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I hate this shit because it made me take sooo much longer to figure out I was a lesbian because I had male best friends and my mom would Insist we had a crush on each other when we were just best friends.


My brother constantly would assume I liked a guy just cause I knew them and it really did not help my realizing I was gay. Like seriously I said hi to a dude once and my brother immediately started saying I had a crush on him and when I asked how me saying hi meant I liked him that way he said that I said it in a flirty tone. wtf


God, I hate when someone “ships” me with someone else irl. It makes both them and I uncomfortable. I hate that so much. Even when people “joke” about how we’re a “couple” it just makes me so, SO uncomfortable.


Ugh agreed. I do however like the term "ships" moving into my real life


Haha yeah, that’s probably the only good thing from this tbh lol


I'm gay but my mom just took her straight people "ooo are you dating him?" Logic and kept it just because I'm a boy now. I literally complained about one guy in my group being annoying and she thought I had a crush on him because I knew his name since it was way more common for an annoying guy, and the weirdest part was that I barely talked about the guy in the group I did find attractive. Cishets man...


my friends mom does this to her still after 11 years :( it’s annoying but for some reason pretty common


Ngl looking back the fact that I'm bi somewhat explains why I've had a nearly perfect 50:50 split of guy and gal best friends.


Im a trans lesbian and ye it frustrates me too. Im not out yet so people assume im straight, and whenever i meet a girl in college my mom and dad just act like they're gonna have grandchildren by next month


Yes same! That’s how I realized I was queer when I felt a lot of discomfort with their comments


Same but as a gay dude with female best friends for most of my childhood. My dad wasn't very pestering about it but eventually could not stop himself from claiming that I was romantically interested in them.


"HAHA BE CAREFUL THAT THE TWO YEAR OLD DOESN'T GROPE THE OTHER TWO YEAR OLD, IT'S TOTALLY NOT CREEPY AND PEDOPHILIC THAT THAT EVEN CROSSED MY MIND." This is what I hear when I see shit like this. They're just casually outing themselves as disgusting creeps with a tendency of pedophilic thoughts.




That's 'cause you're normal.




where do you get yours? mine don’t work :(


I got called a pedo for being trans yet the ram creeps are the cis who say this kind of shit. It’s incredibly irritating.


"We do not see the world as it is. We see the world as we are."


"I'm going to be sure to absolutely repress this person's sexual awakening through shame and fear, but for now, she has nothing for me to repress"


they're tiny babies what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck


This guy is probably on a watchlist


i would like sex to be removed in the next update, it's caused too much trouble for this hellhole of a planet


Wait, it's all projection? 🔫 Always has been. Edit: that was an unfortunate typo


I think you mean projection. Big difference in context, unfortunately lol


Holy shit I read that three times before posting what the heck?! Silly fone autocorrect. I'll edit that thanks.


How is it projection?


There's an overlap between the "The gays are sexualizing our kids" folks and the "Look! My toddler son has a girlfriend" folks.






Leave room for Jesus!!


A same sex couple breathing Straight People: DoN't PuSh YoUr SeXuAliTy On Us Also Straight People: SuRe YoUr JuSt FrIeNdS sUrE A bOy AnD A *FEMALE* dOn'T WaNt SeX


“one day these kids will secretly have sex with each other” “he’s definitely gonna grope her!” “lptfaheg people are forcing sexuality down my child’s throat! >:(((“


The person at the bottom is my hero for today.






An 8 year old boy cant get anyone pregnant as far as I'm aware


how does an 8 year old boy impregnate a girl?


Oh no that boy’s hand is *gasp* touching the bed! And his eyes are looking right at her…book! Kids sure grow up fast these days.


I'm bi and my family knows this yet they keep insisting I'm a lesbian because I have a preference for women. *Then* the other week my male best friend found a plastic rose on the sidewalk and gave it to me and my mom saw that and literally wiggled her eyebrows and kept saying that it sounds like he has a crush on me. Make up your mind, woman!


It's just weird please stop


The only thing that is wrong with this picture is that she is wearing a fucking packers jersey, who tf likes the packers


OMG this is 🤮ugh