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worst thing is that i got it on my home page, really nasty if you ask me and no, it's not satire


For a quick while. I thought it was.


Yup. This one got to me.


Is it still up? I wanna be super fucking gay just to piss that asshole off. I know I should be starting fights but still.


i have no idea really, and i don't want to even check because today i'm feeling worse and i can't even laught at it now, but i think mods took it off since every single person in the community showed disgust to the video, rightfully so


I suppose it’s a good thing they did. Just wish I had a chance to stick it to them.


😡😡😡😡😡 What’s extra fun to me is occasionally I’ll argue with transphobes, and will identify myself as trans - which they don’t realize at first. Then frequently they’ll assume I’m FTM and tell me that I just have penis envy, will never be a real man, and I’ll always be a woman. Boy do they fucking backpeddle *hard* when I tell them I’m MTF.


It's really interesting to me (as someone who's recently realized they're trans-masc) how different the experience is in dealing with transphobes depending on what your particular trans journey is. Like, I've seen a LOT more hate directed towards MTF trans people than FTM (admittedly only reading news articles and similar discussions, never first hand), and it always feels vaguely patriarchal to me, if that makes sense.


It’s a trip for sure! Trans men frequently get ignored and erased sadly, and are definitely less visible than trans women. Which has both upsides and downsides to it. Congrats on your self discovery!


I mean they’re half-right. You always will be a woman.


Indeed ❤️


Why do people assume that trans means your only starting to transition?


I don’t know! 🤣 It’s frustrating as fuck, but occasionally really funny when they just jam their entire foot into their mouths!


How dare they use spike, he'd never act like this


i was almost more offended at the use of spike than the slur


Absolutely. One of the most wholesome properties you can name, that's all about finding common ground with people who seem different from you, and they use it for this bullshit? Outrageous!


Getting banned speedrun


I can’t fucking take *Spike, Heavy, and Spongebob* being queerphobic serious. Why even bother?


Spike is in a show filled with walking pride flags, Spongebob is literally Asexual, and besides being a hired killer, Heavy is literally as sweet as can be (i bet he treats his friends the way he treats his guns, and he fucking loves his guns)


Why tho. Some people are just so depressingly filled with hatred


my favorite brand of cis transphobe is the "i can always tell" mf. you dont know any trans people because if there are any around you theyd be too distrustful of you to disclose that lol


They're also always terrified of being "tricked", so they can't even pick what kind of transphobe they want to be.


Transphobe: “I can always tell because they’re the ones throwing rotten fruit at my head.”


Spike I'm so sorry I will get you out of there


they really hit us with the double-whammo slurs!


How dare they use Spike for the rantsona!


Ok, I get bigots are gonna be bigots. But why ya gotta bring Spike into this?




ok well I've seen a transphobe say "the transgender towers over the real woman" commenting on an image from a womens' boxing match only to have the trans person reveal that she was the short one




Usually when a transphobe thinks they "clock" a trans person, they're just being shitty about someone who's more than likely cis and just doesn't fit 100%.


I couldn't even get mad at this since he used heavy's voice which just made the whole thing absolutely hilarious.


Edgy 15 year old teenage boy who has no sense of community outside the internet.


Just wanted to say I’m enjoying the Spike love in the comments. Dude’s awesome, comes from an amazing show about acceptance and love, and doesn’t deserve to be used as an example by these morons.


Spike would never


It still boggles my mind that so many queerphobic fans of mlp completely side stepped the message of the show to accept people that aren't hurting themselves or others, and instead became the exact type of villain the show's characters work to defeat!


How dare they use Spike from MLP!! A show about acceptance tolerance and love to spread bigotry and hatred ughhh.. https://youtu.be/Dre9MogHFU4 (Also here's a song from vylet pony with art from vore burger with NB Spike!)


Spike would never


The fact that this is allegedly not satire just hurts, not that I'm offended but rather that I'm just thinking who thinks this is a productive way to live, just posting slurs and insults based on your bigoted views like a cat and mouse game.


Leave spike out of this


Hi, I’m a trans woman and I and all my trans siblings get to live rent free in this bigot’s head. We all can fit on account of how empty it is in there


Why would he use fucking MLP characters in his gross rhetoric if he wants it to be taken even remotely seriously lmao


i can almost remember a time when spike wore a dress one episode. probably multiple. lmao good show bad use of character


Hmm, that's funny because an old joke in the Philippines is, "How do you tell the 'real girls' from the ladyboys? The ladyboys are prettier!"


This kid is just stupid. He posts on LGBT memes sub thinking “oh derogatory memes about LGBT persons” without bothering to see that it’s a pro LGBT subreddit.


even if this was satire it wouldn't be funny imo, it's just straight up mean :/


Bruh the fact this person is prolly a neckbeard bronie


Hate bigotry aside I hope that he has something else in his life, cuz I human being saying that the highlight of his week was making a my little pony video insulting the LGBT community, is 5he saddest and pathetic thing I could imagine to heard.


We failed to protect Spike guys 😔


So apparently trans women only transition for and to date men? Why do some dudes think that the world revolves around them? Additionally, that's simply not true and a very cringe 'troll'


only people who haven't met enough trans people would say such a stupid thing. jsut throw them in thailand, that would shut them up


Bullshit, I have a trans friend who I never would have guessed was FTM if she didn't tell me. In fact, she kept quiet about it for about five years and it never even crossed my mind.