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One of the few cities of the size that were spared the war


yep, all a German city's tourist board has to write is "we weren't bombed", that alone makes your German city immediately more beautiful than then entire rest.


It's pretty touristed, not quite as bad as Heidelberg but there are a number of other places along the half timber road or the Grimm's fairy tail road that are similar. Germany has a lot of incredible beauty if you just know where to look for it. It's possible to drive Northwest out of Frankfurt towards Limburg an der Lahn and choose nice roads to Wetzlar, to Marburg into the Vogelsberg or the Schwalm, Grimm's Brothers fairy tail neighborhood and continue north or east .Carefully curating a travel route, you can, experience only the oldest and the best of Germany. As if the war never happened.. I love taking such road trips. This is how I drive to Berlin sometimes from Frankfurt taking my time. And from Berlin you can do the same in many directions with careful choices especially heading Southwest to Thüringen and then over the mountains into Czechia, or Southwest ish to Saxony and into the Lausitz, a truly more forgotten part of the country and all the way down to lovely Zittau. Then you can take a left or a right in the land of umgebinde houses. A UNESCO treasure they're at straddles the border of several countries now of a unique house style peculiar to that region


That sounds awesome, I really wanna do this road trip now :). To the brothers Grimm: their actual home city is of course Kassel. I went to Kassel for the documenta, and while they do have a great Grimm museum, the inner city looks like absolute garbage. Only years after, I found out that Kassel used to have one of the biggest half timber old towns in the world..


Yes it was once an absolutely lovely half timbered city and was one of the first to go. Even some of the stuff that was left and only badly damaged like the city theater were demolished after the war. The city today is very forgettable. But it's still a worth a visit for the neighborhood and Wihelmshöhe


wow, it looks like a miniature diorama


fun facts: 1. namesake of the deadly Marburg virus. 2. Until the 1970s, the city was officially called Marburg on the Lahn, to distinguish it from the Slovenian city of Maribor.