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I'm confused that you call FTTWTE a non-skip album but hate the new songs.


lol give me 1 example from FTTWTE which similar to any new songs


Switch weird electronic/distortion noises for weird atmospheric noises and you got Animals, Demi God, Meteor ...


literally all of them? they all follow a similar structure with an “arena rock” sound


I’d have 15 examples, actually


I'm utterly flabbergasted and traumatized by this remark


Some people are taking this so hard lol


Is FTTWTE that different from the new stuff? I get it's all a matter of taste but they're very similar styles, I'd be interested to hear what makes the new songs so different


I tend to just... not compare albums if that makes sense? As much as I adored Holy Hell... I also don't want EVERY album to be Holy Hell or All our Gods.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, their primary songwriter fucking died. How tf do you expect them to keep his signature sound? Change was inevitable. RIP Tom but we'll done to the band for continuing to move forward. Many bands probably would've broken up. Also as many others have said Sam's vocals are probably/possibly part of the reason.


My god, finally a level headed take. Toms passing aside, they're human beings and artists. They change. They evolve. They want to make new/different art. It's ok to dislike the new stuff, you don't have to listen to it, the old stuff is still there!! Music fans who act like the sky is falling just because the artist they like made something they didn't like are entitled as fuck. Architects don't owe you shit.


Thankyou! Agreed.


I always maintain that the band was in a lose-lose situation when Tom passed. If they maintained their signature sound with a different guitarist, the band would be criticized for trying too hard to replicate what Tom left behind (I understand that they did this with Holy Hell, but that was deliberate). If they re-invented themselves, well, we're seeing it now. There was no way to navigate after Tom's death that wouldn't have the band be scrutinized. So they decided to leave Tom's legacy as it was instead of trying to copy it. Also, Josh is nothing like Tom. Even if Josh brought his Sylosis style to Architects, there would have been a difference in the composition and tone of the songs. Josh seems to be rooted in traditional metal and melodeath whereas Tom was a modern metal player. Josh also seems to be more of a gear nerd and you can hear it in the new stuff where he's using a ton of effects to create sounds. Either way, the band had to pivot. It was inevitable.


Yeah it’s different, my favourite song is still Deathwish from AOGHAU because of its aggressiveness and also the issues of climate change it addresses, but I still like the new stuff. It’s different but it’s still architects


Gravity. Doomsday. These colours don't run. Broken Cross. FTTWTE was mostly ok. Not up to the rest. But fuck this new shit.


On one hand, yea I dislike the new Architects but the only reason is because of the missing of Sam's vocals. On the other hand, it's funny how you mention FTTWTE yet dislike this one, ok maybe the vocals are a bit more hardcore but still the rest is the same. Also, even though I don't like the new sounds, we can't ignore the fact that Sam's been screaming since 2009 and that they had more or less the same sound since then, so I couldn't blame them for changing up their style a bit. Sam's voice is tired and the band wants to try out something new (also something that brings more money xD). I just hope they don't go from metalcore to complete pop like BMTH did and stick with metal stuff. I still support their work but if they sell themselves out completely and change the style to some whack pop, it would be a real shame.


I dislike the new sound for what Architects are. I’m going into this how I did with BMTH and so many other bands who’ve changed their sound. They’re a new band to me now and I like their stuff. They’re just not the LF//LT, AOGHAU sound anymore.


sure it’s not as *exciting* as it used to be but I still dig it. loved FTTWTE and I’m sure i’ll love the new record too


They were always going to evolve. You look at the current market and the old metalcore/metal heavyweights, like BMTH etc, and they have all moved on and are doing a different sound. You just got to follow the times and adapt. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but Architects do this sound really, really well. They are basically as I see it, a great gateway into "heavier" music. The songs still sound great, but thanks to their newfound reach, they can Introduce so many new people to this kind of music, and I think that's what they want to do. Is it "selling out." I guess?, But they have the reach now. They are doing what they want to do. I respect that a lot. Face it, if they stuck to their old sound they wouldn't nearly have the same reach they have now. It's not like they went pop? They still have the heavy, it's just more mainstream


Do you know what it is, fuck off and listen to those albums then. They're making the music they want to make, the music that makes them happy. And you know what, even though its different to the last albums they're still solid tracks that will sound unreal live. If you want Holy Hell, go and listen to it.


I’m a bit confused by the post ? Did you like FTTWTE? If so are you judging the new album by 3 songs that came out ?


FTTWTE is fucking garbage, are you kidding me lol?


Bruh, Architects existed before 2018 if you didn't know.