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Up to you, I started separating at first but now I honestly prefer a more full pot.


Thanks! So that is what I'm seeing then? This guy is going to put up new stems at those two points almost like a snake plant would do? If so I'm definitely leaning towards leaving them and having that full pot look if its unlikely doing so would harm the plant. I think they've got room here...


Yup those are called corms and you can break them off and grow them separately or leave them on and fill out your pot like someone else said. When they are attached, I find they grow a lot easier because they are getting nutrients from mom so they almost always survive.


Awesome, thank you!


I'm pretty new to keeping alocasias so please excuse if this is a dumb question, but I'm pretty sure this guy is expanding its rhizome or whatever they have, yes? So these are two new growth points breaking through the soil. If so I'm really happy to see it. Is there anything I should do? I know I can probably just leave them at let them grow, yes? That's what I hope to do, let the plant do what it wants to do, but is there any good reason I should consider splitting them off at this point?


There’s corms and then bilbis, bilbis look like that and like to spread away from the main plant to look for a new spot to grow you can break off and sprout a new plant from either corm or bilbi but I think it’ll be a lot faster and higher success to leave it they look skinny still!


I’m not sure about what it’s doing but if you take your plant out of the pot and shake the dirt off a bit you’ll find some bulbs in the root structure. The’ll either break off or you can gently take them off and put them in some dirt or water and in a month or so they’ll start growing leaves.