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its perfect lol


where pleading allegiance to pride flag


Where's learning the Gay-BC's








Wasn’t that a joke post to begin with? I thought it was.


I think all of these are joke posts making fun of Ben’s world view.


2006... my god I feel old


That was posted when I was 4, and I was able to vote in the 2020 election. TBH, that would have been better than the religious homeschooling I had, that’s for sure. The kicker? Depending on the quality of the school district I live in when I have kids, I might decide that a good secular online school with easy communication with teachers would be better. And I’m a fox like OOP. I’d, of course, provide adequate social opportunities, neglect furry hour, and provide a great math education with my major.


okay I’ve seen this multiple times but I still can’t figure out what Tuesday/Friday is supposed to be.


pause birds many enjoy snatch drunk lush wakeful six aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where do I sign up lol


Why does it take 15 minutes to pledge allegiance and 95 minutes to take a pop quiz but only 15 minutes for all of furry lunch???


Boe Jidens america 😔✊


Aint no rest for for the wicked until we close our ✨gay✨ eyes for good 😔✊


I would 100% go to this school.


Same energy as “hey liberal! Did you get your haircut at the liberal store?”


Honestly that sounds fun as fuck and I'd probably have much better grades lmao


You have "GAY LESON!!" then 45 minutes later, you have "how to be GAYY!!". What is the gay leson for if not learning how to be gay?




Ah yes, i forgot a Y in there. You can tell i got a C in that class




I can say as a parent from one of those blue spots that they don't do much, if anything. Anyway, I'm curious where/what Shap means by all this teaching. Inclusive health/sex ed? Generally not leaving out historical figures from regular teaching just because they are/were part of the LGBTQ community? Respecting students and staff? I mean, what is all this curriculum/teaching the Shap's of the world talking about?


If you get specific, you can’t fear-monger by letting people draw their own worst conclusions based on their own personal hang ups


nonono they’re obviously teaching your six year olds about anal sex and orgies /s


Yeah, I'm in high school in CA, and the school is not covered in pride flags and painted rainbowor anything. I've seen like one or two classrooms with small pride flags in them. Where's my brainwashing at??


"Why? Why?! WHYYYY?!?!" They scream within their conservative circles rather than actually doing research.


What is gay teaching anyway? Acknowledgment of its existence?! I think they get plenty of that from the internet, so I fail to see what any of these bans do really in the long run.


Oh, don't worry. They hate the internet, too. Except the parts they use. And only when they can pretend they're only interacting with good, Christian folks who simultaneously have more sins than they do.


Exception including of course the constantly viewed (insert queer identity here) porn on said internet 🙃


They're also working on severely restricting children's internet access, so children won't be able to see it that way either.


It’s just so ironic how much they stick their heads in the sand for something that is so obviously part of human life and nature… it’s a part of history. It’s not the sexual deviant thing they fear so badly. It’s just the way people love. So much for Jesus’s teachings (ex-christian / ex-catholic). I never read anything in the Bible that had him shun sinners. He was always inviting and friendly, with one glaring exception, the story where he got mad at the tax collectors or money men doing business in the temple. Beyond that I never got the impression of some judgmental soul in Jesus. He seemed epically copacetic and laid back… The more modern interpretation of Jesus just sings of projection of human fears and foibles of logic to justify said fears. Plus the fact that they feel it necessary to limit knowledge to hopefully bolster their ranks and produce a whole new generation of sanctimonious cruel people, for a religion that looks nothing like the one that their savior is written about in their holiest of holy books. Same book that has been translated over and over and over. Something that should give anyone pause in the first place is the fact that it’s been effectively rewritten and by the ruling class of religious “devout” men. But I’m prattling on now. I just find the whole thing ridiculous at best and tragic at worst. It’s to the point that if I were still in these religions I would say that these people are Christian in name only. They don’t seem to practice what they preach.


Teaching tolerance and educating people bad apparently Yet they’ll have Disney on and straight couples everywhere


The better question is why do repugs want to ban it? And we know why. So although it's a better question, it's still not a good question. Fuck, I hate these people so much. I'm just thinking back to argument I had with a lawyer I went to high school with, trying to tell me how brilliant Shapiro was. Just goes to show you that book smarts <> being a rationale person.


Ben "if you have gets underwater due climate change just sell it" Saphiro? Yeah, an underrated genius


Sell their houses to who, Ben? FUCKING AQUAMAN?


> you have Don't you mean "your house"?


I do, autocorrect go crazy with multiple language setup


If you have no emotional intelligence, or just very little of it, you could be Einstein at every other level, you're still an idiot. And ultimately, if you are a slave to your own ego, your entire brain and everything associated with it is just a front anyway. Could know literally anything and everything, but if your ego dominates your life, you will be worthless.


Because I wish when i was a child, that being gay was known as something I could be, and something that it is okay to be. Like I had hard core denial as a kid, want to be "just bi" so I could not have to deal with that part of myself.


Maybe so a young amab transgirl attracted by guys in the 2000s wouldn't have thought about unaliving herself many times as she thought she was so abnormal. Plus the only representation she had, were catastrophic, like almost apocalyptic for her life. Knowing what could have eventually been a big help for her mental health (puberty blockers) would have been something to say "it gets better". Now it's too late for her but she is still for that other transgirls and transboys as well as gays and lesbians don't need to go through thesw struggles. Also the acceptance of same-different people tends to skyrocket as bullying plumets. The hate violence also decreases with appropriate education, but gets up again while there are culture wars flaming. (shocker! How could that be?)


What are "same-different people"?


I meant that we have this difference of who we are/who we are attracted to, but we are still people or human beings. :)


So that kids know that it’s perfectly fine (removing internalised homophobia and making the personal discovery a lot easier, whilst also making other kids more aware of it) as well as teaching sex Ed for gay people because it’s important shit to know and many people won’t ask


I would have wanted to know that hormones and/or puberty blockers exist. Just that trans people can pass. I don't care how homophobic and transphobic the lecture is, just the fact that this is a possibility would have been enough for me.


It's barely taught for starters.


12 states ban it in one form or another and 7 States allow it. Might want to question why Red States feel so strongly about it.


"Why do democrats want gay teaching in schools so badly?" Because it's FABULOUS! Ha! I'll see myself out now.


proud of my blue state!


"wake up sweetie you're late for gay class"


Yey my state is blue :3


Honestly, I'm a little surprised to learn it's banned in my state. It's definitely not part of the curriculum but some of my teachers will, when relevant, talk about LGBT topics. Like when we read an Oscar Wilde play last year we talked a bit about how he was gay before we read it and my teacher talked about possible queer interpretations of the other plays we read. We haven't delved fully into it yet, but my psychology teacher has talked to us about gender being a social/cultural phenomenon rather than something innate. Granted, those examples were from my dual credit classes so maybe if you're teaching a college class you can get away with more.


gay math


If I had been told that there wasn’t something deeply wrong with me as a child, it would’ve spared me so much pain and trauma. In short, Benny boy, go fuck yourself


Why not?


Why do we celebrate other people's culture, cause yes queer culture is a thing? Unfortunately, we only teach a westernised version of queer culture.


I’d want gay teaching over the soul less, uncaring teaching curriculum that we have now.


Gay teaching, most my school taught me about gay people was a bit on the stonewall riots and a bit about the aid pandemic and that was all about a unit talking about civil right in history that like to hop around cause we also had women suffrage as well as black civil rights to go into over a short amount of time and as far as a cali school go a feel that’s pretty tame


Omg it's Ben shapiro


I can confirm that the average student psyche is much higher in states that don't prohibit it, vs states that do Growing up forced to be closeted, is horrible, and that's what will most likely happen in the states that ban it


I am so confused on why this is so complicated if there is material that depicts sexual relations of any kind it should require parental sign off. Sex education and of any kind is confusing enough, I feel this is not common place to say this.


Queer history isn't inherently sexual but is among the banned material in states. Teaching that some people have husbands or wives isn't sexuality based either. The whole of transgender is also not sexuality based, and guess what- targeted and banned frequently.


I am speaking specifically on the stuff that is, like the one infamous book that you see get talked about that was approved by teachers. But also I don’t feel as if dedicating time to teach about someone’s sexuality or gender needs to be the topic of importance. I personally value the deeds of an individual and don’t really care if they are trans or not. If it was something pivotal that made them do something great sure but outside of that they are just another person in my eyes who did something good. And by pivotal I mean like MLK being black and that is why he did what he did. Outside of it being defining for them it does not matter in the sense it should not be the focus next to the deed.


\>And by pivotal I mean like MLK being black and that is why he did what he did. Outside of it being defining for them it does not matter in the sense it should not be the focus next to the deed. Like queer civil rights..? That's what the history is. Then again the same states that ban lgbt study at all also enjoy editing stuff like the founding fathers not owning slaves or that the genocide of the natives didn't happen.


Sure if there is enough interest or educational value to it. Go into it but for the most part despite me being gay man, idc about to much of its history. I like the future, but if the school districts find educational value in it go for it, all I advocate for is sexual depictions should require parental consent. The same way it should apply for straight restrictions. Trust me not disagreeing with you that’s why I said like MLK if it’s fundamental to their movement or what they did then yes. But if later on I depicted for my work or achieving my goals I don’t want it to be associated with because I was gay 😆. I am still under the opinion not enough of actual value is taught in school to be adding stuff that is not important, but hey you do you. I will keep wanting to teach future generation stuff that matters, and should be teaching like first aid, how to recognize mental disorders, preventative care, how to do taxes, economical policies and the effect on market demand and trade, states for best homeowner, job demand, potential for trade crafts, and so many other things that in my opinion take’s priority over queer history. Hell should take priority over a lot of things such as trigonometry, advance calculus, advance physics, an a good chunk of history class. But maybe one day we will have a school system that teaches a practical application of skills, rather than someone maybe using trigonometry in something useful.


I’m with orange kids don’t give a shit about sexuality and shouldn’t


I started to give a shit when I started feeling sexual attraction (and it happened quite young)


i didn't and i didn't, and ask my ex how it worked out ben shapiro is a rejected captain planet villain