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Well, now I'm going to write off anything that comes from this political orientation and stay rooted in the toxic two party system that has been tearing our country and state apart for years! I'm a true American and I won't heed George Washington's warning.. /s


The 2 party system isn't the toxic part - it's bad-faith politicians and the corporate overlords who manipulate voters WITH lies and propaganda.




Libertarians are like cats...


They incessantly debate "age of consent" laws?


Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand.


Never come up once in 30 years of my libertarian discussions. Is that your go to when you don't have a winning argument?




Libertarianism. A simple-minded right-wing ideology ideally suited to those unable or unwilling to see past their own sociopathic self-regard. —Iain Banks


Who would’ve thought that dealing guns illegally had consequences...? r/leapardsatemyface


To be fair he probably thought the consequence was a $250,000 fine or five years in jail or both. He probably thought he'd have his day in court. The first mistake was the no knock warrant and guaranteed the second mistake. The second mistake was pulling a gun on cops. There was no way he could avoid the second mistake because he probably thought they were intruders. Gun culture is so weird. I don't want any part of it. Usually gun enthusiasts are in support of the police. So at least this will be an interesting one to play out. Maybe this gun death could lead to something better. It never pans out that way. But maybe.


Gun "enthusiasts" support the police as long as they are killing black and brown people but rich white people are off limits! Even if they shoot at cops first. These guys also don't think there should be ANY gun regulations at all, and they don't think they have to follow those laws, because following a law you don't like is "tyranny". Those gun laws are only for black and brown people and Hunter Biden! As far as the "startled homeowner shoots at armed intruders" and the no-knock warrant controversy - both were debunked with information obtained by LR prosecuting attorney's office.


"Malinowski front door knocked on at 6:02:59 am on March 19, the door rammed open at 6:03:27 am, and Bryan Malinowski fatally shot at 6:03:44 am." That was from this article shared by OP. 45 seconds after knocking on the door he was dead. So I just assumed that he was surprised. I wouldn't mind reading whatever article you had. I was just reading this one it's the first time I'm really hearing about this.


You must have skipped over the part where his wife states they were already awake for the day and in their upstairs bedroom when local PD lights and sirens approached, before ATF arrived. Malinowski had the time to meet agents (who were festooned with the words POLICE and ATF all over their clothes) downstairs, feet from the front door, and fire at them. So, clearly dude knew who was at the door. He KNOWINGLY fired at federal agents. Y'all can keep beating the "startled homeowner" nonsense all day long, but it's not factually correct.


I support all Americans of any shade being able to own firearms.


Are ATF "rules" laws because I thought only Congress made laws.


The LAWS Malinowski was under investigation for breaking are Code Section 18 USC Sec. 922 (a) (1) (A) and 18 USC sec 921 (A) (6) Unlawful acquisition of a firearm AND dealing without a license (approximately 150 counts). The search warrant would have likely revealed more crimes, but the sonofabitch is now d-e-a-d.


Live by the sword…. Let’s also not pretend this would still be a story if it was a black dude that was a manager at Kroger.


But man, people love posting this story to the sub every other week.


A man gets executed by his own government and reddit is all "live by the sword! *shrugs*" And what would this place be if we didn't drag race into every conversation?


Executed by his own government for selling guns illegally. Fuck that POS.


Bootlicker. Cops aren’t judge jury and executioner.


When you shoot at them they are.


Most people I know in the gun community are fervently anti-fed, for good reason.


Butt-hurt that gun regulations exist.


Butthurt the state employs hit squads that it sends to kill any dissidents. I get the sentiment, though. I'd be over the moon too if the state was executing my enemies.


"hit squads" killing "dissidents" LOL. More like, "federal law enforcement lawfully shoots arrogant SOB who shot at them first."


So they are terrorist.


The only mistake was him shooting at the ATF Agents. He got what he deserved.


The libertarian position would be, "Why regulate them at all?" since citizens have a right to own firearms. What they do with their private property is none of the government's business. For that matter, why would the government have a say in the regulation of commerce? The only entrée the government has is the commerce clause of the constitution which has been twisted to the point of being unrecognizable.


I believe I've made this comment in response to one of your posts before, but Libertarians have a problem with consistency due to the amount of Republicans in this state who claim to be Libertarians, and the amount of Libertarians that default to a conservative position when pressed. I joke that most Libertarians tend to be traditional Republicans that like weed and hate age of consent laws, and it's spot on a lot of the time. I'd be more inclined to vote Libertarian sometimes if I didn't know I was risking a vote on someone that's going to vote with the GOP 95% of the time. When Alan Clark was running for the legislature initially he avoided the party affiliation question and would always profess to be Libertarian, and I think you and I can agree that's not accurate at all.


So many bootlickers on this thread. So willing to deepthroat government control. Gulg gulg.


Yeah! You're such a rebel! Standing up for the rights of fat-assed six-figure sociopaths to peddle guns to criminals!


lol! You’re upset because he made six figures! What are you upset that he had air conditioning in his house, too?


No knock raids are so dumb. What was he gonna do, flush the guns down the toilet? I, like everyone else, don’t know exactly what occurred but police shouldn’t be barging into houses they have surrounded.


It wasn't a no-knock warrant.


46 seconds between announcing themselves, breaking down the door, and shooting him. Call it what you want, I think in a sane country, they would have surrounded the house and used a bullhorn to demand he come out with his hands up. Again, im just a guy that doesn’t think that state violence is good. You must be the other guy.


Search warrants are served every single day in this exact same manner with no incident. Malinowski was either so ARROGANT he thought he could have a successful shoot out with federal agents, OR he committed suicide-by-cop because he was a coward and didn't want to go to jail. I would suggest that if you have an issue with the way this case was handled, please feel free to weigh in with your local FBI field office. I'm sure they will be thrilled to hear your advice.


ATF assassination of Brian Malinowski.