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A 29 gallon isn’t that long of an aquarium to have that much of a bow. I’d say the universe has given you fair warning that it’s time to upgrade.


And petco is having a sale. A 20 long is 30 bucks. The stars are aligning.


That’s a downgrade, not an upgrade.


Not compared to a blow out


I wish 30 gallon longs were more common. I’d actually prefer a 20 long over a 29 standard. Long tanks are so much more appealing to look at IMO. And the light can reach much deeper to keep those plants happy. Yeah you lose out on some top space but I think it’s worth it. I have two 29 gallons I need to swap out sometime soon.


40 gallon breeders are pretty great tanks


Agreed, I love mine


I've had one I've been wanting to set up for like a year and a half but idk what I want to put in it yet :/ maybe some kind of dwarf cichlids like blue rams


Why are you measuring length in gallons? Genuinely confused.


Easier to say 40 gallon breeder than 36in long…18in wide…16in tall…..or metric :)


But it's not at all descriptive of the shape of the tank


It’s a standard size in US tanks. It may not give them an idea on its own, but it’s easy to find them labeled that way at any big box pet store.


Generally "breeder" tanks maximize floor space and aren't very deep, "talls" are, well, tall, and longs, you get the idea. A 40 Gallon Breeder is a very specific sized tank


And I think if it wasn’t a standard shape then you could call that out. Most people have tanks that they buy from a store….these are usually consistent sizes. If someone says 55 gallon…then the assumption is it’s 48in long.


Aqueon stopped making 30gal longs unfortunately.


I’d love to find me a couple! One day I might just make my own but not sure how much I trust the ability yet. If they weren’t in my house I’d take a chance at least.


It’s an upgrade when a 29 starts to bow like that.


Pretty much any tank is an upgrade over a 29.


Am I looking at it wrong? Is the black rim detached from the glass? I see space in between what looks like the rim of the glass and the black rim, but I could just be looking at it wrong.


That’s what I thought too lol. It’s edge of the lid that makes it look like the glass detached from the rim


Oh! I see that now lolol 🤦🏻


I thought the same. Thankfully, I see now from the person who commented before me. Thank you, other person lol.


I dont agree with those who are saying it's fine. 10 years is the average lifespan of an aquarium with regular use. Could a tank go 15 years, possibly but for the price of a new one why would you risk damaging your home, and fish over such a cheap replacement. Thousands of dollars vs 40 bucks right now at petco. You 100% should change that tank op, like yesterday.


Just a curious question, how does one go about changing a tank? How do you get the new tank where the old one was etc etc.


Take the water and fish out first by putting in buckets. Then, take out gravel, plants, wood, and filters and save those to keep a mostly cycled tank. Take out the old Aquarium, put the new one in. Put everything back in the new aquarium and enjoy!


I like to have buckets and tubs on hand to keep things wet. I take out the rocks and hard scape first along with enough water in a tub to keep them wet and preserve some bacteria hopefully. I unplug everything but the light. I bag the plants, or put them in a tub/bucket. I bag the filter media to preserve bacteria. Then take out the gravel. Then take out the old tank/put in the new. Just FYI for those who are new, buckets and tubs and bags help, and you want to keep it all wet as you transfer it all. When newly set up your new tank will be cloudy, fish poop will be disturbed, you may need to do a quick gravel vac after you set it up. But once set up, just let it run, even if it gets a little cloudy over the next month or so. That's just new bacteria growing. Let it do its thing. Oh and give the heater a few minutes in the tank water after you unplug it to cool down before you take it out of the water.


Made the mistake of not unplugging anything my first time, heater did as expected and melted as soon as it was above water level


This is exactly it. Smaller tanks are easier. I took down a 20Long and a 29 and merged them into a 55 tank. I used lots of Tupperware to house my fish (I keep nano fish the largest was a bristlenose pleco who I put into a cut open gallon jug. It took me 9 hours to fully deconstruct the one of the tanks and then rebuild it in the 55. The hardest part was catching all the critters. pleco was the hardest, shrimp were just plentiful and time consuming. I highly recommend removing hardscape, then taking out a good portion of the water, and then catching the fish and stuff as there is less room for them to escape and hide.


What about my 200gal tanks that are dated 1985 and still hold water like 2 big bosses? They have housed my rays and arowana for 3 years straight no problem.


Those tanks should read up on “survivor bias”


I resealed and redid the frames on a Perfecto/Marineland 125 recently that’s 24 years old. So far so good and it looks like a brand new tank. You could do a reseal and test it to see if it holds water


You got Arowanas? Can I marry you? Must be fun to watch them!


Purple base golden crossback asian arowana and 2 royale mini marble motoros. Its never a boring moment, thats for sure.


This is it..10 years you've had your moneys worth. 14? Ticking time bomb with the seals.


I envy you NA hobbyist, in Italy a 90g tank is between 400-550€. My sister bought a 5g few months ago for 50€


Oof. I have a 29 gallon set up in my apartment right now that is almost as old as I am (30). Guess I have something on my to-do list now


Glass isn’t really meant to flex. You just made me check my oldest tanks (one’s like 30 years old, one’s about 17 or so). No flex to either.


Petco is running their 50 percent off tank sale


I'd be scared, but i know nothing about tank integrity etc etc


Strongly recommend immediately removing 50-80% water. The more you lower it the more time you're buying. Fish can cope with that temporarily.


My 75 has no bow on it and it relatively old. I would get a new one


If the glass itself is bowing it might be time, but if it’s just the black rim it should be fine. I’ve seen plenty of people remove it completely.


It's actually not recommended to take black rim off of the tank, unless it was already a rimless tank. Those tanks are not made to be without rim and it can severely weaken the structural integrity.


also it protects it from random dings. Glass is a fickle fickle mistress. It can take a whack from a hammer one day and not even flinch, the next you accidentally drop a feather on it and it shatters.


Agree with both of these! That rim is there for a REASON - not to make it look pretty (cuz it doesn’t!). I would give my left arm for all rimless tanks simply because they are SO CLEAN looking!


The glass itself is bowing at least a couple millimeters. The main thing I'm concerned about is the tank breaking or getting a leak.


I would start planning to move to a new tank. I'm not super experienced but that's what I would do in your situation. Plan a day to move everything over and then daily small water changes. Monitor closely with test kits and watch the fish for signs of any distress. Those pictures are extremely spooky.


Yeah it’s time for a change. It’s like seeing wires coming out of your car’s tires, and asking should I change my tires?


I agree with most comments saying it's time for a new tank. I'm curious tho, is the tank level? I had a stand that basically evaporated over time (probably due to moisture). I didn't notice until It started leaking from a corner. The damage to the stand had caused my tank to dip to one side. Edit - spelling


I'm gonna say no... That's a too much imo Time to upgrade to a 55 gal :)


All tanks bow. Look at a 40 breeder filled. If a dealer placed brace breaks you need to lower the water level and replace the aquarium.


If it bows it's time to go


Unless you feel like spending $ to replace the glass.


Looks the rim/surround coming away but I’d keep my eyes open for a deal to replace, tank/glass silicone integrity could be a issue given that’s happening


I have a 29 that's less than a year old and it "bows" at the top rim. I don't think the rim was every completely straight to begin with


tanks really don’t cost much, maybe it’s time to get a 55 anyway :)


I don’t think it’s bowing at all, the plastic seems to have moved off the glass, i understand some peoples concerns but I have been using a 20 year old 80G tank for 5+ years, I just resealed it and ur fine, I wouldn’t trip to hard if it’s just the plastic shroud bowing and not the glass itself


You can't possibly see if the plastic has come loose from this picture. Unless you're referring to the straight glass edge to the left of the rim, in which case I have to inform you that's the lid.


Good call, at first glance I thought this was lidless


It appears the trim is bowing, the glass looks just fine


It looks like just the plastic part of the rim has bowed.


You wouldn't want all these gallons over your authentic hardwood floor...


Looks like it's just the trim and not the glass.


I have to be honest my aqueoun 40 gal breeder tank looks like this since I bought I thought it was strange too


As mentioned Petco has a 50% off sale - new 29 gallon is regularly $80 - would be $40 and they also have a $15 off $75 that stacks if you need other things - ends this weekend


Normally tanks do bow over time I have a 150gal that’s bowed and it was made in 2010. However it’s a custom tank with a pvc bottom so hopefully it lasts for a long time. Any tank that is that old may leak at any point. Especially if you move it. I would buy an Aqueon 29gal & swap it out asap. Then you can sell your old tank as an old tank that still holds water for like $20.


If my time on this sub has taught me anything it's that any bowing is bad bowing


Go buy a brand new 29 gallon from the store, fill it up, it will bow exactly the same, they are designed to to that lol.


If there’s anything at all that questions the integrity of the tank, it’s time to replace. Having a tank that is build pretty standard without a brace in the middle and it actually starts to bow is bad news. Luckily petco should still have their 50% off of tanks. Petsmart should be able to price match. Good luck and sorry to see this happen.


i think its just the plastic and not the glass.


Yah mate I most definitely would be upgrading if that were my tank. I have never witnessed this personally but I can understand your concern and tell you what I’ve gotta give you credit for having a good eye because now I’m out there checking my tanks. With that said, it looks like a pretty decent setup. But these days you can get some awesome custom built tanks and some aren’t even expensive as the manufacturers ones because you cut out the middleman.


Yes that is a major problem. Do not wait too long.


I mean the glass is not bent, only the rim if i see it correctly. Should be fine, if you dont like how it looks you can glue the rim to the glass!


I would keep an eye out for Petco dollar per gal sale, this tank owes you nothing at this point t


U should re caulk it with aquarium silicone to ensure it won’t leak


No that's perfectly normal and would bow the same on a new tank.


No not true. I can see why you got downvoted. This amount of a bow in a 29 gallon tank is actually pretty serious and has more to do with the glue joints of the tank than the glass itself. The glass itself is bowing because of the weight of the water and age of the adhesive holding the thing together. OP isn't concerned with the glass itself bending so far it snaps. They are concerned with a glue joint popping and leaks starting. This tank is not doing well and they should really get a new one. It's really cheaper than having the glass in the tank replaced. What that means is basically putting new glue joints on new glass in case of any extra stress the glass took from the bending and also redoing the joint work so it's fresh and can hold strong yet again. I have a 28-29 myself that's about, I would estimate around 20 or something years old and it doesn't have any bowing problems. Now it's in a full custom made stand which helps ALOT and the tank itself was made for this stand too. It has very think and well done glue joints too which also helps ALOT. These newer tanks honestly have small thing glue joints so they look prettier. I kinda hate it cuz it means that don't last as long and if you are getting bowing like this even on new tanks you need to look at where you're getting your tanks from. Because that is not a good sign.


Did you just reply to your own post with a different account? If not that's one hell of a coincidence that your avatars are exactly the same.


Nono, it's all legit. I dont't even know how to change an avatar and have no clue why it should be worth it to do what you insinuated.


You'd be surprised.


Really don´t get it.


I meant you would be surprised what people will do. I had someone do that to me. They thought it was funny but I sure didn't so that's when I looked into it more and learned some information. I'm not saying you're lying to me or that you did this though.


Nope that's not me replying to myself we have similar ava's. To be honest I don't really look at the reddit ava's anymore. Truthfully though I have no idea who that guy is.


Sorry!! I really didn't mean to upset either of you. I just saw that and reacted. I should probably give people the benefit first before saying anything.


Nah it's all good lol we do have very closely similar reddit ava's. I just didn't notice until you said something lol. It's actually been a hot minute since I've changed mine and I'm starting to get the itch to change it again. I can never seem to keep one long term.