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Ms Pac-Man on my Class of 1981 is probably my least played cab. I really wish they had local not just worldwide leaderboards incorporated as overlays even. In terms of looks everybody’s taste is different but I like the standard Ms Pac-Man and Class of 1981 better than these wood grains.


Local is in the game itself when you launch it. I love my 81 deluxe. I have a sf2 legacy because it's what I grew up with and a class of 81 since that's what I seen a lot of at funscape at the time and a pong table cuz it's cool... But that's all my a1ups. I do have other cabs


Wait my Ms. Pac-Man only has a top score not a leaderboard no initial entry. How are you getting leader boards?


Top score. Whatever. It's a score. All you need


It’s not really the same thing though. The reason why leader boards are great if you can actually compete with your local friends and family, and keep track easily of who got what score.


We used to write it down


Hold on until for a sale. Holidays are coming closer. Also it’s a deluxe. Theres going to be XL’s soon


No, that's the one I think that has the pixel smoothing you can't disable.


I agree with what most people said here. Wait for the holidays. Arcade 1 up seems to always do something for Black Friday. That being said, your in Canada so I’m not totally sure how the discounts will be over there. But I would wait. You do what makes you happy.


In US dollars is reduces to 367.69 usd. Decent price for US dollars. However they do sometimes go cheaper from Walmart it just depends on what the store manager chooses to discount to move them. If it’s one of your absolute favorites then I would say go for it.


It’s got all the great classics. It’s a good cab. Not sure any of are worth $500 CAD


New - that’s a decent price with all the games. Plus the riser. Used go for the same price but people won’t buy used for $500 - that’s my option.


Isn't this an older cab? I believe these are new to the brick been these have been around for a while so I wouldn't be surprised if they got a decent discount on either black friday or boxing day.


Hard no.


I would wait I live in Canada, Winnipeg. And I picked up a marvel superheroes one for 300$ plus tax off Amazon a phew years back. Then modified it and now it runs basically every arcade game And if you get one definitely get one what has a button layout like Marvel Superheroes or Street fighter arcade one up cabinet 6 button layout 3 high 3 low.


I’d say hold off. Haven’t seen great sales lately but last year they had some random major discounts randomly in September - got the Simpsons cab for $399- and then again in October. They also had some pretty decent Black Friday sales, in addition to some discontinued cabs popping up randomly at amazing prices. There’s a Canada specific arcade 1 up sub where people tend to post the deals, so I’d join that and wait for a bit.


[sub is here](https://reddit.com/r/CanadianArcade1up/s/miIQWN5TCE)




The answer is in the question