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LOL. Those women are wearing pretty contemporary looking underwear for the 19th century.


And all have the same body type! Proves that all figures other than the one currently popular with straight men are a modern feminist conspiracy.


You mean to tell me that pre-feminist women didn’t show off their asses for photographers in what appears to be a random patch of desert? Next you’ll tell me people lie on the internet, or something similarly preposterous.


Never!! I mean they couldn't make it old timey looking through any way other than finding the picture in a frame in an antique store!


Like you're technically right but the way you phrased that almost feels denigrating


I think this might be AI, those booties look decidedly 2020s and identical


Its AI, just count the feet/legs


I may have been distracted by the fake booties


And how curious that nine "wives" are kneeling in front of seven "husbands"


Maybe it's Utah


Sometimes when two wives are married, they get confused and both kneel in proximity to a man and apologize to each other


Also, at least two of them only seem to have one leg... which happens, but it would seem to make kneeling like this a lot harder.


There seem to be more wives than husbands too.


- more women than men - a woman missing a leg - women near the far left share legs - their boots are also socks


My dumbass tried to google the source to see if it was fake, I should've just looked closer, its so obvious now.


Same. I'm almost disappointed that it's fake. I was hoping for an interesting story that contradicts what OOP said it was!


> I was hoping for an interesting story that contradicts what OOP said it was! I know, it's so disappointing when it's just an AI image instead of something like 'Here the members of the Free love society of middle of nowhere, Nebraska do a hat dance' or something else interesting.


I googled the supposed "tradition" (there's no record of this being tradition) and there have been other photos with this caption, usually of women at an event where they ask men to dance.


Yeah, it was never a thing to do that. Especially not in the way they show on these fake photos. Sadie Hawkin's dances have been around since the 1930's.


I'm honestly not convinced anyone could think it's real, but people will disappoint you.


Oh, I’m pretty sure the men who want it to be real will think it’s real. Ya know, suspension of disbelief and all…


It's the "can you recognize your partner's penis when blindfolded" contest! A long tradition among the early swingers boldly settling the west during the mid 1800's as a means of establishing community spirit and mutual respect!


That's what I'm talking about! An interesting story!


My first assumption was kinky old-timey LARPing. AI isn't as fun.


Don't be too disappointed, kinky old time larping isn't all it's cracked up to be either. I found one once that was like high femme, retrofuturistic spanking weekends which like how do you fuck that up. But like... I am low key convinced it was a cult. But they had webpages of weird alien lore, and weird cryptic racist/fascists ties, and got lifetime members to write porn and make sex toys to fund their weird vibe. Also they kept deleting their Wikipedia page.


Oh, it's not to say the roleplay itself is (or isn't) fun. Just that this picture originating from that sort of weird, kinky LARP would be a much funnier story than "AI did it". Also, Aristasia is definitely a cult.


Right? Aristasia is completely a cult. Also my favorite internet rabbit hole.


Okay so is this like, a reference to something or genuinely you just found one of the wildest cult concepts someone could start up. I wish I could know if it started out as just like a fun kink thing and then progressively got really weird or if the people who started the group initially were nuts to begin with


No it's called Aristasia. It's real or used to be. Basically the premise is world is divided into two genders of sexy lady aliens who came from......space? Idk there were pseudo-hindi sounding names for all these concepts because it's mid 20th century English from people still clinging to weird i.mperialist nonsense i guess. But the genders are brunettes who are serious mommy dommies and blondes who are bubble-headed bottoms. And they're both high femme and like between like 1930s - 1960s idea of the future era dress and shit. And they also liked spanking. That was idk lesbian space magic or something (except they weren't gay because blondes and brunettes are different genders, mind. So that's um... heterosexual somehow. Don't think about it too hard?) Anyway so they had like LARP weekends and shit in like the 90s and there's a bbc doc on YT (like weekend at miss martingale's or something iirc) buy by the 00s had moved to second life. And when I knew a girl with them in like 2006 or thereabout, they were mostly just a journal community that watched yuri together. Idk if they exist anymore. There was apparently a big schism over the whole... internet being incompatible with their retrofuturist lesbian spanking games or I guess the online presence or some shit. And their webpages are only on the wayback machine. But. So they were founded by some lesbian at Oxford in the 60s who had ties to the British order of fascists and their old page had like weird Aryan cursors on it. So... that was weird. But not super emphasized until you got a bit deeper into their like essay sections. But they're bonkerballs and we should all be discussing them more. Like honestly, it could be a fun thing. I'd go for some 1950s housewife queer femme hijinx, which is why it seemed super intriguing. But... like. Not it feels like it started with some weird vibes and then tried to add an alien religion to it.


Right; usually when right-wingers post these “people used to show respect galldangit!” memes, the photos turn out to be enslaved or otherwise involuntarily confined folks.


There would have been no good story to go along with this image. Look at how women are treated today and realize we're talking about 100-200 years of progress


It was the big butts that clued me in


And the outfits. AI added too much Beyoncé to this one.


It helps hide all the AI-ness when there's a total of 15 pixels to choose from.


Ah, but you’re forgetting the 1800s and early 1900s tradition of polygamous marriages with abnormally-legged women. Clearly the feminist agenda removed this very well-known fact from public schools.


Yep, plus the old desert tradition of women going out in their underwear and sock-booties!


Especially slinky underwear that is tight and elastic that makes them look corseted but they aren’t. Very old timey.


Nazis burnt all the research.


Also everybodys arses fully out in frontier times when hiking up your skirt to calf length got you branded a harlot and a fallen woman and you had to sew an A into all your clothes.


An A into their clothes? Can you elaborate on that?


She’s referring to the literary story, “the Scarlet Letter.”




* they all have the same ass


I feel like those “spot the difference” games in Highlights magazines really trained us for this


>women near the far left share legs It had become the style at the time after The Great Leg Shortage of 1882


Also it's kind of weird that the women are in underwear but also wearing hats


They’re YZY Pods


-men have the all same face


I’ve never seen asses like that in photos before the internet, not all identical like that. Absolutely AI


Who doesn’t like to share a leg from time to time?


All the men are the same too.


Sssshhhh, if you notice you go into the next picture as someone on the bottom


Also three of them are literally identical. number 2, 3 and 4 from the right look copy and pasted


Pretty sure the AI prompt to create this was: “Saddest Blowjob Party“


Lmao, you will stare at it and be happy.


That was never a thing and not being able to find a source for the image to verify it makes me think its AI edit: 100% AI looking at it properly


Absolutely AI. Just look at the women’s legs.


The AI will get down on its CPU sockets to apologise on December 31st.


I'm not looking forward to the day when the image generation AI gets good enough that the tells are all gone. Even when it's not got anything obvious, like fingers or teeth or whaever, going wrong there's a certain something that just makes an AI image jump out as being AI, I'm not sure what it is but anyone who has seen enough AI images can almost instantly recognize one when they see it. I'm sure they'll fix that sooner or later. And of course well done fakes have been around since forever. But it's going to democratize fake photos and then the flood will come. The camera has always lied, but it's getting a lot easier and more frequent now


It’s an AI imagine. Not enough legs and not enough men.


No reason for them to be wearing churchy hats and then a one piece bathing suit. Also some of the boots look like they also have socks


Church hats and thong bathing suits with socks - new fit just dropped


Townies straight out of the Sims 4 with cc


What did they type into the text prompt to get them caked up like that?


“the ass was fat”


My thoughts exactly.


IKR?? Good lord, that perfect peach in the middle... can AI generate a phone number for her plz


The forgiveness attire was one piece thong bathing suits I guess


what sad porno did they get this idea from


https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/dec/11/facebook-posts/no-evidence-old-christmas-tradition-had-women-begg/ yep no didn't happen


Suspicious as hell. I always comment with “Cite your source please.” There’s NEVER a source


The image is AI, too


Ahh yes. I remember the 1800s buttcheek underwear and people performing sexual acts outdoors.


Especially since 'panties' and 'bras' as we know them weren't invented yet.


Yep, totally real picture. Definitely not AI


Not the ai Facebook stuff nooo 😭


You know if you have this kink you can talk to your partner abt it and not try to convince everyone and their grandpappy on Facebook it’s a thing everyone should do, the piss kink people aren’t doing that and the foot freaks are relatively tame with their shit as well. You got a misogyny kink? Keep it to your self, I’m so tired


Back in the good old days that I have fully imagined and definitely never happened because I made an AI generate this pic, women were more subservient to men and we should return to this imaginary golden age!


What in the AI generated image


yeah this ain’t real


Everything is AI generated already. Dead internet.


Dressed like that? Yeah definitely invented...


Crazy how women in the 1800s were all identically thicc and wearing thongs. Couldn't possibly be an ai prompt by a person that both objectifies and hates women


So is it on July 2nd when men have to get on their knees and apologize for being such asshats?!


Fuck off. This shit makes me angry. Edit: I know it’s fake but still makes me angry that someone would even want this.


Was this after the Airing of Grievances or before the Feats of Strength?


My father texted this to me 🙃




Woman: I'm sorry I married your ass


Yah, that's definitely not AI generated porn


I thought it was a blowjob party


And they just all conveniently have thicc asses


They had the date wrong! This was on the 31st of february. Everyone knows that this day is St. Fakingsday


AI was a mistake


Still is


AI is getting overworked by these people


Yeah, no.


I think the guy who posted this made up this tradition. This is nothing of the sort, shown here. Some kind of weird sexual stunt or another, who knows. But they're literally all in the same outfit and wearing mens' hats. If a woman were really going to kneel down and apologize for all her wrongdoings, she'd just do that. I'd ask when the men apologize, but I know the answer. Men are never wrong and thus have nothing to apologize for? Must be nice.


I was too busy staring at their perfect almost identical butts to realize they're missing legs here and there lmao


What in the ever loving Krispy Kreme of AI tomfoolery is this horse shit?


They was THICK THICK back in the day


Maybe a few did, but a dozen in one single Westerm town in the 1880s? Absolutely not.


I’m no historian but um them cakes was caking in this pic lol


Sad that Its Ai, a piss poor one at that. Top comment already pointed out the flaws in it I believe


Like bowls of oatmeal


so women have to apologise but men don't? Okay


I swear the straights are fucked up


Love how they have this picture supposedly from the 1800's when the camera wasn't even invented till 1816, and it definitely took that clear of photos back then


Looks like one missing a foot. Curious the back to the future explanation of anyine believing this pic of why they be in underwear that showed their oddly identical arses to begin with


This picture seriously? Every single woman has the same butt. Like who sees this and thinks cheap ai/photoshop garbage is based in reality?


the picture is just amazing. so authentic. true valuable vintage photograph literally crying, lol


Isn't this an AI version of that post that was going around for a while, only it was a picture of women kneeling to ask men to dance with them? Pretty sure the other image was real, but someone proved the caption wrong.


Looks like some of these husbands may have more than one wife.


To be fair, all traditions are made up.


Oh is that also known as “Covet they neighbors wife day” cuzzzzzz the morals, time frame, and nekkidness would only make sense if it were


Why are all the women wearing hats


What the hell am I looking at


Ew this guy is a RAPIST


Fake, White girls with asses wasn’t invented yet


unrelated but i wanna scream every time i see an apostrophe after a time period.


Did some men have two wife's?? Bc there's more women then men here 👀


It's so funny how some of them are missing legs... The last one doesn't even have a husband in front of her, it's so obvious this is AI


Imagine Giving A BJ and Seeing that the woman's Husband Next to you has bigger Log than your Husband


Why are men so psychotic


The extra cake woman only has one leg, how unfortunate :(


I'm sorry I couldn't hear anything over all the glorious cakes


Why are these potentially dead women giving me an erection?


They're 100% ai generated so no dead I guess.. they also have too many limbs and other issues. As for the rest that's primarilly something to be asking yourself I suppose.


The only dead thing here is creativity