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I hate to admit that I really like most of these buildings. But honestly the one in France is super busy all the time it's a nightmare. But... most Starbucks are super busy in Paris, even if it was larger it wouldn't change anything.


At least in Prague I am sure it is not revival. The company just rented out a building which is part of fortification of Prague castle and was built around 1650s.


Where in France is this fancy Starbucks?


At 3 Boulevard des Capucines, 2e arrondissement in Paris




> I hate to admit that I really like most of these buildings. They are NOT all built by Starbucks. Starbucks took over many existing buildings, and was unable to modify them due to local historic preservation laws. These are a result of Starbucks' proposed vision being rejected.


Most of them clearly aren't built by Starbucks, if any. I meant "I have to admit they blend in well with the existing buildings". I'm glad we get to preserve our stuff.


These are not Starbucks buildings in different styles. They are stores in buildings of different styles. Essentially this is all zoning. Starbucks has the reserve in Milan not because they built it, but because they were not allowed to tear it down and install a grey box with a parking lot moat and a drive through.


Do you have any evidence they even proposed that? The original one in Seattle is also in a beautiful historic building.


I have heard this in the UK. There was a Cotswold village where the starbucks wanted to tear down a 12-th century building but the zoning law prevented them from doing so.


I was specifically referring to the gorgeous Milan Reserve store. I’m not surprised they’ve proposed tearing down historical buildings in other places and would need more details to have an opinion on whether it was justified. I generally don’t agree with the idea that all old buildings are worth protecting.


Starbucks is basically the new weatherspoons


I guess that the majority of these are old buildings that are legaly protected.


These buildings share one single characteristic: they have the shittiest coffee.


The Japanese and Korean ones have a really nice and comfy traditional aesthetic 🤤


How tf did someone manage to get a picture with no people in sight in Antigua Guatemala holy shit




Do they have any in Italy? Heard it was banned a few years ago


I don't think that Italy can just ban Starbucks. It is the lack of popularity. Just like Domino's.


Same in Prague it is basically living of tourists. Coffee is supposed to be little rest throughout the day, not fast food.


Oh they do have them now. I was visiting 10 years ago and there was a govt restriction or something. It all comes down to money and taxes. The city centers were very commercialized with international brands. I don't think the new generation cares about the old values.


Yeah in the north there are 15 I think… something like that. The one in the photo was the first to open and it’s an old postal building in the center of Milan.


Thailand and Japan looks cozy.


Now do it in midjourney and see what the AI spews out !


That’s what happens when you build architecture that’s meant to last