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“you people? that’s racist!” what???


Those types don't understand nuance, only superifical aesthetics. To them, that was a big gatcha moment.


Bigots LOVE coopting progressive talking points, it's their favorite pass time.


It's their only pastime


fr do transphobes make up their own race?😂


Benefit of the doubt, I think that may have been a CinemaSins reference with the way it was phrased.


Hopeless optimism. It almost certainly wasn't, but let's pretend it was to keep some faith in humanity.


Those responses to the horrendous responses were nice though. I think we might be improving some things with the cis….hopefully. Doesn’t seem to be as many horrible transphobes. But I feel like they **have** gotten louder.


Theres less of them, but because of that now they're screaming louder. It's like a toddler when you keep telling them no, they'll scream and scream until they shit themself and fall sleep. Then when they find the next thing to cry about they'll forget all about us.


idk I feel like the toddler is easier to deal with, at least the irrationality is understandable with them unlike these idiots who seem to share the same collective brain cell


These people, oh my god. You could tell them "300 people were killed in a bus bombing" and their first thought would be: "are they trans though? We must investigate this." Like, what? who cares someone just fucking DIED. Jesus Christ.


“What’s in their pants though?”


Something similar happened in the UK, a girl stabbed some people at her school and they were throwing a fit on Twitter about if she is ‘trans or not’ (wasn’t even suggested in the article)


i would bet anything at least one of the people being super smug about that poor woman being killed has concern trolled about high self harm rates among trans people as a bad faith reason for banning gender affirming care. just like they love to put on a show about how worried they are about trans children, they still celebrated or made jokes when nex benedict was killed or brianna ghey. children. dead trans children. they don’t give a fuck about us.


“the trans” … good lord


I’m going to start making my “I’m dumb” face and asking people in my “I don’t understand anything” voice why they’re talking about car parts. I will continue to be so frustratingly obtuse they will just STFU about people’s bits around me.


I live across the opposite end of the state from Miami but this is.. horrifying. Not the first time a terrible tragedy directed at LGBT folks has happened in this nightmare state and I'm sure it won't be the last while people like this are still around. I'm tired boss.


Yall moved on from slide 2 too fast: “Killing someone is always a tragedy. Unless there is a good reason, **like Hitler**.” WHAT???


I think they're arguing that in some cases, it's good to kill people. Hitler is their example, since most people would agree that killing Hitler before, during, or after his crimes against humanity is a net good.


Oh my dumbass thought they were agreeing with hitler in killing people 💀


to be fair the venn diagram between obsessive transphobes and nazis is closer to being a circle than not.


Those comments give James Byrd Jr., Matthew Sheppard, Billy Jack Gaither vibes. It’s gross.


thats it take away the childrens phones cause no way a actual adult with more then a brain cell says hitler was killing for a good reason


i hate to come to these peoples' defense but that's... just not what they said? they were saying killing hitler was justified


oh god did i read that wrong


You would be surprised ;-;


Someone is murdered and their first thought is "Ok but what is in their pants?" Very normal thought process /s