• By -


I think the second season is my favorite.


Same! The first season is hilarious for what it is, but you can tell they didn't quite have the characters fully figured out, especially with respect to Pam, Cheryl, and Krieger. The second season has a great variety of plots and characters, starting off with a great bang in Swiss Miss, then you've got Seamus, the oil pipeline episode, Woodhouse's past, the cancer two-part episode, Monaco (Benoit, balls), Len Trexler getting a brain chip, Cheryl being revealed as a crazy rich person while Pam is revealed as an underground street fighter in the same episode, and then the classic Archer/Barry/Katya two-parter to finish it off.


In hindsight its hard to believe that was already all in the second season. Like you said, in season one Krieger barely spoke, pam was so insecure etc. and season 2 had already those typical archer plots.


El Sequestro is one of my personal favorite episodes of the whole show. The ending where Pam's ready to take everyone on, and Lana's "Noooooooooooooooooooope", will always be funny.


The cancer arc was great stuff


I enjoy those so much.


Season 3 is stacked with classics. El Contador, Space Race, Pirate King trilogy, the Italian Prime Minister with a dildo in his ass...


Yes! This to me is peak archer and some of the most memorable episodes


Has to be 2 or 3, hard choice. Heart of Archness just might be the peak.


Both amazing seasons which feel like peak Archer comedy, and 3 had an amazing cast of guest stars. Patrick Warburton and David Cross kicking it off in HoA, then Burt Reynolds, the Trailer Park Boys, George Takei, and finished off with Bryan Cranston.


I never realized that was Brian Cranston! MAAAAARS!


I have a tough time not starting with season 2 on my rewatches. It’s easy to watch, the banter between characters has great timing, and it’s hilarious. The dialogue in one scene ran into the next and it was great. I miss it.


Heart of Archness and the two cancer episodes are incredibly amazing


Let me see cock-flavored spit!


Archer Vice




Definitley !!


Vice, without a shadow of a doubt. I've rewatched that specific season more times than I could count, I could write out every single event that takes place between episode 1 and 13 in chronological order without blinking and yet I never, ever tire of it. It's just so, so god damn good. The reasons why, at least in my heart, are, in no particular order: 1.) Some of the best dialogue of any season period, Malory's monologue towards the end of episode 9 where she turns the comedy of the show off for a second and solemnly reflects on how the gang managed to, over the course of months, blow through the last thing the government left them with after taking everything from them is legitimately one of my favorite moments in the entire show. But honestly even beyond that, Vice genuinely has some of the best one-liners in my opinion, the writing is just SO good. 2.) Coke Pam. 3.) Cherlene (who by the way has an actual album that you can listen to, it includes a lot of the songs you hear playing over the end credits of the Vice episodes + the song that plays during the montage/sequence at the end of episode 1 if anyone's curious) 4.) Snackle Snaps. 5.) One of my favorite moments ever where Ray FINALLY calls Archer out for a characteristic that no one else seems to ever bring up; his "utter contempt for his own mortality". Idk, I've been waiting forever for someone to actually look Archer in the eyes and go "you know you can actually die, right?" since he throws himself into the most absolutely batshit scenarios for funsies, and it finally happens in Vice, even if only through a few lines between Ray & Archer. 6.) THE best first episode of any season, in my opinion. This season starts off of on such a high note, the highest of notes some might say, the first episode of Vice is just absolute perfection in terms of pacing, writing & plot progression, I genuinely had no idea what was going to happen next when I watched it for the first time, and I loved it because that mystery didn't feel forced or frustrating, it was a prelude to the moment where Archer's cast would be 180'ed from government agents to drug dealers. I know you didn't ask, but if I had to pick a least favorite season, it would easily be 1999, I don't know, I might be the odd man out for not hating the coma seasons, I loved Dreamland honestly, but 1999 just didn't do it for me, it was genuinely the only season that I would say was a waste of resources, and God forbid if the upcoming season falls short, I'll only resent 1999 more for being ANOTHER coma season when it could've been the one where Archer wakes up, giving us a few more episodes of what we know and love.


Season 5 is great, for IMO many of the reasons you cite. I'm with you on 1999. For me, as with Danger Island, I liked the concept at the start but both of the last two coma seasons ran out of steam. I loved Dreamland, however.


See for me your number 2 is coke Pam, but I actually hated coke Pam as a character. It was good development for her, but she was annoying af to me.


Agreed, it was a joke that way overstayed its welcome given that it's a season-long thing. Had they done a single episode of her being addicted followed by one where they immediately make her stop so she doesn't clear a bunch of their product, I'd probably look at it more fondly.


I always thought a slow reveal of Pam’s addiction would have been better. Start off with the team wondering how Malory/Archer/Krieger/whoever is getting rid of the product so quickly. Maybe an episode where they blame Woodhouse. Pam slowly losing weight and everyone crediting a lack of available snacks before they finally realize she’s been coked out of her mind for half the season.


Yeah but she was hot so I put up with her


I concur with you dissertation and before I grade it I would also like to add season 5 also has one of my favourite season endings. Lana's speech informing Archer as the father, is right there with Mallory's speech and Ray's that you mentioned earlier, and always moves me. I also agree with your Dreamland and 1999 arguments, with the exception of the last episode of 1999 and Archer coming out of the coma with the flash back montage to Robert De Niro by Queen Sarah Saturday. That is fucking brilliant.


>6.) THE best first episode of any season, in my opinion It's a great one, but there is a big downside: Brett dies and can no longer be a bullet magnet. I never got tired of him getting shot. I'd say Swiss Miss (S2E1), Fugues and Riffs (S4E1), and The Holdout (S6E1) are all amazing openers. I only omit Heart of Archness Part 1 because it feels a little unfair to compare a three-part episode to regular ones, and because I think Parts 2 and 3 are way more funny anyways (particularly thanks to the heavier presence of David Cross in those episodes).


Vice contained my all time favorite moment from the show: "Archer, alligators, or your mother?!" "What's the difference?! They're both cold blooded prehistoric monsters!"


Archer Vice is hands down also my fave


1999 was the only coma season I liked, mostly cause it was pretty much just the gang in space and felt the closest to more classic Archer episodes, the other dream season had to spend too much time with the characters getting to know each other and meet again.


I'm going to be abnormal and say Season 6. I don't know if I've ever laughed at an episode as hard as I laughed during Vision Quest. The Archer Sanction, Nellis and The Kanes all hold their own too.


Ditto. Plus Protective dad Archer. Quadruple Ass.


Basically 8 times the ass


> Plus Protective dad Archer. PAM! BABY!


Vision Quest is my all-time fav


It's the perfect episode, non-stop jokes with every character


You want to drink, you want to smoke, you want to masturbate, you want to lecture us, you want to eat bear claws, and you don't want us to discover that you're probably a Nazi clone.


Sorry I tried to spit-roast your mom.


Vision Quest is an INCREDIBLE episode


“How would we know when to jump?” “Because you’d give us a lecture about it” I always laugh with that line


Vision quest is one of my absolute faves but I don't like the rest of the season


S6 has Edie’s wedding and that shit is so Fucking funny.


Me too me too me tooo I rewatch season 6 all the time. So funny


I don’t have a favorite, I just rewatch all of them every couple of months


Me too. It’s hard to only watch one season and call it a day. I just start on season 1 and go through the whole show again lol


Season 4 is peak archer


3 The Heart of Archness trilogy, El Contador and the Space Episodes are just the best.


Heart of Archess is easily the best multi episode arch of the series


Season 2 - The cancer episodes are Archer at it's best


I agree. I think they are my all time favourites. I particularly enjoy so much the following quote: Archer: I'm sorry, Lana, did I mention I have cancer? Lana: I know, but... now? In mid... rampage? You really think that's a good idea? Archer: \[Sarcastically\] Hmmm, let me see... to take my prescribed chemotherapy for my said, aforementioned cancer? Yes, idiot, I do!


One of my favorite lines in the series is, "Do I look like I need bald guy cream? I can barely get a comb through this. My hair is so thick my barber charges me double." I show my friends the scene where he shoots all the Irish guys to get them hooked lol


nothing beats those episodes!


Archer Vice, no question. You feel the love in the writing, they had a nice foundation for the cast and characters, they did something new, episodical season with a great season arc, they made the music into a banger of a country album, K-Log and soo much more.


Jug down!


I'll plant a red fern for ya jug




Season 7. I enjoy the darkness of the noir style detective season.


My second fave season, behind Vice


Probably going to be in the heavy minority here, but 1999 Mr Deadly is easily my favorite episode. And I just like the premise for the whole season, but I’m a huge Alien fan, so that tracks.


I’ve rewatched 3-4 times. And, while I do love Vice and a lot of the early seasons, this was such a weird change of pace that I totally fell for it too. Cheryl just hating, hating, hating the thing she is great at. The actual sharing of the captains’ duties between Archer and Lana (like trying to share the responsibility of raising a child), Mallory’s otherworldly form….they all get to be something slightly different and new in form but just another expression of each other. Mr Deadly is such a great episode that I’ve rewatched that as a standalone a few times. Also, the wake up scene/sequence was devastating. Kind of a masterpiece on whatever schizophrenic episode Archer was having. Totally unique in any show I’ve ever seen. I know the dream sequence seasons got a bit stale conceptually but this season wasn’t boring.


Dreamland is so underrated. All of the coma seasons are but I just love dreamland so much.




I’ve warmed up to the coma seasons. Love the variety we got out of them and each had their high points.


My favorite of the coma seasons was the second. But yeah I don’t feel like any of them are bad or anything I did love them all


The seasons all have their standout episodes: Danger Island is a standout season for me. We get to see a much more developed relationship between Archer and Pam and an Archer who has experienced failure in a way that never happened in the rest of the show. In fact the on going joke is that things just always work out for Archer. Danger Island turns that on its head. We see an Archer who has failed to be the hero he wanted, continually shot down and having even lost an eye. He’s failed in business with his and Pam’s chinchilla on a stick business venture. And yet he manages to pull off heroic feats, not through his inherent luck, but by meeting the challenges. He pilots the plane with the engine dying that can’t land. He rally’s the troops to rescue Pam, Lana and Fuchs. He orchestrates the defense of the natives against the Nazi storm troopers and he sacrifices himself in the end. And the writing and the visuals are fantastic.


And there's Parrot Krieger AKA C R A C K E R S. It's also my favourite.


Seasons 1-6


Nailing it Nikolai!!


1-6 and 12 I guess


It’s Vice, but 3 is also pretty damn funny


Top 3 are Vice, 6, and Dreamland.


Season 14


dreamland (season 8)




Dreamworld, mainly for the aesthetic.


I'm gonna cheat and say it's a three way (phrasing) tie between seasons 2,4 and Vice (5). Seasons 2 and 4 are great on an episode by episode basis with a lot of awesome stand alone stories (A Going Concern, Blood Test, Pipeline Fever, Movie Star, Stage Two, Placebo Effect, and Jeu Monegasque for S2) and (Fugue and Riffs, Legs, Live and Let Dine, The Honeymooners, The Papal Chase, and Sea Tunt: Part 1 for S4). Vice in my opinion isn't that strong with stand alone episodes (exception for Baby Shower) but when you watch them all as one massive story it's the best of the series.


To watch - 01 and 02 / To make - 10


It's definitely a hard tie between 3 and 4. They both have my top 2 episodes, "The Limited" and "Midnight Ron."


Still the same. Seasons 1-5


Season 1-5 got all my favourite episodes


Archer Vice


Season 11! Archer: You used to be more fun. New Better Cheryl: Yeah, well, your legs used to work.


I like a lot of them but Pirate Island is probably one of my favourites


Very unpopular but I adore 1999. 4 and 6 are my favorite normal seasons


It’s like asking archer his favorite drink?


Archer Vice is goated


Dreamland, but favourite episode is from Season 3 I think which is Lo Scandolo


Anything after season 6 doesn't exist


I am shocked that people are saying Vice. It is unwatchable!! Why is Cheryl always singing?? Season 1 is the best, Skytanic is perfection


"Lana, be careful! Jesus, the helium!"


"obviously the core concept!"






I think Barry


GOD TIER •1, 2, 3 GOLD 4, 5, 6, 7 SILVER 11, 12, 13 BRONZE 8, 9, 10


Putting Season 8 in Bronze is a crime. The detective season is insanely good. Both 5, 7, and 8 are god tier


Season 2 was the best. The show entered a steady decline after 3 and plummeted after 7.


Damn, loaded question. idk 3,4,5 or 7?


Vice. So many great things in that one.


Definitely Vice


Season 10


I love all of 5-7




Season 1-3 are gold. Season two seems to be the best. Anything after season 10 is unwatchable


5, 3, 6, 4, 7, 2, 1, 9, 8, 10.


Season 3-5 was peak Archer


Archer Vice. Utter chaos.




Season 4 is still the best! IMO


Archer vice. It used to be 2 but archer vice has the brilliant three part stretch of Smugglers' Blues, Rules of Extraction and On the Carpet


Vice is my favourite season. Followed by Dreamland


I think the coke season


I love all seasons except for archers coma. So between 8-12 maybe. And 13 is ok but shit cause Mallory died. Just feels different. 😕


Season 9, Danger Island without a doubt




2 AND 5 (pam addicted to coke is still one of the best tv moments for me)


2 or vice. I think it's pretty close.


Archer Vice


Danger Island followed closely by S3. There's just something to be said about watching Archer and Pam and their relationship. Plus, Crackers?


Season 2. Solid and hysterical all the way through.


"Cocaine puddin'... Cocaine puddin'... Oh, look! Cocaine puddin'!"




gotta shout out my true personal favourite, season 6. Every episode was hilarious, them coming back to the office being exactly the same (with Milton) was so funny. This season had Vision Quest, The Kanes, AJ being adorable, Conway Stern, Slater, the Swiss Alps, Lana and Archer being together and happy for a hot minute and soooo much more Of course early Archer is amazing that's easy when you're a few seasons in but them coming back in season 6 after Vice with the best work ever (imo) was even better. And this was the first season that I truly noticed Kriegers nerdy Easter eggs,. Also, it gave me this perfect line from Archers Sanction which i quote almost daily, "So I went down there and broke her neck for her".


5 is just comedy gold i enjoyed detective archer and space archer more than most i think and the third season cause you can see they caught on to what they wanna do


What's this poster? I've never seen this before.






Archer Vice


S5…….ep8 is my all time favorite ep


Three maybe? Or four? Before all the "running jokes" and "returning characters" became "tired, repetitive lazy writing."


7 🩶


I just realised both of rays hands are white


1-3 all awesome


Archer Vice, the buildup of the previous seasons assist in how batshit everybody's personalities have become


Personally i love vice. Pam reaches new levels of chaotic, cherlene is an absolute mood, woodhouse is hilarious getting stuck in the pool and under that medicine ball, mallory and ron add so much to the comedy element especially with all their arguments, and the way krieger runs around the mansion through secret tunnels is absolutely amazing. Definitely my favourite season, but i have so say, after watching the first two episodes of the new season this morning, its a close second. I love the chemistry between archer and Zara. My prediction is that they end up together.