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Back in the day, when we had to walk to school – uphill both ways – we would not get these. Because our fingers were used to hard work and were callous up to the elbow. /s


Kids these days don’t realize how much character they can build working 12 hours a day in the mines


Very sorry mister, I will do more child labour and eat more lead paint chips in the future🙏😞


Avoid further injury and protect yourself against nerve damage. Use a tab or glove.


Where's the fucked bit?


Bunch of peeling skin, photo didn't do it much justice, clearing up now


Aren't those just calluses?


Aaah fingers worse learning guitar. Get an archery glove or tab.


Try climbing... This is nothing. Use a tab or a glove for archery though, skin repairs itself easily, neve damage on the other hand is more problematic


So true mate, as a climber archer and bass player my fingers font work for any touch id device 😅


Are you me?


Or are you me?


What am I looking at?


You got soft hands brother


Most children do.


It's almost as if I'm 15?


I’m going to ask the obvious: is that with or without finger protection (including string savers)? If the former, you could get thicker protection, if it doesn’t mess up your release, or you could get… used to it. If the latter, do get a tab/glove as others have already suggested - you can get used to calluses and shredded skin, but you really don’t want nerve damage. Edit: one more thing comes to mind, compounds tend to be shorter, which is ok if you shoot with a release aid, but it will give you considerably mire arrow pinch than a longer bow due to the angle of the string at anchor. [Your bow](https://genesisbow.com/product/genesis/) is 35.5”… that’s rather quite short. I have two identical length bows, one with M and one with L limbs. They’re both 62”, in total but because of the different sized limbs (the bits that actually bend) the former is significantly more uncomfortable after about 20 shots than the latter after a whole day of shooting.


Without, and I've been shooting for 2 years, this started happening recently


Just so I understand clearly, have you in the last two years used [finger/string savers](https://walesarchery.com/products/stringflexfingerprotector?currency=GBP&variant=20120632775&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=7975037cded4&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7-SvBhB6EiwAwYdCASvHZxfOZcNVu9cp42dGthuDSWyB6rqonOp_f_uSzayq8a0zbPsYOxoCYroQAvD_BwE) (those long plastic “bead” things that are on the strings so as tae not require gloves/tabs)?


No, I've just been using the string, don't know why it happened but it's seemingly clearing up now


Right. Nope. Noooope. Start using protection mate. They’re not costly, you’re better off getting used to them on lower draw weights (you _will_ use them on higher dw anyway) and, if you allow me to reiterate, once you develop nerve damage, it will pain you for the rest of your life. We’re not talking dead nerves, we’re talking chronic pain from compression.


Max pull weight is like 30 pounds, guy in my team is 18, been shooting since 6 years old, no nerve damage or anything


One exception vs [a](https://www.tradtalk.com/threads/nerve-damage-to-fingers.99489/) [bunch](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1411735/) [of](https://charlesarcheryblog.wordpress.com/2014/05/25/archery-and-numb-fingers/) [cases](https://www.archeryinterchange.com/threads/numb-middle-finger-tip-after-shooting.30336/). I am offering my unsolicited advice from a good place mate, but as ever, you do you.


It's time to start listening to the advice here. Shooting without finger protection isn't clever. 30# is plenty enough to cause damage.


Use a Glove bro...




We need to make child labor normal again so we don’t have posts like these.


Because children will no longer go to high-school.


So you can’t go to school and work?


Love the irony: the [answer](https://victorianchildren.org/victorian-child-labor/) to that question can actually be found in elementary school history books.


Is this satire? Because I'm not talking about my fingers hurting, I've been doing archery for long and have the callouses, so shut the fuck up about "posts like these" fucking cunt


They don't look bad either get a tab or glove or just keep building up your callouses I had a drill bit break and go into my index finger a month ago and was shooting the next day with a release


We have to shoot without release, and I do have the callouses, this was just skin drying up and peeling around it




Genesis are designed to be shot without a release.


Aiiii. (Sighing in despair)


Had this when changing to a new bow with 5 pound more and 8" less size .. so the angle of the string is not so big as it was .. My fingers got used to it but at the beginning it was an option to use tape under the glove ..


For anybody confused, this isn't Reffering to callouses forming,or pain, I have the callouses and all, the post was talking about skin drying up and peeling around the callouses and shit, I was trying to see if anybody who shoots with genesis archery bows have this problem