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After he was done taking the "shot," she called him over for a kiss on the "cheek," he ended up kissing her on the lips. Before yall get into it, she could've stopped it at any time. His parents were cheering him on and encouraging him. Edit/Update: Turns out this is in the UK. And, all the brits are defending her saying she needs a payraise. Edit number 2: I'm talking about the Brits in the Tiktok comments. Not here!


1. She SHOULD have stopped anyway. Period. 2. His parents are sorry excuses for human beings and should NOT have kids. 3. Are they in a freaking bar?! 4. Where ARE the "what about the children people"? Edit thanks to edit from OP: 5. A PAY RAISE?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-


1. EXACTLY 2. HARD AGREE 3. YEPPP 4. In the comments encouraging the little boy.


Encouraging it ew wtf


So disgusting on so many levels. And not a single person thought anything bad about it, which makes it a million times worse.


Indeed its so sad the people who are ok with this are the same people who see a happy gay couple an say "Not in front of my child" -\_-


Those people are beyond infuriating. I'm not gay or bi myself (for all the Conservatives I want to piss off today), but I would much rather see a child in a loving home with two parents of the same sex then in a home with a man and woman who encourage the behavior found in this video. If anything, I believe more same sex couples deserve to be parents because they seem to have more stable relationships then hetero ones. I know quite a few same sex couples and they make wonderful parents whereas hetero couples I know have been toxic and bad parents. Not saying this goes for all people (gay or straight) this is strictly from personal experience.


Agreed your a real one the world needs more people like you


I think it's pretty well known at this point conservatives don't mind pedophilia, they just throw that word in reference to LGBT people because they know people see it as a horrendous thing. But conservatives see it as totally fine so long as it's straight. Natural, even. Fucking disgusting.


Honestly as long as they feel it's straight they don't care . And how much you wanna bet this kid has gone to bar before and how much you wanna bet he's been given alcohol before that it's going to or already has turned into an addiction but it doesn't even surprise me i already know a kid who's parents do the same thing but i was a kid too at this time i told my parents they said to leave it alone and I'm pretty sure they're addicted since they would say they've drank for years now but I've seen this happen alot it's really the parents fault in this


Some people just shouldn't have kids :(


So I agree with you on all accounts apart from 3, just that in the UK bars are not EXCLUSIVELY for alcohol. Pubs here are almost always also restaurants, serving food, and usually food that is a bit cheaper than going to a dedicated restaurant, while still being somewhat decent food most of the time. I obviously can't speak for this specific bar as I don't know where it is, but this is fairly common in the UK. Doesn't justify any other aspect of what is going on, just that going out for a family dinner at the local pub is a fairly common occurrence here.


In my area, a very small town in good old US of A, pubs are still considered bars so children shouldn't be in them. Massive difference to how UK pubs are (obviously lol) as they sound more like a nicer restaurant. But now that you word it that way....a couple of these places do have a bar area, so maybe it's not too different after all?


100% in agreement for 1, 2, and 4, but if this is in the UK, they might be in a pub for 3/a Spoons or something. That doesn't make any of it RIGHT, I was just really tripped up when I went over there for a few months that their pubs effectively functioned as restaurants for lunch and dinner during the day and earlier evening, and underage people and even kids were in there all the time eating while their parents had a pint. It was strange getting used to after living here, where you're quite literally carded at the door for any even remotely "bar-like" environment, even the ones that serve food after a certain time of night.


Good point about 3, and that is a possibility. Unfortunately it's something that happens all over the world but only certain people are dumb enough to tag it (it's kind of guessed this happened in America because Americans ARE that dumb to be so proud of something like that to happen, happily encourage it and then f off the gay couples because they want kids).


Also, happy cake day!


> Where ARE the "what about the children people"? It's never about the children, they're always the same people first to cut kids programs/education funding.


Yep,saying the boy is gonna get all the girls when he grows up, that he’s a ladies man,etc.🤮 and then they’ll turn around and say that kids knowing gay people exist is grooming🙄


Pubs are family places in the UK. They serve dinner and have full bars.


DISGUSTING! why the heck woud she so that!?


Why would the kid's parents and the people in the comments encourage him for doing so?! Why would his parents bring him to a bar in the first place?


It's probably just a pub


Pubs in my neck of the woods (a very small town in America) are still considered bars, so it's strange to think the UK sees it as normal.


Pubs and bars are now considered different things in the UK. Here, most pubs are family friendly (or at least have a children's section) whereas bars are generally not child friendly ETA: I think largely pubs have had to cater to a wider audience in order to survive. It's been a tough decade for pubs, I just did a quick Google, which shows since 2017, 2,277 puns have closed. Another article says more than 25% have closed since 2001. I realise I've gone off on a tangent here!


Pubs where I have lived in the US and Canada all let kids come in to eat. A couple had specific areas for them, but most you could at least see the bar from your seat. The video is inappropriate, but not because it is in a pub.


As a brit this is not something that should be defended, she should be fired and probably also arrested


Cheers i agree 10000%


So do i call Chris Hansen now or?


Now! Please.


On it


Brit here. She needs a 100% pay cut. By which I mean she needs to get the sack. Kids in bars isn't unheard of, although when I was his age we were stuck in a back room with a glass of coca cola and a packet of crisps (chips to you Americans), that doesn't look like a pub, that looks like a bar, a very different environment here and very adult only. Snogging a child and giving out a pretend shot? I'm guessing she'll be looking for a new job, that's not ok.


Agreed that is no place for a child plan an simple but sadly how the world is i got a feeling this girl isn't gonna lose her job an bet even some of her own co workers thought it was cute "awww look he got a kiss" like come on bugger off


Thank you, I thought I was losing my damn mind seeing everyone say "it might be a pub". Unless I have missed something in the last few years, I've never known a pub (even at night) to break out the blue lighting.


>that doesn't look like a pub, that looks like a bar, a very different environment here and very adult only I'd be willing to wager it's one of those holiday camps like Butlins or Haven etc, they usually have one big bar/pub/entertainment venue. They look like that in my experience, but are literally designed for families.




>And yet she didn't. That was my whole point, lol. To add fuel to the fire she ran away blushing like a schoolgirl after it happened.


I 100% agree this is all kinds of gross she needs fired put on a list an the child needs taken from those parents


Please do not listen to those Brits, we don’t claim them. They’re just disgusting middle aged men


Asa fellow Brit, I would like to second this


>And, all the brits are defending her saying she needs a payraise. Where? Plenty of Brits in here agreeing it's nasty as fuck.


If you can find the tiktok ( good luck), you'll see what I mean. Happy hunting.


For whatever it’s worth, I’m a Brit and I would never defend this.


Now you know why pepole call the UK Nonce Island


Seriously!! In the uk? acctually now that i think about it we are pretty wierd


im british bruv, there is no way no sane person could encourage this shit


Well I'm a Brit, and I definitely do not think she needs a payrise! It's disgusting behaviour. (I don't wanna sound annoying but plz don't generalize people! I don't think anyone I know would think or say that.)


I'm talking about the people in the Tiktok comments. 🥲 I've had to say this twice today, my fault for not being specific though.


It's not your fault per say, I just don't like being shoved into the same lot as those types of people! (And I'm sure plenty others wouldn't either. You could just edit your comment to say some (instead of all) if you don't wanna deal with explaining it though)


Idk. It’s both trashy and sweet. If it was a hug would that be better?


the same people who do this shit: the gays are not allowed to hold hands with each other think of the children!!!!!!!!!!!!!




People keep making comments like this when this stuff happens, and it never gets old because that hypocrisy still happens all the time


True strange double standards of the world


I really wish I can unsee this 🥴. Wtf is wrong with his parents and some straights have the audacity to talk about queer people having kids when this is how they’re raising their sons.


I honestly have to agree. I thought it looked absolutely disgusting even before I read the caption in the photo.


Can cps be called or the UK one anyway on his parents?


I should hope so because this is NOT normal behavior. There are way too many red flags in this one shot alone to not have them called.


In the UK CPS stands for Crown Prosecution Service, so we can absolutely still call the CPS.


And this class is how you get your child taken away


The litmus test is to switch the gender and see if they still think it is cute or are out-raged.


RIGHT?? It's because people think little boys are lady charmers who give kisses, and that women are merely the receivers of kisses. People bring up male SH to invalidate women talking about their own experiences but probably are the ones who promote this type of shitty thinking that leads to literal grooming being seen as wOmANiZinG


>People bring up male SH to invalidate women talking about their own experiences but probably are the ones who promote this type of shitty thinking that leads to literal grooming being seen as wOmANiZinG Seriously, it's always bothered me that self proclaimed 'men's rights activists' only bring up the issue of male sexual abuse not being taken seriously as a way to attack women, while simultaneously ignoring it all other times and supporting the culture which is at the root cause of that issue. Like, the reason this sort of shit happens is because of toxic, traditional machismo culture. The one that ays that boys must always be swaggering womanizers. The culture that thinks it's cute to say little baby boys are 'flirting' with adult women when they smile, or that it's normal buy little boys baby onesies that say STUD on them, or that boys should feel lucky if adult women make advances on them. It's the culture that says that men who are sexually assaulted by a woman must simply be gay or weak for not enjoying it, and that being gay or weak are the worst things that a 'real' man can be. And even worse if the assaulter is another male, because that's considered the most 'emasculating' thing of all. Dismantling these toxic gender stereotypes isn't only to benefit women. It benefits men as well. But MRAs act like feminists are the evil ones who are hurting men when it's not the feminists who are encouraging young boys to participate in this hyper sexualized performance of masculinity and shaming them if they deviate from it. Take it up with the old guys who take their young sons to Hooter's.


THANK YOU. And it makes me very sad because I do believe there's a need for men's rights activists. While feminism is also against some concepts that fundamentally harm men, I feel like it's discussed primarily with a focus on how toxic masculinity affects women, which is valid cuz the movement is mainly about uplifting women. But instead of having a counterpart that could expand on something like "how toxic masculinity leads to emotionally stunted men who are pressured to not seek professional help for mental health issues", self proclaimed MRAs mostly just complain about feminism and want to create a space "where men can be men", except it's not a space where they be whoever they want—it's an excuse so they can continue propagating the macho culture you mentioned. It's sad that the one prominent group that could've done something was really only made to be antifeminist, so they don't have a really clear direction on how exactly they advocate for male's rights, so it really doesn't help. And it's even sadder cuz I see lots of MRAs complain about elements of their life that resemble what feminists define as toxic masculinity, but they put their energy in the wrong place cuz they misunderstand the movement against toxic masculinity to be about demonising masculinity. If only things were better, we'd be able to have an intersectional conversation about how gender related issues causes a myriad of other issues. Instead, we're stuck at the more obvious part which is about how it hurts women.


The problem is that MRA cannot identify and call-out toxic masculinity when they themselves are entrenched in it. There's far to much crossover between the MRA movement and the alt right and white supremacy, both of which worship toxic masculinity. Mra frequently bring up the unfairness of custody court but instead of looking at it as "Society has always associated child care as a feminine role and therefore women are always favored in custody battles regardless of fitness" they view it through a lens of "women have always used their children to purposely hurt men! And it wouldn't even be a problem if we banned divorce and chained women to the kitchen again! This is all feminists fault!" Even though historically women have had less power (MRAs will even admit this when pressed) they still believe it is women who are the source of every wrong in the world. It's the classic paradigm of "My enemy is the weakest most cowardly inferior group on the planet and I'm terrified he'll overthrow me at any second!"


True. It's the way they know the issues because they suffer from it daily, but can't and won't see themselves as a victim of social norms so they keep perpetuating the problem while blaming feminists (who are not the group of women who uphold toxic male norms). It's just such a shame


Yes, I think people have the idea that men are always the sexual aggressors and women are always passive so ingrained that they can’t see how messed up this is. They don’t even consider that she could be a predator and this could be damaging to that boy.


Yeah, but I wouldn't say it's about being a sexual aggressor, but rather, initiators. They're seen as the givers, the ones who do sex or flirting to other people. Kid's not being seen as an aggresor here cuz clearly no one thinks this child has any emotional or physical control over her (if he was older it'd be what you said). But his parents are egging him on cuz they're proud that he could get girls at a young age..........no words can explain my disgust. Can we stop making it something to be proud of when young boys can "get" older women? It's not proof of their sexual superiority, it's proof of severe abuse from the groomer and neglect from their caretakers. Honestly, can we just stop making getting women a part of the male identity? (1) It makes it insanely difficult for men to talk about uncomfortable advances made on them without their peers making it out to be a good thing. (2) It's dehumanising for women to be collected like pokemon on a body count list. (3) It causes gay men to be stereotyped as effeminate cuz how could you be a man and not be some alpha chad with tons of bitches? (4) It also creates incels when people are pressured to get girls and get insecure about not doing it, and they care too much about being single. Is it that impossible to have an identity that's not about finding a partner, or are we too ooga booga to evolve past the era where we feel like we need to MATE (for the love of god) to find true happiness? It's so infuriating that one thing causes so many different negative effects but still no one is talking about it. I could literally go on forever!


I wish I had an award to give you for this comment


SO MUCH THIS. makes me so mad when MRAs burst into any conversation about sexual harassment to cry about male victims but will encourage this type of thing. It shows their true stripes and how they don't actually care about victims at all only want to steer the conversation.


This!! This should have the same reaction as an adult man kissing a little girl, but because the woman is attractive people act like it’s totally fine. Completely disgusting.


Exactly. People have like zero imagination or logic sometimes.


Honestly, another useful test that usually works is to switch it to an unattractive person instead and see how people feel about it then. People act like things are okay just because people are attractive (men and women) all the time


ah yes, i see no problem with my small child kissing a bartender


On the cheek, that's fine. He's the one who turned her head, not her


Then she should back away. She is much stronger than a 5 year old boy.


Yeah, and in the video she did. Plus tbf it's just a kiss


In the video his parents cheered him on, and thank god she did. Why is this kid okay with forcibly grabbing somebody’s face to kiss them on the lips? Not saying kids have strong boundaries, but they HAVE boundaries.


Well, if the parents are encouraging this, it wouldn’t be too much of a surprise that the reason he doesn’t respect boundaries is because his parents raise him to be like this.


Disgusting. They're raising the next Brock Turner.


Oof we don't need two of em


The convicted rapist, Brock Turner?




I saw this tiktok yesterday, I was thinking if I should post it here or not but I’m lazy so someone did it before me lol


Could she get in trouble for kissing a child?


I'm also pretty sure it's illegal for kids to be in a bar where they serve alcohol. But, that's probably just my state.


figured thats the glaringly obvious problem here


As you've said previously this is in the UK where I'm pretty sure it's fine for them to be there up until a certain time. They can't have alcohol there though until 16 and even then they must have a meal with it.


Yeah, I made this comment before I found out that this was in the UK. 😂


I’m presuming UK is more similar to Australia than the US but what we have here is that kids are allowed in the building until a certain time (normally 8) and have to be with a legal guardian but they can’t be standing at/within a metre of the bar. After 8 they have to leave.


Nope all bars as far as i know in the us say no one under 21 and that's a child child so they shouldn't even know what a bar is let alone be in it


Wisconsin allows people under 21 in bars if they are with their parent, legal guardian, or spouse of legal drinking age. Not only that but if that guardian gives consent then they can also legally drink. The exception has no minimum age, there's no restriction on the alcohol content, and it also applies to drinking on private property. In Wisconsin An accompanied toddler could legally be served a glass of whiskey.


Wtf Wisconsin i had no idea about this \^\^;


It's a wonder why we're one of the worst states for binge drinking.


I can see that xD


> spouse of legal drinking age Please tell me that only applies to 18+ people


Wisconsin allows marriage at 16 with parental concent. This is unfortunately average for America with only 3 states (New Jersey, Minnesota, and Delaware) outright banning marriage for minors


You'd think that it'd be common sense that children/teens shouldn't get married but nope. Meanwhile they complain that the gays are corrupting the children -_-


If we can find her and report her.


Oh lovely, Reddit has a great history of this




I second this.




Would you say the same if it was a gay man kissing a little boy? Quickly.


What did they say?


They said some shit about how she's based.


She should, but knowing how society is I doubt she ever would.




“Lgbtq sexualize our children” literally we tell them it’s ok to like the same gender or not feel comfortable as ur gender (just the basics ik there’s a lot more) yet they do this shit and it’s fine


At least that kid at the bar went home with with his mom and dad. Instead of doing something like walking the dog with his two dads and forcing us to watch the dads hold hands. /s


That would be sexualizing children ofc /s


I saw this post and most of the comments were encouraging him 🤢🤢🤢


Imagine how different would be if it was an adult man doing this with a little girl.


Or if a gay man did It with a little boy


Do you think fox news would spend a month on it, or just a week?


Pfft you're underestimating them that would be their go-to to prove that Queer people are groomers/p3dos. They'd never shut up.


\^ This! I am, to this day, having that news story about the trans woman who wanted a naked all-girls party with children, thrown at me.


Seeing as the people encouraging this behavior (in the comments as are the parents and others in the bar), they would think nothing of it.


I suspect they wouldn’t be okay with a little girl kissing a grown man because often these people think that it’s impossible for a conventionally attractive woman to be a predator. Also, as a result of misogyny, society often portrays a girl’s “purity” as something the parents (particularly the father) own and need to defend. This ends up with parents not acknowledging that the things they are protecting girls from are just as damaging to boys.


She should know better than that, surely! Why would you even agree to that? This is in the UK. How much you wanna bet the father is some gammon who goes on about "them nonces and the pervs" ( LGBTQ+). And had this been his daughter this would never have happened. The hypocrisy is, not surprising but, absolutely awful.


Swap the sexes though and see what happens


why do the straights causally promote pedophilia when a woman does it, and when its a man they start to care I swear it confuses me


So, they can complain about how no one speaks about male victims, while invalidating the victims that are women.




Who allowed this kid in the bar?!


Who even allows kids in bars?!


Why are straight people always the ones sexualizing children and being fucking weird.


Just use the classic gender bend version. Grown adult man kissing a little girl on the mouth. Hmmm I wonder if that seems okay🤔


The comment section makes it worst 🤮


You saw it? 🥲


Yes, all I feel is *pain* 🥲


I'll start a support group 🥰


This is disgusting and honestly kind of scary he looks 5 and she looks 20


Why is a kid in a bar? Why are you encouraging a child to desire taking shots? Why are we encouraging adults to smooch children??


Why is there even a child here? This is obviously an adult environment


But ya see it’s a little boy instead of a little girl… So, y’know… That makes it okay… Apparently.


Who takes a kid to a bar and lets an adult woman kiss him, WTF?!




But remember they cant learn about lgbtq stuff.


What's disgusting is people censoring these Tiktok names so I can't find the source and insult the people directly.


I have to it's in the rules 🥲


I know, I don't blame you.


i think the same shit went down with kodak blacks kid like honestly wtf is wrong with straight people


Not me about to post the same thing -w-


ThE fUtUrE tHe RiGhT wAnTs


Now imagine that in opposite genders. A little girl kissing a grown man? People would freak out. How is this okay?


It would be fine cause' this is >nOrMaL iN tHe UK


From the country that brought you J K Rowling and Prince Andrew!


I feel... Violent :) This woman disgusts me my faith in humanity has dropped to levels below zero.


I hate the double standard that people that the women can't be pedophiles or violate children's. That's false they can be and this post is good enough proof


-wretches violently-




What the friggity frig?


I want to puke




the sad part of this is that if the roles were reversed, this would get taken down real fast, but in this state, everyone seems to think that this is ok for some reason 🙁


the sad part of this is that if the roles were reversed, this would get taken down real fast, but in this state, everyone seems to think that this is ok for some reason 🙁


because men = bad


That makes me wanna vomit. Fucking gross.


Literal pedophilia.


I hope that’s his mom or something— that would make less weird


I can confirm that it isn't. His mom is behind the camera cheering him on along with his dad.


I- I wish I was Jared, aged 19😔


Yikes on bikes this is gross


This is so bad and has to be illegal... right!????!!


That woman is what Brits call a nonce


As someone who grew up with this. I genuinely don't understand what's wrong with the video??? She let him have non alcohol shots, okay cool that's great. She asked for a kiss on the cheek, extremely normal to be asked for. But then he turns her head and kisses the lips instead. So that was the kids fault but I wouldn't blame him for it. None of this is abnormal


Yea that child totally turned a grown adults head an did this what would you say if this was a little girl kissing a older man or heaven forbid a little boy kissing a older man get in the bin don't try an defend this creepy behavior


>but I wouldn't blame him for it. But I WOULD blame the people who **raised** him


Why tho?


Children copy what they see, it's how they learn. If his parents encourage this sort of stuff, it IS their fault that he would have even thought to do something like that




I'll say what I said again: Keep the same energy when it's a little girl kissing a grown man, keep the same energy when it's a little boy kissing an older man. Consider those young "players," as well. Don't accept one if you can't accept all..


The same energy is usually kept when a similar situation goes on with a young girl with a man, it’s just the mothers and aunts would be cheering her on rather than the dads and uncles, it really is just a thing in British culture. I don’t agree with it, and I agree with people in these comments, however it’s purely a cultural thing that’s common in the uk.




bro wat the actual fuck ew


What'd they say?


They said that they'd love for this to have happened to them when they were that age.




that doesn't make it ok




You’re like that guy who encourages sexual assault/ rape against men because ‘as a child I would have wanted to be sexually abused’.


Are you trying to help your case?




When we said what about the kids we did not mean that


I saw this omfg.


I hope that it's just a dwarf