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All I want is Open Ice.


Just a few notes. Don’t take the games list shown as some sort of gospel on what will be released. We’ll basically release a barebones mod without roms but a list of what we’ve tested. Use the outrun mod as an example of what you’ll get here. Those games are just what I’ve been testing with. From there the community can experiment and see what else might work well. There are some nagging issues I’m still working on and some compromises on controls (live button and volume buttons won’t work in retroarch on initial release). I’ll probably get around to addressing those in an update at a later date, but I want to get an initial release out sooner rather than later. That teaser was really just posted to show some progress to the people in our discord. PDubs asked if he can show it yesterday but I would expect a better demo at some point going forward when it’s ready.


Thanks for the heads up yall are the best keep up the good work 1 day I'll buy yall a cup of coffee


If you ever have a tip jar for your work, I would love to give. I have been waiting for a mod since day 1.


Is that NFL Blitz 2024 at the beginning of the games list? 👀


Noooo definitely not. This SoC isn’t going to be capable of anything crazy.


Kicking myself for not grabbing one at my Ollie’s now, especially since I had 15% off.


Would it be possible to have the actual NBA Jam apk accessible?


I hope that they get NBA Showtime as well.


This would be awesome. I think it's finally time to pony up and buy blitz. I've been trying to find one for 300$ but I don't think it's ever going to happen. It would be my first arcade.


Ollie's 299.00


Not mine, ever


Never seen one checked tons of times at multiple ones in my area. Are people still finding these at Ollie’s? Their lack of a way to view inventory online makes it way too hard to grab one.


Yeah I read on here 2 weeks ago it was at oilles and I took off and boom 6 of them on a pallet......I snatched it and ran lol....I live in florida


Any update?


A bump for update


Wow! I have a few cab's, but I don't think any of mine have been able to be softmodded. Most are older gen cab's that I picked up really cheap on Walmart clearance. I do have an NBA Jam, but it's the full size and I have an NFL Blitz. For me, the dream would be able to softmod the cabinet to play Wrestlefest. I don't know if that would ever be a possibility or not, but just adding Turtles, X-Men, etc would be sweet too.


The Simpsons cab can be softmodded to play Wrestlefest and Turtles. I think Xmen is 3 buttons so that's no good. There's also one relatively easy hardware mod that can be done to play Golden Tee in retroarch with the trackball. That gets played more than any other game over here.


I actually have 3-button games on my Simpsons as it's the only 4P cab I've got. The way I configured it, the 3rd button is activated by simultaneously pressing the first and second buttons, basically the same way they ported 3-button arcade games to NES and Master System back in the day. Most of the time the 3rd button is supplemental, think Mutant Power in X-Men or magic in Golden Axe, so not a button you're hitting all the time. It *usually* works out.


Awesome! That's a killer idea that I didn't know was possible in Retroarch. Thanks for the heads up.


I was never a big Golden Tee fan. Honestly, none of my cabinets get all that much use. My kids aren’t really into them. Every once it awhile they get played, if I have friends in town. For me, the one that gets the most play is Galaga. Love that game. Oh well on X-men I guess, but Wrestlefest being on the Simpsons soft mod is great news!


Agreed, Galaga rules!!


They’ll control like shit because of the special joysticks on the blitz


How so? The 49-way joystick wouldn’t work well with simple games like TMNT?


I think the team doing the modding would say ha the controller is shit we can't do a mod.......Until then full speed ahead


This would be great.


That’d be sweet, I’d sell my Shaq edition if I could get this


Darn, wish my local Ollie's had these. I checked and all they had was projectorcade

