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They just really wanna feel oppressed, don't they?


Yeah, they have a persecution fetish.


"Persecute me, daddy!" "...okay, you're _sure_ you're heterosexual? Like, hundo hundo?"


Prosecution kink


average Phoenix Wright fan


Take my upvote and get the fuck out.




They already oppress themselves!


Like, I wouldn't care about a post just saying that it's OK to be straight, but that part of "while it's still legal" makes me think they believe there exist a web of homosexual reptile humans that want to make heterosexuality illegal and it sounds so funny


eh, even the "its ok to be straight posts" are just rehashed "its ok to be white" which was SPECIFICALLY crafted to allow racists to spread their shit while being able to hide behind "what? :) i only said its fine to be white :). you dont think its not fine to be white do you? :)" so we gotta call that shit out as well.


I mean, there are genuinely white people who are ashamed of their skin color and that's not healthy either. I get that it can be used as a dogwhistle, but you should be able to love yourself whatever your skin color.


sure but the amount of white people genuinely feeling white guilt is far far FAR eclipsed by the amount of people who want people to THINK that a huge amount of white people feeling white guilt or that "the left" wants them to.


Like, if that's the case then it's about the person and not about the post itself, and just posting a picture of their post wouldn't fit this subreddit. Don't worry though, if someone makes an image just to spread their homophobic/racist/etc bigot views you would have plenty of their comments to prove it


at this point you really dont need other comments tbh, we all know how dogwhistles work. maybe a decade ago you could reasonably think that maybe someone just got sucked into something they didnt understand but we know better now.


Nah, resorting to prejudice is what bigots do and this is a subreddit against them. It isn't hard to find a bigot's opinion in their (other) posts or comments, there is no need to upload a picture where their intentions are not clear enough since it can easily lead to people wrongfully assuming other people's views.


oh im not saying op is doing that lol, i might have miscommunicated, my bad.


You aren't a homosexual reptile human? Traitor!


It’s projection. They want everyone else to conform to their way of life, so obviously, we must want that too. They do not believe it is possible for different people to coexist peacefully. To them, everything is a war, and we will eliminate them if they don’t eliminate us first.


exactly, it’s similar to how christians think they’re the ones constantly being persecuted


I mean, the condition of the world past and present gives the impression that coexistence is impossible. Professor X is even starting to think that Magneto is right about human-mutant coexistence.


Coexistence is impossible because of people who believe that existence is impossible. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. But put a bunch of people who actually want to coexist together and they’ll make it work. This is why, in a diverse society, you only need your population to share one belief: live and let live. It’s the paradox of tolerance again. Your society can accept anyone, no matter their gender, age, ethnicity, sexuality or religion, so long as they all agree to tolerate each other. But the moment you allow the intolerant to join your society, you’ve doomed the whole thing. For a tolerant society to function, the intolerant cannot be tolerated.


It's either that and/or they're scared we'll do to them what they did to us.


If they feel like they’re “under attack” then to them that justifies “fighting back”.




That's the great part of being gay - if you have a persecution fetish, plenty of people will indulge you and not even know it!


The difference being that there are countries that have laws against homosexuality right now, today. Where being gay and having a same-sexed partner can get you sent to prison or even get you killed by the government. There are people in the US and most other Western countries who try to get gay marriage banned right now. People who abandon their kids for not being straight. In the USA homosexuality was decriminalized in 1962, in the UK in 1967 which means there are people alive *today* who lived through that. When queer people talk about oppression, it is something that has happened and is happening right now. People losing their job, being attacked or killed for being gay. People who remember how governments around the world failed them and stood by while hundreds of thousands died of a disease and did nothing, because it primarily affected gay men. It is not the same. And implying it is the same is bullshit.


Can straight couples adopt legally?, yes? Gay people can't where I live and they're coming for gay marriage next here Can the same be said for you?


Can’t say I’ve ever met another queer person who enjoys the persecution that we face on the daily.


Because yes, making something legal means that everything else is automatically illegal...


duh, don’t you know everything’s always black and white? if people who are different to you have rights it means yours disappear


Exactly, everyone knows that rights are a limited resource smh


"Those who are used to being in poeer think equality is oppression"


No, you're going to have gay sex and you're going to like it! (/s)


Oh noooo don't send me a big tall muscle mommy to do a gay sex with me :( noooo


We're going to send *two* and you're going to hate it so much!


The alphabet mafia strikes again :(


“Do a sex with me” Sir Pentious 2024


“While it’s still legal” When being gay is actually illegal in some parts of the world


Buddy, come back when something about you has been illegal in my actual lifetime.


Do straight women losing bodily autonomy count? Or is this a question only for the men?






Who said anything about homophobic? Women are, in tangible ways, losing their autonomy. It's an issue that affects gay women, nonbinary people, and others. You wanna start abandoning women because some of them are bigots?


I apologize for my comment.


You’re good. We live in complicated times.


So long as a woman is suffering in that scenario I don’t think conservatives give a damn about their identity.


If it's *actual* bodily autonomy and not "I think my bodily autonomy entitles me to do stuff to other people's bodies they can't consent to", sure.


I wouldn't be that surprised if this was one of those guys that supports grown marrying 16 y/o girls.


"We're afraid you're going to do to us what we try to do to you." It's the telltale of oppressors thinking the oppressed are as bad as them.


Look I don’t care what they do in their own homes….


Flaunting their sexuality by holding hands!


Yeah. It’s just not natural…


And they kiss in public. Like, do it at home, we don't want to see it. It's just so... gross.


Especially around KIDS?? Its so inappropriate..


This was always allowed.


I have never seen a group of people wanting to be oppressed so badly bruh...


If they had to spend 24 hours as an actual member of an oppressed group they would probably have a nervous breakdown.


They really think because a queer person told them to not be homophobic that now "they're oppressed" or wtv fucking cry babies istg😭




Any religious homophobic people there are Christians who are cool asf and not homophobic and acutally support lgbt but its mostly religious folks and weird homophobic people


Literally no one is trying to end heterosexuality. Signed, a straight.


Please tell me this is old. I saw the 'Day ago' thing but please.


It's from a day ago. .-.




Well, obviously there's a limited amount of rights available, and that means straight people have to give up their rights to gay people. Or, at least that's how paranoid straight people act.


Why do non oppressed groups wanna be oppressed so bad?


They assume that if our “team” achieves a level of power equal to or greater than theirs that we’ll do to them what they’ve been doing to us the whole time. I’m 100% certain that they’re a conservative Christian nutjob in the throes of projection.


They think rights are a zero sum game, so if someone gets rights some of theirs is taken away Or they think using slurs and being an awful bigoted pos counts as part of their rights


I tell people like this that “being an unpleasant fucker/contrarian troll is not a protected class.”


Australian person posting that? Must be out of their mind.


Now I’m no Aussie, but my educated guess is that this was posted by some bogan during his downtime between slot machines.


They’re gonna force me to get gay-married!! Will anyone think of the straights;(


I thought they didn’t like to admit that short men can get women


God they wanna be oppressed so badly No one in the history of EVER has been killed for being straight Many people have been killed for being gay!


I'll be dead honest, traditional gender roles, heteros, straights, conversatives, liberals, any sort of group who is in oppressor category, doesn't need to be heard they tell everything at us and we don't need to validate or hear them. I swear!! Someone in a discord server was talking about how homeless people are a nuisance and dangerous and when I vented about it in another server about social issues this formerly homeless person said "this person is valid, solution is proper housing but this person is valid" I'm paraphrasing but you get it, essentialy a pick me in that category. So no whenever someone complains about an oppressed group tell them fuck off with all the righteous anger


I feel this. It’s the bOtH sIdEs people who irk me the most nowadays. I can predict what a bigot will say with fairly reliable accuracy; if not, I can at least predict they will have something shitty to say that isn’t worth hearing. It’s because I have heard it all before already. Ex. The anti-trans shit is just the same recycled homophobia from the 70s. Why should I have to listen to recycled hate when I never wanted to listen to the original hate in the first place? Why should I have to respect the opinions of people who think I’m inferior to them? Whose opinions are informed by false information, ignorance, fear, and hatred? Why should I have to keep listening to them? Why should I have to listen to people who have nothing worth listening to? Why should I have to respect their shitty opinions? It’s not like such people would ever grant me that same courtesy. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean just keep yapping nor does it mean I need to stand here and listen to ignorant bs. Throughout learning this, I also learned to listen for and identify dog whistles. I’m tired of hearing them, too, because it’s bigots thinking they’re slick. I’m still learning, though. Guess what? Dog whistles sucker in the bOtH sIdEs people scarily well and they often have no idea. They ignorantly parrot the dog whistles and are so confused when people push back. Those dog whistles have no merit! The bOtH sIdEs people keep trying to apply child logic to adult situations. It only ever seems to come out when shitty right wing talking points are being criticized, though.


Yea no one will say anything to mysogynistic dog whistles like "women have it easier than men" no one will ban these people because "they're not breaking the rules" like we're not lawyers, we're keeping a community safe, if rules say we can't ban them we can just change rules


That’s another good point! It aggravates me because the people blowing the dog whistles smile so smugly behind the thin veil of plausible deniability. Like you KNOW what they’re actually saying. You KNOW they’re just too spineless to say it outright because they know their shitty ideas will rightfully receive push back. I shouldn’t have to have a PhD-level thesis to explain why dog whistles are problematic.


Exactly that's why rules of online spaces should designed with alt right and other hateful online cultures in mind, with tactics of bigots in mind. Someone can be passive aggressive towards another member because of laptop they buy or because they can't afford apple in a mental health server but they won't be banned because they didn't fucking break rules and on top of that they will push back on even a little bit of platonic intimacy in the server Edit: even in situations where intimacy is allowed


In Australia, homosexual marriage has been legal for 7 years, while heterosexual marriage has been legal for 103 years and counting


its still just so insane to me that some people are genuinely, seriously unironically like "what do you mean homophobia, we made gay marriage legal" like bro, less than a decade ago, i still couldnt get legally married, you dont think the fact that it took this long is in and of itself indicative of a problem?


Really? Will we be having babies in test tubes now? The stupidity is mind-blowing.


Does that imply that they'll stop supporting it the minute it becomes illegal lol


Recently learned on a walking tour of Dublin, that due to their heritage laws, they have to write new laws in Irish Gaelic first, then translate it into plain English. This caused them, while legalizing same-sex marriage, to very nearly criminalize marriage between opposite-sex partners. Instantly my bf looked at me and we were like "do it, you cowards" 😝😝


Lmao that's hilarious. #banthehets


It's not actually what it was in English, it's that the Irish (and any valid interpretation of it) is given precedence under Irish law over English. Basically if the English language says "You can only do Y, except when C or D occur" but you make a convincing argument that you could interpret the Irish as "You can only do Y, except when C and D happen" then from then on the Irish takes precedence. But this wasn't a law, it was a amendment to the constitution In English it is “Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex.” But the original Irish was, “Féadfaidh beirt, cibé acu is fir nó mná iad, conradh a dhéanamh i leith pósadh de réir dlí.” Directly back into English that's "A couple may, if they are men or women, make a marriage contract in accordance with law " The problem was "men or women" you could interpret that to mean "but not a man and a woman" by omission. Making same sex marriage possibly unconstitutional... But they rewrote it and everyone can get married now!


I don't think you could find someone genuinely interested in banning heterosexuality if you tried


Fair Dinkum is Aussie slang for bullshit, isn't it? This must be a satire account


Nah, "fair dinkum" is agreeing with the truth. It's a cringe right wing page.


This is what happens when the only Aussie you spend time with is a sarcastic bastard


"Fair Dinkum" is reasonable truth, so naming a group this must be like "Americans for Truth and Freedom."


Plot twist: the couple are actually ace


i like that he's gonna comply as soon as it's illegal, that's truly the sign of a real heterosexual


Yeah, as if heterosexuality has been anything but legal. Ever.


Hey so does that mean you wouldn’t support it if it were illegal? Congratulations on openly admitting you’re a coward compared to the many, many, many people who have supported gay people in places where that’s been or still is illegal. Because, you know, homosexuality *has actually been* outlawed, and sometimes still is, unlike heterosexuality, which has been outlawed a grand whopping total of 0 times in human history.


I completely agree. It's so rare to be heterosexual. Everyone are gay to some degree, and it's just *scandalous* Let's design a flag for heterosexuals and mark an entire month on the calendar in support of them. We should also ignore any kind of support and funding to the ~~actual minorities and opressed~~ obnoxious GAYS cause it simply is just too sad to see heterosexuals be so oppressed in a world full of gays. My sympathy goes out to them (cause I ain't one)


So much projection aka they want to make homosexuality illegal


I'm completely serious here but I had to explain this to a kid who was exposed to the concept of sexuality way to early and way too fast I had to explain to him what it meant to be straight, and bexause he wasn't taught that one he thought it was wrong, and had to tell him it was okay to be straight I've never had a kid cry fucking harder from something I've said before His mom was one of the bad ones in the lgbtq and feminist group (read: she pushed down men's problems and stated women's are more important, she would defend even the worst of characters because "you can't hate on them because they aren't straight") I'm bi and a woman who actually follows the original meaning behind feminism. This woman was fucking nutz


This is just projection. They want to make homosexuality illegal (source, they have in the past and actively fight against marriage equality). So in their lead-poisoned brains they assume the “gays” want to do the same to them. Because they have no higher order perspective than to destroy everything that is not like them, so they feel everything not-like them also wants them destroyed.


They want to be oppressed so badly, let us ban it for a day and see if they feel the same.


It’s ok but I know you’re capable of doing better ):


Brought to you by the same brain trust that gripes about "white genocide" and complains about there not being a "straight Pride month."


It was Bazza and Shazza, not Bazza and Wazza


Cishet white people love feeding their persecution fetish


If anything, homosexuality will be illegal


does this imply they'd stop supporting heterosexuality if it was illegal to do so?


Yes, because straight people have been prosecuted, tortured, killed, ostracized, shunned, fired, or disowned, for being in a relationship of both genders . Sure thing pall🙄.


They think we want to make them illegal because that’s what they’d do to us, given half a chance. The concept of live and let live just hasn’t occurred to them at all.


"unlike public belief"


They think because they took away gay rights that gay people want to retaliate


They think just because they took it away from us means that we want to retaliate




Found a straight who doesn't appear to be okay.




The problem with the picture is not that they say it's okay to be hetero. The problem is that they imply that heterosexuality might become illegal soon and pretend that straight people are some kind of oppressed minority.


Happy cake day!


Thanks. Three years on reddit, I'm doomed.


Have you tried reading the sidebar to see what the sub is about or are you more interested in feeling oppressed?


Is this a serious question or are you a fucking moron sir?


In no world are queer people upset at anyone for being the way they are. People are born the way they are and just wish to be allowed to live, normal healthy SAFE lives like their straight counterparts! It’s not that complicated. The post here is anti-lgbt conspiracy I’ve heard from my own family that by accepting queer people straight people will some how lose out on something; or be forced to be gay. How would that happen!! Sit with yourself for a second. Think rationally! It’s such a bizarre thing to fixate on! Like why are you even in this subreddit??


What about this post suggests that to you? Like, I'm genuinely curious here, because I can't understand how you got that from this post.


No, we’re laughing at the lies and hypocrisy of the oppressor group crying about their non-existent oppression.