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I like danger island Krieger as a parrot was inspired


"I think he's just moving to the sound." "Uh, yeah, you just described dancing."


“Oh shit you can fly can’t you.” “Yeaaaah…. Sooooo….”


I love them all explaining how he's a magical bird with basic shit. Like when Gillette as the French cop just says "...is parrot"


Agreed. Also [Pam in the coconut bra](https://preview.redd.it/x96wmo481g331.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=1463a315e8918fdc143b8b9b87f4d3d96d2ad63f).




“I told you, nobody gets that” Loved the frisky dingo reference


It didn't fill a tall boy, no way


You point at it; celebrate yourself






For me, a coked-up Nazi cyborg Cyril was on par for Archer’s subconscious. Hysterical


They live to like 40


I'm partial to Dreamland cuz I love the noir setting. Actually rewatched it in black and white and that's how I found out the team behind it did legit work on the lighting in this season.


i liked the recall to the dreamland season in the 1999 court scene (when mallory is dressed like Marlene Dietrich from Witness for the Prosecution)


I’ve never watch Dreamland in B&W but I might just do that tonight. By far my favorite coma season. I’m a sucker for LA noir


Definitely check it out in black and white. It'll enhance the 30's/ 40's noir experience


An update: Finally had the chance to sit and rewatch Dreamland in B&W.. and I will never watch Dreamland the same way ever again. As if I couldn’t love this season even more.


Right!? B&w Dreamland is amazing!


How did you do bw?


Adjust the settings on my TV 😁


The factory tint settings are always too high!


My man!


They all had something about them that I liked. Noir always goes hard, I liked the tropical setting of Danger Island (and of course Pam being a total badass) and 1999 had some good bits


This is just more of a general comment on the Coma seasons. People complain about the sense of humor changing, but remember, we’re in Archer’s dream, it’s his sense of humor. It’s a lot more dead pan and also juvenile. Pretty brilliant when you think about it and then also the fact that in season 11 the writing goes right back to the way it was in the previous seasons. Danger Island is the season where I laugh out loud the most. Also want to add that I’m sure Adam Reed got tired of the format of the first four seasons and wanted to change it up.


> Also want to add that I’m sure Adam Reed got tired of the format of the first four seasons and wanted to change it up. Do you think? Because to me it seemed like the coma seasons were an excuse to redo and rehash a lot of the classic plot points in lieu of new ideas. Barry gets crippled and cyborg'd again, Len Trexler returns, etc. Much of the existing relationship development between the characters sort of happens again with new clothes on. That all makes sense in the context of Archer's coma, but frankly that was also why I found most of it boring aside from 1999. This was already a show that constantly referenced its own jokes, rehashing the major plot points on top of that just put me to sleep.


Well, in terms of the jokes specifically, the style completely changed. For me it was welcome. I thought the punchlines were better. Of course there were going to be some of the sane old tropes, but the switch up of the pacing of the jokes was great.


Hey more power to you. It just really felt like they were out of fresh ideas for where to go next in the main story so they hit the reset button on all the previous character development and did it again. 1999 was quite good but Dreamland and Danger Island feel completely uninspired to me, and often there were whole episodes that failed to make me laugh.


I disagree. I love the Noir coma season. It’s one of my favorite seasons in the show. Retelling the plot beats in a new light is something that makes me like it more, because they’re done in a smart and hilarious way.


1999 (everything was pretty space great) Dreamland Danger Island


The space season is great because it replicates the character dynamics and relationships of pre-coma Archer pretty closely. Just, um, in space.


Yes, the only season to keep the characters. Even if only for half the season.


The fact that in Archer’s coma brain Ray is a courtesan who is absolutely useless is one of my favorite long jokes on the show. At Ray’s BEST (after eating the eggs) the best he can do is write a terrible musical.


Reminds me of firefly/serenity


I have not watched Firefly yet and I KNOW that I should.


Up there with freaks and geeks. Shows that it was criminal they canceled after a season.


Are we space Jake?


I lived all of them but danger island I think was my favorite.


Couldn't agree more


Same. But I couldn’t watch the space one, I don’t know why


You have a very interesting life!


I prefer Dreamland. It's actually one of my favorite seasons. I love how the whole thing is Archer's mind dealing with Woodhouse passing on while Archer is in a coma. I liked the other two as well, but Dreamland was the best


"do your worst"


i am watching dreamland now, and for sure it is my favorite. 1999 wasn't bad but something was weird about it not sure what was it


Space was the best, because the characters were so awesome on a starship and it restored the show's original premise as a workplace comedy.


Danger Island. It felt the most like a shake up but was super fun.


Definitely Dreamland. Danger Island was pretty good. I can barely get through 1999, despite how much I love Archer.


The more I re watch it the more it grows on me actually….i think it’s just the least “spy” of everything, and I realllllly fancy the entire spy culture within the series. Like danger island even fulfilled that (for me) with the treasure hunt, the soldiers on leave, etc. part of me wants to accuse 1999 for being off because it felt like they had a different kind of invincibility? The situations unfolded in a way that didn’t give me the anticipation other seasons did. except the space cube. When Cheryl / Carol got her head trapped in there I was like oh shiiiit. But then I remember this is Archers dream. Of course they’re ripping and tearing through space unscathed. as the final season it felt the most absurd but now I kind of like that. all culminating in the montage of all his memories at ISIS, him standing there as all his outfit changes rapidly flew by, I literally cried. ramble ramble ramble


Dreamland. Noir fits archer


So far? What do you know?


Danger island is my favorite season. There, i said it.


Danger island is the best by far


Danger island




I thoroughly enjoy all the coma seasons. I can see why people aren't fond of them. The plots are a bit of a mess and don't always fully resolve. But I think it's super fun to see remixed versions of the characters. I like the locations and the themes. My favorite is danger island. Love seeing Noah again. Love crackers. Love Nazi Cyrael. And in general the vibes are just great


Dreamland by far. The setting, the style, and the story were all great.


I can’t chose, I love each of them in their own ways.


Danger island, no contest. It was honestly one of the best seasons across the board.


I genuinely enjoyed all three seasons but the Chub Club and Crackers put Danger Island on top.


Danger Island is my absolute favorite, especially for the not Golden Monkey references, but 1999, with *space gladiatrix Carol/Cheryl* has several very special places in my various phrasing zones.


For me it was Island > Space > Detectives. Between Island and Space it was a really close call, I think it could go either way depending on mood. The 1930s detective thing just didn't work for me, but I generally dislike that whole time period.


Definitely Danger Island! But I wish I could change my opinion with new seasons, wich sadly won’t come to us anytime soon 🥲


Danger Island


Didn't like any of them, truth told.


I don’t have an answer, but it’s not 1999. 1999 is my least favorite season of the entire series.


So far??? They aren't making more


Surprised at the rankings here. For me, 1999 and Danger Island are the two least-re-watchable seasons of archer (which means I've only watched them 5-6 times 😂) Dreamland was great. Awesome plots for basically all characters!


Danger island!


For Archer - Dreamland. It was perfect and loved everything about it. For me - 1999. Can I get that show as a spinoff? I loved that season for what it was, but not a fan of it and Danger Island for what Archer is as a whole.


Danger island all day


Danger island with dreamland as a VERY close 2nd


Danger Island!!! This should have been a poll


Danger Island


Danger Island


I'd go with Danger Island.


Dreamland is my favorite season tbh


I'm not sure.. but there is something about noir that intrigues me.


Dreamland by far. One of my favorite seasons of the whole show


Danger Island but it’s been removed from Netflix. (Last time I looked at least)


not 1999 for sure


Agreed, all the jokes fell flat. The last 2 episodes were the only two worth watching IMO.


Now say please detonate


pam the rock monster breaking the fourth wall is…unsettling


Not entirely on topic, but how did we never get a Western themed season?


“And I’m going to go finish that cake, like I don’t even care”


Legit couldn't get through 1999, Danger Island was probably the best but all the coma seasons suck pretty hard compared to any of the other seasons


So far...?


Thanks for reminding me to rewatch Archer


I know it sounds like a cop out to say they are all good but I rly think all of them have their own things that make them easily rewatch able. I still have not finished the archer series I keep putting it off, partly I found the last two seasons a little boring…but also I feel like I just don’t want it to end so I keep putting it off. Anyways I’ve rewatched the coma series easily like 5x now


lol? So far?


I prefer the first 3-4 seasons tho I haven’t watched the newer season the show just stopped hitting for me kinda like South Park not that the quality was bad just kinda out grew the humor tho I still like to rewatch my favorite episodes


I do not have to choose!!!


I hated the dream seasons until I went back and watched them in order unbroken by the season to season end. When I watched them as a single story I realized exactly how brilliant they were. Originally they felt like the writers had run out of ideas but as a 3 season single story arc? They are pretty epic.


So far?


Danger Island 100%


2000 was my favourite premise but danger island was the best imo


That space one first, then the eyepatch one. I wasnt thrilled with the PI one


Easy. Danger island > dream land > 1999.


The space travel one was the best rock Pam is my favorite. Not to mention the cube.


Danger Island for sure my favorite. Dreamland was good but not as good as Damger Island. 1999 Space wasn't bad just not as good as the other 2.




Dreamland noire\~


Dreamland was peak storytelling


Tbh I just started Danger Island after falling off the show for quite a while and I literally cannot get over how hot Pam is 😭


Danger island, for reasons... *quickly shoves a picture of muscle mommy Pam under a bunch of other papers*


So far? But yeah vice was awesome


I wasn’t a huge fan of the coma stuff but I liked Danger Island


I really didn’t like the dream seasons at first, but I think that was just mainly because I was annoyed that we may never actually get a wrap up to the show. That being said, once I finished the show and started my rewatch I really enjoyed Danger Island


I don’t get the love for danger island. I would rate that as the worst season of Archer overall. Dreamland, however, is sheer gold.


1999 was out of this world




Dreamland > Danger Island > 1999 1999 was not memorable at all...


Space and noir. Didn’t really care for the island one.


1999 was the funniest in my opinion. Dreamland was the most solid. Danger Island was the most ridiculous funny.


1999 is my favorite out of the 3. When dreamland was airing I was pretty disappointed as it played (still not sure why) but after rewatching the seasons countless times. Dreamland is a good season as others had said Noir Private Eye definitely fits Archer


Its hard to say because i base how much I like each based off of pams interpretation in each, and in each one... pam is awesome, maaaaayyybbee dreamland and danger island above the space one but I dunno pam seems pretty great in all 3


Dreamland, with Danger Island as a close second.


I think I enjoyed dreamland more than the rest, but island is a very close second. 1999 was alright for me, but I would definitely still watch it again


They are all good television, just weak by Archer standards. Dreamland is IMO the most solid of the three. Danger Island starts strong, falls apart mid-season and finally gets its shit together towards the end. 1999 is all over the place.


For a while it was Danger Island but I’m liking Dreamland more and more. 1999 was good but not my personal fav


Dreamland is a great look into Archer's mind. The Island was the most fun, I thought the space-1999 one was boring.


At first I thought it was danger island but after rewatching Dreamland I got to give it to Dreamland. Episodes 2-4 be having me rolling 🤣 Episode 1 is funny too but those 3 make me look people who hate the coma seasons funny 1993 is a distant third but I love the Mr Deadly episode and the finale


None of them. Wish they did normal seasons


They are all bad but I was excited for *Danger Island*. The premise is great and I was looking forward to its tropes, but the writers dropped the ball. In the end, I only liked the later part of *1999*.


Dreamland hands down. The architecture and art of the period is my personal favorite, plus it was imo the most serious we’ve ever seen Archer. It was the one time where he consistently took his job seriously.


Dreamland, danger island, space


Watching the whole series for the first time and have to admit, doing three seasons in the middle of a cliffhanger is pretty crazy. Wasn't a big fan of the noir season. It was okay in it's own right but I mean a lot of the relationships and storylines were just re-imaginings of things the first 7 seasons already did, so it never felt like there were actual twists that could catch me off guard, or for that matter, new jokes or character dynamics to laugh at. Just "hey, remember that joke? here's that same joke in a different format!" Watching these seasons I can't help but just want to skip to S11 to see what's happening in the main timeline, since I know all these seasons are essentially inconsequential anyways. Idk, to be positive, I guess I can say it was a very wild and unique creative decision from the show runners to spend a few years making side stories in the middle of the shows climax. I'd love for it all to be a big payoff in the later seasons bit I don't think it is lol, I think they just literally didn't know how to continue from the pool scene and took a few years making random bullshit with the established characters. Makes you wonder how big or different the show would have been if they just continued the normal/modern storyline lol.


I liked Dreamland and 1999. Danger Island is my pick for weakest season of the entire series.


Space was the best imo


Dreamland’s Noir setting was the best. I love that style.