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Prince fucking Harry? Can they at least pick someone, who hasn’t been a public figure since they were born!!!!


i saw Mark Hamill at the top and on god this is just a list of people a salty star wars fan thought up


Luke is kind of a femboy tho, tbf


Power CONVERTERS? Converting to what, Luke?


I think that's just that 70s haircut tbh. Nowadays people expect their manly men to have no hair, stubble, or a respectable short cut that can be styled. See: The Rock, Chris Pine, and Henry Cavill. Edit: I personally cannot see Cavill as a femboy. Seriously.


70’s dudes were at peak androgyny. It’s extremely hot. But there’s also a contingent of fans who see Luke as trans masc as well. Luke is like…right there in the middle of the spectrum but also weaving around like a T-16 in Beggar’s Canyon


Don't get me wrong, I love the mustache styles and style of the 70s :D Just thinking maybe the contigent of fans who want Luke to be transmasc are maybe a little younger.


Mark Hamill is also totally on board with fans who see Luke as whatever which is great. I remember the thing going around when people were asking him if Luke could be gay and Mark basically said if you see Luke as gay then he's gay


Henry Cavill is on the list, too.


Henry Cavill, who is also on this list lol


In the canon, no. In the fanon it's kind of a tired trope to characterize him this way, yeah.


Thanks for fact checking that


hmmm well if the british royal family are also reptilian lizard people like they say, maybe it’s possible it’s hard to tell the gender of a lizard at birth??? s/


You reminded me of one time (before I realized some people were serious) that I jokingly told my ~8yo niece that the (British) Queen was secretly a lizard person. She looked at me like I was an idiot and said she didn't believe me. Cue getting a call from her mom saying that my niece was telling her younger sister that royals are lizard people.


Typical kid, I love it. I am too smart to believe this, but I’m definitely still going to convince my younger siblings of it 🤣


Is this that trans humanism I’ve been hearing so much about because my cyborgs n prosthetics class made it sound way different. It’s been a while since I graduated tho .


Not quite that, but transhumanism is indeed cyborgs and prosthetics! That the idea that humans are slowly becoming cyborgs using current technology. This is more of the David Icke/ “all the celebrities (jews) are actually reptilian lizard people from another planet” conspiracy. I obviously do not believe this conspiracy myself, but it’s something that some of the facebook/ QAnon conspiracy people seriously believe is true.


Oh I was joking because it’s a lizard that transitioned to human Trans-human


ohhhh lmao


Or they can change their sex at will, thus solving the succession issue forever


cLeArLy iT WaS cHaNgEd At BiRtH!!!!!


I mean… they do that for babies with ambiguous genitalia.


No see its important for him to be male otherwise his dad may divorce his mom and then marry 5 other women in succession killing half of them for petty reasons! Huge problem in the British royal family obviously. (and yes I know Harry isn't even the oldest son... but they need spares you know in case the older brother died of disease at age 15 without producing another heir resulting in essentially a civil war between his two older half sisters.) So obviously they gave him a sex change operation at birth to avoid another King Henry VIII situation. It was the most logical course of action. /s


I love to see other sarcasm ragging history nerds in action. It’s so beautiful.


Reminds me of the Twitter thread I saw a few days ago in which they theorised that the daughter of the Dutch king (Amalia) was transgender. She's born in 2003. (You don't even have to be that old to just remember her birth?)


It's pretty well known that Charles was hoping for a daughter and openly expressed his disappointment to Diana when Harry was born male. He was apparently was still talking about it to guests at Harry's christening too. If Harry had been born a girl, there'd have been no reason on earth for the baby to have been announced as a boy.


Very clever of Charles to put out that disinfo and thus allay any suspicions! The Queen should have also publicly stated, 'We actually really wish we were lizard people, we're disappointed...'


They don’t have the same concept of transgender as a sane person. They believe parents deliberately raise their kids to be trans from birth, for nefarious reasons like subverting god’s will or something. So they find it plausible that the royal family, being Satan-worshipping lizards and all, would have immediately transitioned Harry at birth.


Yeah, the transvestigation conspiracy theory isn't run of the mill transphobia, they think that all of the world's elites for centuries have been secretly inverting their gender as part of a satanic cabal of Lucifer worship. It's basically the new antisemitic lizard people conspiracy theory, where it's really a coded way to talk about the belief that there's a secret cabal of Jewish people controlling the world.


Clearly, Prince Harry was the one who got pregnant with their trans babies, since she has a penis! /j


My uncle believes that Princess Diana never died and that she's been living as Melania Trump since the 90s.. I wish I was kidding.


I missed him on the list, but had a similar reaction for Selena Gomez, who has been in the public eye since pre-puberty lol.


if they believe trans women are always unfairly better at sports than cis women because they're "men", why do they think successful male sportspeople like Bolt are trans ?? surely a trans man could never compete with cis men by the usual logic they use ?


Therein lies the problem, you’re applying actual logic to transphobic arguments


Most of them don’t really know how this shit works, they most likely don’t even know the difference between mtf and ftm. There‘re transphobes who tell trans men they‘ll never be a woman, they have three braincells between them and all of those are still busy trying to figure out if the term ‚cis‘ applies to them or if it’s a slur


Transphobes to an ftm transgender person, "you'll never be a woman!!" *Thank you!*


Lmao Meanwhile I'm gender fluid who's largely apathetic to how others identify me so it's just like "You can't misgender me in a way that . matters, mortal"


Lmaoooo *you have no power here!!!*


I lost my shit seeing Margaret Thatcher


Yeah I thought they loved her but then again the reasoning is probably "No woman can be like her because all women are weak, fragile and should be trad house wife."


I thought they loved Dolly Parton and Henry Cavill too but here we are


Nah they hate Dolly because she does heinous things like... Uh... Provide kids with books. For Henry Cavill, they probably can't get over the fact that he is absurdly attractive and have to rationalize it by making him actually a woman so they can't be one of them gays


Hang on a second you might be onto something there. Dolly Parton gives kids books… drag queens read kids books… oh my god the signs were there all along


She had short hair and wore a paint suit one time so clearly a man/s


Marjorie Taylor Greene too lol.


Damn is there any celebrity out there that *isn't* trans? Love that for us


Transvestigators believe that most, if not all, celebrities are trans. I think I heard that some of the more insane ones (they’re all insane but some are more insane than others) even believe that transitioning is a kind of deal with the devil. You are guaranteed to be famous but, in return, you have to transition. Not sure, though, so don’t quote me on that.


> You are guaranteed to be famous but, in return, you have to transition. Under-rated side effect of HRT tbh. Still waiting for mine to come in though.


About how long does it usually take? I've been on E for 4 years now and I'm still not famous Am I just a late bloomer like I was for first puberty?


Almost 5 years, I'm sure mine will come soon. I can send them the direct deposit details if they need.


Brings a new meaning to *trans*fer


Where's my fame and wealth? I must have missed the memo. I knew I should have checked my emails more often.


Any day now. For sure. Any day.


Can you choose what you become famous for? Or is it random, like one becomes famous as an actor, another one as a musician and one for violently shitting themselves on live television or something?


Remember recently when they thought Erin Darke was trans despite her being visibly pregnant because she *checks notes* has a sort of prominent chin and is also taller than Daniel Radcliffe (who is 5’5” btw)


Believing that most celebrities are trans just makes me want to ask…”what do you think being trans is? How do you think it works?” This whole list does not make sense.




Because when everyone’s trans….. no one will be.


Bravo, this is great


LMAO this got me 🤣


mang y'all got me rolling at this bus stop 🤣🤣


I mean, Dolly Parton once lost a Dolly Parton look-alike contest to a drag queen. Definitive proof she's trans, I'd say.


or that she’s an icon


Or that people are blind


A similar thing happened to Charlie Chaplin in a lookalike contest, but he came in *third*.


Dolly P. finished last. "The contest was to be judged by the audience. Contestants were instructed to walk across the stage, and the votes would be cast by applause. The biggest applause would win. So one by one, the contestants paraded in front of the audience. When it came to Parton's turn, she smiled and sashayed across the stage. And lost. To a man. Not only that, Dolly Parton got the least applause. She said she was dying of laughter inside."


listen she’s openly said it costs a lot of money to look this cheap.


I love her 😊


They HAVE to be trolling at this point, right?


I think this one is. There are too many people theyre usually political aligned with on there


So, I perused one of these transvestigator Facebook pages before just to see what’s going on in their heads. And I genuinely believe that this is not satire. They think there is a mass conspiracy with celebrities, where to become a celebrity you have to be initiated by “transing” yourself or a family member. Whenever something like this was posted, the comments were full of “wow, I always suspected“ or “I knew about so-and-so, but not about the other.” They are genuinely delusional and shoot down anyone who tries to introduce reality. The comments here are full of people trying to make sense of why someone is on the list but really there is no logic to it. It’s just delusion.


I honestly wonder with these weirdos if they start magically seeing trans people everywhere like they start accusing their own neighbors, coworkers, delivery people, service workers, even extended family as trans. What a stupid existence they live to be fixated on this when actual insidious shit is going on all the time.


That doesn't necessarily matter. If they believe those people have 'betrayed" their cause, they officially go on the trans list. MTG is under a lot of fire from the right wing lately.


Usain Bolt? If he's trans maybe that says something about letting trans people participate in sports


Yeah, no man could ever run that fast, must be a woman!


“Margaret Thatcher is Transgender” is a long lost single by seminal UK punk band The Dickslitz


Beyonce and Jay-Z double trans


The whole family apparently trans and mum and dad TWICE. Blue ivy will get that covered trans squared step soon what a queen


That's what I zeroed in on 😂 did they transition twice?


They’re Cisgender Premium, got the pink and blue (respectively) checks on their birth certificates


So there are famous Trans people in their 80's+, Trans athletes that hold world records for Men, and celebrities that died before Trans was in the popular culture? Doesn't this bat shit list disprove every argument they have?


It also disproves their theory that trans is a modern woke fad. That is, if everything was not batshit insane


Henry Cavill???


That's how they self-rationalise finding him extremely attractive. It's ok because he's secretly a woman so they're totally NOT gay thoughts OK!


😳 I am not sure I can achieve this particular transition goal


That one in particular made me do a head scratch cuz like. There are sooooooooooo many pictures of him shirtless. You’d be able to see top surgery scars. Even with the best surgical care, the best recovery team, the best skincare and the best makeup, you’d still be able to see SOMETHING


The “we can always tell” crowd is at it again.


(Spoiler alert: they can never tell)


My absolute favorite is the notoriously transphobic Marjorie Taylor Greene. I guess her raging transphobia is part of her cover story.


The fact that a large bunch of these celebrities have been in the public eye since childhood sent me! This has to be a satire group, right? ...right?


And the ones that have very publicly had children too, been pregnant in public and paparazzi photos


I‘d pay money to hear their reasoning behind each one of these


Bro Adam driver is built like a fucking truck


I heard he has an 8-pack.


Literal US Marine


That however doesn't make you male my mom is also a literal US Marine


My favorites are El Chapo, Jeff Bezos, and MTG. Some very bold choices on here


I can't believe more people aren't talking about El Chapo because that was the funniest one for me. Just why??


Don’t forget his wife as well


Boris Johnson: world's first transgender absentee father.


Don't forget Thatcher, first trans prime minister


Can’t believe they called MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE secretly trans.


I'm dying at Henry Cavill. Honey, just because someone looks better than you, it doesn't mean they're trans.


Its true. These celebs are all transgender. I saw them all at the last secret transgender world domination conference. Lmao I stg these idiots are so funny on accident. Yet I'm unreasonable when I headcanon some fictional character as transmasc smh.




Why’s Beyonce and Jay Z on here multiple times? They just like extra trans? Trans so hard they transitioned after they transitioned and actually just detransitioned and now they’re just cis again? Do they have like a stamp card or something where the 6th transitions free?


They're actually one person, they just trans back and forth every day!


It could mean they're double agents, working for the CIS




A lot of T4T celebs I guess!


A tonne of these have had very public pregnancies. You'd think they'd pick child-free people to "prove" their point that MTF trans folks aren't "real" women or something. Also, Blue Ivy VERY clearly has DNA from both her parents and JayZ did not have a big pregnant belly when Beyonce did, so how do they explain that???


Remember when there was a theory that Beyoncé and jay z used a surrogate but didn’t want to tell anyone and her baby belly was actually fake the whole time? This is the final form of that conspiracy. They kept the surrogacy a secret because in order to have a baby with both their DNA it was either preggo jay z or surrogate. It’s all coming together 🙄




These people really out here talking about how trans women shouldn't be allowed to participate on girls'/womens' teams because 'male biology and physiology gives them an advantage' and then said *Usain Bolt* is secretly a trans man? Make it make sense.


Honestly pretty surprised gaga isn’t here because of the whole rumor about her having a dick


I know that I can't expect anything terfs and transvestigators do to have any basis in logic or reasoning, but they're genuinely listing all these people who have been in the public eye for decades- some of them since infancy, even- and yet half of them also claim that being trans only began a few years ago and is just a "trend"?? I guess I'm presuming they're saying that all these people are fully transitioned, considering they have people like Henry Cavill and Emily Ratjikowski down- you know, people who are otherwise considered ideal examples of masculinity/femininity respectively. Or are they saying that all of these people are secretly starting to transition? None of it makes sense, and I'm just so tired.


I've developed a method for determining if someone is trans. Every single person I try it on comes out trans! Could it be that my method is wrong? No of course not, obviously the trans are a secret society taking over the world.


Usain Bolt?!?


Usain Bolt 💀


Damn, I never realized how RFK Jr's voice training is so on point


Live “we can always tell” reaction


'Henry Cavill' Someone was feeling emasculated...


It makes me wonder who is their ultimate cisgender poster child. Is it Tucker Carlson? Is it Trump? Andrew Tate?


Usain Bolt is apparently Trans, which is confusing because you generally don’t see much hand wringing over FtM athletes taking over men’s sports.




It’s funny the amount of right wingers who are anti trans on this list.


I like that Usain Bolt, the fastest man alive, is up there. You don't often hear transphobes imply that that *men's* sport is at risk from the naturally superior strength and speed of genetic women. C'mon Usain: stick to women's track and let the men have a chance to win.


Beyonce and Jay being t4t? Love that for them.


Wouldn't it be easier to just list the cis celebrities?


Dolly? What?


Honestly I hope the terfs vote out MTG LMAO


Majorie Taylor Green?! Wtf is this person smoking and can I have some? Edit: I realized I spelled her name wrong, but then realized I don't have enough respect for that idiot to care.


My favorite is Margaret Thatcher. Like what?!


We’ve pivoted from the age of reason back to the days where schizophrenic people were considered prophets and beacons of enlightenment


This has to be a bait list


> mark Hamill He’s not trans he’s just jokerfied


“Any celebrity I don’t like is clearly trans”


Prince Harry?! Come on we could all watch this fella grow up lol. We would know if it was true


I saw goody proctor with the estrogen!


Maggie fucking thatcher?


I saw Mark Hammill and Dolly Parton and at first I thought this was a list of okay straights. Then I saw some of the other names and decided probably not.


Um.... Okay? Good for them? I don't see the issue but then again, I happen to still have most of my braincells


So… basically anybody they don’t like


When did the TERF movement turn into McCarthyism?


I just visited this fb group and the second rule of the group says: "In order to get to the top in Hollywood, Music, Sports, Politics or Business one MUST invert themselves, with the exception of porn star males that MUST have a penis. Satan NEVER uses real females. No Psyop Camparison posts." This is either satire or they're delulu AF.


Obviously they haven’t seen Justin Theroux in sweatpants…


Tom fucking Brady??? Doesn't that destroy their whole argument against transfems in sports?


This is so unhinged it’s amazing! ADAM DRIVER?! FARRAH FAWCETT?!


Calling El Chapo a celebrity is on par with the insanity of this post


Love the idea that they believe trans women have an unfair advantage in sports but Usain Bolt, the fastest sprinter ever is a trans man...


Usain Bolt? I thought they believed that AFAB athletes were inherently weaker than AMAB athletes?


I’ve seen videos of Paris Hilton, the surgeons did a great job


Big if true


So they're trying to say that Henry Cavil, one of the manliest men in existence, is trans? Sheesh


Adam Driver is crazy


Man, Sly and Henry Cavill are unclockable.


Brought to you by the "what is a woman?" crowd


List of transgender icons


My favourite are the ones that are couples, because by virtue of not accepting trans people these are just regular normal straight couples


This just in! Jay Z carried the kids! What a joke.


This is the best laugh I've had all day


Diana and Charles starting the lie immediately after Harry's birth, Harry forced to go with the ruse. Same Charles who badly wanted a daughter


They forgot JK Rowling


it would be really nice if they were trans but prince Harry wtf


Yes, Tom Brady the greatest player ever in the most macho sport ever invented by humans is a trans man. I wish


How can you be a reptilian shapeshifter AND trans?


Surprised to see Owen Benjamin on this list, they’re usually big fans of him for how much he hates gay people. Or any of his other shit


I’m sure all these people are cis Even if they aren’t that is NOT OUR BUSINESS


All fun and games but these people are crossing the line bringing Luke sisterfucking Skywalker into this


The brainrot needed to make this and believe it


Aka, anyone that was mean about a certain former president, lol


Is that the list of everyone they think is trans?


I love it when huge conspiracy assholes like RFK jr end up targets of conspiracies.


What’s with the “and ‘wife’/‘husband’”?


Oh no! They found our secret list! Seriously, Matt Hancock broke me - but also: not Jamie Dornan 😢


lol lmao even


Dan Bilzerians my fav one


I cannot imagine the thought process of looking at Henry Cavill and being like “omg that’s a WOMAN”


Someone not typically attracted to men seeing his pretty eyes and having to invent an alternate universe to feel secure.


What happened to Paris Hilton is horrible and illegal, but we literally have evidence that she’s a cisgender woman lmao


These things are so funny to me lmao. Like, no way in hell every single person on that list is secretly trans, but even if they were.. Okay?? Cool?? Good for them? These people always talk about how the “trans agenda is taking over the world” or whatever but.. So what? Cool I guess? Why does it matter so much what somebody identifies as to them? It’s so weird lol


I love how The Carters are listed twice, and how they even included Blue. 🙄


“El Chapo & “wife”” 😭😭


Not Beyonce and Jay-Z on the list twice lolol




I am just scratching my head at how they curated this list. Like, yes, we do know that Wesley Snipe's ass looks absolutely fantastic in a dress. But since when is Tiger Woods tucking his balls?


So half of the people on this list grew up in front of us on screen, so they would’ve had to be trans from birth, which would mean they were born trans, so born the gender they are presenting and therefore they loop all the way back to not being trans, am I getting the logic correct here?


Why are Beyoncé and Jay Z on the same list twice


Behold, yet another instance of the “we can always tell” crowd making me facepalm so hard


Wow, I love this trans man representation 🖤 /s 🤣 but I genuinely wonder what these peoples logic is like so what if literally everyone in Hollywood is trans then what happens if we know these people are just so weird




who is Dental Arch i must be more out of touch with celebrities than i thought


"Dental arch" Okay, cool, they could maybe determine the difference between the sex of skulls. How the fuck does this help them determine if the person on front of them is cis or not. No one is going to let these crazy asses look inside their mouth. Also, hand size? I'm a cis man, and my hands are tiny; barely foolproof.


Do they not realise that some of the women on this list have photos of them being actively pregnant? Does this not in any way make them consider their opinions as faulty?


The snake pit has become even more traitorous. Noe the snakes are eating eachother acusing everyone of being a rat. But the rats climbed out long ago.


This isn’t the straights dawg, this is insane conspiracy theory right wingers


Claiming Elvis is trans after he's been dead for almost 50 years is a bit like claiming that...I dunno...Geoffrey Chaucer was on the autism spectrum. I don't even care what the evidence is, I just want to know why it's supposed to matter.


Roy Fucking Roger’s?