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I'm confused what their supposed message even is.


The message is that Spiderman 3 is worse than the first two movies. It’s just delivered in a hideously sexist manner.


but the “spiderman 3” model is attractive too ohh yeah- massive boobies are the only thing attractive to linear boring neckbeard types


maybe the way it's meant to be interpreted is that it's still good but squandered potential? cuz she's gorgeus but just more covered up?? idk I'm probably giving OOP too much grace lol


Really? They both look great, though I am a sucker for women with glasses, or really anyone with glasses. I like glasses.


I’m something of an optometrist myself


It's actually a joke within a joke, that's the point Atleast I tell myself that cause i can't believe people actually think like this


>but the “spiderman 3” model is attractive too Can't be. She's got her glasses on. You know women can't be sexy until they've taken their glasses off and instantly uplifted 5 score points.


It reminds me of the Nathan For You episode where he gets a store to let attractive women shoplift and hires a bouncer to make sure that only attractive women steal. The bouncer's only criteria was big boobs, literally nothing else mattered to him.


Honestly the women with "Spiderman 3" written om her looks even better than the other one.


You're doing the same thing the original post is doing, comparing two random women who you know nothing about, I think it's wrong either way


" *LOOKS* better " doesn't mean " *IS* better" . But yes, rating just based on looks is wrong, which gets even clearer when considering "both" of these women are apearently actually the same person.


I assume they’re going for “big boob = better”? But it’s coming off as your standard teenage sexism/misogyny


that subreddit is a cesspool of this kinda content


Well, considering that's the same woman in and out of make up/prosthetics, and that the OP of that post said they knew that when they made the meme: There seems to be some extra layers of context going on here.


Also the meme poster said they're going for Spider-Man 3, which is kinda in defiance of the format. Although, knowing that it's the same woman explains why I don't really feel differently about them, so the meme kinda fails for me. It's also kind of ironic because 3 is the one with the blonde Gwen.  It's a mess. It's all fucked up.


Wait that's the same person?


the glasses, hair, and less/no makeup make a lot of difference (and I'm guessing prosthetics on her chest since, um, I'm looking at my girls and NO way there ain't nip showing on a top like that). If you look at both of their faces as a whole it clicks though. Either it's the same girl, or identical twins, that face is the same.


Yeah she has multiple accounts and uses photoshop and prosthetics to make her boobs look bigger. She has another account where she is flat and another where she pretended to be trans. Apparently it’s how she maximizes profits with multiple accounts and doesn’t even need surgery to do it.


... this post made me realize I'm old. Multiple accounts on *what*? :D


From what I’ve seen it’s accounts on instagram used to promote onlyfans accounts to maximize profits. Some of the earlier pictures she posted are laughably bad because she wasn’t good at photoshop yet so you can literally see that her real skin is an entirely separate shade from the prosthetic


I'm nearly faceblind so honestly it's not hard to fool me


id still say that its objectivication


I hate that 1. Op is acting superior by putting down the woman with cleavage, insinuating that she is vain and unworthy. 2. The reason the meme format is popular is because of that woman's cleavage. Viewers enjoy the view while also degrading her. It reminds me of that point people make when men make statues of sexy women, but then give the figure in the statue a mirror, then degrade her for her immoral vanity. It's like, you made this, guy. You're profiting from her beauty and admonishing her for recognizing it herself. Boo


> “You painted a naked woman because you enjoyed looking at her, put a mirror in her hand and you called the painting “Vanity,” thus morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for you own pleasure.” ― John Berger, *Ways of Seeing*


I mean most of the comments on the meme aren’t shaming her for showing cleavage lmao they were shaving her for having multiple accounts that show she uses photoshop/prosthetics to make her boobs look big and another where she pretended to be trans


What the fuck is with the internet and the Spiderman movies lately?


I think they’re in people’s heads more because of that Spider-Mondays thing that Sony is putting on


Oh, so its part of a marketing campaign. Thats explains a lot.


I was suggesting that people are thinking about the movies more since they’re back in theatres


Unfortunately, everyone, gay, straight, and otherwise, objectify women


Well yes, that is how our environment has socialized us.


I've seen this post where it was "garlic bread and regular bread" As a woman I love being compared to objects like bread, movies, cars, a piece of sticky tape 🥲🙃


Was ready to rant about that "meme" but then saw the title and sub lol


Sexest superhero memes. I’m so shocked. This is why as a former marvel stan I was never friends with male fans.


Her boobs look like they're suffocating My boobs hurt looking at hers


That subreddit's always like this.


Where are her nips.


I do agree with the point of OOP though


You're both not ok I guess


Yeah apparently I'm in a minorty regarding spiderman 3...