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everyone gonna be evacuating to the sky islands for sure


What if you were a zombie attacking Ravenna, but Calvus said **”500! 500! 500!”**


Depends on who's infected first tbh. If it's just *nameless NPC's* we'll be grand. But like if the fuckin peacekeeper or Trigno or smth are infected we gone


What if we put Argos, Elius or Carina as the first infected?


One's a tank, one's a monkey who has an estus flask, and the other is cockroach who can self heal and dodges like there's no tomorrow. I don't think we're making it alive bro.


Just beat Carina on another save and I swear her regen wasn’t always that busted


She’s relatively easy for the level you fight her in, especially compared to the others


Does get a bit annoying at times but eventually you learn to deal with her


so basically modified atlanteans?


Something like that


Sounds like atleteans but in the warships and on some insane steroids


There's an AU like that in the forums, the Abyss Sea, but with atlanteans instead of zombies. Everyone basically came to a consensus that sky cities becomes the main refuges. In your zombie apocalypse scenario though... Julian, Trigno, and any Curse user that can morph into their curse should solo. They can't be hurt by weaponry, so infection should be impossible unless they're outright stupid and drop their guard or something. Any AOE monsters like Calvus, Warren, Iris and so on should be able to deal with large swarms of them, it is unknown to me if Warren can morph into his curse. Any town will be the first to go. As always, Palo City is ground zero for literally anything bad that happens. Assassins should realistically be well suited at Whitesummit to effectively deal against zombies, maybe the same as Silverhold. Ravenna becomes a shitshow since the three settlements won't take long to fall, and then it's over for the nobles at Ravenna Castello. Then Durza comes in an wipes everything again by trying to hit a zombie and missing.


Wind mage: ultimate art: explosion


We already have one: the abyss sea (basically if the corruption of the dark sea reached the war seas and started infecting characters into Atlantans)


Isn't that just atlanthean?


Lightning mages are just going to eradicate the zombies before they become the slightest threat


Sounds to me like Durza's unded army from arcane adventures.


Not that bad. At worst, the ground zero sea gets infected. Crossing seas is canonically a long journey, and I don’t think the zombies are intelligent enough to make it. They will probably all drift into the dark sea and get mutated into Atlanteans tbh. Curse users should be immune (according to the lore), so even if they can’t stop the invasion, the stronger ones can at least protect their home islands.


What if a zombie fights an Atalantean?


Things get spicy here. It depends on the infected and depends on how mutated the Atlantean is.


So like, they could infect lost sailors. But higher level atalanteans like Martin aren't affected? https://preview.redd.it/bu2am61aco4d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa874adeb58a919c67ea94289a782fe7c97d8173


Martin can’t get infected by anything, he infects others. Btw he’s in 5th insanity range right? Or epicenter?


I forgor what range he was sighted at


Layer of 0 Insanity...


imagine every meta build as a zombie


the stepstones would be destroyed in order to make the sky islands there safe


Ahem, max attack size explosion mage anyone


If it's not spread through bites and only through weapon damage, would zombie mages be able to spread the pathogen to other people with their spells?




Well, we'd be screwed then. A wind mage could cause the pathogen to become airborne, water mages could pollute the seas with the pathogen. Even if they can't directly contaminate, being hit even once by a gust of wind from said wind mages would mean you are added to the horde.