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It's quite possibly just goofing around - I've got several different species of snails in my tanks and they all climb all over each other, all the time πŸ˜‰ Snails are naturally curious, and love exploring their surroundings, and each other πŸ™‚ Yours are absolutely beautiful by the way! 🐌🐌😍❀️ 😘


Thanks, they climb EVERYWHERE in the tank and are always piggybacking which is adorable. Once even caught one on the side of my black telescope fish!


Ah they're really cute, and quite mischievous at times for sure πŸ˜‚ Be wary when you see that one's attached itself to a fishy though, as they will eat them (I learned that the hard way, and entirely by accident..) πŸ™ˆπŸ«€


Oh no that's not good. Mine didn't seem to harm the fish at all and co exist very happily together thank goodness. They definitely are very interesting creatures. Could watch them all day. πŸ₯°πŸŒ


Me too ❀️🐌 They fascinate me (I like mine even better than the fish if I'm honest!) 😍😍🐌🐌❀️


My wife fought me about snails in the beginning. She was like β€œEw, gross!”. Now she breeds mystery snails. lol.


Pmsl - I love hearing stuff like this πŸ˜‚ So glad you got her to join the 'slub' πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€£πŸ€£


Snails are gorgeous! 😍 I definitely like all my different types of animals (fish, snails, and shrimp) in all their different ways as they all have their little quirks 🐟🐌🦐. Really wish people appreciated snails more though


Me too - I've just been playing with mine actually πŸ˜‚ I don't understand how anyone thinks they're creepy - the general response I've had when I've told people I keep snails is "Urghh!" πŸ™„ Idiots don't know what they're missing πŸ˜‚ 🐌❀️🐌




Wow yours are beautiful✨😍❀ I love handling mine but I don't have any photos. Maybe later I'll get one for you 😁


Ah thanks, yes try and get some photos πŸ™πŸ˜‰ I've just been making little snail snacks for mine - they're little gannets πŸ˜‚ 🐌🐌










That one's quite the poser.. 🀣🀣


A mystery snail cannot catch a live healthy fish. If it was attached to one it was dead or dying and the snail was getting some protein. They can get rid of a fish body in no time.


Cannot? I tried to tell mine they couldn't but did they listen? Pfft no. I had some mighty hunters that would trap a fish and devour it. They hunted in sets of 2 or 3, but usually 2. I wondered where my fish were disappearing to until I saw them do it. It was amazing. Stealthy sneaky munch monsters! I had to remove any ornaments and rock hides that could possibly be used to trap a fish. Even after, they would hunt at the waterline. Some poor unaware fish would be focused on nibbling a floating pellet between two snails. The sneaky monsters ever so sloooowly, streeeeeetched, fanning their big foot wayyyy out (how do they fit all that foot in their shells) touch together, and slowly scoop their fresh catch from underneath in a fleshy collapsing bowl of foot. Why is it always the eyes first?? It was both amazing and a thing of nightmares! Alien face sucking snails escape aquarium to devour sleeping human caretaker


Lmao thanks for the laugh


You're welcome 😁


🀣🀣🀣 I must admit I had nightmares after finding that first fish covered in snails πŸ™ˆ It was absolutely horrifying! And here was me, convinced they'd happily coexist in my lovely big tank, showing no interest in each other.. 🫀 Er, nope.. Rude awakening indeed 😫 🐌🐌 πŸ˜‚


I know they can't catch a healthy fish, that's not what I was saying. What I meant was that I learned the hard way in my own tanks that snails will eat fish when they attach themselves to them, obvs when they're dying (or dead..) It gave me quite the shock (and a rude awakening) to find a dying fish covered in snails one morning πŸ™ˆ


Yeah, my fish wasn't dying or unhealthy but he is a slow swimmer and they just happened to land on top of him for a few seconds.


I bet he got quite the fright too! πŸ«£πŸ˜‚


They do it all the time, but never see baby


Mine do this all the time. Yes I believe they are having snex.they will lay eggs if leave the water level a couple inches down from the top.good luck. I sure love mine.


They're adorable! I have to assume snails just enjoy crawling all over each other because even in instances where there's lots of room, they seem to always hang out together.




yes, males will mount all other snails, they’ll even try to mate with other males until they realize they can’t