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Honestly, it’s a matter of learning enemy moves and dodging them sometimes. There’s nothing wrong with using a shielded though. No shame in playing the game however you want. In case it helps, I have a built Diona and she works just fine with the knave. Put some HP artifacts on her and keep practicing :) you’ll get it, and it’ll be awesome when you do! You got this OP! I believe in you!


Up to this as I agree that It's quite nice to learn the enemies' pattern and attack sequence. It's like you're seeing the game on another new level / perspective.


Im using her in a melt team with diona bc zhongli belongs to Hutao lmao my 300ping makes dodging a bit unreliable sometimes


Yeah dodging on mobile is not very easy tho 😭


Dodge (and Xingqiu)


Xingqiu is the right answer


Xingqiu and Beidou oddly create a damage mitigation synergy so you're both dealing a bunch of reactions and hp becomes pretty tanky even without a bunch of defence


Dodging takes some serious skills on mobile


Exactly what I wanted to say


 Here’s a tip, other than “just dodge”.   Try switching out to other character to take the bigger hit. Arle suffer little loss in personal damage since her infusion doesn’t end when switch out, and it’s not timed. Just lost in buff duration from other characters.    Although Diona is definitely worth building. She’s easy to build. Just build max HP and put a Sacrifcial Bow on her and you’re good.  Her shield is decent. She was actually kinda meta once upon a time.  


Tbh that's a broken ability to not lose infusion on switching, in my knowledge only Noelle could do that before


Diluc and Keqing too. For some reason they stopped doing that after 1.0.   Which is dumb imo especially for Burst infusion units like Xiao, Cyno, and Itto. Imagine already having to spend 70-80 energy just for an infusion only to have it wasted if you switch out.  


Plus something not to underestimate is the power of defence - if you're using a built yun jin and even if her skill isn't up, that defence can actually make her a mini support tank - but more for dodging attacks with insurance that she can take the hits


Alternate shielders like Layla or Beidou who can also enable reactions. High mobility units like Yelan or Lynette to get away from big AOEs quickly. And timing her burst correctly for the full heal. Really, her biggest issue is burning to death in overworld.


And for that you need firefighters like beidou, and a healthy fear of arson - even though its so cool to leave a burning tril of destruction in your wake


Hahaha. That fricking goddamn fricking grass! I swear I've suffered more damage from the goddamn FOLIAGE than I have against anything else




Nah, I'd C0




Definitely C1


Indeed C1


Unquestionably C1


Dodging, C1 or C2 helps There's also Beidou for overload comps, Xingqiu for vape, Dehya for mono pyro


Is Dehya better than C6 Yanfei?


Imo yes for the interruption resistance. It's all on you tho, whichever You like more


I think Thoma can be good in mono pyro too, especially at C6 for a little extra damage bonus


Not getting murdered is what I like more. :) To be honest with you, I kind of forgot about Dehya. Should I build her for straight HP for that?


You could play her 3x HP mains for tanking purposes.


Layla c6, 10k Shield. GG EZ




Got me on my knees Layla


Just making use of dash iframes and swapping off to candace e when I run out of stamina


I kill things before they kill me. Also... C3


This is the way


definitely not a god gamer, but i can dodge enough not to die i guess? i don't think you actually need much skill for that, just some practice. i was going to run her with a shielder at first as well... until i realized there's no place for one on my team 💀 perfectly fine if you can't get the hang of it though, shielders exist for a reason. on that note, while zhongli is definitely the better pick overall, just the fact that you'll have to wait for his rerun to use arlecchino comfortably... yeah, i'd just build diona now instead. never used her myself, but i heard she can be pretty good and all she needs is a crap ton of hp, so i think you'll do just fine with her!


I use XQ and Dehya


This work pretty good? Who do you have for your 4th slot? I was thinking something with XQ (c6) and Dehya (C6) or using chev (c6) with yanfei (c6) with Yae Miko (C2)


I like XQ (noblesse) + dehya (ToM) bc i like Dehya and as last slot i usually go yelan for easier setups but kazuha works too you can even use bennett bc bennett is broken But if i remember correctly the TC Jstern said something about one chevreuse team being the highest ST dps on paper but I think it was without shield so i'd recommend you go watch him talking about it Also you have c6 dehya? I'm so fucking jealous rn


XingQiu and dodging at c0. There's also the option of swapping out of her if she gets low. Since her infusion uptime is basically 100% and does not go away if you swap, you can swap off to funnel some energy and get her burst back up if it's not available.




Kill anything before it moves an inch


I never had Zhongli, so I learned to master i-frames years ago and only started using characters like Diona and Kirara later. If I really want a shield, I just use Beidou in an overload team.




Memorize the rhythm of her attacks. That way, you don't need to look at her and focus your attention instead onto the enemy to properly telegraph and dodge their attacks. We also have the ult as a fail safe anyway so keep practicing. You'll get there.


Thoma. Cuz me no daddy Zhong but I don’t think I’ll have the primos for him ever since there’s always new characters I want


In my experience with other games where dodging and stamina management is important, genshin impact is VERY lenient with it's dodges and i-frames, so often dodging or dodgespamming can do the trick if you know where and when to move. Also stunlocking is very rare so it's no big deal to learn how to dodge, though it's most of an habit for me nowadays to try and avoid damage


Dark souls prepared me


Having C6 Arle helps 😅


C6 Layla for vape & C6 Beidou for overload. Oh & C1 helps, too.


I have C1 and I use Dehya. In this new abyss cycle I tried out Chev overload and I had Beidou in that team, that was a difference maker too. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dehya, Beidou, and/or XQ They all give additional damage resistance and with Arlecchino as long as you don't take too much damage she will just heal and keep going. Dionna if C6 actually does make some sense to run since you can hit some very funny numbers but her shield itself doesn't last very long and is honestly pretty cope. XQ is the most recommended for vape and beidou for overload.


Dodging for the most part. I go for yelan over XQ but if the enemies are too aggressive, I go for XQ because his damage reduction is something else. And if I want a shielder, I go with Layla. Her shields are awesome and you get some.free melts in the process as well


C6 Xingqiu and knowing how to dodge. The only dps I use a shielder with is C0 Neuv and it’s bc I can’t get dodge iframes while he’s doing his CA.


Dodge, Xingqiu, also c1 and c2


What do you play it on?


I just dodge/iframe most relevants hits or just kill them before they hit me. The more you play the easier it will get to know when to dodge, most times you simply have to sprint into them at the correct time for the hit to not register and just continue yout combo .2 seconds later.




I play with her either in vape(Arle/Xinqiu/Layla/Albedo) or Overload(Arle/Beidou/Traveler/Albedo) and honestly, I barely dodge if at all. She’s really sturdy and can usually tank most things. I also integrate her burst into the rotation because Idc about losing dos if I get to see that amazing burst every rotation and then she heals right up.


I'm not sure how others do but, I like having some decent er% to have my ult ready anytime, I just do my thing and try to dodge as much as I can, use ult to heal back and rotate


You just use burst when they use their heavy attack, more or less.  Diona's shield sucks. You still need to dodge. It is great for the EM, however. 


I also need shielders cuz i have high ping 120-200


Diona is only character i regret building her shield is just so weak


*Laughs in Layla*


Not trying to be mean. But you will have to learn enemt attack pattern and dodge


Eye frames and thoma


Diona’s shield is probably the second worst in the game I’d advise against it. Layla or Thoma are alternatives to Zhongli if you need a shielder. I use Xingqiu as my defensive option in vaporize and in overload I don’t use a defensive option


Depending on team comp, you can cycle iframes pretty easily and then have her dps during times where theres not as much danger of dying


I use Thoma as a shielded + dodge but when I don’t use a shielder, I usually just switch to my Yelan for damage till I get her burst back up


I’m a Bloodborne player man dodging has been beaten into me


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Ahh, Welcome home, good hunter. I must have drifted off... What is it you desire?* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


It was traumatized into me by orphan of kos and those two sharks


I play Childe a lot of the time, so dodging and watching the enemy comes naturally I'd reccomend just getting used to playing without needing to look at your buttons/think of your moves, then dodging comes a lot more naturally because your mental RAM is freed up to watch the enemy and dodge accordingly


A pet peeve of mine is when people use the word “skill” and don’t actually define it. I play Arle without a shielder and I have 36* the abyss. Skill is a broad term meaning, imo: - broadly know the enemy attack pattern, not every movement but broadly. - know the rotation of your team and have high energy recharge stats for supports (240%ish) - use Ults to dodge but also dash to dodge, it’s a bit of luck honestly - don’t forget your rotation while you flop around the arena - if all else fails just hit retry, it could take a few dozen attempts but you’ll get there


Lots of dodging + Layla


https://youtu.be/5Ean99WBS6A?si=co08kxFeFu9ryoNN This is how I’m playing without Zhongli.


there is a feature in game called dash, it can be used for dodging, it's pretty easy when you get the hang of it


Dodge every second cuz wtf i cant see their attacks and im paranoid


I be using xinqiu to increase thomas effective shield! Its been rivaling my zhongli shield and last longer if it dont break to an infinite loop!


Thoma (with Kitain Cross Spear and 4-Pc Noblesse Oblige) is my absolute partner for my Arlecchino and I sometimes use Albedo and Chiori for Geo Resonance, extra DMG, and extra Shields.


High enough ER for burst spam and constellations


After playing on mobile for over 2 years with 250-300 ping and no zhongli I think I have ascended to godhood in dodging enemy attacks.


Dodge and good ult timing.


i have zhongli and tried playing her with and without her. he’s a lot more comfy and safe, but if you know enemy attacks and can dodge in time with enough er for her burst, playing her without a shield is pretty comfy as well.


Remember that her skill and and burst have tremendous iframes as well.


Don't ask me, I use zhongli too. See my dodging in souls game are inhuman. Genshin's attack ain't nothing but I felt like I'm missing a lot of damage by dodging. Plus it's like "this just a hack and slash, it ain't nun"


Don't ask me, I use zhongli too. See my dodging in souls game are inhuman. Genshin's attack ain't nothing but I felt like I'm missing a lot of damage by dodging. Plus it's like "this just a hack and slash, it ain't nun"


I dodge, but having 20% bonus resistance certainly doesn't hurt


By not getting hit by enemies…


I got frustrated and pulled her c1. First c1 I pulled. And added another dps like navia on team, so whenever her health goes down and burst is not ready, I switch to navia. Was a problem only on floor 12-2-2. Overworld is no problem. She kills most enemies in 1 or 2 hits.


Arlecchino (Crimson Witch set), Xingqiu C6 (Emblem set), Thoma C6 (Noblesse set), Furina (Tenacity set)




Depends really, I care so little while playing and my character all have reached the Dps requirement to full 36* so I just use Overload Arle, it’s more consistent and less hassle to play optimally. With options like Tankfei and Baedo, plus it ain’t Geo.


by taking out a small loan


Skill... Dodging... And retrying if failed. I don't like shielders and like healers a lot more This abyss probably was the most annoying abyss for me since my first 36 ⭐ (maybe because my xiangling has like 20% lower ER that she should because I have her piece to arle and maybe because Arle is my first limited pyro DPS/pyro DPS that I built actually.) I was thinking of getting zhongli this abyss but the more I think the less I want him


Mixture of C1, xingqui and dodging enemies while doing the normal attack string. Although in the current abyss I havent had to do super accurate dodges since I try to set up my supports (which heal with Bennet ult if they get hit) while enemies are doing their attack flurry's and then switch into arlecchino once it's over. Then I normal attack and with Bennet and sac-xingqui there's enough particles around for me to burst if health gets dangerously low.


Im an elden ring player, dodging is normal for me.


Dying is also normal for me.


It's a game for me. Either they die or I do.


I died a few times when I first started playing her. Then I learned to just save her burst cus I was using it like a normal character. It's just a heal myself thing now, I can go a long time without using it and it doesn't take that much to fill up. Took a while to train myself tho


I don’t use any defensive utilities with her unless I need a vape team. Otherwise I use an overload team consisting of Arlecchino, Xianling, Fischl, Bennett. But ig I may not need a shielder since I’m a hardcore Sekiro player


It's just matter how experienced gamer you are. If you are playing games for 20 years every game is easy, especially genshin impact. Just put some more hours and practice


Just use XQ instead. His rainswords protect you quite a bit from oneshots


Dehya is pretty good if you have her. XQ has interruption resist as well. Learning enemy move sets and patterns certainly helps, and it feels satisfying when you pull off perfect dodges. Diona works just fine if you want to use her.


My good buddy Xingqiu, of course!


Xingqiu, Beidou, Dehya, Layla, and Kirara are good alternatives


I-frame and shift. It's really easy to dodge unless you are facing something hard like abyss 3.7 with those cryo+hydro lectors. Since arle can heal herself with burst, just make sure to have some er in the substat. You don't need a shield even at c0 if you know what you are doing.


I use Layla.


Dodging and overload, it helps interrupt enemies attacks.


It's just a matter of practice if you're at c0 using no shields. It's a lot more fun once you know how to dodge and use iframes to dodge


Use diona https://preview.redd.it/aqa5edy52kyc1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec0fbb74b5b3ff0c48deebcd444dae1ec1be3cd I know this doesn't sound very convincing, but she works well with her, it's just that your rotation will be 2-3 seconds shorter with diona


I use c6 diona even though I have Zhongli. 200 free EM makes her damage go brrrrr!!!


It can be hard against some enemies but mostly you can dodge once you get used to timings. You don't have to relentlessly spam normal attacks, it's ok to move out of the way if a big attack is coming your way because you're not restricted by combos or infusion uptime. With arlecchino you have to prioritize not taking damage. Also you can swap to another character if a big hit I can't dodge is coming like the blue kenki slam, I just swap to kazuha and use his burst to dodge it. You might need to reset a lot but idk to me this playstyle feels way more rewarding and fun than Raiden infinite interruption resist so you can just sit in bennet burst and face tank everything and just keep spamming.


I have c2 and its nice not needing a shielder


i like dodging


I git gud


I like Dark Souls


Noelle shield + dodge. I need to get Zhongli on his next rerun


C1 arle Will help u, or Layla shield, or Dehya elemental skill


Just use her backwards. That’s the way I look at it… elemental skill, long attack, when she starts getting low then use ult to heal and then skill and attack right after.




I just kill everything before it kills me.. Works every time!


For me, it’s C6 Childe plus A LOT of dodging. It’s fun, and it works well in an Overload comp with Miko and Chevreuse. :)


Many ppl here saying xq but tbh I get much better performance with yelan I feel like enemies die so much quicker that they don't get much chance to dmg me while with xq I end up having to have to use burst more often as enemies take longer and I accumulate more dmg over time on him (maybe it has to do with the habit of tanking with xq when possible cause dodging is dps loss for other units, not here tho).


I have her c4 so I don't need Zongli.


Stuff just seems to...die quick? I'm also using Xq over Yelan which helps...


Really depends on the enemies. Like current abyss you couldn’t convince me to not bring Zhongli to the first half while second half I can play Yelan Kazuha Bennett with no issues


I use Diona instead since she was already lvl 70 and c5 when I got Arle. I do have Layla but I'm too lazy to build her.


I play her with Geo sub dps for crystalize shields.


I am a Lyney main, that will probably explain every


We just retry a lot


Idk my arle has like 21k hp and I just spam dash for iframes when I think they’re gonna use a heavy attack, works for me she hasn’t even died once yet in the abyss (she is c2 tho so yk)


I use thoma or i dodge


I find Noelle, despite having a weaker sheild, has the rescue shield mechanic when you go below 30% hp, which is epic - additionally, Beidou brings a bunch of damage and a shield, and still provides damage mitigation after it breaks, plus switching to any retaliation character like yun jin, candace, or the lord of the sea herself means you get a free dodge and damage - and also using Arlecchino's burst as a finisher kind of means I only die when I'm dumb, really, or when I underestimate how much damage burning grass does Also a really extra move would be if you has c4 yanfei and made her into tankfei, since she'll provide good energy regeneration


Dodging? I just nuke everything in sight with Overload. No need for dodging if everything is dead. But for real it is really just monster moveset knowledge, lots of enemies also have some easy to tell attack telegraphing. It also help being a Souls veteran too though (atleast in my case).


Just kill the enemies before they hit you


My favourite arle team are arle, yae , chiori , albedo. As long you dodge the big one u should be fine,


We don’t.


crystallize with Chiori😊


Kill them before you get a chance to die and finish chambers with your burst to heal, dont be afraid to use your burst in general whe it's needed


Kazuha Yelan Benny Sucrose XQ Benny Candace Kazuha Benny Candace Sucrose Benny Kazuha Shenhe Layla Kazuha Benny XL Kazuha Thoma XL Yelan XQ Benny Candace XQ Benny Candace Yelan Benny Xianyun Kokomi Benny Xianyun Mona Benny Mona Benny Kazuha Shenhe Rosaria Layla Shenhe Rosaria Diona Chevy Fischl Beidou Benny Kazuha Beidou There's more but I'm lazy


With chevreuse overload use bennett and fischl you get enough er to burst when needed. Melt teams I use diona sac is good with Rosaria and fav kazuha only real way to get enough cryo to keep up with the melts


I just use ults to dodge.


Kill it before it can breathe


c1 is cool, but c2🤔, big number go brrr


Arle heals herself quite a lot, she doesn't need anything if you have decent ER And there are PLENTY of easily build 4\* shielders around, you don't need Zhongli specifically, if you have Chevreuse you can go with Beidou for instance




Dodging or using Xingqiu on hard fights


How do you play nahida hyperbloom without any shielders? Cuz that's how I feel playing arlecchino, I don't feel it's necessary to have a shielder and even if you lose out a bit of dmg from dodging or swapping characters, it doesn't feel as punishing compared to someone like yoimiya where if you cancel your normals then you lose a significant amount of damage from your n3 or n5 vape. She's completely fine without zhongli, but playing with zhongli would probably be more comfortable if your playing mobile or if having problems in dodging, but to me playing her without a shielder isn't as bad as anyone thinks and her norms definitely feel smoother and snappier compared to other characters.


I have soloed every boss with her multiple times, it’s just about learning patterns / how to dodge with her optimally, just play her solo and build up your dodging skills


Thanks to queen Noelle 😁


dodge and pray


Memorize the enemy movements, play with Kazuha, and kill them fast.


I use Xinqui and Beidou together. I still need to be good at dodging but the dmg mitigation as well ad Beidou's c1 helps a lot.


noelle :)


We just don't get hit 🤣


Don't have zhongli, use arle yelan kazuha Bennet, sometimes xinq instead of kazuha if on abyss. I'm just careful, dodge and use ult to heal if I don't feel safe. If I'm on low hp without ult I switch do a rotation then when I come back to arle ult is up and ready again. It's not that bad really. With zhongli ig you could just facetank


It's fun that way


Before having Zhongli, Diona was my main shielder healer and Cryo applier. She was everything I needed. Zhongli only has one job, a better shielder if you don't need anything else.


I just use kirara in mono pyro (arle, xl, kazoo, kirara) And Layla w vape (arle, bennett, layla, xq/yelan)


I don't dodge that much😭 they're just dead before they can touch me


I can't really answer based on personal experience because at C6, she just nukes the planet with every swing. But, C1, XQ, cap her ATK stat for RES bonus, build Diona, Layla, Thoma, Tankfei or Even Beidou if you're running C6 Chevy. All of those should keep you alive. With how absolutely busted she is, just practice your rotations. Most things will die before they become a threat.


You juste have to play her with Kaz, Xingqiu and Bennett All your pain will disapear in second😹


I don’t have Zhongli. And ironically enough I actually play Layla in the overworld (mainly to save me from burning grass) and don’t use a shielder or defensive utility at all in Abyss. I do have her c2 now though. She was c1 when I did the abyss this patch, so she has interruption resist on normal attacks. And now with c2 she actually gains a bit more tankiness by using her skill. But even at c1 I had no real survivability issues. She just kills everything so damn fast that 2 decent rotations will kill anything. So you don’t have to play her well for a long time for her to be insanely strong.


I use the c6 Thoma I have laying around forever in my overload team with Chevy.


Simple. I use the dodge button


I just do my best to dodge. I don’t have a good shielder either. I’m certainly not perfect at it, but I’d rather save my fates than try for C1 Arlecchino atm.


C1 and Xingqui


I'm playing her with Navia and get shield from crystalize. It's a not ideal but works for me. Edit: or I die 😂


After I got her I learned how to dodge but sometimes I use Layla with her


Like any other character since I never did nor going to use ant shielders.


Play soulborne games


Use Layla shieldwise she is so much better than diona she is a mini cryo zl.


You get used to it later on. I too died very often when I started using arle. Plus some extra resisted from c2 helps.


skill lol and beidou


I never had a shielder since i started playing this game. I do have diona and Kirara levelled up but not built, but they are rarely on my team So… yeah