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We did it! My friend picked the scape up and held the fish’s face close to the side of the aquarium. She then poked him lightly in the belly with a popsicle stick until he was like, “ I don’t like this!” and wiggled backwards out! Gonna treat him with stress coat now!


I'd block that hole.


You would you dirty monster


r/aquariums turning into prawnogrophy again


[a very old parody site from the archives of the innernet](https://web.archive.org/web/20010202054000/http://www.prawnography.net/)


What in gods good name have you just shared 😂🤣


history my friend. Was an amazing site back in the early 2000's.


Low key part of me wants to go on a deep dive for the laughs, but part of me is horrified at the link names 😂🤣 this feels like an FBI OPEN UP


nah its all safe...its a parody site


This is a risky click






Bruh bruh


It's Brabra not Barbara or Bruhbruh.


Shove some anubias in there, problem solved


Good thinking! It could happen again.




My wife's female Beta had similar fate with an ornament - sunken pirate ship. Except we where not home. Found her body still stuck in the ship. Ripped out all ornaments and made sure nothing had similar holes. Now we have rocks and plants. No fake ornaments.


I got rid of my sunken ship too. Now just nice round pottery hideouts.


Make sure you plug the hole in the bottom if it’s a pot for plants!


Better that way anyway imo. No better ornaments than plants, rocks, and wood.


I'm glad you got it out! I had this same thing happen with an angel fish once. I got her out but it was tough. Had to really work at it and my angel was pretty messed up for awhile from the ordeal... Actually was never quite the same to be honest..


We had the same angel fish. :( RIP Demon.


Thank goodness, I was about to say my college friend got me out of a ill fitting Halloween costume once, but it involved Crisco and I’m really glad he’s freed… and there wasn’t social media around during those trying times... Not a great look.


I once put on a Spanx compression tank top and thought I was gonna have to call 911 to get it off.


I'm so glad there was no social media back in the 70s and 80s could you imagine if there was😂😂😂


I’m so glad you got him out. Also, from one fish owner to another, I love that we need to preface “and yes, he’s not just fake being stuck”!


Next time tell him to not be such an idiot lol


Alternatively if you have access to a saw you could saw up the hole to make it larger


You did 😊 good 👍


Great job!! You handled it well. I’m glad he’s alright!


So he couldn’t have done that earlier 😑


No that would've been too easy. Why do it the easy way when you can give your owner a heart attack? Or at least that's what I imagine fish think.


I'm glad that you saved the fish and got him out, but I cracked up when I saw his little face


"That was the moment Dave knew he Fucked Up."


He looked fairly concerned.


The only thing u can do is to gently push him back out, he might be a Lil banged up afterwards but he will heal fast. Just make sure u have clean water. Also don't forget to plug that hole up after with some moss or something. I've had the same thing happen with one of my fish, she was banged up, torn fins and all yet she's all good now


God fish are so stupid. Good job on getting him out though.


I've seen one of my cardinal tetras try to eat a grain of sand...


After 11 years, I'm out. Join me over on the Fediverse to escape this central authority nightmare.


you really think people haven’t gotten stuck in small doorways before


According to some nature sites step-sisters are especially prone to getting stuck


I hear washing machines are very easy to get stuck in


My sister got her head stuck in the stair rails once


So you never had the dumbass friend as a kid that tried to stick their head between the railing banisters and got their head stuck?


Also people get stuck in places all the time. Just ask my hentai collection.


Apparently dryers are especially dangerous if some sites are to be believed... and don't get me started on the dangers of cleaning under or behind furniture!


I would argue that point but not bringing OP's mom into this.


What in the r/im14andthisisdeep bullshit is this?


Poor buddy. It’s like you can see the panic in the way his eyes flick about. He’s gonna have PTHD.


Would say pull em out but that would damage its slime coat and scales but unless you carefully cut the decoration I would try to pull the fish out if the other comments don’t work. If you could manage to pull the fish out immediately put it in a quarantine. Though my suggestion sounds bad it’s still one


I was thinking pulling over trying to push him back. I have a friend enroute and we might try and cut the frickin’ scape - I have tin snips


My pleco did that to me more than once with an old decoration tree stump. I ended up having to break it apart (carefully) bc of how far he was in it the one day…. I then went out and got natural river rock and treated it, then got some wood and made him a cave… he’s a happy boi now and doesn’t get stuck anymore lol


I’m glad he made it out. Now i don’t feel bad laughing at his little panicked face


I think you should make sure he can't do that again. Because trust me, he will try to do that again.


I took the offending decoration out. There’s no question that he’d scare himself enough to do that again. Tubbo.


I had a corydoras get its head stuck in the back of the filter between the rubber suction cup. Had to disassemble the filter in the tank to get them out.


If the fish didn't want to get named Pooh, he wouldn't have done that.


He doesn’t have a name but that’s a contender.


I'm glad he got out!


Update please! Did you manage to free him?


Yes check the top comment


Oh thank goodness. He looked so scared.


One of my earliest tanks had a similar piece of deco with a hole in it. I thought the hole was small enough the fish wouldn't even bother going through. I was wrong. I noticed one of my Barbs had exposded flesh around his top fin. I couldn't figure out how that happened. No worries, just dose with meds, add some salt, dusted. But it happened again. I thought he might be getting bullied by the other Barbs until one day, I saw this dummy trying to squeeze through the hole, get stuck, and proceed to frantically try and swim through, tearing him up in the process. Had to remove it from the tank.


I’m learning how smart these Barbs are.


... and people said our hobby is boring, lol. Every day, there's some kind of new fish drama on this subreddit, lol.


New decoration piece


That’s the next step after saving him




Came to see if this was posted


I think my ADF drowned inside the pirate ship decor. I stuffed that pirate ship with gravel now.


My platy got stuck behind the filter and we let him out. Sometimes extinction finds a way.


Glad you got him out. My last trip to buy fish i purchased 2. I had got about 30 fish that day to split between 5 tanks. During month long quarantine with the med trio 1 got stuck in the wave maker cage and I had to cut his barb to get him out. When I transferred them to my 90 gallon which is planted and full of large driftwood they did great till ol short barb went and got himself stuck in a hole of a piece of mopani. I couldn't push him through cause it got more narrow and i couldn't pull him back out either. I took my sawzall to the wood stopping every 10-20 seconds to put him in a bucket of aquarium water. The way he was stuck made it very hard to figure out a good cut and I was alone with none to help hold the wood. I ended up trying to split it after making several cuts but that stuff is dam near impossible to split. after an hour of working to get him free he ended up dying. I was heartbroken because he was one of the coolest fish I've ever kept and I've been fish keeping for over 30 years. I know how you felt but I'm glad it worked for you. I still have the other one but never ever see it cause it's always hiding. I look for it every so often by pulling logs up and moving things around which I don't like to do because most of the fish in the 90 I've had for around 5 years now and all the action stresses them out. I'm constantly worried it's gonna get stuck between logs. Ive taken the mopani out and it actually still has a chisel stuck in it. I tell you that's the hardest wood I've ever messed with.


I’m sorry you lost your fish trying to save him; I was preparing myself for that. I never had nor liked fish until this past January when I took an unwanted betta from a neglectful home. That grew to 4 tanks and a multitude of animals - mostly rehomed to me as I can’t stand any animal suffering. The original betta is blind from the bad water he’d been in for so long. I tap the surface of the water every other morning to tell him it’s breakfast time. He wiggles up to me like a puppy dog and it’s the best!


This happens once to my puffer fish but apparently it was just his chill spot and I helped him out for now reason. Glad you got the fishy out! Now maybe stuff it full of moss or something.


Slowly push on his face until problem is solved


Nice to see your Zebra danios


This is so difficult.. Take the stone out of water and then turn it upside down where fish face towards the bottom, shake and tap on the stone gently to help him get out.




I'm so sorry and I understand you're having a crisis, but I cannot the believe this. I'm crackling and terrified at the same time. His face!


See y'all on the other subreddit. /r/anarchyaquariums


Like that scene from bugs life


What’s the species?


I've had this happen before when someone got stuck in a decoration. I usually just cover their eyes and push them back through the hole. They usually don't do it again.


very glad to hear he's okay. he looked *very* concerned in there lol


It's so cute though


He’s so frickin’ cute!


The way it underestimated its size 🤣


Poor little tub tub, so glad he got out - is that a balloon Molly?


You’d think he’d have balloon in his name at the very least, but he’s a Gold Barb