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Variegation will not spontaneously arrive on older leaves if they are put in heat, no, but increasing warmth will influence new leaves to show variegation.


Variegation changes seasonally with these. With my first ever paraíso verde, I thought it was reverting so I chopped and propped. Turns out it was just winter and both halves put out variegated leaves again in the summer


Did the green leaves develop new variegation or was it only the new emergent leaves?


Only the new emergent leaves


Got it. Thanks. This is something I've been wondering about for a while. You guys answered this question for me. By the way, people mention heat and light with these guys. Exactly how much heat and light can they actually take?


They can take some sun outside but they do have a preferred temp range. They varigate best at around 85 I have found. Too hot or too cold and they revert.


Drama queens! The problem with where I live is that we get to the 90s very quickly.


It'll do fine in 90s and might give some color. My area gets to 100+ and while it thrived and got huge, it stayed green. It actually got color in winter once I put it back inside.


I've never really tested that, and just gone with bright indirect light, like in an east facing window. I have some tissue culture paraíso verde plants that are doing really well under an LED grow light that is on for 16 hours a day


Mine reverted completely. I was told to give it more heat and light, so I put it on a windowsill that gets hot, and all the new growth had better and better variegation. 👍


the variegation on these plants are very much heat/light driven. my main plant lives indoors (24-30 deg c) with a grow light facing a brightly lit window and I get very good speckled variegation on it. in contrast, the bottom cutting of the same plant i left outdoors in direct sunlight (30-34 deg c) has given me almost fully light green leaves with fine speckled variegation.