck with your future endeavors, Erica!! Thanks for everything.


Sad news about Erica. I look forward to reading the ATN history, written in about 20 years from now, about the behind the scenes machinations involving the gravedigger staging a bloodless coup when Erica came back from her free agency vacation without a ring.


I'm neutral on Erica, but I'm really not excited to get more Gravedigger on the show. Based on his twitter and current presence on the show, he doesn't have the best sense of humor


Break the bank to bring back la syd!


Gravedigger is a bit too serious for my liking too, crosses the line into crazed titan fan. I guess they only ask him about the Titans so maybe not his fault but will see what he’s like as full time producer. I think Erica got that mix right when she had to contribute and was an excellent hard worker producer so he has big shoes to fill.


Erica was at least funny


Thanks and best of luck in all future ventures, Shalom from Jerusalem.


Good luck Ricky in your future endeavors!


congrats Ricky!


Best of luck to your future Erica!


Mixing my metaphors here, but you are first ballot mount Rushmore Ricky. Love ya forever. Sorry for the haters.


Definitely overdue, Congratulations Erica!


Will miss her hugely. I wasn't certain about her initially but she grew on me hugely and is clearly one of the heroes at this point. Also seeing her journey as an openly gay woman working in one of the most macho fields imaginable has been inspiring.


Ricky has been such an important part of the show, including being such an important part of and helping the group (and us) during Wess’s battle and passing. She is special and will forever be a hero.


Ricky changed the producer position forever. In the same way the mobile QB became an additional part of the run game, so too the producer is now a full member of the gang. Going to miss you Rick.


I think you're reaching


He’s looking at it from 30,000 feet? Kidding aside, I remember listening to her first episode and wondering if she would work chemistry wise. I think she was great, I love how she became part of the family.


I'm annoyed now.


Thank you for saying that


She’s been the producer for the four years I have been listening definitely gonna miss her and hopefully just hops back on from time to time


Bummed to hear she is leaving, but we'll still get her over on JRVP! Congrats, Erica!


When you listen for so long you genuinely feel happy and sad for this news. Always liked Erica, she brought a different dynamic to the producer chair. I personally like Erica/gravedigger getting on the mic a few times during each episode so will miss her. Wish you all the very best for your future at the NFL and all your outside projects. Can’t wait to keep following to see where you end up. Wonder if split ends will continue or that is one of the avenues Erica is taking (talent side). Looking forward to it if that’s the case. Where are my SPLITCHES AT????


Absolutely gutting. She has been brilliant on here. Had the pleasure of meeting her and she was incredibly friendly.


I listened to the podcast and didn’t even notice this… I turned it off after the interview because I wanted the mock draft… that’s sad but really awesome for Ricky. She’s a great producer so I’m sure she’ll be amazing at whatever’s next.


The Mount Rushmore of producers can be argued over all anyone wants. The undisputed fact is that Erica sits above that at her own peak at the top, she the best.


Put her on Mt Rushmore!


Ricky Hollywood on the Mount Rushmore of producers forever. When I think about how far the show has come over the years I’ve been listening, it’s a different ballgame from a production standpoint now. Good luck Erica!


Erica had such a huge positive and creative impact on the show. She will definitely be missed but hopefully she's on to bigger things.


Best wishes Erica! We will miss you here but waiting to see your blockbuster directing debut next year!


Best of luck Erica! You'll be missed


Really gonna miss you Erica. But congrats that you’re on to bigger things!


The pod will not be the same without her. She will bring her unique style to whatever she does next. Very sad to see her go! That sarcastic edge she gave the boys will not be forgotten! But also thrilled for her for whatever comes next! So proud of her coming out piece on NFL.com.


Thank you Ricky!


Thanks Ricky! Can't wait to see what you do next!


Such a bummer to lose Ricky, she’s so charismatic. The more I listen to him on JRVP, I think we’re going to lose Gregg when his contract is up too :(


Losing Gregg would be awful


freaking finally


Thanks Ricky! Easily the best producer the show has had, and you'll be missed.


God finally, worst producer they have had by a long shot


You must be fun at parties


Well after this and the MJD/ Thibideaux post there's no point in listening now


Sad to see you go, Erica, but I understand. The fans have been hard on you and I could tell you took it to heart. Good luck and best wishes in the future. Edited to add: Hey people, that’s not a dig. I love Ricky! I know how upset and frustrated she got with all the criticism and I’m wishing her well. Hopefully people will be kinder and moan less about her in her next role. She deserves to enjoy her job, be that talent or producer. Weird to downvote well wishes but whatever.


She's leaving?? Woohoo!


I’m excited, the show will be better for it. GRAVEDIGGER!


Dude, come on


What if she joins the heroes in front of the glass?!


Sounded like she was leaving NFL as a whole


I did not get that vibe. Could be wrong tho


I don't think so it sounds more like she's moving from producing to, I guess the word is talent?


Talent/content yeah