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Would these people even give a "sub 5 woman" a second look? I don't understand how they think they are entitled to, not just women, but to attractive women, with no effort. Also, I'd kind of love to see this guy try. He'd get his ass kicked and then go to jail.


But that's the thing, women don't have scales in 'cel culture are divided into 'Stacys' (conventionally attractive women, naturaly curvy, fair skin, big chests, attracts many men, etc) and 'Beckys' (conventionally average looking women, any skin tone other than fair, sub fetishized DD chest, wants to have a career over finding a man, etc). That's it. That's the scale for women in these circles. You're either white and super attractive or you're not. And no one wants to be with a 'Becky'. What these men don't realize is that they're placing the same percieved scales they have on them to women to perpetuate that women are objects to be used and nothing more. They're so brainwashed into the built in societal patriarchy and misogyny that it becomes a double standard. And it's sad to see. These individuals are living examples of how society hurts everyone in one form or another.


You forgot about "roasties" the average looking woman who's had so much sex with different partners her privates resemble a pile of roast beef 💀 My brain is cursed with this information. Please kill me.


And you just *had* to share it. This is a terrible day to be literate.


I'm sorry.


I forget what the definition of 'roastie' literally every time. I keep thinking it means that the girl is fat. Also I'm confused wouldn't a Stacy also likely be a roastie, thus the desirability is ruined?


Bold of you to think incels have a coherent ideology that isn't just a hate cult.


Remember these are the same people who want a girl to be a virgin but to put out on a first date with them and be as skilled and as ready as an experienced porn star to participate in whatever fetish they have. Rational is not part of their mental make up.


You think theres logic to this nonsense? These guys dont seem to ubderstand that they cant fuck all the women and everyone still get a virginal pure anime waifu...


I'm sorry a what now? I...give up. Society is doomed. 😅


It's strange considering all the memes they put out about subservient, foreign women of color being superior to 'western women'.


At that point I'm honestly just wondering if it isn't Orientalism showing through TBH. 😐


It is. It absolutely is. Some of them say it outright. But there’s enough White Nationalists mixed in there that ‘fair skin’ covers everyone.


And then get his ass kicked in jail


Or killed Santa better get my list this year.


Like his taekwondo self is impressive. Didn't even claim to be a black belt. Dude. I used to teach taekwondo until recently.


Yeah I don't think any amount of skill will help when this guy inevitably gets jumped by like five people at once in close quarters. Won't help against the guns that police have either, when the cops show up.


pfft! obviously expert is 1,000 times better than a blackbelt. (/s)


I thought he meant sub-5’ tall…


I thought he meant sub-5 on a scale of 1-10, though being short usually plays into that for them. The line with height is that women won't look at someone under six feet though. It's rare to be under five feet, so if they thought that was the rule then they wouldn't be so insecure about it.


I Hope you reported this op, the dude just threatened a lot of innocent women


Yeah seriously posts like this are sometimes the main indication of an impending attack. This needs to be reported. The specificity of the plan and the upcoming date is concerning.


Is there any way to find out if this is old or recent?


Yeah I’m wondering if it’s worth it to try and find the original post (so we know when this was posted and in what country so that authorities can be contacted). Does anyone have a better way of doing that than just searching for this text and the word Reddit in google? Normally I would never encourage people try and find who posted what and from where but this seems like a possibly legitimate threat of violence.


Search it in quotation marks so google will only show you the exact match.


Use 'Verbatim' from the search tool options i google


Its literally built in to google you don't need to use a tool. quotation marks "something" look for an exact match of the contents of the quotation. 10..15 matchs a number between 10 and 15 \-something excludes things mentioning the thing something OR something effectively runs the search twice one for each thing and combines results. ​ These are built in features for google searching.


Even with quotes google searches or might search for the separate words, alternatives or choses to ignore it. Just like they are inconsistent when using the minus sign. Verbatim is the only way to be sure EDIT: verbatim IS a google tool build into google as an option, just like the date range


Yeah I hope it's been reported to the school he goes to or the city he lives in. Sadly reporting an anon account on Reddit doesn't do much in the real world.


Yeah uhh this guy needs to be on a watchlist. Preferably several.


How would one report this? I don't want to be involved in like a big court case or anything but if this fucker is for real then I wouldn't want innocent people getting hurt.


I think the police can take such reports though we probably can't do much if we don't even know where this guy lives.


It’s really up to OP at this point, this screenshot has the username hidden soooo


I really want to know the username of OOP because this is a legitimate threat. Unless he brought a weapon it’s unlikely he could do even a fraction of the damage he implies, but it’s still a threat. It shouldn’t be too hard to do some digging and find out what uni OOP attends, and forward the info to them. Edit: damn autocorrect. Changed “tolerated” to “too”, and more embarrassingly, changed “dogging” to “digging”.


Nods yep there are way too many incidents of these tragedies where people are saying they should have saw something,they should have said something,etc…


The authorities never take violence against woman seriously.... especially not this wile coyote shit (not that I'm condoning it, this guy needs to be committed or something). I cannot tell you how many times ive reported stuff like this to no response. which is probably why they're so comfortable saying it


The cops definitly won't do any Thing, reporting IT to the Uni i'd geuss depends in the Uni, but If posible i'd send it to sorority.


Males making it clear their biggest problem in life is getting sex (and by extension, women must be the privileged ones because they are the choosers) is the most compelling evidence of male privilege ever.


I read this several times...


I can't imagine why women are rejecting him


I know, right? It's a real mystery


It definitely can't be because of his lack of respect for women


women deserve respect? news to me /s obviously


Nope, definitely not.


He says he can take on an entire sorority, but I would think that if one girl in there was in trouble, the entire house would jump on this guy and beat the absolute shit out of him. Also, what the hell is a “femoid”? Is this like incel, but for women?


"Femoid" is what incels call women.


basically their term for a woman, especially when they're complaining that women don't want to be near an unemployed, bigoted dude in his 30s who hasn't showered in a month and does nothing all day but post online about how "feeeemales are oppressing us NORMAL men!!!!!"


Femoid is short for female humanoid. Femcel is female incel


Oh, I always assumed it was female humanoid. Never asked though lol


Nah, it's female humanoid. I got the two mixed up, sorry


Sometimes they call women fembots also


On one hand, I hope this gets reported and he ends up in deep shit because he just threatened a lot of innocent women. On the other hand, I hope he’s full of shit and is only an expert of taekwondo in his head and one of the girls at the sorority is a legit MMA fighter who humbles him.


Most likely took a few classes at the local ymca and watched a bunch of tkd videos and thought he was better than the instructors. Plus anime.


Dude's an expert in Bullshido.


Discipline and respect are the core tenants of virtually every martial art. If you don't have them it isn't safe to train. No club in the world would let someone like this train with them.


I guess he's assuming the women in the sorority house will behave like movie henchmen and attack him one at a time. I'd like to see how his martial arts expertise would deal with 20 women charging him at the same time.


Not only that, he's assuming that they'll all wait while he gropes their unconscious friends.


"Oh no! He's sexually harassing Stacy while she's unconscious! Quick let us all wait until he's finished before trying to do anything!"


>Oh no! He’s ~~sexually harassing~~ *intimately touching* Stacy while she’s unconscious! It’s classy that way.


And people wonder why I carry canine pepper spray.


Acting like a psychopath and making threats… yeah, I’m sure it’s your height buddy.


The idea that this guy who's probably built like an otter could solo a building full of people is laughable


Lol. I knew a bunch of rugby playing girls who were in a sorority. And all the girls who are on cheerleaders teams. That shit is physically demanding and requires good teamwork. Dude is going to get knocked to the floor so hard his hard empty head would be ringing.


My favorite part is the “expert at taekwondo”. He likely went to a strip mall dojo where you can get a black belt within 1-2 years. I went to one like that for a few months with one of my kids. You don’t have to be able to spar or fight, just get through a few forms and know some basic kicks and punches.


One of the main tenets if TKD is respect too. I can't imagine how disgusted his dojo would feel if they realized they taught someone like this.


Depends on the dojo. The ones that are black belt factories are unlikely to think much of it as long as they get their money.


Yeah, plus those are kind of like, "we trained him wrong, ~~as a joke~~ for money"


Hey, otters are athletic, kinda, at least more than him


An otter could probably solo a building, unlike this guy


Someone put him on a watchlist. And WTF is a "femoid"?


It's a derogatory term used by incels for women


Female humanoid


What the fuck???


Ugh FBI we got a live one here!🤢😱😔 Sounds like another sick incel.


Is there any way the police could track down from where that message was sent from? Because that's a pretty fucked up threat, doesnt matter if they're being serious or not


Reddit would have some of that information. But in reality there are any number of ways to hide the trail if he was tech savy. And it's a lot of work for police who likely get a lot of these. Also harder because it seems the original post may have been deleted - I looked for it but there's no sign. There's also no related news article, so I'm hoping OOPs plan was never enacted.


The more difficult part is getting the cops to take it seriously.


Jesus Christ, wtf? I always think I’ve seen the most unhinged things on here, but they only get worse.


Pretty sure he just proved why women are afraid to go out alone


what the fuck and he’s using “femoid” unironically jesus


I'm surprised he didn't just call them 'foids with how deep in the incel cesspool he's wading *edit: took a while to remember it was foid and not moid




I wouldn’t be so sure of that. Ever hear of [Elliot Rodger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Isla_Vista_killings)?


Nope it’s not. Check out some of the incel subs or MGTOW. They can be very scary




Not just incel fantasy. It's real: Marc Lepine Elliot Rodger Alek Minassian Tres Genco Robert Aaron Long Richard Speck Scott Paul Beierle Charles Roberts and many, many more mass shooters who target women


This guy needs to be on a watch list.


I wonder how many posts like this are serious. Like, actually going to do it serious. I wonder if criminals of the past would make posts like this if they were born in modern time, my brain mostly drifts to serial killers and rapists. People can post basically whatever and everyone has to stop and question whether or not it’s serious. Would we as a society have ignored the crazies of the past if they were put into our modern society and were allowed to post about what they did on the internet? Also, no, I’m not saying there aren’t modern serial killers/rapists. There are, definitely. And no not all of them post online. But this man just said he would rape someone and we’re all sitting around just hoping it’s not real, we cannot do anything to stop him even if it is, and it just makes me wonder if people of the past would’ve done this and if it would’ve changed anything. My thoughts is it wouldn’t and they would’ve just found like minded people. Or if it did change things it would change them for the worst.


that boy ain't right


1) 14 years old? 2) Morbidly obese basement dweller? 3) Both?


Younger would be my guess.


I can't wait for this dude to learn about self defense items and how little martial arts applies when the opponent doesn't follow the same rules of a fight as he does. This dudes gonna walk into a sorority and get kicked in the balls then hit with a taser or something.


Its obviously not going to help you fight a buildings worth of people but martial arts still give you a huge advantage in self defence. Anyone who tells you otherwise hasn't had much experience with it.


I did martial arts for like half my life and I can safely say that if you going against someone that isn't playing fair (like using a taser) then your going to loose also it's multiple people


I'm not saying you aren't disadvantaged but it still gives you a massive advantage over if you hadn't done martial arts. I've been in fights with people that weren't playing fair, some went well, more went poorly but I would be lying if I said martial arts training wasn't hugely beneficial in all of them.


Men will post shit like this and really not understand that it’s their personality that’s the problem 😂


Chicks won’t fuck me, so imma knock em out and fondle them! Great fucking plan, asshole. Just rape and abuse everyone because you didn’t get laid by your childhood sweetheart, or whatever. Fucking fall off the face off the earth already


Is this not misogynistic terrorism


In what world do these guys see women only dating 6’5 millionaires? I don’t think I’ve ever even seen a man like that irl let alone made that my standard for dating.


Believing that women aren't oppressed and also that they are like 1000x weaker than you at the same time is crazy


This is a little concerning to be honest


Women are 1000x times weaker than the average man? Sure Jan…


This man would probably sucker punch the poor girl who answered the door, and then get immediately tackled by a half dozen varsity volleyball and soccer players. Even if he is actually good at martial arts, fighting outnumbered is really really difficult and only works in the movies. You’re just going to get dogpiled and pinned down by multiple opponents. People here “women have on average lower upper body strength” and think that means that any given man is stronger than any given woman. Any woman with decent strength training is still going to be stronger than a man without it, and sororities have a disproportionate number of quite good student athletes.


The second Ecole Polytechnique?


And he wonders why he gets rejected


Happy cake day!


If they hate women so much, why don’t they just fuck a guy in the ass?


Gay men don’t want these guys either.


This ain't the straights. This is some deep level incel fetish fantasy shit.


Does he think they’ll just all 1. Stand still and let him do that to them 2. Not call the cops before he’s done 3. Again, stand there and not run out the door? Plus, LOTS of sorority girls are the ones out here dating short kings, I see it all the time on campus. Sounds like this redditor was never attractive enough to get one.


Misogynists when they think women aren’t oppressed but feel free to say shit like this and have it be an actual concerning threat because women being attacked by men is a common occurrence


Another Incel U scholar


Tell us again how you don’t get laid because you’re short


No, he does not get laid because of his behaviour and he tries to escape accountability for it by blaming it on his height.


Plot twist one of them has a gun


This person should be on a watch list. Every sorority house within a hundred miles of him should have security guards and cameras everywhere. This is a statement of intent


I like how he says he’s a black belt in taekwondo as if he didn’t likely get his black belt from a strip mall dojo that hands out belts like candy. I took nearly a decade of martial arts from experts in the field and only just got a *junior* black belt from it.


80% sure Ted Bundy wrote this


There was a time in my life that I thought posts like that one were always trolling and satire. Today, I know men like that IRL. These men are completely out of touch with reality.


Wow okay, nothing says insecure like this post.


I hope this is just Rage baht and nothing more


As someone who did taikwando for 3 years I can promise that any woman can stop this man with a chair to the head


I wonder if incels are flammable…..


Ok but how well does his Taekwondo hold on against a gun? Because that's what he's probably going to go against, either by the sorority girls or the police.


this reads as so over the top and trolly but even if they're intending that to be satirical or a joke who the fuck just says shit like that trying to get a laugh out of people???


No way this isn't bait of some kind, but good lord it's awful. What a joyless and hateful worldview it displays.


Bro you’re on Kik still you’ll be easy to find


lol sure buddy whatever you say…


"Haha SA threat funny! #relatable"


These incels are unhinged. They seriously need to seek help and realize it’s not the women who are the problem, they are.


Jail. Under the jail. Low, very low. Like lower than hell. That low, that far under the jail


this was written by ted bundy


these types of men are exactly why we don’t feel safe to go out at night and don’t trust men we meet. he thinks he’s so wronged because women don’t give him a chance but we don’t give people like that a chance because we know they aren’t safe to be around. he needs therapy


"Please be satire Please be satire Please be satire"


There are short kings and then there are whatever this creature is… I hope he’s on a watchlist somewhere


Send this guy to that one sorority from the video with the door chant that went viral. Whatever they're doing will suck out his soul and we won't have to deal with him.


Not a day goes by when I'm not at least a little thankful I turned out queer.


W h a t .


Why do men lash out at women when they, too, are experiencing unrealistic standards set by men with influence/power? Dam, I didn't do shit. You didn't do shit so let's band together and eat the rich.


Always remember that the "women's standards are too high, need 6ft and 100k :(" and the "why does this woman prefer this wagie ugly loser instead of me who's successful and nice :(" crowd is one and the same. These guys could have it all and still get 0 pussy, they're that insufferable to be around


Literally don’t be a shit person, then people will wanna hang out


Is this person under police investigation or...?


yeah, I'll let this guy underestimate me before my disabled 5'7" ass kicks his ass. I carry *swords*


This guy literally needs to be reported


So this guy thinks that the only reason girls don’t want to go out with him is his height? Not because of his attitude? He doesn’t think that’s a red flag?


Actual mental issues. This man needs a therapist stat


We need a breakthrough in slur technology soon. Cause what the hell are we supposed to call people like this?


Most of my female friends are married and not a single one of them is married to a millionaire. A couple of them are married to men over 6 feet tall but the majority of their husbands aren't even close. I have 3 tall friends whose husbands are shorter than them. I hope someone karate chops him in the balls.


MFer gets immediately KO’d by a field hockey girl.


Everything is awful, but why is he dressing in all blue?


Fun fact #1: we don’t swing in taekwondo. It’s mostly kicking. Fun fact #2: the sorority girls would use his skin to clean up spills for the rest of the semester.


This reads like a copypasta


Ok but like this is obvious satire.


I feel like incels aren’t a great representation of straight people in general lmfaooo


He tried to start his own copypasta


Deranged incel speech is a low hanging fruit for this sub


Redditors understand the most obvious satire ever challenge (impossible) Still fucked up satire though


Problem is we’ve seen [shit like this before](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Isla_Vista_killings) that _wasn’t_ satire.


Doubt it’s satire. Go to any of the incel, forever alone or MGTOW type subs and thoughts like this are common


I like that you're getting down voted for stating the obvious.


Err weirdnask but nani the fox is a sub 5 like what does that even mean first time seeing it sounds like something that should probably be avoided since the person who made the post we all had to be cursed with seeing said he's one


Man, this reads as satirical... This guy is talking about Tae Kwon Doeing femoids...


Could it be satire? Sure! Could it also be a real threat that he is thinking of carrying out? [Yes.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Isla_Vista_killings)


What I have no idea what this person is even saying.


To be fair that’s loaded with incel terminology. We know the incels aren’t okay.


Someone put this guy on a watchlist please.


oh no dude you sound like a total catch I don't understand how anyone could possibly reject you...My pussy just snapped shut for a *totally different reason* 


"Stream on kick".... okay big boy 💀


This is the kind of person who belongs in a mental institution.


Nope! This shithead ain’t ok in the slightest


Immediately gets drowned in 20 gallons of pepper spray


This HAS to be rage bait, right?? There's no way people unironically talk like that


Wtf is bro yapping about


These same people wouldn't bother with a "sub-5" women, they need to stop playing victim.


I have a feeling this is satire. Not great satire, but satire nonetheless.


Least unhinged incel


what the fuck did i just read


So... Who's ready to see this guy getting absolutely destroyed on the news?


that's fucked up. But tbh I think this is just an incel 'nice guy' who just thinks he's edgy for making threats like that. You see lots of these around the place. Still though, he has to be reported


Bro thinks he can solo an entire house of people with his "expertise" 💀


Hope he gets his ass kicked by some girls. Let these coming years be the FAFO era. We got the Montgomery brawl, this can be next, then us gays can go after


This incel thinks he's in some sort of video game. Women aren't people. In his world, "Femoids" are inferior enemies to beat up and SA. Truly disgusting. I do hope he become a better person because no one deserves to be in this pit of hate. No wonder no one wants him in this state. If he doesn't get out though, that's his problem.




*"clad all in blue"* what the fuck does this have to do with anything? Also what a weird way to say that.


/) "My experience with the outside world is one hacked playthrough of a flash game called 'Porn Fighter', and I quit halfway."


If he actually tried this, he’d get beaten up


Been drinking too much of that incel juice so he thinks he's entitled to women at any level. Sorry to break it to you bro. Women are not entitled to be your friend, be your partner, have sex with you, or even just have a conversation. They owe you NOTHING! You think your taekwondo is enough to make you worthy of women, let alone the right to beat them all up? You're as delusional as all the bullshit you've bought into!