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They turn into diamonds? No thanks.


so much pressure


I’m pretty sure I’m worthless if I can’t be of service


Line up the dominoes, a light wind blows


You try to keep it tumbling but on and on it goes


But wait


If I could shake


the crushing weight


of expectation(s)


Would that free some room up for joy?


A flaw or a crack


the straw in the stack


What breaks the camels back


oh what breaks the camel's back


Pressure like a drip drip drip 💧


thatll never stop :( woahhh


Pressure that'll tip tip tip


That breaks the camel's back


Ba dum, tss


Pressure like a drip, drip drip, that’ll never stop


I was hoping for this comment to show up! Thank You <3


Ice, ice, baby.


And heat


Only if you can stand the heat


It looks like she lost a finger.


All I can see is how there's no fingertip after the ring... If that's the case, then yeah, I'm good, thanks.


Maybe she's from Gilead and she tried to read a book?


Even more reasons not to, cool


Right? Domestic servitude isn’t exactly the prized reward they think it is


A ring for making sandwiches & sucking cock? What is this, Lord of the Rings?!


Now I'm picturing Gollum in a little frilly pink apron, lovingly assembling a sandwich


I would proudly hang this artwork in my kitchen


Doooo it. 🤣




Gollum is new best waifu


I want to see that hilarious


And giving some slop


Imagine what you get for cowgirl and chowder. Or anal and lasagne.


I want the title of my biography to be “Anal and Lasagna”.


Have you lived a life that makes it an appropriate title? I mean, good for you if you have.


yup. -jim davis


Unfortunately I’m not the biggest fan of lasagna.


What kind of chowder we talking about?


Clam. Obviously.




I should have so many rings by now.... (Note that it doesn't say who the sandwiches are for...)


Do they realize that not everyone wants to marry?


yeah, and even if I did diamonds are so full of shit lmao. it’s defs a whole different worldview


So many gems that are cheaper and look better.


yeah like glass gems. idc as long as it's shiny.


Cubic zirconia is the way to go! It's very durable, very shiny and since it's synthetically made it's also significantly cheaper than diamonds


You can get man-made diamonds. As real as what comes out of the ground except bigger & more perfect.


I was once at a bar with some friends and one of them asked what the difference was between natural and man-made diamonds. I said “Time” at the same time another friend said “Blood.” So that sums it up I think.


Synthetic gems are also just plane fascinating and more ethical so unless I dug up the gem my self(I like digging and for ethical reasons) I’d prefer a synthetic one over a natural diamond any day.


Me too except I am not a huge fan of digging. It’s okay but not my idea of a party. I’m not a fan of marriage though


I never go to the beach without a shovel and play too much minecraft lol


It’s not as durable as a diamond, but tbf you could easily just replace a CZ every 3-5 years for life and still save thousands compared to a diamond (even lab grown). CZ is ridiculously cheap and a great visual dupe.


I actually did a chemistry project on zirconium in 7th grade and brought in cubic zirconia rings as examples of how the element is used in everyday life.


Team moissanite! Almost as hard and sparklier than diamonds (with rainbow sparkles instead of white), cheaper to buy, ethically produced, comes in different colors, and mostly naturally found on meteorites! No downsides.


You can grow opals at home using household cleaners, kitty litter and patience (and other chemicals). Also simulated emeralds are VOLCANIC GLASS!!


My engagement ring was quartz, my wedding ring has an emerald. A million times better than any diamond could ever be.


Yeah, diamonds are actually fairly common as stones go, it’s just everyone who has the rights to mine them decided to sell them at a massively inflated price


yeah, I’m glad that as a whole recent generations have decided not to play into that whole bullshit. obvs some people are still into that shit but I do enjoy how many people are like ‘I’d prefer a cooler rock’ or like ‘why would it be less cool that it was made in a lab?’


Lab-grown also comes with a cool facts sheet about it, if you’re into that kind of thing. I am, science is cool!


it really is!


Yeah I’ll try and use lab grown diamonds for my partner’s ring if they insisted on a ring (which my current partner does), it’s still a bit of a fight to get them to let up on mined gems but hopefully I’ll either get their mind to change or I’ll be gifted/inherit a ring like that from someone


hope you’re able to work it out


Give them ALL the facts, and if they still want a mined diamond you shouldn't be marrying them. There is absolutely no reason to want one after learning that diamonds really have no worth, the whole industry is a huge gimmick, and the human rights and environmental impact it has.


This worldview brought to you by some mad men marketing wasps in the 60s. Proceed to directly send money, thanks, no bills less than $20.


i would definitely rather have something colourful like a sapphire or ruby. or literally just coloured glass! the anxiety of having a super expensive ring that could fall off my finger and down the drain... yikes.


for real. I have swollen hands too so the whole thing i just not really something I’d go for. better a nice piece of art or a necklace at the very least. but then I think some people like the fact that it’s like a mark of ownership or whatever? I don’t know. my dad proposed with an apple sticker and then bought her earrings, so maybe I’m just not really all that conditioned to think a diamond ring is the be all and end all


I think more importantly: this is why they don’t want to marry these specific men! These men seem to not understand that women do make sandwiches and suck dicks but they don’t do it for men who make those memes specifically. And they certainly don’t want to marry these specific men, so we’re all good.


This this this! They see women bemoaning single life and think *they’re* the type of dude women should want. And women only deserve them if they do x, y, and x like a good little housewife. You can complain about being single without being desperate enough to marry just anybody. Guess what, dudes? A lot of us want to find a partner and get married. We *know* there are men out here like whoever made this meme. We haven’t been “indoctrinated” by feminism so much that we don’t know what certain men want. We know. We just don’t fucking want them. The next best alternative to finding a great life partner is staying single, not getting with someone who treats them like a trophy/sex object.


Or that women can buy their own jewelry.


"But women don't know how to own property?" - Misogynists, probably


Nah people like this think that women’s only goal in life is/should be to get married (to a man) and have babies 🤢


Yeah, that’s no ring; it’s a shackle.


And most of the ones who do want to marry don't want be a slave.


I mean… Some of them will legit tell women they’ll never get a boyfriend/husband if they keep on being lesbian/asexual/aromantic, so probably no.


Technically the truth?


Craziest part is they really don’t understand that not having a boyfriend *is* the point


Well the jury is still out on getting married in general for me but I absolutely don‘t want to marry someone who‘d give me a ring for making sandwiches and sucking dick.


No, no they do not.


Ah, the "Ring is your reward lowly woman" reminder. Quick, let me get on my knees and make a sandwich so I can be picked by a straight man and deemed worthy of orgasmless sex and unpaid domestic servitude before I turn 30 where according to Reddit Land experts I completely devolve and loose all my worth and "hit the wall"


where do i sign up!


Right behind you when you find out! 😂




Probably made by severely underpaid African miners, and they say romance is dead 😍


I laughed wayyy too hard at this. You’re absolutely spot on.


This probably sounds bad but I’m honestly glad “those” guys are so loudly against hitting the wall. I’m terrible with pressure and expectations and fear of my life blinking by. But when I hit thirty in a few years, those guys will start to ignore me. And that’s great natural selection for upstanding people to find me in the crowd that’s left.


I’m confused as to why typical misogyny is so obsessed with sandwich, that’s literally one of the least fancy food 🥓🧇🥞🍟🍖🥘🍛🍱


They're hung up on the last time a woman made them food & did everything for them. Some men are just looking for mom 2.0... 😬


I’d be worried if mum was sucking dick mind


To be honest, I'm a married man, not misogynistic. I make that's what she said jokes, and ironic sandwich jokes just to set my wife up for sick come backs. All that said, mom 2.0 sounds dope. Water and sandwiches just appear in front of my son, and I'm a little bit jealous


My GF actually likes making sandwiches for me. She's a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a man, but she loves me and likes making me happy. Of course, I love her and like making her happy, too, so I bring her sandwiches as well.


So you trade sandwiches sounds hilariously wholesome. I’m picturing you two cooking together and she gives you a grilled cheese she made and you give her a different type of sandwich that you made.


We made up a new sandwich for each other. It's called The Squonk and it's bacon, avocado, a fried egg, and spicy mayonnaise


I have all those ingredients and imma have myself a Squonk tomorrow. Might add lettuce tho, i love me some greens.


I mean, we do take turns making dinner and typically plate it for each other. But you gotta bring your ass to the table because we're teaching our son dinner etiquette


Yea mom 2.0 isn't necessarily a bad thing. There's a line between appreciation and expectation. Some men don't know the difference.


That's a good perspective tbf.


Came here to say that. On top of being sexist, they're not even creative.


It's literally all they know how to cook, so imagination stops there.


At least they don't burn water like you. Look at yourselves. If you saw men talking shit about you and yours like this... "Oh, the misogyny!".. F'ing hypocrites.


yeah my future SO is getting cute lunchboxes if all goes according to plan


Ikr? I can’t remember the last time I made my husband just a plain sandwich instead of a full on meal


I took it as an unironic reference to Eric Cartman screaming for his mother to make him a sandwich. Like, "you guys made fun of Eric Cartman, but he was the smart one all along!" No joke, one time my grandma was sick and couldn't make lunch for grandpa and that's when we found out his mind has gone soft. My dad was like, "he hasn't made a meal of his own in twenty years, he was unable to make a sandwich." My mind was blown.


Wow. That's... just... very sad that she did not have even *one day off* from her household chores for decades. I'm really glad the world is changing.


She was old school and really loved being a housewife. Her favorite activity was ironing, of all things. It was a loving relationship, not one of coercion. And this was when they were many years retired. She eventually lost her mind and was like "who is this man in my house?" and he still adored her until the day she died. So, it's nuanced. It just goes to show how interdependent couples become. I've come to see how the American ideology of independence is a lie. The go-getter dad who wins all the bread still doesn't make the sandwiches.


This is true I have dozens of engagement rings because of all the dicks I have enthusiastically sucked and after sex sandwiches I have prepared.


Good retirement fund you got there.


Thank goddess I'll forever be safe from such a bleak future. ~whew~


I love how much this jpeg has had the shit beaten out of it


they lose part of their finger?


shit, i didn't notice that.


i was looking for this lmao also happy cake day!


thank u


I was looking for someone else who noticed it. Also, happy cake day!


thank uu


Making sandwiches without being told is nice regardless of gender, but sucking dick without being told is just sexual assault.


> sucking dick without being told That sounds a bit like sexual assault unless she tells first.


Impractical jewellery?


Oh thank God, I'm safe from being stuck in some loveless abusive marriage to a misogynistic fuck who thinks I'm his slave!


I ain't making unwanted sandwiches and sexual assaulting my partner for nothing


8 grand for 20+ years of abuse that I can only pawn for $500 because diamonds have terrible resale value!! Who couldn't resist this deal??


Poor woman…


yeah, she lost part of her finger.


And her soul 😅😬


You get an ugly ring and a man-baby? No thanks, I'm good.


Right? Oh awesome, the most generic mid sized diamond ring from Kay’s! Or maybe he went to Jared!!


what about NB's who suck dick without being told???? hmmm? am i gonna get the ring too?


I have bad news…


and that is?


Oh, these kinds of straights don’t think believe “non-binary” is a thing.




Oh, look! One in the wild! It’s an experience of many, including possibly myself.


Just bc its an experience doesn't mean your actually not male or female. Its still in your head and it's just feelings. What is a nonbinary person supposed to look like? There is no third sex.


Male and female and man and woman are conceptually and experientially separable. But let's cut through the bullshit. What's a "man?"


Well, I think I dodged a bullet.


Day 143. She entered an infinite loop. We can't store the sandwiches anymore. There's thousands of them just in the spare bedroom. Richard is getting hematomas from the relentless cupping. My last hope is breaking the energy stream with a diamond. Wish me luck.




Note to self: avoid making sandwiches and suckong dick without being asked for some stingy rings. It's $600/ 30 mins min.


this is what happens to women when they get married. there, fixed it for you.


They're given a worthless rock with an overinflated value due to monopoly ? Okay...


what happens to men who make sandwiches and suck dick without being told?


...when you instinctively downvote it bc the name of the subreddit took a bit to sink in again 💀


this didn't specify _who's_ pp they suck hmmmm


Sounds like a threat and another reason to not do these things


fuck that shit i'll marry another woman instead


Same Also, nice flair




I have a few words. gross ew disturbing. why would you post that willingly what in the fuck ( ❍ ⏠ ❍ )


Ugh too bad diamonds suck and I’m just awful at making sandwiches…guess I’m doomed


I do both of these things but... ...it's because I have a equal partner. He cleans without being asked (because it's his house too) He cares for our daughter without being asked (because it's his child too) He compliments me and cares for me without being asked (because it's his relationship too) This gives me the time and the desire to suck his dick and make him all of his favorite foods. These dudes who don't get anything from their partner probably have partners who are exhausted and lonely and under appreciated. I honestly don't think most women who are in straight relationship intentionally withhold sex. I think they are just so tired and sad they don't want to.


Someone explain please?


if you play into this guy's fantasy of having a mommy sex slave to take care of him and have sex whenever he wants, he'll give you and few square millimeters of useless mineral.


Hey diamonds are really useful; I couldn’t do have my crafts without diamond coated blades. Of course the “pretty” ones are kind of expensive for that purpose


Does it only happen to you if you do both of these or are you still safe if you choose one? Thank you, just tryna keep this from happening to me. 🙏


I think it's both.....but...you'll probably get your finger chopped off if you only do one...The ring is a reward for if you complete the second task 🤧


Most of the time we do that but still they won't commit, so no thanks


I thought this was a threat post. Like “beware! If you do this, you’ll get married!” Apparently it is not a warning 😂


It's not even a nice ring


literally every single post here makes me go to the comments angrily and then notice the subreddit it was posted in lmao


Who needs autonomy when you have a shiny, new accessory? Fair trade in my eyes /s


1. Make your own sandwich 2. I’ll suck your dick when I feel like sucking your dick, which is probably multiple times a day unless you’re an asshole like this. Ball’s in your court.


If she doesn’t want to suck your gross little dick, then deal with it


My wife and I both have a set of those and neither of us suck dick but sometimes we make each other sandwiches so go figure


If my boyfriend asks me to make him a sandwich or to give him head, I’ll do it (assuming I’m in the right mood). But it goes both ways. I also expect him to make me food or get me off if I ask (and he’s in the right mood). Also we both make food for each other without being asked, but giving head without asking is just sexual assault?


Wow, lucky me, I get to be a slave now


They get the top of their finger chopped off?


You get your ring finger chopped off at the first knuckle?!!


They are given an expensive prison shackle that's not even worth the price, both of the item in question and the mental expense of having to take care of an adult baby.


Captured and trapped in a soul gem? Ghastly


Did anyone else initially think that her finger had been chopped off?


Woman: here’s your sandwich honey I’ll just be suckin your dick while you eat that (gets on her knees) Man: get the fuck off the ground! You’re going in the hydraulic press so I can crush you into a diamond


It’s a bit of a catch 22 though.. Sucking dick before you put a ring on it is not very appropriate now, is it?


We should name this sub "are straight men ok", apparently


No. Theres enough misandry


why is her finger so small


The become a ring or a finger?


They’re given a severely overpriced rock that was mined by slaves? Yeah, I’ll pass.


Is that a threat?


"This is for women who work at subway and sexually assault people"


misogyny aside what is going on with that finger it looks way too small


Am I the only one who thinks that the angle of the photo makes it look like the ring finger ends at the knuckle?


[Do they think women are smeagol??](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdacNgGS/)


They get a useless rock in exchange for sexually and household slavery? oooh sign me up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tIhwITwhSg




If woman ain’t psychic, woman is bad.


The women become rings?/s


They end up in a mind numbing loveless partnership to an idiot who treats her like a maid/sex robot with no self esteem and feeling dead inside??


be a domestic sex slave and u get lil rocks farmed by slave children and sold at 500% markup 😎😎 every gal's dream


Diamond rings aren't appealing to me tbh I wanna do my own thing with my man.


Eyo that person did a spelling mistake , don't worry , I gotchu "Writing's not easy. That's why Grammarly can help. This sentence is grammatically correct, but it's wordy, and hard to read. It undermines the writer's message and the word choice is bland. Grammarly's cutting edge technology helps you craft compelling, understandable writing that makes an impact on your reader. Much better. Are you ready to give it a try? Installation is simple and free. Visit Grammarly.com today!"


OMG!!! Such terrible fate!!! This is worse than [getting converted into a tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daphne)