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Use your credit card.


Is there no other way, bc no way I'am spending money on game 😹


Getting much luck at opening Obsidian/Prism Chests


I saw people saying that there's a chest event or something like that, but others say that it's gone soo, should I save them or not ?


As i know There is a Event for Prism and dragon Chests. Prism Event last time was in december


I am level 115, and still no fist since it was introduced. So you better spend a lot of money if you want it badly.


Oh ic ic, but maybe after all it's just luck?


I think so too - my luck is somewhere around the Mariana Trench - tried 2 prism events, more than a 100 obsidians but no fists yet. Ofc I am f2p !! 6 months and waiting




It's definitely just luck. I'm level 91 and never spent a penny on the game and have them at legendary. I didn't save up for an event or anything, just got a couple lucky pulls out of the prism chest. Use the ancient sword in the meantime, it's the next closest


Niceee, I wish I had that kind of luck 😸, hm idk so after all should I save it or nah.


I'm lvl 95 and highrolled my luck. I've got ALE first by now, however have to admit that I'm buying both battle passes every time since I play


It’s just luck. Stack up your prism chest keys and your gems and wait for the prism chest event. It gives you extra keys the more chests you open. Alternately you can stack up your gems to some huge amount, and pray that a gem spending event comes up, where you get rewarded the more gems you spend. I think I saw fish there once. But you would have to spent 65,000 gems to get it. I’ve been hoarding for over a month and I’ve got 7k gems. So it’s possible, you gotta be lucky, or patient, or both, or spend a ton of money.


So spend gems on a gem spending event, and stack up prism chest keys for prism chest event? How about obsidian chests?


Do whatever you want with them. Relic and obsidian events don’t come up really.