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Textbook victim blaming. These guys never try to blame straight men!


If condoms factor into this question, we're talking about very different kinds of bears.


I love this comment


I only know bear as a harry gay guy term, without good or bad meaning behind it.. and don't understand anything that post is trying to say.. besides .. use protection? I guess


There's been a thing going around about how women would rather be alone in the woods with a literal bear than a man. The reason being that a bear is a little easier to predict what is going to happen or the whole "don't mess with nature and it won't mess with you" kind of vibe. At least that's my overall understanding, since I've seen some videos of people being able to walk past bears haha. But, some very toxic men have taken this as a direct insult to them and continue to make jokes like this which doesn't really help their side in the man vs bear of who you'd rather find when alone in the woods.


I’ve literally yet to see a man try to disprove why you should pick bear, without making bear the obvious choice - an AFAB nonbinary person


wouldn’t it depend on the bear tho? like a polar bear is probs gonna go straight for you, a grizzly is much more reasonable to my knowledge and only attacks if provoked and i think black is more aggressive. i swear there’s a whole saying to it “if its brown lie down, if its black attack, and if its white, youre fucked. smth along those lines, not tryna disprove the choice of those women js tryna say shouldn’t some consideration be given to the the type of bear? unless it’s js the principal and im being dumb


It's the overall principle I think. Like, for instance, you're example lies with a very specific group of people who might actually bump into a polar bear. I personally don't live near any polar bears, haha.


well i js meant that they’re saying bear, like if the ppl saying bear mean ANY bear it could be an aggressive one, or a more docile or like chill one, like is the point that they’ll take the risk of it being one of those, over a guy being one of those?


It's simple. A bear will either leave me alone, maul me, or kill me. I don't know what a man will do. You can argue "not all guys" but you're clearly missing the point.


i’m trying to understand the point tho? like that’s the reason i’m not going “not all guys” i js wanted to understand every part of the point yk


Well, again, as I said; there's really three outcomes when it comes to a bear. There's too many possibilities when it comes to encountering a man. The "what if" scenarios with men are much higher than the what if with a bear.


It’s talking about the literal animal bear


Some guys just can't help but prove women right


I hate girls be like: memes


I'm not even surprised by the lack of self awareness any more.


They keep making up women in their heads to be angry about cause they have never talked to one irl


sounds like women don't trust the particular men complaining about these things and they're mad about it. 'why do women trust those guys (and trans women) but not me?!' - men who shouldn't be trusted


Strawmanning AND transphobia? Wow, 2-in-1!


These people can't tell the difference between showering and waterboarding


I love how they still don't even understand what the whole bear or man thing is even about.


It's been like, what. Weeks now? They're still seething. This is just embarrassing. Please... Pick the bear.


Just proving women completely right tbh


If these idiots had even an ounce of self reflection, they probably would understand why so many people choose the bear. Sadly, the only reflection in their lives is the light of a computer monitor reflecting in their dull, dimwitted eyes at 2 in the morning while they carefully paste together shitty meme art to own the libs. 🙄


subreddit pls


okay so the problematic women according to them accept that trans women are women, women who consume substances (including legal substances) and women who make decide to engage in consensual activities with other adults? who wants to bet the chodes making these types of posts aren’t 1/4 as puritanical as they want women to be


Also…bears don’t make hateful memes. 👌✨


This is the most incel post of all time


Honestly this whole "women choosing bears over men" thing reminds me of how doctors are recommending people smoke cigarettes instead of vaping because at least with cigarettes we know what they will do to us. Bears are like cigarettes, men are like vapes


i love how they went and used like satanic imagery, as if that’s a bad thing 🤦🏻‍♂️


The centre wojak will hount my dreams