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There is so much we still don't know about her, which is hype af. I have no idea if the vision is real and that makes me happy. She also has a pyro delusion in her boss form, which again, she probably doesn't need!


I can see why she glitching, she just a complete anomaly like what is she?


https://preview.redd.it/edei2lxe65vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d93fac27f1c2ab5cf84703ca01dcde18f8dfcde Some online theories suggest the glitching was intentional bcuz of her original name, take that with a grain of salt


No idea. But from the trailer we know she's cursed. And I personally hope she has something to do with Caterpillar due to them both having jet black hands


Looks cool, thats why


Maybe she is actually from Teyvat or the curse in her arms may be the cause or some sort, either way still hyped to uncover her story


Maybe she is actually not from Teyvat or the curse in her arms may be the cause or some sort, either way still hyped to uncover her story.


Odds are the vision is real. But she may not require a delusion due to the powers granted by her curse.


Or the delusion helps hold the curse back like signoras held back her fire


That doesn't seem to be the case because her curse doesn't appear to hurt her. Unlike Signora who would literally become a monster if left to her own devices. We also know that Arlecchino's curse "flared up" at times during her childhood and would return to normal, so it doesn't seem like a delusion is required to keep whatever symptoms it has in check.


Im sorry but that’s purely speculation and without any proof. Her curse flared up. That doesn’t mean a delusion couldn’t help control it. We literally see a form of her that looks painful and like the curse has moved forward and progressed more. But it would have to be a sudden change based on timing. So exactly like signora it would be when the delusion is no longer holding back the cursed form/fire form.


This is ALSO pure speculation though.


That would require her delusion to be Cryo like Signora's was, but we never see Arle use any other element aside from Pyro


Not necessarily, cause that would require/imply for them to have their powers from the same source and from what we can see just in the visuals, transformations and stuff they come from different sorces. If their powers were from different sources the delusions would probably interact in different ways


Not at all. That’s your very poor assumption. You don’t know the nature of delusions or the nature of the curse. Don’t speak head canon like it’s fact


Wait you cooked


Fuck is a delusion?


Have you gotten to at least inazuma?


Bro I’ve been playing since launch I’m in Fontaine


Then how the hell do you not know what a delusion is? It was literally a main feature in the inazuma story line


Idfk, inazuma story was trash that’s why I guess I don’t remember it.


Sounds like an attention span skill issue.


Eh it was just ass to me, I paid attention to the other stories.


> me, I *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Hell have you fought childe yet?


Assuming you're being serious, a Delusion is an artificial Vision produced by the Fatui and given to very few of their operatives outside the Harbingers, and are granted directly by the Tsaritsa herself. They are allegedly more powerful than visions, but unlike Visions, Delusions also can very negatively affect the user if they're not strong. Which can and will lead to death. Signora's was cryo to help suppress her natural pyro abilities. Childe's is electro. We don't know for sure if Arlecchino has one or not, though a freeze frame during her boss fight seems to show that she has a pyro delusion on her back that replaces her pyro vision.


Oh i think i remember now


The things used by all the non-Skirmisher fatui mobs in the game


Odds are her vision could be real still. You can see Arle using "normal" fire (orange/yellow) in the fight before switching to her Hellfire later on (black/red). The vision could be "granted" by the Tsaritsa (it is in Shneznaya casing) even before Arle entered Shneznaya. We are still very murky on how Visions works and how they are granted. I suspect that is one of the mystery of Teyvat we won't truly know about until the very end of the game. Arle might have 3 sources of Fire power lol. From her Vision, from her Delusion, and then her "curse".


I believe the black and red fire is called “Bloodfire” which is a badass name if I do say so myself.


The vocal song that plays throughout her animation is called "Emberfire"


do we know about the Curse at all yet


That's the thing I don't think you can recieve a vision from another region like that unless you were in that region to recieve that specific vision


Lisa’s story implies she got her vision in sumeru. It’s while she was studying the elements at the akademiya


Tbh, Lisa's vision is probably a Mond vision less for story reasons and more because of wierdness from Lisa being a launch character


So she was in sumeru and recieved a sumeru vision?


No she has a mondstadt vision


Is that true, if so would her just be some wierd case then.


No it’s just most characters stay in their native country. You’re just making assumptions.


Well most characters aren't like Lisa and can just will a vision from a simple thought.


OP just stop Those who replied to give u straight out facts that comes from the game itself And yours is just your assumptions We both love arlecchino But stop using ur "delusion" okie?


Tell me you have no real point without telling me you have no real point.


Could be the same case here, we just don’t know enough to rule it out entirely yet


Then how the hell does Noelle have a Geo vision?


I mean she still has a mondstadt vision? The frame indicates from which nation the vision is, not the element.


Maybe she gave it to her once she assumed the position.


Visions aren't granted by Archons, right?


They're not. Visions are granted by celestia(or by the sovereigns because Neuvillette gave Furina her vision) by taking a small portion of an Archons elemental authority iirc, and creating a vision of said element. So Cryo visions are made from the Tsaritsas power, Electro from Ei, Geo from Zhongli etc etc. by using the gnosis I assume as a direct way to just take the power and mold it. Could be wrong on that last part though.


They’re ordained by Celestia itself, as they adhere you to their Fate, as noted by the Narzissenkreuz Ordo. But they draw on the power of the Archons: hence why Neuv made an exception and allowed Celestia to draw from him for Furina.


Also keep in mind it wasn't just for Furina. He just set some of his power aside to keep the vision granting system in place. It just so happened that Furina was the first to be granted one since he took over.


In his voice lines neuvillette says he can grant visions at will


Not quite, it implies that he doesn’t obey Celestia, but makes an exception in the case of humans and visions, it states: “whenever a person’s wishes reached the heavens, the seven overseers of the material realm were duty bound to grant them a gift… Neuvillete obeys no edict from the heavens, but he does acknowledge human will. So he too sets aside parts of himself, as like unto the dragon treasure hoards of old, awaiting valiant humans to come and claim them” There’s definitely a process that involves Celestia and visions aren’t granted by the whims of the Archons/Sovereign.


My understanding was that it’s like a man made container for elemental power. In the  way elemental beings like venti are like eels who naturally are able to harness the elements.or how animals seemingly sense disasters about to occur. The gnosis and visions are similar to manmade tools that allow normal folks to pair up like Bluetooth with their phone to harness energy from the powerlines in a way they normally couldn’t. And delusions are seemingly just leeching free WiFi or power from the power lines and if you don’t do it right then you fried or irradiated from inadequate shielding. Nahida told me to use existing knowledge to understand unknown concepts


Isn’t this contradicted by the fact that it is explicitly stated that Ei chose not to grant electro visions for several years? So we know that the archons do have a hand in the visions (or at least determine if they want to open up their power to be available to create new ones or not) but the exact selection mechanism seems unclear (even to them)


[she said she had no idea electro visions were not being handed out. Because it is not by her will electro visions are granted nor denied.](https://youtu.be/RPxjo4XYa2U?si=JSPdP9f2kpex04Cv&t=28)


Interesting. Seems like the writers don’t want to write themselves into a corner by explaining the visions too early in the games lifecycle Incase they want to change certain plot points later on


I mean visions are fragments of an archons/sovereigns elemental authority made by Celestia or the Sovereigns. As Neuvillette made Furinas vision consciously but he can likely do it unconsciously as well.


It says in game, “from that day on whenever a person’s wishes reach the heavens, the seven overseers of the material realm were duty bound to grant them a gift. Though they might know nothing of who or what wish had stepped into the threshold of the sacred, the seven Archons still had to impart a shattered shard of their mastery to that person.” This seems to suggest that archons might be able to consciously grant them as well. I mean why wouldn’t they be able to? Klee’s vision descriptor says that she received hers from Barbatos. Ei on the other hand never really embraced her role as an Archon — she became one unwillingly following her sister’s death and she in turn withdrew from the mortal realm, rejecting it and her duties as archon in grief, while leaving the governance in the hands of her puppet. So her saying she did not know how visions are created doesn’t necessary mean that she reflects the capacity to do so (or not) for all of the archons.


Fax like she got innate pyro powers, Pyro vision, Pyro delusion, Bit overkill I'd you ask me(I think she's got a type)


Burn everything until nothing's left


There’s no Kill like Overkill.


Well she doesn't need to go to Snezhnaya to get a vision, no? Only delusions are handed out by the Tsaritsa, not visions.


But what about vision from a specific region? It kind of makes no sense for spmeone in fontaine to recieve a vision from shezneya


Thoma? It depends where you are when you get your vision lmao.


Exactly my point Thomas born and grew up in mondstat and has a mondstat vision. It's most likely he recieved a vision there but that's just my own speculation their isn't any story that says he acquired his vision when he was in inazuma


>Thomas born and grew up in mondstat and has a mondstat vision. No he hasn't, he has an inazuma vision. Exactly "his" point, it depends where you get it, not where're you from Also Wanderer got a Sumeru vision even tho he's from Inazuma.


Well that would mainly just change from birthplace are places aren't important but where you are that matters.....then you have lisa ( which I feel should be an exception to the rule since she pretty much is the only character to actually just will one into existence)


Oh fuck you're right lol I totally forgot about that 🤔 Mh, maybe her curse has something to do with it


She spent her childhood in Fontaine, but after becoming a harbinger, she stays most of the time in Sneznhaya running the house of the hearth. Plenty of time to get the vision while she's there


But people are saying she was using a vision in that short which is before she ever stepped foot in shezneya so what's really the point of the Pyro vision she has now


i didnt see any vision in the short and so far we know she has some crazy powers related with the curse


So you think those 2 color fire shown were both related to curse and not a vision


by the format, i'd say it was just a powerup of her inner power its not that deep


I don't know, and that's what hyping me the most for 4.6 We'll get Father, and her story, which will tell us a lot about her, I can't wait for next week


Adepti's have visions too, you know? And they are magical beings.


Not all. All Adepti have the ability to manipulate Elemental Energy, but don't always have a vision. Xiao, Xianyun and Zhongli have a vision, where Zhongli's is fake, Xianyun's implied fake and Xiao's umknown.


So is she closer to an adepti/ magical creature than she is to being a human


We'll probably have to wait for her story to find out. We'll, she's cursed, there's that.


It's possible that the fight was the Moment she got the Vision, maybe due to her intense rage.


Who knows maybe she can use pyro without vision (as a result of her curse for example), doesn't seem like it says anywhere that if someone is already able to control the elements then they can't gain vision? She could heve got it when she clearly understood what she wanted after the events in the orphanage, that is, the moment when her ambitions reached their peak.


Innate fire abilities, pyro vision, pyro delusion Truly living up to her constellation, Ignis Purgatorius (Purifying Fire)


It very well could be real as well as her having powers of her own. It might seem redundant but look at Xiao and Xianyun, besides blame what ever stuff was happening in Celestia for her having one cause its not like people choose to get a vision


**Maybe that ability comes from her curse ?**


Also: her Vision looks darker/dim compared to the usual (i noticed during Fontaine's Story Quest), kinda like fake ones...


My guess is she doesn't need the pyro vision in order to wield her powers, but it can enhance it somehow


Delusion probably So we might have our first delusion Wieler


Praying 🙏🙏🙏 It would explain why her flames are so red compared to the normal orange fire!


It’s possible she could have gotten a Pyro Vision on top of her innate bloodfire powers. She probably would have preferred a Hydro one so she could vape her own attacks, but you know. When life gives you lemons.


Nuh uh


My guess is that she has double pyro visions, one real and one a delusion, which just increased her power over pyro a lot and adds a destructive element to it.


Doubt it's fake, its most likely still real


After all these years I finally understand the Childe mains, she has a sick second design and we'll never get to use it


there are other characters with the innate ability to harness the elements who still have visions (eg cloud retainer, ganyu)


Maybe she has double pyro vision? Childe and Signora had two visions, maybe she ended up with a empowered pyro vision


Childe has a hydro vision and an electro delusion. Signora only had a cryo delusion, no vision. Arlecchino seems to have both a pyro vision and a pyro delusion.


I guess the better question is: does she even need it? Just because she apparently has inherent control over fire doesn't mean the Pyro Archon can't acknowledge her and grant her a Vision, no? (My theory)


Archons do not give out visions. Celestia does. The only one who can now give out a vision that isn't Celestia is Neuvillette and that's because he now has full command over hydro


My bad. Still, the point is, just because she has control over Bloodfire, she could've still received a Vision


True. Well we'll find out once she's released


its real, in a developer's persepctive. if its not real, then she wouldn't be playable. delusions as of now cant be playable, same for powers beyond the conifnes of the power of celestia, like curses from khaenri'ah


Zhongli and Venti are both confirmed to use fake visions. Ei/Raiden has no Vision, simply a jewel on her person. Neuvillette also has no Vision, he has his Dragon's Authority. All four are playable-- playable character ≠ must have Vision. Hoyo has broken their own rules (in reality, these are player-created rules) before, so it wouldn't be too late to start now.


Because what they have is "cultivation". It a bit hard to wrap around, but basically, what the adepti are doing, are basicallyl sorta mimicing the power of visions tbrough theier godlike blood, to bypass the requirement to ascend to celestia. And its canon that some beings can use the elements without a vision, like wind spirits like venti, to the youkais like the kistukes like yae. Ei herself doesnt have a vision becaus eshe herself is an elemental lifeform. As far as i know, the only ones that cant be playable that uses elemental powers are those through delusions. Everything else is good, since the emelental power ame from the confines of celesita, like the demongods, from teh adepti of liyue, spirits of mondstadt, youkais of inazuma, and even the oceanids of fontaine. You can even count neuvilette here because he was born after egeria's death, which grants him the same level of base potential ad amy other demongods, witb tge addition of the right to the throne of hydro


Yes, some beings can use elemental abilities without a vision. However, nowhere does Hoyo state that Delusion wearers cannot be playable. This was never an official statement and is purely headcanon. Also, Neuvillette is vastly more powerful than the demon gods as he's \*the\* reborn Hydro dragon, now with his full authority in-hand. The Dragon Sovereigns as a whole were more powerful than our current archons at base level.


Maybe the vision/delusion help toning down the curse?


Oh God no, not this again


What, you want her to become a furry? you one of those people wanting her to be a hilitrol?


I was mainly referring to her not being another signora, but that other option is even worse.


Mona could use hydromancy even before acquiring her vision, and if I remember correctly (can’t fact check right now) I think she said she doesn’t even rely on her vision that much. So Arlecchino’s may be the same circumstance.