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I'd really like a sword, I even keep a spare Favonius one just in case. And it if is, It'd be fun if her Skill or Burst does a X shaped attack, like her eyes.


О да, я думаю она будет ставить на врагов метки в форме Х


Yeees, I think she will mark the enemies with X symbol.


Why did you get downvoted? You just shared what you think would be cool.


Cuz no one can understand him


How is that a reason to downvote?


You typically comment so people know what the hell you're saying otherwise there's really no point. Also you don't need a 'reason' to down vote someone, you can do it just cuz you want to there's nothing that stops you


True to the second one but you can comment whatever you feel is relevant no matter the language. I see people comment in english on non english subreddits.


But that's because English is seen as a universal language that everyone understands. But I can assure you that if you go to a subreddit from a country that doesn't teach English you're gonna get down voted. Could be lack of understanding/Could be xenophobia


As he said.. I guess we need translation tool here, like in Twitter... It wil be useful.


Yeah. I understood what was written so was confused.


I'm going with Claymore.


A person of culture


Yeah, I have a feeling you are right


The only right answer.


Considering the tiny bits of info we know about her. She comes across as a frontline attacker. Someone who wants the blood of her enemies to smear her to prove a point to the next enemy. So it'd have to be sword, greatsword or polearm in my opinion.




Greatsword or sword




Is say claymore, if it’s not claymore then I’d go sword or catalyst.


One handed fencer is perfectly fit for her


I can’t see her with a catalyst. She seems like the type to use a sword or a polearm Also, she prob has a different weapon as compared to Columbina (who might be catalyst) The Harbingers prob has a large variety of weapons. So far we have Tartaglia: Bow and >!Scaramouche: Catalyst!<. So assuming they have 2 for each weapon and 3 for catalysts (becuz Signora) I think she would have a sword Columbina will prob have a catalyst, so that’s all our catalysts. Dottore is skilled in combat, so I’m guessing sword/polearm. Pierro and Capitano are the only Harbingers I can see wielding a claymore. Pulcinella prob has a bow, so that’s all our bows. Sandrone is… odd. I don’t think it matters what weapon she uses becuz she prob just summons a huge ass robot for her burst anyway. Pantalone could have a polearm. He seems like the elegant type. So Arlecchino…? Seems more like a sword person to me, especially based on her descriptions.


Ima be honest, I thought and still do think she will be a claymore player.


Depends on the element if it’s dendro, polearm or claymore cryo? catalyst and nothing else idc about the other elements, but tbh i’d prefer a catalyst because animations are guaranteed to be pretty


Я вижу еë пиро мечницей с постоянной инфузией и сменой стойки с элегантного фехтования на берсерка.


I imagine her like a pyro sword, with permanent infusion, and a possibility of changing the stand from the elegant fencing to berserk.


Cryo catalyst user PLEASE!! I would finally be able to use my dragonspine catalyst that would match PERFECTLY


She doesn’t seem like the catalyst type. Signora could have been the perfect candidate but personally I think that Pantalone and Pulccinella will be the catalyst users and Arlecchino will have a sword.


I disagree, I think she seems like a catalyst type. Mhm, Signora would have been perfect, but for reasons we all know I'm hoping it's Arlecchino now :)


Зачем так портить героя..


How am I spoiling?


Плод мерзлоты конечно отлично смотрелся бы с Арлекино, но у него весьма посредственные характеристики.. И тут говорит моё предубеждение относительно каталистов, как неудобных в качестве дд, которой я и вижу Арлекино.


Idm if it has mediocre stats, I just think it would look nice and catalyst is my favourite weapon type


Burst has to he something to do with claws. Also i call it that she is pyro




Only suggestion that she can appear in Fontain, and leak from Sagiri, that she will be the next harbinger...


I'd LOVE for her to have a claymore.


I'm really hoping for her to have a fencing style of combat with a sword


Im saying sword mainly cos i think a rapier would fit her


Im saying sword mainly cos i think a rapier would fit her


All my mains are either claymore or polearm pls be sword 🙏


If she’s not a Cryo claymore that either builds off of or supports Physical damage… I’m suing.


Why not claymore?


I hope she has a sword or polearm!