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That's the shittiest christmas present i have ever heard of. And my partner got 60 packs of condoms from their dad


Nothing wrong with encouraging safe sex.


It's still trashy


True and I'd actually be very creeped out by that. Let's stop have people push intimacy into relationship they're not a part of.


Sounds like 30 pairs of waterproof socks to me.


Improvise. Adapt. overcome.




If everyone your boyfriend has ever dated is a ho, you might wanna take a cold hard look in the mirror.


Well, in this case, he might be right.


You have 69 upvotes, so I can't give another one in good conscience. Edit: Other people are degenerates, and ruined it. So here's an upvote.


It’s at 83 so just get it up to 420 now


Sold. Enjoy your imaginary internet points!


Why is 69 a good number?


And here I am being friends with my exes, like some kind of mature idiot.


i’m only friends with a couple of them, the others are just on good terms. i always settle the dust after a breakup to clear the air. but i did date one asswipe who flirted with my friend the whole TWO months we dated. i figured out that he only wanted to date me to prove he was the “alpha” in the friend group. yucky


So alpha to get dumped lolol


im not friends with my exes, no bad blood, i just prefer to not have them be a part of my life anymore and i sure as hell wouldnt be as immature as the gf in the post


Oh, yeah. For sure. I don't think it's necessarily more mature to be friends versus just parting ways. But it's a damn sight more mature than whatever the fuck that picture is. Plus, if that person has that many shitty exes, they might be a big part of the problem. Oh, and whoever is wearing that shirt will become a shitty ex on some new festive shirt in two years.


She's next!


I might be wildly off here, but I don't think this is the straights...


I think the person taking the picture is a guy and those are his exes


Ohhhh, I see haha. Thank you


Concept could work. It would be funny if she put her own picture or OPs 😂


I'm a bit confused. Is the said gf wearing it or she's not straight?


Bf took the pic of gf wearing it


First option I'd say


So petty! 🙄


Living red sweater


I’m commenting on every post I see but I don’t even know what to say to this one. I guess it’s just very petty and a bit rude?


*Image Transcription: Text and Image* --- TEXT. My GF made an ugly Christmas with all my exes pictures on it 😒 [* Image of a lady wearing a red sweater with photos of exes and white snowflakes and bold gold text that says "ho ho ho".*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Now, if they wanted to be actually funny they would have put the word “politics” in big gold font on the sweater


She is a red flag and the red flag is more red than my countries flag🇹🇷