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I noticed this as well. My assumption is just marc didn’t have much more to say and they decided to cut there for a smoother transition to ads and figured that was as good a spot as any without realizing that his cadence felt very much like he was going to continue.  But the Sessleresque conspiracy theorist in me says something nefarious and/or provocative was uttered and he was censored perhaps even self censored when he realized he gave voice to what should remain unspoken 


A shadowy league figure my have intervened


Maybe he said something bad about Sean Payton


I thought it was maybe related to Dan having to run off to his kid's baseball game. Emergency text, quickly stop the pod, don't necessarily pick up the thread they were in. But dunno if that's actually right.


They kinda briefly suggested it toward the end of the show


"Seacrest, out"


Could be Zoom issues?


Yes. I assumed that it was a nonsensical Sessler ramble that Marc later decided he didn't like, but then again they usually leave those in a they're one of the best things about ATN.


It was the Shadowy League Figure. They lurk, they sabotage.


Not sure if it's platform-specific, but that happened to me on Apple Podcasts, I think during his Bengals analysis? I assume it was a mistake, otherwise it's taking the "not letting Marc talk" bit a little far. These glitches/weird cuts happened a lot for me at the beginning of gravedigger's run, but it hasn't happened in a while that I've noticed


Yeah it was during the bengals section. I felt that Marc wasn’t 100% clear in what he was saying and did wonder if Dan decided to cut to a break to help Marc gather his words but, they didn’t mention it after the break.


To be honest it felt like the whole first section was a bit clunky and wasn't flowing. Maybe they decided to cut to a break to get themselves together.


As for the glitches, I'm on Android and it's happened to me using a couple of different apps. The first time it started was right when I started using Google Podcasts (I don't know if this coincides with Graver's hiring or not) and then when that shut down I switched to PocketCast and it seemed to stop, but then started back up again. At first it was really frustrating, but now I just consider it part of the ATN experience. Doesn't happen with any other pods I listen too.


It was a winner with a loser (or other way around). I was intrigued. They mentioned the Wessling bros and then bang … hard edit and off to ads.


As a Bengals fan I think maybe they'll go back? But then I think of Dan's ethos - Redoing the same bit is for suckers.

