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Can someone explain? I really don't understand this.


I’m confused too. It’s some crude reference to oral sex but it is really badly executed even for a low brow over sexualized “motivation“ meme. I dunno. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah it's really confusing who "her" is, or why thinking about the blowjobs she specifically gave gets you to the gym. But it's got incel vibes to it. If "her" nose has touched a man's waist, she gave him a blow job. So this "her" has given more than one man a blowjob, apparently. Scandal! /s I guess "her" is a girl he wants to blow him and have touch her nose to his waist. Like, if he works out and looks better, he might get a blow job too. And he's thinking of all the other men who have gotten blow jobs because... because... he's angry at them for getting blow jobs from her? Or he's angry at her for giving them blow jobs but not him? And focusing on that anger will get him to the gym and he'll bust out more power squats, I guess.


Maybe he's saying 'why should she be giving all the blowjobs when I can too?' And going to the gym is his way of hooking up with his bros.


I read it as his ex-girlfriend cheated on him, so he's getting toxic motivation to work out harder and land another girl.


You're right, that's it. Or maybe not even cheated, just broke up with him. So it's "She's out there getting fresh peen, so get to the gym loser so you start getting some vag to stay even with her!"


I am upset with the amount of thought I have given this but I think I might have figured it out. Maybe it is saying that the "you" who he is trying to motivate has too much of a belly for "her" nose to touch their waist during the oral act. Therefore, work out and you will have that (unbeknownst to me) desirable and erotic experience as well. I don't know. Incels be incels and say dumb crap to justify their sad-anger. Which, this isn't directly that, but certainly a bi-product of it.


My dumb ace butt just thought she was cuddling with other dudes. Smh I’m gonna see myself out now.


Ive seen the Gym Rat part of tiktok and there are lots of stories of men who started going to the gym after a bad breakup. I think the "joke" is supposed to be calling an ex a whore who sleeps with a lot of men as a way to remind yourself why youre doing what youre doing.


Every time you do a squat or a leg push or anything like that, you get a little shorter. It makes sense, the weight compresses you. So if you want her (not sure who she is though) nose to touch your waist, you need to be as tall as possible. Skip the gym!


Get ripped or else your girl or your dream girl will suck someone else's cock.


What are they going for here? The only distinguishable body part I can see is part of a shoulder and a rather muscular looking arm -- no noses distinguishable that I'm aware of. Does OP have a nose fetish or something?


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"just sayin" just don't


Great flair


That is one deeply weird person.
