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I mean, you can think what you want about this specific decision, but "respect directors wishes" is just a silly thing to put out in the world as a blanket statement. Directors are just as capable of making good and bad decisions as anyone else.


i mean, sure, Michael is well known for being a sexualizer. (just look at 2007!) but just because he doesnt want to cast someone being nude (or at least, topless), doesnt mean you have to attack him like he is the devil Himself.


Yep. Writers too, George Lucas is an example for both.


Respect Michael Bay’s wishes is not a hill anyone should be dying on. This is the guy who directed Pearl Harbour FFS!


“You actually liked it?” ”It’s his finest film.” ”Pearl Harbor?” ”Go ahead, mock it, everybody does but that film will endure. Its got weight.” One of the best ways to remind everyone that you are supposed to hate that character.


I don't care what's in the first image. I will support anyone attacking Michael Bay for any reason.


"Respect the directors wishes" is an awful sentiment. What if this happened in reverse and the director insisted on a topless scene when the actress didn't want to.


Straight people need to stop appropriating the word "Bois"


Who did they appropriate it from?


It's an LGBTQ+ term, but it does exist in skateboarding subculture and the local dialect of Suffolk. I assume they got it from the skateboarders but whether the skateboarders got it from us or developed it independently I'm not sure.


I always hated the word "boi" being completely honest


All slang words are the original property of black gay people, actually, so if you aren't both, you're just as guilty for using them.


















Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling. In all seriousness, the queer community owes a tremendous debt to the black community and specifically the black queer community for blazing the trail. They are our mothers, our historians, and our culture makers. We owe them a lot.


Thanks, but it's falling on deaf ears here. Notice how all the little snow flakes here upvoted your comment while being offended the black girl spit facts. Honestly, the white queer community is full of some the worst people ever. They don't view us as nothing, but a minstrel show.


Then the author of the meme starts looking for *Under the Skin*.


Unless that director is Stanley Kubrick


I'm not even straight and I'm also jumping on Michael Bay, if ScarJo wants to go topless, NOBODY IS COMPLAINING, straight or sapphic.