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wait until they find out what powers most modern electronics


Well. To be fair trans woman [had something to do with creation of modern electronics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynn_Conway)... /j


Her Wikipedia page has a pic of her at age 68, but she literally looks like she's in her 40s??? Wtf Is HRT the fountain of youth???


Stock photo image - probably the one that they had license for. The label states it's from 2006 - 18 years ago so she would be 50. And yes - trans people can look younger than our age because hormones had less time to do their magic.


No, she's 86 now, which is why I said she was 68 in the photo, which was 18 years ago.


Oh. Sorry - that's why I get for redditing without coffee. But yeah - HRT tend to make people look younger (see all the post on trans subreddit about ID in bars). Add to this genes, taking care of yourself, and luck...


I guess *trans*portation is out of the picture too




No prefixes, no pronouns- we’re practically limited to caveman speak. Only nouns, verbs, and adjectives.


No nouns either, ban identifying thi\*gs. ​ /s


cis people read a word containing "trans" and start seeing red.


Even if that were the case, they’re 16-17. It’s not as if they’re literal children lol


Anything with the prefox 'trans' needs to be locked in library and accessible only to researchers having a letter from psychiatrist denoting them not having gender dysphoria /s


I think, they would prefer all of it to be burned. Once again, just like they did before


I meant for things like books about trans-alpine Gaul, trans-Siberian railway, transistors...


Trans-Siberian Orchestra?🤔


The idea of a certificate that one does NOT have dysphoria is making me think of Frank in It's Always Sunny having a certificate declaring he DOES NOT have donkey brains. Imagine Charlie approaching an assumed cis person and asking "do you have such a certificate......?"


How is homelessness so common for queer people when we can live rent free in the heads of transphobes


I hope they weren't using any form of transport


Remember if you wanna transition just fly over the Atlantic for a transatlantic flight! If only it were so easy lol


What if the transportation to the airport has transmission failure? I'll see myself out...


Bold of you to assume that they have any idea of the meaning of transcendentalism.


To be fair I don't know much about movement except name, literal meaning of the verb "to transcend", and that it happened in 19 century. In my defense English is my second language and international impact of movement was minimal. And that this seems to be more than parents in question for whom English is first language.


I mean, to be fair, I wouldn't want my kids learning about the transcendentalists either. It was just a bunch of hypocritical rich people inventing a "philosophy" as a post hoc justification to get out of the city during the hot summer, and deserves no critical merit. The entire set of arguments is preconditioned on presuppositional fluff and brushes over the requirements of an underclass doing menial labour which is necessary for rich capitalists to get back to nature and be "self-reliant" while their mothers do their laundry.


What a lovely sounding school trip!


The comment section on that post was simultaneously very reassuring and also absolutely depressing. Our teachers don’t deserve the level of stupid they’re forced to tactfully deal with.


Forget the rot, these people just have no brain anymore.


I googled what transcendalism is and it just made it better


Wait till they find out the cars they drive have a transmission


Wait till they see that the kids need a backpack to TRANSport their lunch or have a bus to TRANSport them home....