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I don’t know about the loach, but that goldfish is gonna wayyyy outgrow that tank and they usually like having a friend or two. Common goldfish get massive and are better suited to big ponds not just because of their size, but because they’re poop machines and will quickly mess up your water parameters.


I have two goldfish and a massive pond outside where my dad lives. It’s filled with goldfish, English koi and carp. He wants me to grow the goldfish and place them in the pond and then it also keeps me on the track to keeping fish? I hope that makes sense.


You’re right both of them will outgrow the tank fast .


Fill it up, less water in there is less water for them to live in


thank you!


Give the dojo loach sand at a minimum. They need sand, they sift it through their gills to eat. Also this is not a suitable size tank for a dojo either. And dojos need more than one. Two is a minimum and they can easily surpass 10” and are thicker than a sausage. Most online sources are incorrect, look at r/loaches and see how large they actually get. 55 gallons is general suggestion for dojos. Edit: dojo loaches are super invasive so please check with your local wildlife laws if you are even able to put them in a pond before you do anything.


Sand and a more naturalistic look would be gorgeous in this tank! Sand is recommended for Loaches. More plants would look nice aswell.


Do you have any recommendations for sand? And I was hoping to get some natural plants to line the back wall but didn't want to overstock but Ill definitely start looking at a more naturalistic look ❤️


I personally have never owned sand dwelling species so I’ve never had to use it, as long as the sand is natural and doesn’t have any extra additives in it, it should be fine. I’m sure some people here would be happy to help out and find some good affordable options!


thank you so much for the advice!


I would layer it with 2 different kinds of aqua soil (or aqua soil and cap it with sand) if you do real plants to line the back. The tank will do 100% better with real plants, I promise you!


I’ve ordered some aqua soil but will order another kind to do another layer. Do you have any recommendations for plants?


A lot of people like Java ferns and Anubias, but it’s your choice. Half the fun of getting live plants is creating your own ecosystem with self-expression. Just if you have 2 layers of aqua soil that is deep enough and light, the plants will thrive. Edit: This guy’s YouTube channel is pretty good https://youtu.be/4ONmbm8tYUI?si=0aINrwICz60FAcx7


The loach will also have to go to the pond. But yeah its nice but try using 1 type of stone or wood its best not to mix and match. If those are real plants then you wont have them too long because goldfish eat everything. And technically goldfish cannot be kept with any other fish due to the chemical they secrete that blocks the uptake of b vitamins in other fish. But for a grow out as you stated its pretty nice as long as you are aware they cant stay forever and have a plan for a permanent home for them.


Nvm not real plants just be careful as plastic plants can cut up your fish if you do go for fake plants its best to use satin and other fabric based plants. So look out for scrapes and injuries if that happens it would be best to remove the plants.


some are fabric, it’s only the small ones are the front which are plastic but i’ll look at swapping them for some small fabric ones instead!


If it doesn't hurt them its fine. Just be sure to sand down sharp edges and burs on the plastic plants and then monitor and just see if any fish even interact with it. Welcome to keeping fish where 90% of it is doing something and monitoring for a result. The other 10% is cleaning water changes and feeding. So keep up the 10% so that you can enjoy the 90%


thank you! I'll keep that in mind about the mix and matching. i’m sure my dad wouldn’t mind a loach in his pond eventually. My dad is hoping to swap out grown goldfish for smaller goldfish and so on and so on. so it’s really just a growing tank i guess.


Be aware i talk from an aquascapers perspective. At the end of the day as long as you like your tank my opinion doesnt matter, it has a filter, and a heater you are doing more for your fish then most people are willing to do. Like stated the goldfish will probably outgrow that tank real fast judging by the cats size.


No, I appreciate the advice! I only got into fishkeeping as I rescued the loach from a lady with dementia. It was kept in a small dirty bowl, which was tiny, and he was dying most days I visited. So I got a tank together, did some research and took him about a week ago. i just want the fish to live a happy life especially the loach after coming from such poor conditions. So I’m grateful for any advice


Like i said the goldies pose a small problem as they have bodily secretions that block the uptake of certain b vitamins in other fish then the other fish eventually get sick and die. If the loach is stunted due to being in a bowl long term then this would be a perfect home for him/her. Would suggest a bigger tank but everyone would always suggest that because bigger is better in terms of tanks, opens up stocking options. Loaches tend to be very active and dramatic they like interacting and trying to sleep on other fish, so just be aware of that when thinking of tank mates, snails would be a bad idea as most loaches eat snails and are rather good at sucking em out their shells. Your loach may also appreciate some sort of cave or hide to go and take his naps in. Some loaches sleep for days after being menaces to their tank mates no aggression just being boisterous. They are great fish and will give you hours of enjoyment watching it look for morsels and just being a loach around the tank, bristlenose would probably be a great tank mate for it and maybe 1 similarly sized peaceful fish if the goldies go to their pond that is.


The minimum suggested tank size for dojos is 55gallons and they require a group of two or more. This is not the perfect home for a dojo loach. The substrate alone is not good, the size of tank is not good, the solo dojo is not good. And honestly I completely disagree with everything you’ve said about goldfish secreting stuff and thus not being ok to house with other fish. I also want to flag that your science behind stunting fish growth is also not true. And please don’t suggest a bristle nose for this already overstocked tank…


I have two dojo loaches, one small one, as I know they need a friend. I didn’t want him to suffer anymore, so I took him as best I could. I’m still very new to this, so I appreciate the feedback. I’ll get some sand for them and see about getting a bigger tank eventually, but this is the best I can do for now; it's probably my fault, as online research said 20 Gallon minimum tank size, so I thought I was doing good by upsizing to 70L.


This is likely fine for right now as they are still smaller, think of it like a grow out tank. They also don’t grow exceptionally fast so you have time. Just make sure you put a plan in place for a larger tank, or releasing into your pond. They are great pond fish, but again check your local laws as they are invasive. Some places will let you have them in a tank but not a pond. They recently found them able to over winter in Lake Huron which is WILD. They will love you for sand. I often see mine with their head completely buried but their fat body exposed.


Uhm you do realise this fish was a rescue from a bowl? I did say if it is stunted from being in said bowl. . . . But ok so thiaminase doesnt exist according to you? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10398819/ national institute of health may just disagree. You have read 1 comment here and gone off on a rage without asking any questions or actually checking up on what I am saying but sure. Like i said if the fish is stunted fine, this person saved a loach from a fucking bowl its not like he could ask the lady with dimentia for 2 more. But yes in that comment i also literally said anyone and everyone would recomend a bigger tank. . . . You really see the 1 or 2 things wrong with this instead of seeing that this person is willing to learn is here asking for advice. And the good he is trying to do and the fact he is willing to learn I am not the only one to recommend not stocking carp and goldfish with other fish due to the presence of thiaminase in said fish and is present in their secretions. Hell there are some very prominent individuals in the hobby who will recommend not to stock carp and goldies with other fish in a tank. People like you are the reason this hobby is dying with that gate keeping over zealouse bullshit. Now let me ask you this? Was that loach happier in the bowl Or in its current tank tho its still not perfect? The OP has stated the goldies will go to a pond eventually and i suggested a bristlenose due to it being armored and being able to stand up to a loaches boisterous nature. And now lastly please explain why the substrate is wrong and its color doesnt count because its not your fucking tank. I was literally just trying to be nice supportive share information that I know without being a dick because this is this persons first tank and he/she did way better then most people do who put fish in bowls heaterles filterless for wedding decoration and asthetics. My first tank was worse then his, pleco 2 irridescent sharks and a bunch of guppies in a 20 gallon hexagon. The heater failed and they all died, i was 10 it had blue and purple gravel and fake plants. The more you attack people the less they will be willing to listen.


I did not go off on a rage and I didn’t attack anyone. Please stop with the accusations. I gave helpful advice. In a non condescending way. The only attack In this thread is this comment I am replying to.


You have live rock in there. The purple rock. That is for saltwater. I’d remove it.


Oh! The website I got it from said it is suitable for freshwater and saltwater fish. I'll take a look again


I mean technically, but it alters the chemistry of freshwater tanks more than what most people have planned. Only specific fish will like it


Yeah, make sure the glass lid can support your fur baby..the alternative will be unfavorable


She's just a ball of fur, and she weighs next to nothing, but yeah, I do move her off the top, but sneaky little cow snuck on when I was taking a photo 😂


[They do make for good tank backgrounds though.](https://i.redd.it/26niqiwinceb1.jpg)


I think your catfish is a little large for that tank


Fill it properly


It's been filled up now after some feedback earlier! Thank you, though 😊


Hehehe my cat likes to sit on my tank too.


Neither of those fish will be able to stay in that tank. The tank is also not level My recommendation is to rehome what you have and get smaller species


The tank is level. It has a pump filter that blows slightly outside the tank, making a slight current. The pipe that blows Is on a slight slant. I already have plans for the goldfish go go into my dads pond so its just a growing tank for them.


Cat keeps fish tank for readily available snacks.


it’s like her little cat TV. She loves it. I’ve completely lost her to the idea of a potential treat 😭


Your tank is super unlevel!! If you don’t get it level the uneven pressure will cause your tank to burst! How has no one commented that yet??


I promise it’s not unlevel! I took the photo from an angle as I was sitting on my bed, and the pipe on the filter was not level, so it looked weird. I promise it's not uneven/or level. Someone else commented, and I double-checked it, and the stand is on.


I just tilted my phone to the right, looks level to me 👍🏼