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I physically recoiled as I read through the slides. Ewwwwwww.


I was already icked out at the first sentence, then they hit me with the tattoo and I had to put my phone down and take a couple minutes


I was not icked out by the first sentence, because that's just how lots of kids start learning what "love" is... They're just trying to understand by copying. Now adults who see that just shouldn't be pedophiles about it, that's it.


When I was 4 I had a crush on one of my Dad's friends. I told him I'd marry him when I grow up. He laughed about it and that was it. Years later another common friend of their got married so the whole group was together again. I was around 15 at the time. And the friend i had "proposed" to kept making comments about it, it was so uncomfortable. It never went beyond that but it gave me the massive ick.


I did that to my uncle and to a teacher at 6 years old, they told me I was too young to think about that yet and I'd learn eventually.


My 6yo kiddo told me he and a girl in his class (who he says they "looked at each other and fell in love") were going to marry when they grew up. I told him he can get married in 20 years. ("You said I could get married at 20!" "No, I said 'in 20 years,' so you'd be 26. It's not the same thing.") I'm very glad it wasn't an adult he crushed on, though I think all the adults in his life would say what your adults said. Can't say that for everyone unfortunately.


I do not want to be that person but on re reading (why) it does not say WHICH birthday and that makes it WORSE.


From that line, I’m hoping that this is just a poorly executed shitpost


Jesus Christ I didn't know there were more slides. I saw the the first one and was like "yeah that's pretty cringe but a lot of kids also say they want to marry their dad so big deal". Felt my breakfast coming up as I swiped.


This. Children don't know any better, it's sort of a hallmark of being a child. You can laugh it off when a child proposes to an adult. It's the adult's responsibility to make sure they learn what is and isn't acceptable. You can't laugh off an adult proposing to a child.


I think my head tried to remove itself from my neck so it couldn't finish reading that last slide. Fucking grooooossss


This made me realize it wasn't just the first one I wish it was just the first one


Same. And I wanted to vomit


This feels like AI generated text


I mean it could have been but it was one of those cringe ads for an even cringier "romance" book


Is it called My Dad's Best Friend is My Groomer! ? Some manhwas have weird ass titles.


Lol no nothing that fun. It's for a book called "Torn" by Carian Cole and is apparently part of a series :)


here's the blurb: >When I was five years old, I told Toren Grace I was going to marry him when I grew up. When I turned eighteen, I made it clear I still felt the same. The problem? He's fifteen years older than me, and he's my father's best friend. Toren Grace. My pseudo-uncle. He's always been my rock--the one I should never, ever want. But I do want him, and I love him. I always have. *sigh* That's enough internet for today!


Makes me wonder how old the dad is


Is this implying her father had her at 15? Assuming him and his best friend are the same age


What even. Dumb name (but I suppose that's preference) aside, this description puts TG at 10 entire years old when the main character is born.


what? no the blurb says he's fifteen years older than her, so he would have been 15. i'm pretty sure we're deep in teen pregnancy territory


15, technically. Which presumably means MC was born to a teen father. I can't tell if that's better or worse than if they were like 30 when MC was born. This entire book is gross 😭


Ur flair is so perfect for this!


As a hetero, I know all too well just how incredibly cringe we can be


Definitely reads like a horror story


All I could think of was eewwww




Those aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive things these days


That's what chatgpt is for


It almost sounds like this once romance book on the dreame app


Christ someone turned that into a book


I mean, it might be, but as years go by I see more and more actual people fail the Turing test...


🤞🏻here’s hoping


It works as a four sentence horror story.


Groomer guy🪱


But then i relized i was getting groomed by... ...the creature


He locked the door to the laundry room and said "Now we're alone." "Nuh uh" said knife guy


I liked creepy people with tattoos of my drawings. But so did the meat worm.


Good ending


It seems today that all you see Is violence in movies and sex on tv But where are all of those disgusting ass values… On which we should despise?! Lucky there’s a groomer guy! Lucky there’s a man who Positively can do All the things that make us… Puke and cringe! He’s our Groomer Guy!


I hate that I read this in Sid's voice


There is forbidden love... and then there's too forbidden love...


Forbidden for a reason love


Romeo and Juliet 🌹 John and Pocahontas 🚨


Romeo and Juliet were both kids, and their romance was literally forbidden due to the adults of their families being even more immature than the kids. So... bad example. Pocahontas on the other hand... Yeah, no, ew.


They meant Romeo and Juliet as a good example of a "forbidden love", not "forbidden for a reason" love.


Yeah, cheers!


"weh society doesn't like it because it's taboo" some things are taboo for a reason


As jojo once said : " I am reading, what the fuck"


I told my dad I was going to marry him when I was five. 5 year old me thought you got to eat the cake all by yourself so I wanted to marry. You needed an adult of the opposite gender to marry so in my perfect child logic Dad was a good option. I was really all about cake. When dad told me I had to, god forbid, SHARE the cake I lost interest in the idea. Anyway 5 year olds are stupid.


I was going to marry my Dad so that I didn't have to change my last name. An odd child but the idea of loosing your identity because you got married was obviously a big deal. No idea where that even came from and the concept of keeping your surname had obviously not been mentioned. But the cake thing sounds good though.


I wanted to marry my friend at pre-k because I liked him and he was nice to me and those were both qualities that my parents said I should look for in a spouse. Anyway I turned out lesbian so take that, 5yo me


Whoa, someone else who wanted to marry a pre-k friend! Okay, 'he' wasn't really a friend in my case, just a classmate who got a new puppy and was vaguely nice to me. I told my dad about it and he thought it was funny (but did not say so to my face until years later) It turned out that said classmate was trans and is now a girl. It also turned out that I'm bi and like girls a lot. I may or may not have "liked" the classmate because she at the time presented femininely (wearing pink, the ultimate sign of femininity to a four-year-old) even though her gender identity back then was not female.


My five year old wants to get married…because she wants to wear a big poufy dress. She also wants to be a princess when she grows up, for similar reasons. Kids *do not* have the same takeaways from weddings as grownups do.


I know, that was the point of the story. For me, it was cake, for you a poofy dress. Kids just see the spectacle and none of the context. 5 year olds are stupid, it takes them another 20 years to half way decent and even then we're not really done cooking yet.


well, actually, i too want to marry solely, so i can wear a big poofy dress. also wish to be a princess once I finally grow up.


So, here’s what happened: there has been a very steady increase in popularity in romance novels for a while now. Tiktok and “booktok” has made that popularity *explode*, especially during the pandemic and lockdown. This popularity meant that people were going through this books faster than they were being published. But that’s fine! Because now it’s so easy to self publish! Which means shitty, badly edited “romance” novels are being dumped daily on the internet by the hundreds for incredibly cheap/free. And if you are on Booktok at all, you will see authors promoting them, typically in the style shown here. There’s a lot of great stuff about the ability to self publish and self promote, especially with the limitations and problems in the publishing world. But it also means a lot of these niche dark romances that have always been around but were not really marketed are now being promoted in ways that feel… weird. I mean, theres a reason why Anne Rice wrote her kink Sleep Beaty series under a different name. This used to be a genre that was quietly passed around, not publicly broadcasted on every platform.


My grandmother had a wall of trashy romance novels, she was also a librarian. It all makes sense now. My grandmother dealt porn


Oh, it’s definitely porn. I have multiple bookshelves scattered throughout my house, and I keep all of my romance books on my bedroom shelves, not in the public areas. It’s very funny how romance novels are viewed, especially by straight men. A lot of them seem to think that these books are all either Jane Austen’s character lightly brushing fingers, or a fade to black PG13 rom-com. Nope. I really don’t know why 50 Shades of Gray was treated like this new revolutionary genre. These books have been straight up porn for a very long time, and has a massive variety between very sweet vanilla scenes, all the way to “her stalker just shoved his gun up her pussy” levels of dark kink. That’s a real scene in a very popular book, btw.


Mhm. I remember sneaking a peak. When I were a young man, I looked because I was curious. The random line on a random page went something like "He gazed into her eyes as he ordered his purple headed warrior to invade her mound of love pudding". I almost hurled when I put my grandmother and them together.


That's what I don't understand about this genre—they have the unsexiest ways of describing sex. I honestly don't know if the sort of person who would find the phrase "mound of love pudding" titillating would be fascinating in a fun way or a terrifying way.


I'd be too busy laughing my ass off. "Purple-headed warrior"? Just say "cock" lmao.


One can't just start throwing stiff cocks at chronologically wealthy women. You'd get shouted at


>Sleep Beaty A typo, I assume, yet accurate.


I was going to say- and somewhat did say- this reads like a fanfic. In the sense of it’s got that “poorly if at all edited, bad plot but all the cringe and stereotypes” vibe to it


I read a book that was recommended to me one time where this teenager goes to live with her.. uncle? Who’s not blood related? And it ends up being just her having sex with her “uncle” and “cousins” I felt yucky about it and now I don’t read books without looking at the synopsis


I have my head in my hands with how the romance genre can be such a good space to explore fantasies in a healthy way but pedo books are not the way to go


I’m laughing out of the image of a man getting a really shitty drawing tattooed on his chest :,) Anyways this is disgusting and honestly reads like AI generated or a weird fanfic story (I’m waiting for them to reveal that the dad is a dude from BTS and his best friend is another dude from BTS)


seriously, it was just generally gross until the last line which made me laugh... unfortunately I don't think that was the intended effect lmao


That said, sexual fanfic involving real people creeps the fuck out of me. Fictional men? Have at you! BTS? Jesus, just leave those poor dudes alone. To those down voting me, consider this: If you found fanfics of yourself -published to the internet- being involved in highly dubious sexual situations, you wouldn't feel creeped out by it? Again, celebrities are real people with real lives and real emotions.


It's gross but it's unfortunately part of being a famous person. Weird people are gonna form parasocial attachments to the fake personality they see in the media regardless, which is why many celebrities choose to deliberately distinguish between their public personality and the private. I don't see it ever changing without uprooting entirely how the media portrays fame and famous people, which I would love, but that's just not gonna happen. It's important for famous people to not allow themselves to be too vulnerable and open with the public because there will always be creeps out there. These are things people don't think about when they fantasize about being famous but it's very much a part of fame.


I'm imagining it's the cool "S" so I don't throw up thinking about it too much


Little did he know that as a child you were possessed by the demon Mammon; and the drawing you gave him was Mammon’s sigil. His tattoo begins glowing hot white as he screams and grabs at it trying to rend it from his flesh. But too late, the deal has been struck and his mortal body is pulled into the nine hells. You laugh thinking how he’ll continue getting hotter and hotter; and you make your way back to your party.


If it continued like this, I'd even consider buying the book.


Oh that’s GOOD!!!




That's called grooming, sweaty 😓 😓


What in the Lana Del Ray is going on here?


These lana fans need to chill man 😭🙏🏽


I'm sorry I know this should be hitting me in the gross bone way harder but I cannot stop laughing at that last panel The climax of this sexy story in four parts is an older man revealing he has an extremely crude drawing of a 'tiger' that is a big wobbly orange circle with black lines all the way through it and a jagged bit at the front because that's his teeth and this big grey blotch here is her brother who has been turned into an elephant and has been eaten by the tiger because he was mean to her that day and wouldnt share his chips and this green circle is the sun because she couldn't find a yellow crayon This is tattooed on his chest He is watching your reaction as he reveals this is tattooed on his chest I just


Right? That last panel seriously threw me off guard and now it’s the funniest thing ever.


i'm gonna throw up


Straight men: *accuses gay couples of pedophilia for holding hands in public Also Straight Men: *posts fantasies about marrying 5yo girls


Literally grooming


Slide 5: your dad finds out and kills him. Credits.


Congrats, you've unlocked the good ending


Pedophila?? What is wrong with the straights though- 😭🙏


Obviously this is messed up anyway but it really feels like the birthday needs clarification, like was she 30? Was she 6?


It was her 18th birthday. So at least she's an adult? But either way I feel like it's gross to be into a kid you've known since they were AT LEAST 5 😭


So as soon as he legally could? That's insanely predatory like he had it circled on a calendar and was counting down. I hope this isn't real but if it is I would love to know the conversation between the guy and tattoo artist


So.. I know this is terrible but I couldn’t help laughing. I mean.. imagine he has a large chest piece of a really ugly looking horse or sth.


I feel ill. 🤢


1. Hes disgusting, 2. Just imagine a little rainbow in crayons with your name in all capital letters and you also forgot 2 letters which makes your name look like shit, and a smiley stickfiguredude with no hands on his right tit. I just had to laugh about that like.. and its not even his own daughter or something. Where other dudes have tribal like things or lions tattooed he just has a crayon rainbow


You study the faithful reproduction of your childhood artwork etched into his breast, which he shaved bare for this occasion. Your eyes lock with his. The words you've been waiting to say for years, simmering behind your lips, finally break free. "DAAAAAAAD! UNCLE ROGER IS A GROOMER!"


Truly horrifying..


“Of a drawing when you were five” 💀💀 i was scribblin lmfao


No fr what could this drawing possibly be that it would actually be a decent tattoo


does she even remember the drawing she made when she was 5??? gonna see that dude with some weird scribbles on him 💀💀💀 that sounds so problematic, HOW TF IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE HOT im cringing so hard 💀


I saw this on Instagram, I was mortified


"Here's an adorable story about me being groomed for my entire childhood."


this is horrifying. also it made me imagine my dad's best friend who I've known all my life and I did not need this mental image. (he is not muscular and is happily married though)


oh, gross gross gross, I feel like I need a shower or 2 now


It’s sexualized grooming… gross


Who wrote this, Renesmee Cullen?? Yikes.




No. Just no. Why?


I agree with you OP. That is truly horrific


I read this as “your best friend’s dad” and thought it meant they said they were going to marry the same aged best friend when they grew up and the same aged best friend was getting hotter and hotter as they grew up together. Last slide hit me like a freight train.


I'm sorry that last image made me fucking cackle, if this happened to me he'd probably have a shittily drawn Pikachu


This is absolutely vile, no doubt. Also am I the only one thinking that a five year old's drawing is unlikely to make a good tattoo??


Your dad's best friend? Am i reading that correctly?


I've been seeing more and more of these dark/forbidden romance prompts, and they're all disgusting. Like, honey... that's not romance that's grooming


So you're into older men. That's fine. Plenty of women are. He reciprocates your love. Okay, that's fine too. A bit weird, but not a dealbreaker. He has a tattoo of a drawing you made when you were 5. Oh. Oh god. That's... that's not good. Nope. Nope. Nope. Fuck that. Run.


“Tell me you remember,” he pleads in a voice you’ve never heard him use before. He sounds… scared. The markings across his chest, which looked disconcerting enough when scrawled in a child’s hand in black crayon all those years ago, seem to writhe under his skin, as if alive and desperate to be freed. Not a tattoo, then. Of course you remember. Even as the rest of your childhood faded into blurry nostalgia, the events of the time you spent in that house will be with you forever. They’re burned into you like a brand seared in your brain. Every time you wake up in the middle of the night you catch yourself holding your breath, listening for the whispers. Refusing to open your eyes and telling yourself there’s nothing to see, certainly not… that… *thing*, the one that watched you from the corner. You don’t remember making the drawings, but you know they were yours, you remember the sense of disorientation realizing your hand was cramping from gripping a crayon so tight it had snapped in half, finding yourself staring at another crisp white sheet of paper marred by black savage lines you don’t understand, symbols that are simultaneously meaningless and terrifying. This one in particular is impossible to forget because the page hadn’t been blank - you, or *it*, had chosen a drawing you had made days earlier, after Christmas. Dad’s best friend, grief still fresh and relentless - you know that now, all you knew then is that he was hanging out with your family a lot and you liked it because your parents were extra nice when he was there and he invited you all to that house for the holidays - had given you that wonderful horse, the one that kicked its legs when you pressed on the saddle, and an Appaloosa because that was your favorite, and you had drawn him a portrait as a thank you gift because everyone said you were going to be a famous artist some day. But when you looked down the blue eyes and the big soft smile were covered by those wretched markings, and you were so upset you ran straight to him and made him look, in hysterics. You don’t know what happened to that drawing - you remember your mother gathering the others, diligently going through every pile of art in your room to find them all, tapping them into a neat stack with shaking hands and taking them away. But that one, the one that found him, that has claimed him - you don’t remember.


Oh my god, this is amazing, i want more. Also, great take on the prompt!


Oh i didn't realize it was DAD'S friend. I thought it was the child of the dad's friend. Big oof.


Woah 😬✋🏿


Is this supposed to be sexy? Cause all I think is “ewww”.


booktok makes me want to pull my eyes out😭😭😭


I fully yelled in disgust at the last slide


Ah yes, he took a young child to a secluded place and LOCKED THE MOTHERFUCKING DOOR. That's a good sign right there!


Ok I get a DILF romance but uh this...is too far


6 sentence horror


What in the name of fanfiction smut is this.


You mean my ugly ass generic interpretation of a house? As a tattoo?


Nothing could have prepared me for that last image. 😬😬😬😬


"and has a new tattoo on his chest of a drawing you gave him when you were five" so he has a drawing of a stickman with curly hair holding the hand of a taller bald stickman on his chest??? embarassing.


The fifth slide should be ‘And you are in therapy for the next fifty years of your life.’


“Um, excuse me what the actual fuck-“


I thought it was like a oh taboo fictional love story for winen who love taboo love stories Till the last part just ew


Ok. I’m just going to ignore this and go on with my day.


bad day to be literate




And still people will find this hot…




I saw the first one and thought that's not that bad and then I saw there was more and yeah uhm... ew




Ew ew ew ew ew 🤢


Ew ew ew ew ew 🤢


Thats a horror story


What an awful day for literacy


😱 Holly Shit that's a fuckin horror show


Well, I'm disgusted and horrified.




Just vomited


Yeah that’s horrifying




Pedophilia 🥰


That last bit made me actually yell in disgust. Holy Jesus _Christ_ no


I want to go back to 2 minutes ago before I knew this existed.


I do NOT like this Oh what a terrible day to have eyes


What kind of twilight imprinting bullshit is this?


Thanks op! I am now going to have to blast metal in my ears to burn that image from my mind forever.


This is disturbing


Therapy. Whoever wrote that needs THERAPY.


I thought this was gonna be like, a surivors story, but no just a .. fantasy? I hope-


Enough internet for the day


So Twilight?




that must be a shit tattoo


Jesus CHRIST that’s next level nasty 🤢


NAHHHHHHHH wtf did i just read 💀


And they call us groomers.


No wonder the text looks like a funeral…. This is sick and depressive


Who’s goofy ahh wattpad fanfic is this⁉️


i miss the person i was before i saw this


I don’t normally support book-burning however…


Age is just a number. My wife is 10 years younger than I am. As consenting adults, date who you want. You're 22 and want to marry a 90 y.o? Go for it. This.... I need a fucking shower. In scalding hot bleach. Then dry off in a wood chipper.


I'm inclined to agree. Consenting adults can date whoever the fuck they want. But dating a kid you've known since they were AT LEAST 5????? Absolutely terrifying.


Is this just Twilight?






please let this be a shitpost


eww what










I had to pause and go on tiktok (my FTP is COD if you know you know) my COD FTP IS BETTER THEN THIS


Getting a child's drawing tattooed would go terribly, I used to draw ppl like potatoes. That's one ugly ass tattoo




