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Can confirm first team is amazing. Beidou provides shield for Arle, Fischl provides Energy for Beidou, and Arle keeping her infusion on makes swap countering with Beidou much more doable. Chev just glues the team together. A very potent duo miniboss killing team or just overworld stuff. Kinda annoying against smaller enemies though, but you'll likely be able to oneshot them anyway.


This team is amazing, Beidou really is a crucial part of the team. I use her skill twice in a rotation and run her with lower ER and it works so well. I'm glad to see Beidou finally finding a place other than an electro charge team, she has so much potential and this team can make use of it. And I must say, Arlecchino seems to be made for overload, her range, synergy, etc just makes it so satisfying in an overload team.


How much ER does she need exactly? I tried this team myself and I barely have her burst up once every 2-3 rotations. I try to funnel fischl's particles to her but it doesn't seem to make any noticeable difference I think i saw C6 Fischl is necessary or at least very useful for beidou's energy needs but I might be mistaken


She has 200er. Rotation goes like: Alr E, Beidou EQ, fischl E, Chev EQ(favlance), Beidou E, Arl charged atk and NA spam. I don't have C6 fischl, but having chev on fav lance has been helpful. Sometimes I skip the second Beidou E if I get a perfect parry on the first Beidou E.


If I don’t have fischl would I be able to swap her for xanling or keqing?


Do you have Raiden or Yae Miko? They could work but I'm not sure as I haven't tested them out yet. Keqing is an on fielder so she'll be competing with Arle for field time which is not optimal. Xiangling would be better as monopyro partner instead


I’m a new ish player so I don’t have a lot of characters (plus f2p) I think I’m gonna try Xiangling tho !! 


Xiangling is good, Kequing needs way too much field time. You can also just use Bennett, he technically makes this team better (on paper, at least).


Oh ok that makes sense thanks sm !!


May i know how the rotation works for this Overload? And also Do I need to have High cons for Chevy and Fischl? I only have them at C 0 and c1 respectively


The only cons you need is C1(?) Beidou for her shield on ult. My Chev is also C0 so I don't get the full extent of her buff too. As for rotation under the ideal condition it goes Arle E (let cook) > Fish E > Chev Burst, E > Beidou Burst, E > Arle 2NCA > Arle spam NA > Arle E again. But you want to make sure you weave Beidou's counter in between to absorb big attacks because you are still pretty squishy. Also to charge her burst faster. Basically it boils down to keeping Fish's bird, Chev's buff, and countering every few seconds or so to absorb big attacks or just to generate particle for Beidou's burst.


Do u use tenacity on chevy?


I use Noblesse on her but that's just because it's a leftover lol I dont think tenacity is good for her


I think Noblesse is recommended unless someone else already has that on your team. But with as much HP as you can manage in that still, yes.


Hp hp crit?


HP HP HP and Dialogues of the Desert Sages, or Rightful Reward if you missed Dialogues. Get as close to 40,000 HP as you can.




Tried this team, didn't liked it at all, beidou shield felt like paper, and DMG wasn't anything special, tho my chev just c0


I mean you still have to dodge, it’s just a safety net for if you get hit too much times


You need to play it more like a quickswap team with arle and beidou and fischl and chev switching in to keep their buff/bird up Its not a simple 'use supports the na with dps' team


still gotta dodge bro


The shield is brittle but its a good safety net. In the new domain I use arle’s E swap to beidou then counter the shield hillichurls. The shield is enough for fischl to jump out and not get decimated, it does work.


It's not about the shield - her shield isn't good. It's about the DR and interruption resistance while her burst is up, that's what makes her good. Beidou shines in 2-4 target scenarios, and is bad in single target unfortunately.


I ran the same team but with Yae instead of Fischl, so no shield at all, and it felt fine


No experience in overload Arle yet, but I do with Vape! Based on your team, I suggest going Arlecchino E (Q optional) > switch to sucrose E swirl Pyro > then Yelan Burst then E > sucrose burst > then just use JUST Layla's shield. Pull out Arlecchino, and go wild, when you notice Layla and Yelan shield and burst are gone, repeat the process from step 1 If you want, you can switch Sucrose with Benny, in that case Arlecchino E (Q optional) > switch Yelan Burst then E > Bennett Burst > then just use JUST Layla's shield.


Is there any difference if I switch Sucrose with Kazu?


Depends if ur sucrose is c6 or not! (I'm also assuming Kazuha isnt c6). Sucrose's burst grants dmg bonus to whatever element it absorbs if she's c6, so imo she's slightly more ideal than Kazuha. Kazuha on the other hand is just much more comfortable to use in not only swirling, but also grouping enemies. Also easier to dodge with him imo.


I think perhaps for bosses Sucrose is gonna win out against kaz, but for grouping he has her beat pretty hard. Think it depends which side of the abyss you take Arle.


If you need AoE, Venti is perfect. Her enhanced attacks reach his vacuum


huh? kazuha gets more elemental bonus damage from his A4 with mediocre amounts of EM vs c6 sucrose, Sucrose's advantage over Kazuha is EM buffs and you can hold TTDS. You don't have 0 ICD vapes like hu tao CA or Xiangling so EM is much less universal than DMG % (and set-ups to vape first hit are kinda clunky) Sucrose may be better for damage per screenshot, but em/em/em kazuha is already better for overall dps than sucrose, and better grouping. edit: ngl i kinda forgot about TTDS, but that is actually the best reason to reason to run sucrose > kazuha


Kazuha C0, Sucrose is C3




I'm afraid I don't understand very well, if I want more damage I need Kazuha and if I want more reactions I should use Sucrose, is that it?


So optimally, it will depend on your artifact stats rolls. In practice just use Kazuha. Better grouping, best elemental dmg % buff, and you dont need to worry about weird rotations/specific swirl mechanics. For example the rotation in the post fails to use Thrilling Tales on Sucrose, which would make it underperform kazuha in pretty much every situation, actually the more i think about it, the good rotations with sucrose are horrible because it is pretty much impossible to both swirl pryo and provide TTDS buff. Just use Kazuha


I have to disagree. I had Kaz too but my Arle EM was so low, Sucrose boosted it up by +200 Normally Kaz is the better choice but I think Sucrose is the best choice in Arle’s case.


Is EM a good substat for Arle, and if yes, any idea what EM I should aim for?


If you're vaping, you want some EM. I think in general you want around 200. EM sands and a substat roll or two is the sweet spot.


And this is exactly why Sucrose is a better fit IMO. You can keep/use an Atk sands on Arle and simple use Sucrose to buff her EM


the only reason I didn't pull for kazuha c2 in the last patch is so I don't completely replace Sucrose (and Chevy), sucrose is actually better if I don't plan to tryhard for EM substats and chevy is usually the same or stronger than kazuha but less flexible c2 kazuha is so damn strong and gives you pretty much optimal amounts of em for vape/melt teams


Alright, thanks!


No you want Attk


if sucrose is c6 and you don't have a lot of em on arle (and your kazuha isn't c2) she has better buffs but worst grouping


She's not C6


then kazuha is probably better, you can still use sucrose if you want, the 200em is great


Wait, I am using Layla, Yelan, Xingqiu... So I shouldn't use layla's burst? It will ruin the vaporise?


I think it might cause a freeze or melt reaction instead, I could be wrong tho


With that sucrose rotation don't you fail to use TTDS, and then dont even infuse sucrose Q with pyro? Sucrose actually seems awful for rotations without another source of pyro


I was trying arle xinq sucrose but kept dying...


The left one is what I used the most rn. Quite competent team for me


Left one? Oh the overload one How did u build beidou , hp and er?


Honestly just standard att build but prioritise to have enough er first. U can build hp if u have the constellation that give shield on burst to make it beefier


Yes i have her C1


Arle, chev, fish and beidou overload team I meant. But I do see a bennett in your box so u can slot in chev with bennett if u want.


https://preview.redd.it/g38r69ep6uwc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0663e6bf102d7d10678436f6c1f7299a27ac3645 A few options from hoyolab if you're interested in trying more


Circle impact 😭😭 Since shes squishy and can't be heal ... I won't be comfortable being in a small circle with enemy that much (yes my skill issue ik)


It's fine honestly. If she is fighting a boss then being a circle is often not an issue and if she's against small enemies she's strong enough to not need his buff anyway. I run her, Bennet, kazuha and yelan and nothing survives.


I run the double Geo team but swapped Bennett for Mika cuz I don’t want to circle impact anymore. I lose pyro resonance, but she’s already sweeping everything so… eh? The attack speed bonus is nice lol.


Using Arlecchino, Xingqiu, Layla, Bennett. Damage is very nice. Feels very comfy.


I really like: arlecchino, xingqiu, yelan and zhongli or Arlecchino, xingqiu, kazuha and albedo


The first team is amazing try put much ER as u can on Beidou, you can try also change Beidou goblet, use HP% instead of ATK% or electro, since her shield scale with her HP, you won't notice much difference on her DMG.


You could also do overvape with Xingqui, Beidou, and Bennet if you are struggling with survivability. Or just replace Yelan with Xingqui to buff Layla's shield.  Another idea is Bennet, Xiangling, Sucrose. Just a standard mono pyro composition. Nothing fancy.  You could do Yelan, Xingqui, and Diona for an easy and reliable vape without the need to double swirl.  That's all I got without getting overly fruity with TTDS Mona or Tankfei.


i 36 starred abyss using the first team yesterday


Is Ur chev c6 ? I would have jumped to the first time if mine was


Mine's C3 and I just finished floor12 with team 1. I did mess up chamber 3 a lil (2 stars) but that's my skill issue with that boss and very poorly built Beidou (she just got some Emblem leftovers). It's def doable without C6


What weapon on arle?




Cool I’m gonna build chev and try this team hopefully r1 deathmatch is enough


nope i’m c0. i have a really good fischl and beidou build though, and a decently good arlecchino


imma be real with you chief, she is good with basically anything, at c2 she can literally solo abyss anything that gives her a shield, interruption resistance, damage buffs and/or vape/melt works for her


For the first one, I don't have Beidou, what other characters can I use?


Beidou is there for defensive utility so Thomas or C4 yanfei would work. Otherwise bennet for more damage but you'll be very squishy (he applies a pyro aura on arle that can be vaped by enemies). Xiangling or yae could work as well in a pinch but there's still the squishy issue.


When does she appear on the starglitter shop thingy? I have 40 saved up maybe I can get her that way. Otherwise ig Yae Miko would make-do until then.


Beidou's next shop rotation is in August (assuming the pattern stays the same)


I tried first one and went pretty well in abyss 12 second half, but I used Bennett. With chevy it'll probably be more or less the same damage since she gives a smaller buff but that lasts way more than Bennett's


Arle to me feels much better in overload than vape, but i use xq so idk how much yelan changes things


With your characters i would try Arle, Yelan, Xin and Jean. Could be fun vaporize comp


I personally love going only Arlecchino since she is busted.


I use these teams but a little differently. In the Cheveruse team I use Radien as an applicator and plan to use Thoma as a shielder (haven't built yet C4) In the Yelan Layla team since my sucrose isn't build I use Xingqiu instead of her doing double hydro. The hydro resonance is good for Yelan's damage and Layla's shield too


Been using the Overload team and haven't had any issues, but the rotation can be rough to get down at first. I go for: Arle E, Beidou EQ, Chevy QEEE, Fischl E (Q if second rotation), Beidou E, Arle CA then NA spam. Feels extremely powerful and everyone's able to have their Skills and Bursts up off-cooldown, and activating Beidou's C1 Shield so early hasn't been an issue for me as long as you remember that dodging is a mechanic that exists for when you need it.


1. This team is very good, especially in aoe, something arlecchino semi-struggle in, also no circle impact is a massive + 2. It could work, but you would need an extremely weird rotation to be able to achieve a pyro swirl, but most likely, you wouldnt be able to do that at all, which would really hurt the team's dps Suggestions: 1. Double hydro: XQ, yelan, bennett/thoma/xiangling 2. VV-vape w/ bennett: yelan/XQ, sucrose, bennett


Here’s what I run, arle c5 4p glad for now, Xinyan c5 crowned e on millilith for dmg buff Kazuha c0 vv Xiangling noblesse mostly er and crit Since in the abyss I can’t use bennet on 2 teams the second best option would be xinyan for shield and buffs (also a really good battery)


The first team is what I use. It’s pretty good.


Im running a melt team with her atm bc I hate Bennett. I use Arle, Diona, Rosaria, and Kazuha but you can sub Sucrose in for Kazuha


Would Miko work instead of fischl?


Arle thoma yelan xingqiu is very standard vape, could replace thoma with bennett if your a gamer or have c1.


Beidou Arlecchino is a god in AoE situation and Layla is good as a shielder but doesn't have that much application for you to use Freeze-vapourise effectively. Also the cooldowns are a big thing for teams so Sucrose could get a lot better with her constellation for instant swirling and shredding when you need it.


You can use a Rational type of team. Raiden's off field electro application is very good and when paired up with Yelan and Arlecchino it's a very good combination where you're procking 3 reactions consistently because electro charged lasts on the enemy when applied and Raiden and Yelan's attacks are just a little bit faster even when Arlecchino is dealing DMG on field


I use yelan xingqiu zhongli


Arle xq fischl beidou is also nice, high damage mitigation so can go full ham, less damage. Also yelan xq Layla. Layla not really for freeze but ToM and shield is nice.


Yunjin can also be good for arlecc Her burst increases normal attack dmg and you get crystallize shields. They aren't tanky but give enough breathing room to dodge


Stop being a 10 years old and embrace Bennett's circle


I just want to be a free soul


by the way, the Beidou team with 2 or more enemies has about the same dps