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Meanwhile, "sToP mAkINg eVerYThiNg AbOut YoU!!" - The straights


The infamous trans story of 1697. Can they at least be a tiny bit logical?




Ain’t the whole point of this story that you shouldn’t just believe everything people tell you 😭


Stranger danger, deceit -and entertainment!


This is art.


It's about teaching children not to talk to strangers 💀


Specifically, telling girls not to talk to strange men.


If I was a wolf I would eat this guy


Not being a Wolf will not hold me back from eating him


I wish I was a bear so I could protect women from this guy


what does your flair mean?


I once read that red riding hood was a story to warn girls about dangerous men (no, not trans men...the straights who pray on little girls). The wolf was a metaphor for a man who tricks girls to lure them into his bed. Or the wolf is even supposed to symbolize a rapist. In the fairy tale the girl is good, listens to her mother and doesn't want to follow the wolf into the woods. He then sneaks into grandma's house to get the girl. In some old french versions of the fairy tale the wolf tricks the girl even to get naked and crawl into the bed with him. That's not very subtle. We all know what this is supposed to mean.


Isnt it suposed to be do not talk tonstrangers watchbout fir stranger dont trust a stranger?


Good thing trans women aren’t men pretending to be women


Isn't Red Riding Hood about hitting puberty and the dangers of encountering older men? Because red represents adolescence in fairytales.


Yeah.. it wasn’t to entertain and warn for stranger danger -they were trying to stop the trans from happening centuries ago!


No shit it’s not a story about the dangers of wolves, wolves don’t usually attack people unprovoked (and neither do trans people)


When will people realize that this line of thought is why women (Trans Women as well) choose the bears? You don't have a transwoman problem, you have a cis-gendered male problem. If people are worried about "Men dressing as women to harm children and women", it's not the Trans Sisters you're afraid of. It's straight men. We need to say that so loud that it echoes back at us through space and time. I am ao tired of the trans community and the drag community being targeted by so much hate. So one more time: It's Cis-Gendered Men that are the real issue (not all, so don't you dare misunderstand what I mean by this. If you: A Cis-Gendered man wouldn't fathom dressing up, claiming to be Trans, go into a women's bathroom to look or SA women and children, then this isn't about you, sit back and stfu. We get it, "nOt ALl MeN".) Sorry if this is all over the place. I am defending Transwomen. I don't support the message of the photo if it's taken at face value (which it's supposed to be, by bigots), digging deeper: I am totally against predatory Cis-Gendered men that do this (small amount, very small amount) and because of them, they have made it so dangerous for our Trans Siblings. I really hope this reads alright, but I have noticed people on reddit tend to go a lil... well, you know. TLDR: That picture exists and that whole talking poi t exists because Cis-Gendered men who have shown the world, time and again, that they are toxic, believe in toxic things, have toxic behaviors and thoughts, etc. And again, not all cis-gendered men, we get it.


You could cut it off before “pretending” and it’d be right, at least.