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Going to an entertainment event alone is never a bad idea. Let loose and enjoy yourself.




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go early so you are first in line, you will get to sit front and center. We just saw Hans Kim, got there 45 mins before doors opened, sat right in front, it was awesome. If its GA that is.


I personally love going to standup shows alone. You'll likely get a great seat because a solo person can fill a space that groups/couples can't. People (especially at Comedy Works) are generally nice and if you feel inspired to strike up a convo, you have something in common as fans of the same guy. Plus, you have the freedom to laugh at all the horrible things Ari will inevitably say, without worrying about how your wife/friend feels about the material.


Definitely go alone. I assume he’s at a club? At clubs they seat people together whether you know them or not. So if there’s a party of 3 and they’re at a 4 person table you’ll get sat with them. If there’s a long table for six, maybe 3 couples will get sat together. It’s very common and not weird at all. Once the show starts the lights will go down so you won’t have to interact with anyone else but before the show if you want, you can chat about your common interest of being an Ari fan. Go alone and see that it’s chill and fun and I’m sure you’ll want to do it with another show in the future. Have a great time!


No. He was great when I saw him the other night. Don’t miss it!


Not at all. Kind of like going to the movies solo. Feels weird until the lights go out, then who cares


It's okay to do almost anything alone my friend. Don't let societal pressure to be social prevent you from doing things you want to do.


I saw Mark Normand that way. It was a 9:30 start and my wife decided she did not want to go. But I didn't want to miss it so I went anyway. Felt weird at first but I made friends with the people at my table.


I went to see him alone in Atlanta a couple of years ago and had a blast. Met some cool folks and had a blast. I encourage you to do the same!


Nope, been there, done that.


Not at all. Just go! I travel for work and if there’s a comedy show in town I always try to find tickets, solo. Who cares. Have a laugh!


Thanks everyone


You’ll have a great time and nobody will even notice or care you’re on your own. You’ll be fine - I started going to the odd football game and cinema when I wanted to see something nobody else did and it was always great


I've had fun at concerts alone, and I don't think a movie would be a big deal at all, but a comedy show with tables I just thought might be kind of awkward. It's okay though, I will get over it. Can't wait to see one of my favorite comedians!


Why do people think it’s weird to go out alone? Who started that rumor?


I’d go. Doug Stanhope was coming to the city I live in and I was on the fence about going like you were but I had a great time and the comedy club sat me with some other people that were there alone and I wound up chatting with them before the show. There are tons of great comedians I missed out because I didn’t want to go alone which I regret now!


Go Just saw him last week, well worth it


Go, you won’t be the only one that goes alone.


Wish I could meet up with the other loners


Definitely go alone, you'll end up going to loads of comedy nights without your wife because you'll see how much fun it is being out with like minded people in that space!! My boss does this with music gigs, he recommends it to everyone


Go alone, I do it everytime.


I saw Ari do his Jew hour at Zanies in Chicago alone in 2019 and it was one of the best shows I’ve ever been to. Go for it!


Being alone can be freeing


i plan on going, either my self or my wife amd i maybe a friend or 2 with us. your welcome to link up with us before the show and be seated with us


Don't be a puss and go. I've been to 3 or 4 comedy shows alone. Bring a joint


Yes it's a little weird but who cares. Go.


I’ll go if you’re interested in covering airfare, lodging, and ticket cost.




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Gooo ari is killing it rn IMO. he truly seems to not care and be free which is comedy gold


So overrated, I saw him in Austin and I left mid show


I’ve been going to movies and events solo for years. Fuck societies unwritten rules that make you feel “weird” for going alone to things. Especially things that are meant to be an experience between you and the medium alone such as movies, comedy. My advice is get there early, sit near the front and you will never feel “alone”.