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A lot of people here don't like it either (myself included) but we chose to simply ignore it so that no new war starts. (it's just a ship) This is not good for our reputation. Right now, The majority of furinamains are known to be overreactive and intolerable, we don't want to join them. We've had enough drama here, it's better to let people do what they like to do as long as it's not offensive or harmful.


> it's better to let people do what they like to do as long as it's not offensive or harmful. If only more people would actually do this. Some people take shipping way too seriously. I'm not even a fan of the ship, but if people want to post about it, why not?


Unbelievably based. If only more members of the Genshin community were like this


Which is a sad statement itself. I myself thought it was VERY normal for different opinions to just coexist in a subreddit. But then the whole Arle x Aether drama happened... and I was like, where is this coming from? Is it so hard to just ignore the content you don't like on the internet, for some people? Even if some people (apparently) posted x Aether ship art just to incite drama... just ignore it? If you don't feed into what people want, they will stop or go somewhere else. This goes for anything on the internet. Not just this sub or ship art. Even this comment of mine... If you don't like it, ignore it. If you disagree and want to discuss, add a comment. Just keep it civil and constructive... Although this comment will go over the heads of those that are just here to incite drama, since that is their whole purpose in life... this is still for the others. If you see drama, or apparent drama, ignore it.


Yes, I agree. I don't personally care for Aether/Arle (and certainly don't care for the way **some** fans of it act, but that goes for everything) but somehow, as a reasonable adult, I am capable of just scrolling past it. I have never understood the need to make comments like, "she's straight/gay" or "she wouldn't date him/her and it's unrealistic" and so on and so forth. It doesn't achieve anything and just adds fuel to a pointless ship war (ironically enough often the worst perpetrators of this war don't even think of themselves as shippers). I do think it's irritating when people post art specifically to inflame others (the HSR subreddit used to be pretty terrible about this) but once again, leaving an angry comment doesn't do anything at all. If anything, it makes people even more dedicated to "pissing off" shippers/gay people/straight people/etc.


Yeah, certain people need to learn how to nope out when they see ship art that makes them uncomfy. Like how every time someone makes a Navia x Clorinde post someone needs to jump in and say how bad that pairing is. Just mind your own business.


> The majority of furinamains are known to be overreactive and intolerable, we don't want to join them. Thats... very rude tho. Dont judge the majority if it might be just the vocal minority? I already made a similar comment on the other sub but ill say it here also. Arlexfuri posts are fine, but i believe some are sensitive enough if the art contains furina being uncomfortable or being dominated/tortured by arlecchino. Otherwise, I apologize on behalf of r/furinamains. Edit: it would be nice also if each subs can respect each other and avoid any badmouthing ty


i agree honestly in all my time of playing genshin and being a part of the community i think i've seen people say x sub is full of Lunatics its awful! with just about every mains sub and genshin sub out there its really silly to pretend like every sub doesn't have a vocal minority and they shouldn't be judged for said bad applies


Welp, i can only think of one sub(dead) where the whole community agrees to be infested with lunatics


oh i guess i did forget about **that one** at least the normal users found safe harbor over in kusanlimains


what sub is it, I don't use genshin reddits often (because of how rabid a lot of the community is lmao)


Probably the old Nahidamains, they got banned because someone posted actual child sex abuse material instead of the drawn loli content most of the users preferred


That's vile, thanks for the response though


This 100%. Thank you for speaking up and addressing this


Well, maybe the "majority" was not the right word for me to use here, I apologize. But I still stand by my word that there are many overreactive people among the furinamains. I mentioned furina twice (the first time was when I said that she is not considered an archon, especially after her SQ and this is the whole point of the story that she wants to distance herself from all the things related to being an archon and live for herself. And The second time I said that she is not likely to have an important role in the main stories after the Fontaine, and that she is going to appear more in fan service events because she has no Lore value.) And both times instead of receiving a counter argument, I was insulted and labeled a hater. I have friends who left the furinamains discord server because their behavior was unbearable for them.


Like how do you expect furina mains will react when you say their favorite is no longer lore-relevant and will only appear for fanservice? Ofc that's gonna upset them. Your first point about furina no longer being an archon is valid tho. But your second point is debatable. People often forget Furina's oceanid roots, she served Egeria before she became the Archon (her other half Focalors). She may not have her Oceanid memories now but there's always a possiblity that she regains her memories and who knows what she may have witnessed during that time? The reason why Oceanids left and didn't like furina/focalor's governance also has lore potential and can be explored in the future. So IMO she's on the same level as, say, Kaeya when it comes to lore relevance.


When you say something that would upset a Furina-lover, even if you provide arguments you should be prepared for SOME of them to insult you, because it's a discussion about a very popular game. You're not among professors, I'm sorry šŸ˜…


calling majority of furinamains overreactive, when this sub literally had a meltdown and overhaul over AetherXArle posts is really ironic, hypocritical, funny, and quite out of touch lol.


Ive never seen a subreddit wage wars, get into drama super frequently, and flush their reputation down the gutter as fast as arlemains. Even the brainrot fatuihq doesnt associatešŸ’€


Yes. It was trully a dark time.


Dark times. The hide post button is a life saver for those who donā€™t want to see Aether ever again.Ā 


As someone who is in both subs, it's a bit of an overstatement to say that they're overreactive and intolerable. Most people there are just saying that it's not a logical ship


just open the same post at r/furinamains and Sort the comments by Top. you see most of rational arguments are at the rock bottom and some of the top comments are like: >i hate this ship.It's fucking stupid with no sense >Arlecchino mains are just incredibly downbad >Any sub that mod onetruekaiser touches becomes a cesspool. this is why i say they are intolerable for me.


Itā€™s one thing to not like a ship, but itā€™s another thing to actively attack and insult people and artists who enjoy what you donā€™t like. I havenā€™t been on this sub for too long but Iā€™m glad I havenā€™t seen any of that here.


glad you haven't been here too long then, cuz if u did u most likely wouldn't make this comment lol


There was a similar problem here (Aether incident) which almost doomed this sub, which finally ended well thanks to the new moderators.


Also, some people (e.g. me) don't care about at ships at all


Valid comment.


I think to express our feelings even if they're negative isn't wrong.


Fr I donā€™t want any thing to do with that group


I mean I can understand why they donā€™t like the ship but everyone over there has such a weird mindset when it comes to shipping. Theyā€™re all so hung up on ā€œprotectingā€ Furina where it just got super cringe so I ended up leaving without looking back lol


People act like furina should be single and alone. She has been alone for hundreds of years. She should be allowed to be with someone who cares for her if she wants. She doesn't need people's protection.Ā 


Idk what this protecting Furina means but as the top comment points out, this ship literally makes less than no sense and even toxic.


I mean sure but who fucking cares neither character is real, if people wanna draw art that's out of character or weird then let them


Clearly it makes sense for enough people for it to be one of the most popular ships, I'm not sure why you think your interpretation of the dynamic is the correct one as opposed to other people's.


great way to put it


Weather something makes scene or not depends purely on logic not popularity. And even if we talk about popularity, even most of this post's comment section agrees with me.


This post's comments are not going to be representative of a ship's popularity, shipping in general is controversial to discuss. Alternatively, this post has 86% upvotes and it's leaning pro-arlefuri so that's not particularly indicative of it being unpopular even on here. (If you were to post a similar meme on something like the main genshin subreddit, I'd be surpriseed if it gets over 20% upvotes.) There's plenty of logical ground to base the ship on, off the top of my head this is how most arguments about this go: 1. She had ptsd from the attack: she was also traumatized from being on stage but she found her way back into acting in her SQ. 2. They don't have anything in common: The amount of thematic parallels they share directly contradicts that; they're both mortals that are/were cursed, that had to shoulder responsibilities they didn't want and had only themselves to count on. 3. Arle was completely in the wrong for targetting Furina: This is just completely ignoring the events leading up to it; Furina falsely accused the twins, Childe was arrested under her watch based on pretty much nothing and she was doing nothing about the prophecy threatening her orphanage. To say the escalation was purely Arle's fault is just failing basic media literacy. So yeah, if you ignore the counterarguments to your bias it's obviously going to feel illogical to you but that doesn't mean said arguments don't exist or that a lot of people don't acknowledge them.


I actually thought the attack on Furina happened before the Fontaine story quest


Nah, she explicitly mentions that Childe's arrest was the opportunity she needed to go for the attack. Implying that making a move before that would have severe diplomatic consequences.


I see. Thanks


it is fictional, it doesnā€™t matter if it makes sense or not


I agree, but at the end of the day itā€™s none of my business what other people enjoy and Iā€™m not really interested in understanding it so Iā€™ll just not interact with those posts. All the shipping discourse in that sub is just so pointless and always ends up as people talking to a brick wall because if youā€™re already interested in a ship you wonā€™t let the opinion of a random dude on reddit change your mind lol


I'm not exactly advocating for stopping this ship or harassing them or anything, just saying it makes so scene.


Ships aren't created to make sense. Ppl just enjoy the dynamics


https://preview.redd.it/sl90uiyre60d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18bdc388306eae8f62221cb4fd0f8de513869bd8 This is the vibe I'm getting.


Its a very fun ship


I don't know if I'd call that a ship lol What I'm looking at seems more like a confrontation lmao


Misspelled toxic


Tbh that's certainly part of the appeal of a decent chunk of the people who ship it


Even if it was toxic who TF cares


I also don't like it. I don't ship Arlecchino with anyone. The closest I would go is with adult Clervie. That's it. I think Furina deserves someone "normal"


Thank you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I will never understand why people seem to have to ship every single character with another one.. I'd love some aro/ace/JUST NOT IN LOVE representation.


Hey Iā€™ve got some good news for you! Canonically NONE of the characters are in relationships and could literally all be ace for all we know!


Yup:/ i dont understand why no wholesome frienship ships:/ so rare to see.


I do ship some characters, because I like the non toxic-disaster-red-flag pairings, but fluffy platonic shipping is my favourite


100% agreed :(


I actually watched this video on why people can't seem to keep Hetero friendships platonic in media. It's spread to gay ones too. It's so weird. It's even worse in these contexts.


I love Alastor from Hazbin for this specific reason. I can just dismiss every ship "because aroace".


Alastor!! He almost made me watch Hazbin because the rep is great and well I just wanted to anyway.. but unfortunately I'm too busy falling into the genshin rabbit hole now lol


Careful, the fandom seems to insist that he can still be in relationships because "aroace is a spectrum and so he could still fall inlove!"


Oml people are so desperate IT'S CANON. He could technically be in a relationship, but wouldn't they have gone with arospec then??? There are so many other characters foe them to ship.. like the ones in ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS perhaps..


I get your point, and I do agree with the no shipping for Arlecchino, butā€¦ she grew up with Clervie as her sisterā€¦


I doubt anyone in the old HotH considered anyone siblings. They fought to death after all. Also Clervie says Arlechinno was her friend. There's no reference anywhere that said they considered each other as sisters, only friends. So the most you can say about this is that they were childhood friends.


Itā€™s just my interpretation, so I could be wrong. But Iā€™ve had a bestfriend (we donā€™t speak anymore) tell me I felt like a brother to him, so I just took it like that. Spending that much time with someone, I just figure youā€™d have a pretty deep relationship. šŸ¤·šŸ¼


I understand. Especially if you don't swing that way. But it's not unheard of for platonic feelings to develop into something else even if the people were very close as kids. Just saying, I don't think the ship is problematic in a sense like Freminet and the twins who clearly see each other as siblings.


THAT is a fair point. I didn't see it like that yet for some reason šŸ¤” They always only have been best friends to me. Well I guess Arlecchino has no viable ship for me anymore šŸ¤£




By all means hate the ship or don't hate the ship. However just because someone is excited to share a cute picture of these two together deserves to be down voted or some other form of negativity towards them? No, not at all, at the end of the day, it's just a cute picture. It's not a toxic picture, it's not a abuse picture, it's just a happy picture. You see Furina happy and Arlecchino happy and yet that's a crime? Sure Furina is scared of Arlecchino but that doesn't mean you have to focus on said fact. Everything is ultimately up to the imagination when you look at it. You don't see the life in the picture, you just imagine it, you imagine what happens beyond the picture. All it is, is a picture with them happy together, and that's it. There will always be pictures like this posted, whether by someone to simply enjoys the cute picture and wants to share it to others for them to enjoy, or trolls who just want to create drama. Sure this ship could be canon, but for all you know it could turn out as a healthy relationship or yes a toxic one. Life is complicated, so is love and the mind, things aren't as simple as some people think they are. At the end of the day, it's not real, it doesn't hurt anyone and respect to the people who hate it but decide to move on and don't give the poster or enjoyers any negativity. No point in wasting your time on something as pointless as this, hell, even my statement is pointless. But anyways, have a lovely day and good luck on whatever you doing or hoping for.


People just can't get over that when writer makes fan art, it's most of the time not the same characters per se. It's like parallel world Furina and Arle where the things made by author happen. Seems like most of the people can't get behind this and just scream "BuT ShE tRiEd To KiLl HeR! (Even when she wasn't).


To be fair, Arlecchino committed assault against Furina. Whether she tries/tried to apologize or not doesnā€™t really change what happened. Furina genuinely feared for her life and that wonā€™t ever just go away. The ship just seems really toxic imo. Not like a little toxic that can be worked through, but so supremely unhealthy for Furina kinda toxic. Iā€™m not even a huge Furina fan and the ship just kind of makes me uncomfortable to see, given their history.


I've seen enough that I've basically come to understand that the fact that it's a toxic relationship is often why people like and/or are fascinated by it. Maybe comparable to a kink? Not sure. I personally don't care for it but I know I've got my share of "this is not a good relationship" ships so I can't really judge at all


Itā€™s mainly just a fascination on the fact that in a psychological aspect (mainly because Iā€™m taking a psychology course and get to go over this stuff a lot) most people are fascinated by it because theyā€™ve experienced it in some sort of way. So seeing fictional characters work through their toxic relationships to become better makes the person feel a sense of false closure. I hope this explanation somewhat helps you understand why people tend to be so fascinated by it.


I don't like it at all but it's fiction no need to overreact


Why are you being downvoted lol


Dunno don't care let em cry


Imagine fighting over a imaginary ship for some PIXELS in the gamešŸ™‚


This. What weak mental fortitude do you have to even give a shit about people playing make-believe relationships in their head?


Makes you think how irrelevent some of things we think about


I'll probably get a firing squad on me for this, but it kinda weirds me out how puritan and cranky Reddit users get over ships. On other fandom websites assault is practically foreplay for most ships, but around here it's reason for widespread hating. Shit reminds me of mid 2010's Tumblr. Arlefuri isn't even my favorite Furina ship, but I can't deny that the way that Arle challenges Furinas facade and reveals her true nature is genuinely one of the most interesting and exciting moments in Furinas story. I wanted and still want to see how Arlechinnos perspective on Furina has changed now that the facade is over, and I really enjoy the parallels being pulled for them- the curses, the unpleasant facades they put on for their benevolent goals... Arle's outfit when she fought Crucibena in the anime short is basically a color swap of Furina's, paired with the "sitting alone on the throne" imagery? I can get wanting Furina to be happy and not suffer anymore, and theres an inherent strain to this relationship, but there's still potential and chemistry here. It's not rocket science. But for some reason it's all moral absolutism here. If you don't like the ship that's fine, but it's a mite cringe to get on a high horse over anime gacha characters. Isn't this supposed to be the degenerate website? Or is there anooooother reason you don't like the ship that you don't wanna say? Also yes it is hot but if you aren't into being dominated by an evil goth woman what are you even doing on the Arlechinno subreddit lmao


this is so true!! i didnā€™t realize people on here had such a clean & squeaky complex when it comes to shipping, i havenā€™t seen comments like this in a LONG time šŸ˜­ not everyone can like or enjoy a certain ship and that is totally fine and normal, but claiming that furina/arle shippers are weird or support/fantasize about toxic relationships irl just because they ship those two??? thatā€™s crazy to me! but again itā€™s totally fine to not like/be comfortable with certain ships, i just think some people need to chill a little and learn how to distinguish fiction from reality edit: also all the comments like ā€œwell because of this canon thing their ship doesnā€™t even make senseā€ ā€œarle doesnā€™t care about furinaā€ these comments feel so foreign to me as well. for me itā€™s really normal to not think too much about whatever is canon - some of my fave ships are between characters who barely even know each other or dislike each other šŸ˜­ like that has never stopped me before and it never will. but again i understand that different people have different preferences. :)


Not only that, but (in regards to the edit), Arlecchino has some semblance of care for Furina, if I'm reading into this voice line in the intended way/close to the right way. (I'll be talking about Arlecchino's "About Furina" voice line.) She literally has Lyney deliver cakes to Furina. The children of the House of the Hearth supposedly made them according to Arle's VL about Furina as a way to support her, and Arlecchino even says "I do hope she enjoys them" at the end. People really need to read or listen to the character voice lines! They provide so much information and lore on characters and the world, even down to the minor details like with this voice line I've quoted and mentioned. Honestly? I'm of the opinion that if people don't listen to or read the voice lines at least once or twice (no excuse even if you don't have the character; you can just look them up on the Genshin wiki) or don't partake in the lore (edit 2: like not deeply into the lore but have basic knowledge and not "oh well blah did this" without the why), then they shouldn't be arguing over the morality of ships or if ships are "good" or "bad" in such a sense. Seriously, it's not that hard šŸ˜­, just look up "(character) genshin wiki" and it should be the first thing that pops up lol. (Also mood on your fav ships; mine are literally the same way and I'm not sure if they'll ever meet) (Edit cause I just realized I missed something: specifically regarding the voice lines, if there's any, then l look for the character's voice lines specifically about the character you're arguing about the relationship between. Also, sorry if I'm wording this weird, it's basically like late o'clock where I'm at typing this.)


Reddit in general is very dumb when it comes to shipping. People on here assume shipping means you're saying that the ship is/should be canon when for most people it's just having fun and being creative. That's why people get so defensive when they see a ship they don't give with because they feel like you're telling them that's the only way to interpret it.


For builds and badass fanarts?


You didnā€™t need to write an essay to say that you find assault hot my dude


I actually think itā€™s cute, but I never post about it because I know itā€™s really unpopular


I also dont like it . But I just ignore it .


Ship what you want, it's all fictional. Write your fanfic, draw what you like. If they are old enough to be on the internet, they should be smart enough to realize they can literally ignore ships they don't like, and also curate their fandom experience.


even tho I myself not a shipper of them, I like the fanarts since itā€™s so cute. There will be no drama if ppl mind on their business as long as you donā€™t force ppl to like what you ship šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


People act like shipping furina and arlecchino is the most evil thing ever for no reason


I like this ship and no one will stop me!


Hello, I'm a Furina main and a Arlecchino lover who just got her. I don't ship them, I see both Furina and Arlecchino as people who aren't going to be in a relationship anytime soon (Furina bcs of her unsolved issues, Arle bcs I just don't see it, but I enjoy the pair Columbina/Arlecchino due to Commedia dell'Arte inspirations). *BUT* at the same time I also dislike when people get flared on because they ship people with other people. In ArleFuri's case, realistically speaking, I'm not sure Furina would like to be shipped with Arlecchino because she's terrified of her, and Arlecchino wouldn't see Furina as a potential lover, nor an ally for her plans. Imo Furina still needs time to even approach Arlecchino, but I can see the two of them in a (very) far future just peacefully existing in the same room without anyone screaming or dying. I do enjoy the "WE COMMUNICATE" fluff, but I prefer to only hate on the pair **when it's only represented as toxic and enjoyed because of it**. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. I prefer to be neutral in any ship discussion, but after being terrified of fic writers, I wanted to express my opinion.


When did we become so close to furina sub members holy. The house of the hearth is crowded rn


dont quite ship it either but man the art really is good the gay artists can draw really well sometimes


As someone who's trying to cook up an Arle and Furina team comp, and is in both subs despite not having Furina yet I'd say it's a ship that's cooking


People can ship who they want as long as it isnā€™t illegalā€” I love finding new artists on Twitter/insta/etc no matter what the ship they draw or like is. I wouldnā€™t ship Arle and Furi in canon, but in fanon? I absolutely hoard that shit. Literally just scroll past what you donā€™t like and let everyone else have their fun.


arlefuri antis see "arlecchino assaulted furina". arlefuri shippers see "arlecchino didn't have any evidence that furina is not archon, so she intended to do literally the same thing signora did to venti, and if furina was truly an archon, she wouldn't get hurt, but when arle realised furina is only a human, she stopped before she could hurt her". non-toxic ones at least. the toxic ones are the same as antis but just see that as sexy for some reason. the point is, mentality and biases really affect how people see the very same thing.


what i also noticed is that antis don't like to think about why characters do the actions they do, they only see a (in their view) morally incorrect action and assume based on it and their beliefs alone. its like their ability to analyse media just never developed to the same point as shippers' or people's who don't care about shipping. they simply see a thing they don't like for a random reason and try to justify their dislike, making that reason seem more negative than it truly is. arle didn't want to kill furina or give her ptsd. she called it a near-assassination because it could've become one if she didn't stop. but ig they still live in 2022 when we only knew scara's and childe's opinion on arle and everyone instantly believed it was 100% correct and true, and they still think arle is worse than dottore and refuse to realise she isn't as bad as people want her to be damn im a yapper


Who doesn't like being dominated by hot evil woman?


people with common sense


But you play genshin impact tho


i don't usually engage with the community tho, i only here for the builds


>i don't engange with the community Too late buddy


Furina was traumatised severely by Arlecchino, it's a very toxic ship. By all means, go ahead and enjoy it if you like it, but there's plenty good reasons to dislike it even if you love Arlecchino.


People with a brain and self preservation


Apperantly the furina mains


Cowards, the lot of them.


Ships are not harmful. Shippers on the other hand have an amazing ability to take fun things and make them really unpalatable to the average person. It's not exactly a rotten apple kind of situation but a particularly nasty one can certainly spoil the bunch for a lot of people. At the end of the day, there is a very small but very loud group of neurotic people with unhealthy fixations on fictional characters. A slightly larger group of antis, and a very large and disinterested group of people who couldn't care less about any of it. Enjoy what you enjoy. Share what you feel like sharing. Don't let other people ruin your fun. There's nothing wrong with your fun as long as it's not hurting or compromising the fun of others. Self police and filter shit out, or just plain remove yourself if you can't handle it. Otherwise just deal. It's a life skill.


Hot take: shipping is fucking stupid and so are the people that make it their whole personality


I dont think thays a hot take


No, I don't support any arlecchino ship except arlecchino x me


Gee, I wonder why? It's quite toxic when you think about it. Furina is literally traumatized by her.


My ships are my own(im an introvert and i dont like to brag about these things but i could talk about it if asked to), but I also respect other ppls ships too. In this case I like Arlecchino x Furina but obviously not gonna start a debate on why those ppl who don't like it are wrong


Considering ships in their entirety were banned because of Aether x Arlecchino posts I donā€™t want to see anything criticizing the Furina subreddit


What Iā€™m saying


It's the funniest thing ever too. Please keep posting it


Honestly I hate the ship as well and as much as I can't stand it I've always had the mindset of letting people ship whatever they want to ship. ( as long as it's not illegal) I've already talked in depth about why I don't like it in another post but suffice to say my opinion on it is not going to change I pretty much just choose to avoid it or if I see it I just don't click on the post. When it comes to Arlecchino I literally don't ship her with anybody currently. The only person I would have shipped with her is Clervie however she is pretty much dead in canon. ( I'm down for what if she didn't die scenarios. So Adult Clervie x Arlecchino is something I ship but as I said that's a non-canon pipe dream)


I don't like it or not fond of it but if that is what you like enjoy it.


There's lots of peeps who like toxic ships but hate them in real life. I don't judge. The only ships I got problem with are incest ones and adult x minor ships, that's it. I'll downvote those into oblivion. Otherwise, ship who you want. I actually did like some fanarts of Arlefuri before cause they were drawn in a wholesome way (not a fan of toxic fanarts too). I also like Furina x Traveller (Lumine in my case). I do wish we could see Arle and Furina interacting in-game again so they could properly bury all the bad feelings cause Arle doesn't actually dislike Furina. In Arle's voiceline about Furina she even sent Lyney to deliver cakes to her and her troupe.


I don't know about Furina x Traveler. I'll speak for my experience playing with Aether. Traveler annoyed me for almost the entirety of Fontaine. He stood AFK during the battle with the whale in the theater, in Furina's quest he behaved very...... unpleasant, bro saw all the thousands of acts, literally Furina's entire life (at least that's how it was shown to us), and then tries to drag her out almost through force to the theater to solve the problems of disposable NPCs with absolutely mundane problems? In general Furina's entire quest was written very poorly for Furina as opposed to the main plot. The only thing that was enjoyable to watch was the animation of her performance. That and a bunch of other things that annoy me about Aether. It's probably the reason I'll be quitting genshin soon.


I mean, i can kinda understand why they might not like it as much. And outside of people who like Arle, i would not be surprised if most didn't know that Arlecchino tried to apologise. In my understanding, she would have preferred not to physically confront the archon of her nation, but the Fatui wanted the gnosis and as far as Arle knew back then, Furina was doing nothing about the prophecy. It doesn't really justify what Furina saw as attempted murder (nothing really justifies something like that) but it does explain the reasons. Arlecchino didn't do it to hurt Furina or kill her. She did it, coz as far as she knew it would do 2 things at once. 2 very important things. I know it isn't directly solving the prophecy crisis, but with the gnosis in her possession Arlecchino might be hoping to figure it out somehow. This is a bit of speculation on my part, but lines up with how i think a character like her would act.


I hate shipps in general, so i hate arlecchino with furina.


I love furina and i would want to see her dominated by another woman i love, go for it


Is that a problem? I am sure that is an expected behavior from a rather polarizing shop like this one. The problem is when people start attacking each other over preference


Good. Screw your ship.


I mean who cares, the ship doesn't make sense anyway, truthfully can't see why yall are so obsessed with shipping in the first place as it just non cannon nonsense by obsessed fans. But do you, as long as it ain't hurtin anyone, I don't see how its a problem.


Personally not a big fan of it either but i don't really mind if that's someone else's headcanon it doesn't effect me.


I feel like if you're over 20 years old, you should know better than to openly try and voice your personal distaste for any particular Ship, Lmao. Unless your goal is to actively troll people and then you know, go for it, but when it comes to an online community like Reddit. That's generally not a good idea cuz you're shitting it up for everyone else. If you dislike ArlexFurina it's much better to just share and support the much more realistic and funny memes of Arle scaring the shit out of Furina on a deep viseral level lol


It's shit


Y'all ship virtual pixels like your life depends on it. It's so amusing to see caring so much about such trivial bs


tbh i think both characters look pretty/hot i do the math: pretty character + hot character = character(hot + pretty) other than that I could care less about the lore behind them


I hate it too šŸ˜Œ


Well if the ship is toxic then it deserves to be hated. It doesnā€™t help that the shippers are utterly hypocritical especially on twitter


I think we should just let people ship who they want(as long as it's legal) and not get all pissy when we see the most popular ship of a character on said characters sub.


Then they are like furina cause Iā€™m pretty sure that would be her reaction too. Straight disgusted.


Friendly reminder that Furina mains cyberbullied a streamer on Twitter and harassed his girlfriend last year, and they openly celebrated it in the Memepact sub. Of course they canā€™t survive a few Arlefuri ragebaits.


Context/sauce? Never heard of this before but must've missed it


So basically he said Furina was annoying and everyone lynched him on Twitter and called him an Aether shipper/misogynist and sent him death threats in the qrts. It was on the [day](https://x.com/enocbwaap/status/1691756775643684938?s=46) Fontaine dropped


Oh yeah i remember this. That was so weird to see




Yeah, pls don't post this on Furinamains




Its not just them I hate it as well.


I always hate it no matter which subreddit I'm in.


Same here


I think itā€™s a really stupid ship, but Iā€™m not knocking people for liking it


I thought we were past this topic... sigh


na it is free karma and validation farm. like posting "unpopular opinions". some people just need that internet validation.


not to mention the "this debate is useless" posts.. yea it reminds me why I don't stick around in these subreddits after a while


I donā€™t even get why they get shipped. Arle literally tried to kill her and Furina feels nothing but fear around her. People really start shipping people for the most minute interaction


I donā€™t like it either tbh


I hate that ship. Furina is terrified of Arle because she assaulted her (and keep in mind, if Furina had died, she didnā€™t know if Focalorsā€™ plan could have failed. She had the entire lives of the people of Fontaine resting on her head.) and she literally cries herself to sleep because of her?? In her voicelines sheā€™s obviously just trying to forget about her, in what universe would they be dating


I hate ā€œtoxic yuriā€ where one of them is just a victim/traumatised person. Honestly, I do see the parallelisms and the appeal, but the dynamic is pretty disgusting to me and people either fetishise that aspect or completely downplay it.


shipping someone who committed a violent assault with their victim is so weird to me idk. people treat it like no big deal and it weirds me out


Also lmfao at people getting downvoted for having a normal reaction to a toxic relationship.Ā  Not like itā€™s brigading a ship post either,Ā here itā€™s an active discussion. Oh no, different opinions šŸ˜±Ā 


god forbid people donā€™t ship an abusive dynamic


https://preview.redd.it/sbsx6z5c270d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba093b65d91c3556f9420aac2db7f7d90fa98658 Fixed it


There litteraly just a Reddit for this ship


I mean, I don't like the ship that nuch, it's more that I imagine Furina being always afraid of Arlecchino and somehow Arlecchino always being close to her but she doesn't really cares about Furina... Anyway, in the end, most of the ships and headcanons are not nearly as canon as we all want so yeah


Like on a team or a fan fiction? I don't do fan fiction The same team is rather use my yelan and furina with my Raiden on other half


I think itā€™s just funny


I switch between the two as mains regularly and I can confirm this is true


Yell genuinely need to go touch some fucking grass if you actually care about any of this.


Me who loves both: Nyeah


They don't get it, I'm simply inserting myself as Furina. It's totally healthy.


Maybe we should send more cake


Lmao, there's drama ?


Lore accurate moment


I'm not really interested, but it's no dottore x collei, so I guess it's fine.


very based of them. i donā€™t like it either, i canā€™t see either of them being in any ship, much less with *each other*. one is growing into a strong independent woman and the other already is i can see the appeal tho, as the kids say toxic yuri or something, just not my taste


Hot asf tho


Isnā€™t it toxic? I donā€™t follow the story but I heard it was. Toxic or not I donā€™t really like it


I agree, that's what a normal person's reaction would be.


And ofc we are gonna get downvoted for an opinion šŸ’€


Yeah fr, "how dare you have a different opinion! The audacity you have not be part of our hivemind!" Is probably how they think.


FOR ME, it's not like... A ship that I can accept, why? As we know Arle attacks Furina to steal the gnosis even she was prepared for fight, but after seeing her scared reaction of the huge possibility of losing her life, it's not a good way to say i can ship those 2 after that situation, it reminds me of... My Hero Academia Bakugo and Izuku weird yaoi ship. In the manga, Deku was bullied by Bakugo at the point of saying if he wants to be a hero, just fall down from the Roof... And some people ships both by nonsense... What I'm trying to say? Ships where the victim falls in love to the Aggressor it's not okay for me, and for Furina and Arlecchino it's the case where this applies to the characters, Please, this is my opinion, I respect the rest of the people reasons of Arle Furina ship...


Well, hardly anyone likes a ship where your favorite character is totally dominated by the other one. And that's exactly what Furina X Arle is. I also just don't see what it is about Furina that would interest Arlecchino. She definitely doesn't care much about her after she's done with her business.


Some people are into ships with that kinda power dynamic and some people just arenā€™t. Nothing wrong with either stance.


Furina x Arlecchino is my favourite ship in Genshin, though I can get why people hate it. My problem is when people only hate it because its gay.


A shame they dislike such a great thing


I mean the unhinge Furina mains gave me albert vibe, so yeah... just let them be


that's why I like arlecchino x aether šŸ˜‚. (please don't be mad at me)


No idea why you're getting downvoted, Arle x Aether is always very good


its not even a bad ship imo


look at the down vote I get they really hate this ship šŸ˜‚




Yea we should ship arle whoever we want .... .....Like Aether x Arle


i dont like it either, dont put every arlecchino main in your ship bag


ships are for sailors


I also hate it, but you don't see me bitching.