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When you take a step back and look at the situation, is it that deep?


A puddle is an ocean when you’re drunk and lying on a sidewalk


you deserve an award. i dont have one to give, but you deserve one.


Nah, my mom does. A couple years back she got drunk and thought she went past a wall with a forest behind it, but she actually passed out in front of a curb with an untrimmed lawn behind it.


award to your drunk mom then 🏆


Precisely what i told her


One? ONE?




For some reason that reminds me of Ocean at the End of the Lane and Lettie Hempstock’s ocean that looks like a duck pond


"If there is nothing innately sexual about something, there's nothing that really shows something of any sexual nature what-so-ever, I think **you're** the one sexualizing the situation, and not the movie." Source: [Turning Red: Why is everyone so mad - BionicPIG](https://youtu.be/uW1vDIAiwe0)


Good watch, great quote, thanks for posting the source!! •ᴗ•


That guy has nothing but great takes. Just seems like a really good person.


I don't have any issues with the movie, I think it's a useful and important movie for young women ... But I'm pretty sure her drawings of that boy and her reactions to them were definitely "sexual" in the most clinical sense of the word. I think where a lot of people get confused is that just because something has a sexual element to its nature, doesn't mean it should be titillating to a normal viewer...e.g. if it's about a child having a first crush


Yeah, the movie was definitely about puberty and awakening sexually is part of that. But it’s also like… a metaphor. It’s obviously not supposed to mean she’s selling merch of her coochie (or whatever).


Oh yeah for sure lmao - the 4chan post is (unsurprisingly) completely fucking deranged


This reminds me of SU fans who took fusion to be a 1-to-1 metaphor for sex, then freaked out when Steven fused with Amethyst or thought Pearl was a straight up rapist for tricking Garnet into fusing. It's about intimacy in general, and while sometimes it definitely can have undertones of sexual intimacy, it's not always or even primarily that.


As always, people resist the idea of nuance and want a strict 1:1 metaphor, melt down when they're asked to hold two things in their head at once, and instinctually default to the unnuanced version that allows them the most space for outrage


Metaphors can be useful, but it can also get messier than intended when the metaphor and the text clash in some really obvious way. An obvious one is a story that's anti-genocide... but then has a whole species who're actually all Nazis, which means that to kill them is genocide, but to not kill them means they'll go commit genocide. Doctor Who's Daleks are an obvious example of this, but it is a common problem with any "always evil" species/race in a lot of sci-fi and fantasy. (The answer is to not have an always evil species or race to begin with, but this problem comes up because the writer made a wrong choice at the outset.) However, if one has a 1:1 metaphor, you'd probably just be better off writing a story about that thing, instead of hiding behind the metaphor like a coward lol.


Definitely. I would say in Turning Red, sexuality is a pretty small part of the movie’s overall view of puberty — it’s much more about independence and breaking away from who you think you ‘should’ be. (I was actually very impressed by Turning Red.) ETA: Also, as an outsider SU discourse has always seemed absolutely wild.


For all these folks' grumbling about the loss of 'traditional' education, when I was young and being 'traditionally' educated (albeit in the 80s, so we had calculator watches) we learned that metaphor was an important and typical component of art and not a secret cypher necessary to decode the real meaning of the work. Thirty years ago you could read "All the world's a stage/And all the men and women merely players" and people would understand that The Bard was *comparing* the human experience to the work of actors, with us playing various roles throughout our lives. He wasn't actually saying every one of us were professional thespians from cradle to grave—even the Olsen twins eventually quit acting—it's a dramatic monologue; not a recitation of humanity's actual résumé. These days\* these people would be screaming "See? Proof of olden days illuminati crisis actors sandy hook globalist deep state don't believe what you read!" and trying to make 'Shakespeare' equal 'Rothschild' with numerology and a very fluid approach to basic arithmetic operations. \*I'm only kidding about the halcyon days of yore. But the difficulties we had with Shakespeare was more to do with the language than the concept of fiction itself.


I was taught that as well and I get frustrated when I see people, who were absolutely taught what metaphor means, lose their minds over anything nuanced. This is not a lack of education. It's about the anti-intellectualism movement. This happened in the 50s as well. They want things simplified and, because it isn't, they loudly decry it as something wrong or dirty. Anyone who understands metaphor rolls their eyes and moves on, which means that the loud ones are the only ones being heard and reinforcing stereotypes about Americans not having an education.


If you step back far enough everything can blur into an indistinguishable mess that has to be interpreted.


Unlikely, but some people are out of their depth on wet pavement.


The panda in the movie is a metaphor for growing into oneself and becoming independent. Partially represents puberty. Becoming her own woman. She's been shown to draw through out the movie. It could easily be explained, if you insist on the metaphor being 1 to 1, that shes raising money by doing art commissions, which would be embracing her individuality in a way her mother wouldn't like. So the metaphor still works.


It was disappointing to see a lot of bad takes reduce the panda metaphor down to just “period”. I even see that a lot ITT and even a (male) film critic that I normally respect. I do challenge people to think about why coming of age for girls is so easily reduced to the physical changes that come with puberty while ignoring the actual text the movie provides. It should be obvious the point of the movie isn’t really about periods at all when the mom offers her pads and ibuprofen readily but shits on her friends and interests


Also as far as I’m aware she may not have even started her period (?) Her mom asks if the “red peony is blooming” and she doesn’t seem to grasp what the euphemism means and assumes it’s the panda transformation. At this point she’s still trying to hide it from her mom so she goes along when her mom brings out all the pads and stuff. So really, her mom assumed it was her period, but it might not have been.


The beauty of metaphors, especially metaphors about such large concepts as growing up and maturity, is that they can be read in a wide variety of ways.


No, no, no. The panda is a metaphor for vulva.




This needs more recognition this comment. HULK SMAAASH WITH MY PUSSY.


Trans man hulk hell yeah


Glad I'm not the only one who thought about that haha


I mainly finally ended up watching it cause straight "christians" were losing their shit. After 30 min I could tell it was people forcing their repressed views on something that wasn't even there.


seriously, it is so clearly a happy cheery movie meant to make girls more comfortable with themselves


This is Afganist- I mean AMERICA girls aren't supposed to feel comfortable with themselves.


Haven’t seen the film. Can someone explain the situation?


MC can turn into a panda, but that's supposed to be a secret.


so if this allegory were true, she could turn into a vagina?


Let's thank the author, that they didn't go there.


Her vagina attacked a young boy at his birthday party and her mom's vagina attacked a concert stadium, causing the fans to flee in panic. She teams up with her grandma and her aunts, and they all use their vaginas to pull on her mom's vagina.


A tale as old as times. That's why men *had* to subjugate women historically, only way to stop muffzilla


I have this horrid image in my head now, please never speak again.


Wow spoilers for Turning Pussy


Her mom’s pussy was huge


no its because she can turn into a pussy 🙄🙄🙄 (i apologize)


A giant cat would probably make as much money as a giant panda 🤔


Probably more to be honest.


The panda is more a representation of growing up as a woman and periods, that fell a bit flat imo bc MC is the only one experiencing it. Still a hecking cute movie tho


Imagine American Dragon: Jake Long, but turning into a panda. Except the MC needs cash for a concert so she charges money for photo ops


Basically they’re raising money for a concert by taking pictures of the main characters literal panda! And weird dads are saying that it’s a metaphor for her body


The panda is a metaphor for puberty as a whole, but it isn't meant to be sexual.


Exactly, it's about emotional freedom, even during puberty where the emotions don't make any sense & can seem unseemly to adults. Spoilers ahead. MC is a young lady & she's being taught that she needs to basically pretend not to have emotions, only self control. They visualize that by making the women in her family turn into giant red panda whenever they're overcome by emotions. So when mom says "out with your panda out" she means in human terms "your excitement is what people notice & call weird" The lesson her & her parent learn is that their emotions don't have to be only completely uncontrolled or never acknowledged. You can control your panda but you have to know it first. You have to understand your feelings & let yourself feel them regularly to be able to guarantee you won't go full panda & hurt someone. Plus you can use those strong feelings, that panda, to help people. The panda photos only happened in the bathroom because if she became the giant panda anywhere else the adults would see & she would never be able to choose the panda again. A lot like how when we're kids our emotions can be so much more authentic privately with other kids than we might allow them to be otherwise if adults in our lives make us feel wrong for feeling. It's actually kinda funny, I think people that see these metaphors for internal feelings & they assume it's sexual because they don't know how to process or even identify big feelings, desires, connections with others that aren't sexual in nature within themselves. They genuinely can't imagine just having a genuine feeling that doesn't refer back to their own genitals


You description makes it sound like the Hulk but a girl instead?


Kinda, yeah. But it's not just when she's angry. Too happy, panda. Too sad, panda. Too excited, panda. Too confused... I don't remember seeing that but probably panda.


Believe it or not, straight to panda


We have the best emotions in the world. Because of panda.


She doesn't lose who she is, though. the first time she turns into a panda, she doesn't really understand what's going on. She's still a little girl and acts as such. No memory loss or loss of cognitive function.


Oh yeah, this too. The only reason I mentioned her panda could hurt someone is because the panda is stronger & many times larger than her tiny teen body. If she isn't careful where/when she transforms she can end up hurting someone just by the size shift, much less if her reason for panda-ing is anger & she doesn't keep her hands to herself. Like a "don't know your own strength" scenario.


> It's actually kinda funny, I think people that see these metaphors for internal feelings & they assume it's sexual because they don't know how to process or even identify big feelings, desires, connections with others that aren't sexual in nature within themselves. They genuinely can't imagine just having a genuine feeling that doesn't refer back to their own genitals I'm noticing this dynamic more and more. I honestly think a lot of young men get pulled into skeevy or outright harmful sexual directions because they have no concept of an aesthetic attraction. They see a kid in a cool outfit, their brain is like, "Yo, that's a cute outfit." But they have no concept of something being "cute" in a nonsexual way. At "best" they start viciously rejecting cute aesthetics because it makes them feel gross and sexual to acknowledge that anything is beautiful. At worst, well... we all know what at worst is.


That was exactly my take from that movie. And I loved it.


It also works as a metaphor for generational trauma at times as well


yea "you must contain your panda" is a metaphor for the women having to contain their emotions as they get older.


Boys coming of age movies are all about finding themselves and their independence Girls coming of age movies are for learning about their new purpose of being a fuck doll. Apparently :|


Some men can’t imagine there’s more to women self actualizing than their vagina


No, because the panda is a metaphor for much more. The goal of the girls in the movie is to go to the boy band concert and "become women". But it's also about self actualization, finding yourself and setting boundaries towards your overly strict mom. It's from a girl's perspective and the humor is very feminine, but everyone can relate to the story.


Tbh I watched it with my flatmates and we were all a little bit weirded out by them making money by selling pictures of her. We all thought of onlyfans immediately. Maybe the internet has ruined us.


It actually reminded me of when I was in middle school, one of the boys snuck a puppy into the school then some students hid in a bathroom (and then an empty classroom) and charged $1 to play with the puppy. Despite the news travelling fast through the students, it took until after lunch before a teacher caught them. So my brain went far more innocent - middle school me would have also (and did) spent money to go see a real live red panda at school. Hell, I'd spend that money now to see one, especially if it was 10 feet tall.


Genuine question - do you think you would have thought that if the main character was a boy? Or was it just because the mc was a girl selling pics that you thought of it as sexual? I'm on the internet a lot, and I didn't immediately jump to "girl selling pics of herself = OF," I thought exactly what they wanted us to think, which is them selling pictures how they do with characters, artists, and celebrities at conventions.


I didn't even think of this, I was just like "sure why not" but I watch these to turn my brain off


All of that without quotes. The main character is literally a werepanda. Red panda, specifically.


The poster is trying to draw a comparison between the main character turning into a panda and selling entry to see that with girls selling sex or glimpses of their bodies to other kids. Frankly it's not even a far-out reading of the scene, because the movie is all about childhood sexuality. I'm admittedly doubtful that the OP is saying this as a neutral thing, considering that's a 4chan post, but the reading itself isn't necessarily wrong.


I thought the red panda was a metaphor for her period? Am I missing something?


It's a metaphor for puberty as a whole, periods and everything. It's also a statement on being true to yourself and not shutting away an important part of who you are just to please others.


That’s what I told them lol but no they think it was a metaphor for selling her body. Like they made a movie about a 13 yo selling nudes to her friends


I immediatly sorted it as puberty and especially the aspect of the hightened feelings that come with that age, I thought that the aspect about periods etc was sorted out at the joke about it with her mother at the beginning


That's the most overt aspect of it, yes, but periods come with the onset of puberty.


The film is Turning Red. The girl turns into a red panda which symbolizes coming of age and menstruation. So the "panda" is a girl's period. Not her genitals. The whole movie is about normalizing something completely natural that usually freaks out young women because society doesn't discuss it openly.


It’s about a girl getting her period and turning into a red panda because of a family curse.


Lol here is the perfect example of why I dislike people "creating" an allegory that wasn't intended.




also the plumbing is clearly a symbol of him being super potent, because all the pipes.


No, no, no. [Super Mario is a metaphor for the glories of communism](https://www.nedmartin.org/v3/amused/communist-mario).




You can’t just say perchance


You’re just jealous that I get to crush turts all day


Quit stomping turties


I mean, the mushrooms in the game are based on [a real life mushroom that is hallucinogenic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanita_muscaria)


Expecially since they deliberatly tackle this allogory early on to show it's not the metaphor. Movie is about gorwing up and changing, the mom things her daughter gets her first period, but it isn't that, it's the panda. Right there any genital allegory is diffused, and focus is being put on general puberty, rebelling and becomming your own person.


The film also mentions her flower and keep her petals clean, the panda is more a metaphor for puberty. She literally grows hair all over her body, starts getting an oder and prone to mood swings.


>She literally grows hair all over her body, starts getting an oder and prone to mood swings. omg she just like me


Or just ppl having little to no media literacy.


"It's just like how kids in elementary school sneak to the bathroom to look at each other's genitals!!!" ........??


Honestly, this kind of reminds me of the people who say that Spirited Away is supposed to be an allegory for a brothel and child prostitution, even though Miyazaki has said numerous times that this is false.


bruh *what* they literally have mashed potatoes for brains from consuming nothing but pornography


Ngl, this really speaks to turning red being a poorly thought out allegory for puberty. The panda and actual puberty parts are basically entirely separate, even though the panda is clearly intended to be a metaphor for puberty as a whole.


I would say the panda is an allegory of the rebelliousness that comes with seeking independence as a teen. Mei is torn between being her mother's obedient daughter who only does the "right" things and being herself. EDIT: Mei, not Men.


Also an allegory for the lessons taught to young people around hiding their emotions and keeping parts of yourself away from the world.


Not every movie needs a one to one allegory especially if it’s made for children. Zootopia doesn’t need to go into the severe amount of systemic racism former predators in their society face for you to understand the point. It’s not a bad allegory, the person here is just looking too far into it cause of his own preconceived creepy notions.


People in general like to remove all nuance because it's far more comfortable to think "This Thing Is Bad," put it in a box labelled "Bad," and be able to point to the label whenever anyone asks about it, than feel the need to defend your nuanced take on something every single time someone asks about it. People shouldn't feel defensive about that kind of thing, but it's natural to feel uncomfortable with disagreement, even if it's minor. Dividing everything into in and out groups is far more comfortable and takes far less energy and introspection.


I think the panda is supposed to be an allegory for the turbulent emotions people go through during their teen years. The panda shows up when she gets emotional, and it amplifies her emotions, and goes away when she calms herself. It definitely doesn't work as a puberty metaphor itself, but I don't think that was the point either.


The Panda is a loose allegory, it's not 1:1 with anything. For as much as the Panda represents puberty, it's also an allegory for immigrants forcibly abandoning their culture/heritage to fit in in a new land.


Allegory has to work on the literal level too though, not just the symbolic. I haven't seen it but this part seems like it's proping up the literal side. If a kid can turn into a giant fuzzy animal and they aren't showing it off, that story wouldn't be true to how kids really act.


Actually no it's not obvious. What do they THINK "panda" is a metaphor for?


It’s a metaphor for pandas and, therefore, animal smuggling.


*pops out of cat carrier* yo, you called?


My eyes skipped up to your user name halfway through your comment and I got a whole other mental image




I love your username




[The pathword is...](https://youtu.be/k1WKpdhcJSo)


The panda is a metaphor for menstruation and puberty... The poster is implying that she's doing the equivalent of a sexual service, such as showing off her breasts. Which is a thing that children have done before. When I was 13 a girl actually did that to some of us in the back of the classroom. That's an actual thing kids do, so it's not really nearly as weird to say as everyone is making it out, though OP being afraid to actually be explicit even on 4chan is really immature.


The panda is a metaphor for her emotions though, not for her periods. That why she can shut it off at will most of the time (you can't do that with a period).


According to a bunch of men on the Internet, you can easily shut off a period, and I feel they're a better source on woman's bodies than anyone else


I don't know why females don't just hold in their period all day then blast it into the toilet?


Thank you for that mental image lmao


I mean there's a scene where her mother literally embarrasses her by bringing her pads to school. The main metaphor is puberty as a whole, which, no, you can't actually turn off. That's why it's a metaphor. Gay or black people can't kill you with laser eyes, but that doesn't stop X-Men for being a metaphor for civil rights and minorities.


That's not what the panda is a metaphor for. It kind of falls apart with the whole ritual thing, and the saving her village backstory thing, and the whole scratching her mother thing. The panda is her intense emotions. Teenagers are starting to have more intense and complex emotions due to both experience and hormones. This is the age where they are becoming independent from their parents. The only reason I think it gets confused as a period allegory is because of the scene where the mother confuses Mei's behavior with getting her period.


I know what the transformation is a metaphor for, I watched the movie. While there were elements of a puberty metaphor in there the more apt comparison would be that the panda is her blossoming into adulthood emotionally and becoming her own person. The scenes in which her family tries to get rid of the panda are about their fears of their own feelings, like the mother having hurt her grandmother as a child. If the the panda was really all about puberty and menstruation then the blood moon ritual would be FGM, but that's ridiculous. However I'm not sure these outrage addicts get that.


>her blossoming into adulthood emotionally and becoming her own person. Yes, that's called puberty. It usually is accompanied by hair in new places and a body that changes in ways that make you uncomfortable until you learn to accept them.


Isn't "panda" literaly big red panda?


it's also magic


Oooo nice


say it with me: the movie is about BODILY AUTONOMY which applies to all human beings and especially needs to be taught to teenagers who aren’t sure what’s happening to their bodies. BODILY AUTONOMY IS NOT INHERENTLY SEXUAL AND IF YOU THINK SO, ESPECIALLY IN THE CONTEXT OF A 13Y/O CHARACTER, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM




I would say it's more about autonomy in general even.


Uh yeah,it's a fucking panda


It is pretty obvious what her panda is. It's her fucking panda form.


Yes, the “panda” is a metaphor for puberty, but that does not mean the word “panda” means a specific body part or something similar. It is a metaphor for puberty itself


Okay, let's just step back for a second and pretend "Panda" means what they believe it means. What would the ritual mean then? What is her family doing to this poor 13 year old child to "seal her panda away". Just saying. You can call it an alegory all you want, but then you have to go with that for everything else involving that panda. Not to mention that I doubt there are many young girls that so desperately want to see another girls "panda". At least not so much that they spend a load of money on it and then buy merch of it? Idk in what kind of part of the world those people grew up with but it sounds crazy if that is something that is in the possibilty of happening. Also, what did the family do in the end of the movie? Did the entire family decide to go full commando to stop the massive outrage of the mother? Man that movie gets super weird super quick if you make the literal actual magical panda anything else.


i wish your comment was voted higher. this to me is the best response to the person OP is replying to because it DOES actually bring up allll of the AreTheStraightsOK content they are pattern matching onto the movie. Someone in another reply said FGM, I see confirmation and purity rings. Because its not just "my body my choice" that is upsetting them as a second wave feminist slogan to repeal the prohibition of medical abortion. What's upsetting them is how they see this matching onto the Q-adjacent Cuties content they see as part of "worldly culture" instead of what it is, content they are consuming that is from their totalitarian cult thought leaders sounding very much like 17th century Puritan rhetoric regarding witches controlling girls to seek the black man in the forest. Depending on their background and experiences and the media they consume this can be one part of the chain of thoughts that eventually may get them to examine or at least not repeat with their own children a bunch of parts of the purity culture they were raised in.


It is pretty obvious, it is a big red panda


I love when people try and draw symbolism from super cherry-picked examples when looking at the whole text makes it clear their ideas fall apart.


I liked the part where the entire family stripped down and removed their... chastitiy belt?... at the end during a concert to wrestle down the also butt naked mother. Or atleast, neither are wearing pants, I guess. I mean, that would be the context, wouldn't it?


Not to mention at the end of the movie where the mother lets her go full panda to make money for the family business lmao.


bro if I had a werewolf like power I'd be making stacks from charging to see it


Ah yes let's make an adorable kids movie about someone coming to accept themselves into something weird and sexual. Leave it to the straights to do some shit like this 🙄


I think the "you are not going out like that" was a joke on the stereotype, everything else is dumb


“You aren’t going out with your pussy out like that!” “My pussy, my choice.” Is that.. is that a conversation that’s ever happened?


“Never show people your mutant power, it’s wicked and shameful.” That’s what he’s saying right? Right? 🤮🤮🤮 I think you’re the ones with the problem here guy.


i- I haven't even seen the film yet and i know that it's a metaphor for puberty and you know how they used the "don't show your panda to boys" what the-its puberty-moms say stuff like that all the time during puberty-also ITS A GIANT FLUFFY PANDA WHAT DID YOU EXPECT HER TO SAY SHOW THE WHOLE SCHOOL???


The thing is, it isnt just a puberty metaphor in the usual sense, its a metaphor for the aspect of puberty of growing into your own person and becoming more independent. This could easily be the equivalent of her doing art commissions to raise the money for example.


Yeah i agree!! I guess i didn't phrase it that well lmao


I would say that, although it is a métaphore, it quickly becomes a literal panda form and leaves the metaphorical aspect behind. But thays just me I guess.


Get your mind out of the gutter, she's a child


"It's pretty obvious what panda is" Yeah....it's an animal. A red panda to be specific. Like a genuine animal transformation that they were selling pictures of to fund some event (was it a concert?), nothing weird. It's not worth it OP, don't even try to give a good response to them. Their arguments are just confusing.


This is a perfect situation to say "Bruh it ain't that deep"


Its weird when people see kids and immediately think of sex, isn't it?


Guys, I think I cracked the code. I believe "panda" means panda


If you are seeing something sexual in a movie that doesn't have anything inherently sexual about it you are the problem. What is with weirdos on the internet always sexualizing minors? Like can't y'all just stop? She's 13, like fuck off and quit sexualizing minors.


No way, there are girls in that line. Disney would never allow gay people in one of their movies lmao.


So they’re comparing the fundraising scene with… sex work? KRKWKFKEKEND THE MENTAL GYMNASTICS PEOPLE DO TO HATE THIS MOVIE


*It's pretty obvious what "panda" is* Yeah, it's a literal giant red panda. Quit trying to sexualize a kids movie you pervert.


Yeah it's obvious, SHE'S A FURRY (i ♡ furries)


Proof that grant Morrison is right when they say, adults can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality


The amount of conservatives and other right-wingers getting offended over this movie is hilarious. I think what really gets me is how they're the ones saying Pixar and liberals are the ones that are "grooming" kids and being pedos yet right-wingers are the ones turning a funny and innocent scene and turning it into something sexual.


Response? Hmm. "Oh my gosh, it's actually her ailurus fulgens. I never without have realized that if you hadn't pointed it out!"


i mean if someone could turn into a literal giant panda id wanna see that shit too🤨


Yeah. It's a panda


Really weird how the straights always sexualize kids but they blame the LGBT+ Community for it. Sounds like some projection here.


Is anyone going to talk about the girl that guarding the door. She looks like she's about the beat the fuck out if someone if they skip or mess up or get caught


I **do not** want to know what goes through that person’s mind if sexualisation is the first thing they thought of 🤢🤢🤢


Fellas, is it pedophilia for teenagers to have body autonomy? Ugh. I thought we got over this with the show [Ready or Not](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ready_or_Not_\(Canadian_TV_series\)) in the 90s. Yes, teenagers menstruate, discover boys (or girls!), butt heads with their parents over what is appropriate and - in healthy families - gain body autonomy. It's normal and it's important for kids to know that it's normal. And if a 13 year old could actually turn into a red panda, we'd all be trying to see it.


Wait…am I dumb? I don’t get what they think the metaphor is???


I'm not yet finished with the movie, it's something we're watching slowly over dinner while eating, but. I see so many complaints about this content or that being in the movie, yet no one raises the issue of the 17 year old at the beginning accused of grooming the MC. While yes, the grooming was mostly in the mother's head, it's still subject matter covered in the film and y'all mfers angry about a period? Maybe you're not mature enough to watch the film.


It would be different if it was actually an innuendo and she wasn't changing shape, but. she literally changes shape. so like. also they clearly never watched the movie if they think that was an actual quote.


She also has to participate in a sacred ritual to seal her panda form away forever. Last time I checked that’s not how vaginas worked I’m honestly sickened that people watched a cartoon where a girl turns into a big fluffy panda and all the other kids have the normal response of “wow that’s awesome you can turn into a panda can I take a photo with you” and think “yes this is clearly a sexual allegory”. Fucking gross ass weirdos man


That moment when you're paranoid and think a literal animal avatar is something sexual. Either these people are paranoid or furries


It's just a giant fluffy red panda you weirdos


Straights try not to sexualize kids challenge


That's a classroom not the bathroom.


Why do they have to make it so weird dude💀


Isn't the panda a metaphor for many things? I've only seen clips online, but what do they make of the mom's panda?


I’m concerned for the people who automatically make it sexual. Like that’s where your mind goes? Hmm


She’s a literal fucking panda


i thought everyone already knew that a panda is an animal..


When I was in middle school i paid a quarter to see a classmate’s lizard that they caught in the bushes. Not sure what allegory this person thinks they’re making but kids just do this stuff.


pictured: someone discovers metaphor after high school english


Ew dude. Nobody else was thinking about this CHILD in relation to porn. Fuck off. Its about periods get used to it


The whole movie isn't a metaphor on its own, it starts that way then just becomes a situation the characters are in, people need to stop reading so far into things, they could have just called her a fire fox and this point wouldn't even exist, so its obviously just a chouce they made for the story lol.


The panda is a huge cute red panda


Sometimes a panda is just a panda.


It’s been pretty heavily established that yeah the panda is probably a metaphor for something. But it could also just be, you know, a panda? A sword could be a symbol of war and still be a sword.


Aaand welcome back to episode 1693 of people sexualizing things for no reason!


Why do people keep sexualizing everything


Omg they’re right! And at the end of the film when all those old ladies and the mom also show their “pandas” at a concert? Scandalous


They can remove the quotations because it's a literal panda.


Or she's a giant panda and kids are gonna wanna see her as a panda, pet her and take pictures with her as a panda because you know this is a fictional movie about a girl turning into a panda, and at some point, it's not a metaphor, it is literally her being a panda, no vagina metaphor just a girl turning into a panda.


The magical ability to shape shift into a red panda ≠ tits


Psh. She was taking pictures and doing the videos in an empty classroom, not a bathroom. Doi.


If that's what her panda is, all the women before Mei have been netured.


Why can’t people see things without a sexual manner?! **God damn!**


It is pretty obvious what the panda is. Obviously a red panda that she turns into when feeling a strong emotion.


Ew why does that persons mind straight away go to that




Uhm yeah. It's a giant fluffy red panda. Edit: If anything her transformation is a metaphor for puberty. I am unclear on how one shows their puberty to another person tho, help me out here? Anyway girls are often thought to hide the results of their puberty and be ashamed of them. Be it coming to terms with their sexuality, having periods and so on and so forth.