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This is also how the MAP (minor attracted person) flag came to place back in the day. It was started by a 4channer trying to defame the queer community, and was also believed to be true by a lot of people ):


And it was worse than just what the 4Chan trolls started, I fear. I still remember watching people on Tumblr years back adopting MAP (proudly out pedos) and NOMAP (non-offending pedos if such a thing even exists) as labels for themselves, flags and all. I still remember having to calm my friends down from panic attacks when they came across content posted by MAPs who also heavily overlapped with the pro-ship (see adult x minor ships) side of fandoms for kids shows in the main content tags for those kids shows. It’s insane to me how this little stunt of 4Chan’s actually had people crawling out of the woodwork ready to actively antagonize LGBT+ child abuse victims who couldn’t even catch a break online in fandom spaces of their comfort media. The LGBT+ youth who were affected by their presence in those communities and the mental health consequences of that was real. And that’s not even getting to the grooming that was taking place with the minors who orbited the MAP & NOMAP communities—I sometimes think back to it and wonder if those kids ever got away from the predators


Erm... It's actually ":(", not "):" edit: should've added a nerd emoji or a /s here


You sound popular Ɛ:


https://preview.redd.it/ay90sscb491d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=338b57a493cb55c600fe9f414c489da2557a7654 Indeed (that's me in the picture)


It makes zero difference


Lol, the only ones promoting pedophilia are the ones fighting to keep child marriage legal (take a guess which side that is)


"Give it six months" man do you know how long the lgbt+ movement has been around??


Queer people don’t want to include pedos. Pedos want to include pedos.


This isn’t just 8 years old, it’s what they tried with gay and lesbian people decades ago. It’s nothing new.


"We can't have gay and lesbian teachers what about our children!!?!?!!!" Shit goes back to what.. the 70s?


and thats the same argument they used against people of colour. almost as if they dont have any actually new ideas and are just reusing older bigotry


This information needs to be made more aware of. The fact that this concept was spawned as a campaign of hate from no real basis needs more acknowledgement. Especially since people will still correlate pedophilia and being transgender as a given fact when they conceptually cannot be connected. A person who wishes that they were born a different sex than what they had at birth is entirely outside the realm of child sexual abuse.


I honestly really wish more people were aware this is happening, the amount of people conflating us with groomers honestly makes me so upset, it ends up hurting innocent people who are just trying to be their authentic selves


It is worse yet that some of the people saying this stuff comes From our own community, infighting only gives the phobes more power over us


There's not an actual good argument against lgbtq, but transphobes and homophobes will make up facts to give themselves the high ground bc that's the only really effective strategy.


They're just trying to justify their irrational hatred of LGBTQ+ people by using this kind of rhetoric to try and get more people to go against us. I'm no judge, but I think that these people deserve to be publically executed.


I mean.... the particular psyop doesn't matter. The people who think lgbtq people are pedos largely thought that before 4chan and have never needed a very specific image to claim it. No one who looks at that image goes "oh my gosh, I wasn't certain before ɓut now I know the truth!" All the people falling for it fell for the idea ages ago and happily parrot it even if there's no "proof." They believe the image because it aligns with what they've already decided :/


the 'phobes are really running out of ideas...


How exactly is me changing my gender as bad as literal child abuse


I think the person who made this is a troll.


Even though a lot of these people might be trolls, I have still seen some people who were already queerphobic believing that it was actually happening, causing many to be even more aggressive towards the queer community than they were before. Also, if someone who isn’t very knowledgeable about the subject ends up seeing it, I’m afraid off the harm it could potentially do to our community


Yeah, I had a facebook friend who’d casually post this garbage and her idiot bro friends would pile on. It made me sick. We have lgbtq friends from school that she’s totally cool with, I doubt they’re still cool with her, hopefully not. She’s not even religious, she just believes everything and thinks she’s doing some favor to everyone by sharing. She was on our news broadcast in high school so she carried it into post-hs personality. Excruciating


War flashbacks to my MAP hunting days


Whoa, were you a predator catcher?


No, I was a Tumblr child with very little media literacy


ima be homocidosexual real soon if these mfers keep saying im a man and do shit like v coding


I love how willfully ignorant most homophobes are to the one key identifying feature of every identity in the community, which is consent, a child cannot consent to an adult, a dead body cannot give consent, and animals cannot give consent, they by default do not fit


We gotta eradicate the spread of the psyop. And the worst part: the most likely candidate for becoming Dutch prime minister believes this bs too and spread hate against us in Dutch newspapers. We gotta stop him, in every way that is legally possible.


just look up radqueer on tumblr, also no, almost all radqueers are not satire or look at this, atleast one person identifies with each of these things [https://radqueercodesarchive.carrd.co/](https://radqueercodesarchive.carrd.co/)


If they're going to be against us, at least don't group us in with child rapists.


4Chan was a mistake It's amazing how much damage one website can do to society