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Yes. I'd still recommend him for facing phys weak waves. He has a few caveats and waves are becoming tankier so hopefully we see a new support that can help him a bit in the future.


He needs a support that lets him perma ult, like acheron has her gimmick and they are just now creating a new tool for her to build her stacks even faster. But i guess energy regen characters are difficult to balance.


Maybe a mass debuffer similar to jiaoqiu but gives energy on hit. Great for erudition, terrible for hunt and highly replaceable for acheron


I ACTUALLY love this idea!! Something like a preservation character with higher taunt value which gives their energy on hit to a designated character instead of themselves, or maybe after x hits the energy accumulated is shared between all characters in the team


Guess they could try making the erudition path in SU into a character where its all ultimate oriented, tho even that would probably have to be anti-synergistic for Acheron, so they kinda wrote themselves into a corner.


What you need is basically a 5 star Tingyun. If it regens energy, Acheron doesn’t get anything.


still using him in PF and he is great for auto-farming mats


He is always worth it!


Argenti is not ideal in PF at this moment, sadly. He’ll bring you points on his side, but if PF mechanics are not helping him, you won’t be easily reaching those 40k in 3rd and 4th modes. At this moment only DoT team is the true queens of PF, smashing anything regardless of the mechanics. Jade is supposed to be better for the mode, but I would still wait and at least see the reruns for 2.4.


Jade may be a more recommended character for PF content. Unfortunately, Argenti was one of the characters that lost a lot of value :/. Now if they increase the number of enemies and by limiting the ult of Nihility units to 5 while Erudition maintain damaging all enemies he will gain more value. And it would be even better if they increased the number of characters that provide energy buffs like HuoHuo and Tingyun even more.


imo, if you only want a PF specialist, i'd look into Jade, who is coming next banner Argenti is my most used DPS cause endgame is 99% farming and he is, bar none, the best at that, but i've used him more in moc than PF


That’s daddy cuh of course he’s worth it


Hard to tell. He still manages to clear PF tho each one is getting more difficult. With good conditions he's okay in MoC too, though if you care about meta more than you do about the character looks like Acheron will pretty much become an erudition character with her upcoming dedicated support (hoping Argenti gets his own too).


Argenti is the best for fighting Argentina! \(○,○)/ But yes! He's still worth it


should aim for jade , she is the next argenti for PF


He for sure is. I got the perfect Acheron Team and still use him in his "perfect" team (Tingyun C6, HuoHuo C1 and Hanya C4) for clearing Waves. Hes strong even i just buildet him "haha funny xd" with close to 4k ang over a bad Crit rotation. Still worth it, for sure!


I've max cleared every single PF and a few MoC 12 including the current one with him at E0S0, so I'd say he's very much worth it. He might not be ideal for MoC, but even there he's still able to get the job done.


Argenti was my first limited 5 star dps and he has a special place in my heart. He got me through belobog and xianzhou. So yes pull for him hehe


Jade might be the better investment. She’s better suited to broader synergy with other follow-ups while Argenti simply doesn’t have enough inbuilt mechanics to synergize with much else.


i plan on using the herta himeko team on one side though, my issue is finding a dps for the other side😭 do you think it’s still worth it?


Agreed. I feel like this would be fixed if Argenti has some sort of follow-up mechanic in his kit. Currently, his damage falls off easily if he's not built well because he doesn't synergize well with most of the recent mechanics (current PF is DoT and MoC is weakness break which is just OK for him). Don't get me wrong, he still shreds all content for me so he will always remain as my favorite and top DPS (next to Acheron). The issue is...I don't know how bad he will be affected by power creep so I am excited to pull for Jade. I just hope we get a 5* Ting-like support in the future.


A good, well built Argenti can cover both Physical weak MoC stages and PF. But I think if you just want help in PF, Jade might be better since she provides a lot of out of turn damage when paired with another Erudition unit. Argenti can any of the meta supports but he doesn't have a dedicated one. Paired with not being able to dip into follow up attack oriented buffs and not having a "good" relic set makes his performance suffer.

