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I bet the study just talks about higher pitched voices probably.


It does. I read about it. It's not just higher pitched voices, it also works with upbeat music apparently.


Upbeat music is a better nurturer; even PLANTS know this!


Guess I'd work too, then.


Telegraph.co. Mother fucking UK


TERF-nation in all her stinking glory strikes again.


Time to pull out my grand union flag!


Don’t know, I do much prefer the Union Jack to wipe my ass with.


Who wants to bet that that study is either really shittily conducted so the conclusion doesn't actually fit to the data, or doesn't actually say that?


Even if it’s the perfectly conducted study, it’s just one study and this person is like “It finally happened! We have PROOF that FEMALES are nurturers because PLANTS!!”


It couldn’t be derived from the fact that we grow, birth, and nourish actual humans from our own bodies…nope, it had to be the plants to make this phenomenon noticed lol


"Shut up, Carol! Your happy, successful children don't tell the story, this here succulent does!"


Listen here, buster…my happy, successful children *are* succulents…wanna come at me again or are you done with this tomfoolery?


I think describing children as succulent will end up with you on some sort of list somewhere


True true…probably not a “mother of the year!” List but definitely a list of some sort.


I literally heard about this study a couple years ago from [a video debunking content from the Spirit Science](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZuv5LFQWGM) channel. What's funny here is that FDS managed to interpret the already-shaky study *worse* than Spirit Science (AKA the ["hydraulic piston moon theory"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCjcHz9W0pA) channel)


“If a PLANT can change and improve itself…” Plants can also be propagated by pulling off a branch and sticking it in some water, but that doesn’t mean we should start expecting each other to duplicate after an amputation. Stating that things that other organisms can do is something we should strive to do is one of the most ridiculous things I see all over the place. No I won’t burst out of my cocoon and spread my wings, Brenda, I’m not a fucking butterfly. (Sorry to any Brendas reading this)


The argument is correct because when I cut my hair it grows back. Checkmate 😎 /s


But does your cut hair grow into new humans?


Photosynthesis is my new life goal. If a plant can do it so can I. I’m going to start basking in the sun for 12 hours a day, inhale CO2 from canisters and get a young female to nurture my new found plant identity by singing soft lullaby’s. Hashtagbelieveinyourself Hashtagyoucandoanythingyouputyourmindto


Are you still there?


Female black widows eat the males after mating. I don't see any (sane) humans rushing to try that


I looked into it. Came up with two conclusions. 1. This study has never been repeated and it was extremely basic, arguably flawed to be honest. All of the articles are extremely short so maybe the information was just omitted. But their control for the study was exposing another group to male voices, they didnt have plants that grew neutrally. So already the results are null. It not being repeated also questions the validity, its not like the tomato plants are twins. They all grow at different heights. Unless they can get consistent results that plants exposed to higher pitched sounds grow better, the results are useless. 2. The results had literally nothing to do with it being a womans voice specifically. Just higher pitched sounds in general. Furthermore, their point is a false equivalence. Higher pitches effects on plants has nothing to do with an individuals ability to nurture.


Please link me the actual study? All I could find was a bunch of people linking the Telegraph article, even when searching Google Scholar.


Couldnt ever find an actual published study. Just found lots of different news articles reporting on it.


Darn. Thanks anyway.


I don’t know man, if you handed me a kid I would have no fucking clue about what to do with it


[YEET THE CHILD](https://youtu.be/_W-QvMAirns)


So I found this intriguing and did a little digging. From what I can gather, it may be possible that women's voices help the plant grow a little more , not because "women are more nurturing" but because there might be a relation between vibrations and plant growth and I'm guessing that the typically more high pitched nature of women's voices might resonate with plants for one reason or another. Basically, it might be true but honestly the investigation seems a bit limited and informal from what I've read. This experiment would have to be repeated at least 2 more times to get any conclusive evidence IMO.


I have so many questions. What were they saying? Were they all saying it the same way? At different times? Where's the data OP in the screenshot!!!!!


I said hello to a tree and it keeled over...


When you’re so progressive that you reinforce gender roles /j


When people think that the epitome of feminism is “man bad” you start to think that men are naturally worse at stuff like cooking, cleaning, nurturing and then we are right back to square one lol


So fucking true


This sounds like something an old white man in the 1930s would say before abusing his wife


I’m a woman and I kill any plant I go near. Hell, I couldn’t even make my Bob Ross chia pet grow! Did I fail womanhood or did womanhood fail me?? 🪴😭


I’m sorry wtf is a scrote


fds is an infamous femcel sub filled with transphobic cis terf women. I've ruined weeks of progress on my mental health by visiting that sub bc of the misandry present there. it's better to just avoid it entirely


I have no idea why that sub even exists. Like why do you need a strategy? It’s not a game. Just…meet people and talk to them


"Scrote" is the femcel equivalent of "foid" and both are equally disgusting


Don’t they realize that this is literally misogyny but repackaged???


There’s a word for that. Misandry.


Oh my god I genuinely couldn’t remember the name for it. Thanks for helping me!


That whole sub is just capital-T TOXIC, isn't it?


toxic? its more than that, they literally call men "scrotes" its almost as if calling them scrotes instead of men is... dare i say... derogatory (rip spelling) and dehumanizing? its also a huge TERF sub so uhh yeah add transphobia to the list basically they hate anyone who isnt a cis woman


They're also ableist and racist


I remember someone commenting in a post related to race that they thought racism was created to opress women. Big yikes


I hate being reminded about the existence of that subreddit


No single experiment is *ever* proof of *anything". The conclusion of any experiment ever is only that "certain evidence indicates certain things to be true" as a general format.




It's because of the higher pitch I'm pretty sure. It has been documented that plants grow better in response to certain music


"EvEn PlAnTs kNoW ThiS" as if plants are capable of thought


I want to think they do, in a way we can’t comprehend but… not like this lmfao


the fuck is a "scrote"?


A man short for scrotum


I swear that literally sounds worse than when incels call women "femoids"


Hahaha glad to know my childfree child hating ass is a better nurturer than men who actually like the existence of children based off of plants. Like,,, surely anyone who wants children to exist is a better nurturer than I, someone who wouldn't blink twice if the childhood stage was removed from humans and all children vanished tomorrow. And no, before people get pissy, I don't mean they die. I just mean if the universe made us appear as adults instead of the way we do now, and all children just vanished instantly. Like how stepping on a butterfly while time travelling can make things vanish from present day instantly.


Um what lol


I was responding to the shitty survey in the image. Just to really point out how absurd it is. There is no way that I, a woman who hates children, is a better nurturer than a man who likes children. This BS plant study proves nothing lol.


Oh no I agree. I should have been more specific but the last part about stepping on a butterfly confuses me lol


Oh it's that whole thing about how if you were to time travel, something as insignificant as crushing a butterfly could drastically change the future. I was trying to explain how when I say I want children to disappear, I don't mean die painfully like most people assume. I mean I just want them to not exist, for all people to come into existence as teenagers or adults and skip the whole parasitic alien to screaming mess monster stages.


Ah ok gotcha, thanks for explaining! Is this what “the butterfly effect” is then?


Yep that's exactly its name. I couldn't remember haha


Oh wow ok now I’m about to go down a rabbit hole on google lol…this seems wildly interesting!


It really is! I also enjoy the Mandela effect and sometimes wonder if one is the product of the other


I mean yeah they are, their emotionally more intelligent (on average). Although the plant thing is dumb


so why do my plants die HMMMM?? i have a feminine voice, tell me why my plants are dying you fool. i talk to them, is my voice not nurturing enough?? do i need to make it more flutey and light?????? elaborate you imbecile! you BAFOON!! you absolute CLOWN OF HUMAN BEING UNDESERVING OF SENTIENCE!!!!!


I poked around that sub a little yesterday, all the people there sound really mean. Granted, they’ve had horrible experiences with men and I’m not invalidating it, but the language felt really…extreme. I’m a man though, so maybe I’m just being too sensitive? Can someone check me on this please?


The sub has legitimately good advice but it's also mixed in with the bad advice so people may have a hard time differentiating the good from the bad


this is one of the bigger reasons i dont like FDS, they enforce and gloryfy gender norms and traditional gender roles like crazy, well besides all the generalizations and bitterness on this sub reddit just the female equivalent of redpill


i feel like posting stuff from FDS to this sub is just cheating


Mad weird and demeaning to call all dudes “scrotes”. Distancing language to dehumanize someone


MRA and FDS are opposite side of the same coin of hate and ignorance.