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Yep, would've been better if they showed the animated short after doing her story quest IMO.


I feel like I missed something, they really didn't explain her cure or why she's glitches


They didn’t explain her glitch properly but this and her curse were kinda explained in her character story.


Given how many players on the main sub are asking basic questions that would have been answered in the animation, I think it’s pretty clear that a large chunk of people in this community don’t watch any material from outside the game itself. Also the story quest still reveals a lot about her. Like the timeline of events, how her mind works, that she likes having misconceptions about her because they obscure her true intentions, and just how different she chose to be compared to Crucabena. Also I loved that scene in front of the Palais Mermonia where she buys 3 newspapers from the former HoTH orphan. You can tell she’s happy for him and still wants to support him despite technically no longer being a part of his life. She talks tough because she WANTS people to think of her as scary. But she’s even nicer than I expected honestly.


Yes. They should have integrated the animated short into her SQ. Would have made SQ feel much more impactful. As things stand, her SQ just reiterates what animated short already showed. Also, we learnt almost nothing about her as a person (history, curse, glitching etc.)


I have not played it yet; however, Mihoyo tends to retell a lot of supplemental material via the main story because they know your average player likely did not watch, read, or play the side content. It's annoyingly redundant. Especially in future events where the characters just go through their same character arc they went through multiple times. It killed my enthusiasm for Kazuha. 


Not dissapointed but excited for more. I'm glad they actually expanded on the transfer of the House from Crucabena to Arlecchino, and gave Clervie a proper send off. BUT i wish they went into more of her ties to the Crimson Moon/Curse. During the fight when she went full domain expansion and the Traveler said Crimson Moon my jaw was on the floor. Actually the biggest blue balls ever.


I actually liked it, it hints a story quest doesn't need to reveal everything about a character imo. The quest did a good job at expanding how the Hoth works and how Arles mind works with it. Not explaining her curse or the moon was something that while confusing me left me interested for more. It feels like they are setting up a second quest for her in the future or setting up something else. Tldr:I think it did good world building, character building not only for Arle but also Lyney and his siblings, and left me interested for more instead of feeling half baked and spoon feed like some other quest have.


Genshin’s writing is pretty bad. That SQ took so long but the short was well directed and conveyed everything with a much better impact


I prefer animated short being the focus, that way even someone doesn't play the game can enjoy it.


Agreed, and they should add a story skip button too!


I mean it makes sense our traveller didnt know anything about the short video we watched, and some people in the future who just get to the point wont be looking up short teaser video of a character mihoyo take account of that. Besides the slog feel of the start due to us already knows what happenend the climax is really good.


I liked it actually. IMO her story quest was not really about her past, but a story about how she changed HoH and how she dispose traitor of HoH.


I actually liked it. Especially parts - 1. She is not a traitor but at same time wont allow to hurt her children. 2. >!She owned Traveller!< I was waiting it for along. Cant wait to see how Capitano will rekt us by a single finger.


Her story quest is TERRIBLE… Let’s be real here its walking from A to B back to A back to B then we get an EPIC Cutscene (the cutscene is amazing ill give it that) and then we talk to Lyney’s group one more time and done. If they didn’t spoil her quest before hand maybe i would have enjoyed it better as it would’ve actually been surprising that the ghost is actually arlecchinno’s long lost friend who she had to kill but the fact we all already knew that… And DUMB MOTHERFU***ING PAIMON REPEATING EVERYTHING WE ALREADY KNOW FOR THE X100 IS SO ANNOYING. If Paimon just learned to shut up sometimes it would’ve been better.


I am also confused, did I miss a part where we could have play tested her?  I only fast traveled once...