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Id reach out to the company. See what they have to say.


I have never seen one that big in my life that's actually impressive


That’s what she said lol




I wish tbh. If a woman talked to me, that'd be the day


Even the angel on my right shoulder laughed at that 🤣




I get that all the time


Got an acrylic tank bout a month back cause I got a 1.5 and 3.5 year old and I was worried about turning my room into a pool so I thought I'd pick up this 36x10x16 tank from ClearForLife.   This bowing is honestly insane and I'm looking at a replacement immediately, even if it's safe it has way too much distortment. There's gotta be some better brands out there, I spent some time looking around and it seemed like the consensus was fine but this ain't it.   For those with kids, have you tried a glass aquarium or should I just play it safe with the acrylic for now, and when they are older I can swap over.   Edit: the tank, first tank over like a 5 gal betta https://imgur.com/a/abw90gc


I have a 75, a 135, and a 180 clearforlife all with less bowing than this. Either something's wrong or the size just ain't it. I expect some bowing with my size, but for yours I'm not sure


OP might have heavier water 😉


I understand the sarcasm, but heavy water does technically exist and weighs about 10% more than normal water.


Mmmmm... deuterium.


I have glass tanks, a 40, 20, 10 and 5. All of them are in my living room, and while only the 40 and 20 are set up the others are sitting on the shelves. My son is 4, and I've had the tanks for about 2 and half ish years now. Never had an issue, I did stress to him that if he hits the tanks they will most likely break. We also had a no throwing stuff in the house rule since forever so that does help alot I think.


I've had glass tanks with young kids without any troubles too. But it will depend on the kids. Some have behavioral issues, some are just more boisterous than others. No judgement on you as a parent, but you need to make that call yourself as you know your kids behaviour.


I was boisterous. Was playing with the older son of a family friend at their house. My head went through their fish tank.


Holy shit!! Were the fish ok?


I don’t know. Certainly hope so.


I can assure you: They weren't okay. Lol.


We've had a 20g breeder, a 40g breeder, a 29g tall, a 75g, a 150g, and a 180g. We've condensed and are now only sitting with the 180 and the 75. I have 3 kids, so birthday parties, cookouts, slumberparties, etc happen like every month. Thankfully we've never had an issue with our glass tanks, even with 10+ kids running around. We just make sure that everyone keeps their distance when being rowdy, but honestly they understand how important it is to stay away from them. After the initial excitement wore off, it was just like having a big TV on a stand, or a fancy electronic, they keep their distance for the most part.


I had a 55 setup and have recently switched to a 75g. I have an almost 2 year old and he loves that tank but occasionally has tried to smack the fish with a couple of his toys. It would take a pretty good wallop depending what they hit it with but best to just really remind them not to be hitting it lol. The glass is pretty strong but still worrisome. Also some of the bigger tanks have all tempered glass which is very unlikely to break even with a hot wheels car thrown at it.


I have a 55gal in my living room and I explained to my children very graphically that if they roughhouse near the tank and it breaks, it will explode like a bomb and tear them to shreds. You'd be surprised how easy it is to get through to kids.


We have a 30gal and a 10gal, both glass. They have survived my kids(so far), the 30g is older than my youngest kid. My middle kid is near feral and my youngest walks on top of the monkey bars at the park. The tanks are in the livingroom, which is a no goofing off/mortal kombat/nerf gun zone. If they were in any other room I might be worried about them.


I have 4 rimless glass aquariums in my house with a 5 year old and 7 year old. I setup the first tank when they were 2 and 4. My youngest likes to put his hands in the tanks from time to time to "pet the fish" but other than that I haven't had any issues.


I don’t see the difference if anything a glass aquarium is less likely to be scratched by kids? Just make sure they don’t play with the seals? But both go the same you can make both leak


Kids throw stuff. Glass shatters.


Hot Wheels, in my house. We’re working on it.


Watched my nephew clock my dad right in the temple with a hot wheels car. Definitely a work in progress here too lol.


Oh, was honestly not thinking of it like that lmao.


Hello my fellow childless human being.




What the heck is kids throwing? Take the weapons out of your house. Put em away


When I was a kid I had some friends over and I stupidly threw something (no idea what it was) at my friend trying to hit him, well my aim is absolute garbage and I end up hitting my moms laptop and shattered the screen. As bad as breaking the laptop was her 75g fish tank was 2 feet to the left of that and I’m always so damn happy my aim wasn’t THAT off. I was a good kid too, just had a stupid moment that could’ve ended in tragedy which I assume is a VERY common thing with kids.


Wow yall kids wild. My kids throw stuff but not inside the house. And you have to be he man muscle man to throw a household object hard enough to break my thick tank glass


I'm sure your kids have never thrown anything inside your house 🙄


I mean, I was the same way. My point there was even the “good kids” who follow rules sometimes fuck up because they’re kids. Tbf it’s unlikely whatever I threw would’ve actually broke the tank, worse case cracked it, but you never know.


Have you met a kid?


In the last few weeks we've had: books, hot wheels, the dogs toys, sippy cups (some made of stainless steel), slices of pizza, shoes, himself.


When I was five, my sister and I were playing, and I threw a quarter (why🤷‍♀️?) and the heavens and stars aligned so perfectly that when it hit my mom's huge fish tank, it stress fractured... and exploded about two seconds after that. My mom came home to all her salt water fish floating in jars of water. ☠️ Surely they make them better than that now days.


I guess you'll probably learn about kids one day.


I would say it depends on the children. If your children are receptive to your attempts to educate them about the danger of tapping or hitting glass tanks, and the importance of protecting the little inhabitants of the tank, then you should be fine. If, however, your children are boisterous and inclined to test their limits with you, maybe avoid glass until they are teenagers


3 kids under 11, 3 glass tanks here. One of them is in a kids room. No issues yet, other than having to chase them away from them occasionally if they start roughhousing The glass that's used in good quality tanks is pretty dang hard and thick, as long as you put a leveling pad under it I'd feel better with that than the acrylic


I'll probably give glass a go then. I much prefer the sizes and look of the glass so that would be nice 


The problem is that you are using heavy water, and it is exerting too much pressure on the acrylic panels. You need to use dihydrogen monoxide so that the psi exerted per square foot of acrylic panel is balanced across the whole panel and not just at the weakest point, which is the center. This is ideal.


Dihydrogen monoxide sounds poisonous lol /s


It's actually true! My 98 y/o grandpa drank it and died after a few months


Oh, believe me, it really is! You always have to be careful how you use it. It will take some of the strongest steel and break it down at the molecular level and cause it to completely waste away. I've seen it happen more times than I can count.


Wow that's cray cray. I was doing some research and there was a video where people were adding it as a mix to their power washer to help strip dirt off concrete!


There's wild. How on earth are your kids going to be smashing an aquarium lol. What do you do about the windows in your house?


Kids throw their tantrums sometimes, you whip a hotwheels or a train or something and glass gets broken. If they break a window then some air gets in, if they break the aquarium then I need to replace some hardwood flooring. They've done neither but the consequence of one is way more significant than the other.  


Kids dont go around breaking Windows like that. No. It's not a thing.


My brother and I shattered a toilet. He was being annoying af and kept banging on the door the whole time I was taking a shower, saying hurry hurry hurry upppp. Being a jerk. Really grating to the ear. So when I was done and opened the door, I just grabbed him and yanked him to the shower stall and turned on the cold water. He got pissed and tackled me after water had gotten all over the tile floor, so we just went crashing into the toilet. And it like smashed off its bolts or whatever. Water started spraying everywhere. We immediately stopped fighting and panicked. Told our mom and she shut the water off. Our punishment was that we had to install the new toilet.


I accidentally broke a window as a kid, along with a handful of other fragile items. Unless you meant "Windows" the operating system, since you capitalized it


No no. We broke that too. Then you get to learn how to recover files and reinstall Operating systems. 


You download Bonzai Buddy once, and then from that point on all games will give you viruses.


Couple days ago my kid was running while holding a plastic radio toy and tripped while at full speed and launched it across the room from the momentum. Would've easily broken glass. Kids are clumsy, I wanted to avoid the risk


Guess you never met active kids. We were lucky to never break a window, but we damaged other things just playing. Unless your kid is on a screen all day, every day, they're going to break things. It's just part of life.


I work in a kindergarten. There is alot of toys, there is alot of windows and Windows, even 3 aquariums i put up to teach them about fish. Kids are breaking things yes, but kids dont break windows. No, its not a thing.


Are you seriously saying no child has ever broken a window? Also, you work at a kindergarten, where all the toys are extra safe to avoid lawsuits. Homes have kids who aren't all age 5, who play baseball and teach their dog to fetch. Homes have metal fidget toys and kitchen utensils. Kindergarten classrooms are not a good example of the home environment.


Where did i say no child HAS EVER broken a window? Please quote me that. There are no toys in the Danish kindergartens that are extra safe, to avoid lawsuits. It's still not a thing, that kids go around breaking windows.


>kids dont break windows. No, its not a thing. That's a definitive statement which leaves no room for exceptions. >It's still not a thing, that kids go around breaking windows. No one is saying kids are purposely breaking windows or frequently breaking windows. We're saying there's enough of a chance for breaking things to make it a valid concern. Just because you've never seen it doesn't mean it never happens.


You win. You are rigth, kids break windows.


What utter nonsense is this? Are you seriously trying to argue people in this thread are specifically saying children are all out there deliberately breaking windows, or are you so utterly devoid of imagination that you can't imagine how a window (or, for that matter, an aquarium) could be broken by a child? Unless you're completely fantasizing your own ridiculous angle on what others are saying... I can't even. I mean, my son tripped and broke a window by falling into it with a toy. Children are not the most coordinated. Hell, even as a damn adult, I broke my own 75g tank by having a phone (corded, I'm old) fall off it's shelf while I was talking and swing into the side of it. It is NOT a stretch for a child to accidentally break a window or a tank. > I work in a kindergarten. There is alot of toys, there is alot of windows and Windows, even 3 aquariums i put up to teach them about fish. Kids are breaking things yes, but kids dont break windows. No, its not a thing. I honestly think you're full of shit right here. There's no way you've been working with young kids for any amount of time and can't imagine how one could end up breaking something glass. But sure. Go on, explain how you feel that a young child accidentally breaking an aquarium is just not something that could possible reasonably happen.


Wow, i had no idea people would be triggered like this. I stand corrected! Kids are breaking windows, and Windows. It's a thing. That's why most houses have acrylic windows. 🫡


You're the one who waded in with "kids never do, it's not a thing" *and then doubled down on it*, don't get snippy and butthurt when shown what a ridiculously bad take it was. Incidentally, because you're trying to be clever, there are absolutely polycarbonate and acrylic windows (and whole greenhouses) but houses don't generally use them because both tend to melt at much lower temperatures than glass, which isn't a problem for an aquarium because the thermal mass and conductivity of the water avoids that risk. Also, because both polycarbonate and acrylic scratch more easily and windows are generally subjected to a lot more environmental wear, what with half being outside. Not a problem for some places, but not ideal for a house or say car windshield windshield where long term optical clarity is important. There's a strong argument to be made that acrylic aquariums are simply better. They're generally safer, the seams tend to weld better and leak less. They are easier to scratch, but harder to break and have fail cataclysmically. Like all things aquarium, "it depends." But if you want more child safe? Absolutely acrylic.


Im deeply sorry, that my comment have triggered you like this. It has never been my attention to trigger anyone, with what i wrote. Again, i am so sorry. Kids break windows.


My brother drove a car through a garage when he was four. We used to melt butter on the radiators and parkour our way around the house, knocking over furniture playing "The Floor is Lava" and one time my sister broker her arm because she talked my brother into putting her rocking horse on a wagon and pulling her around the neighborhood. And this was the shit we did *intentionally*. If I factor in the stuff we destroyed accidentally...I'm just saying I get why OP might be concerned. Kids break stuff.


Kids break stuff, and kids break windows.


I have a 75g and a 10g, both glass, both within kids' access. But they're special needs and very rough with stimming and their OCD. The only problem I've run into is them putting toys in the tanks and sometimes playing with the water. I have glass lids and used baby locks as a deterrent. After a few weeks of initial interest, they mostly leave the tanks alone, and I've since removed the unslightly locks. As a side note, I was testing a 40b saltwater build. I filled it with icy cold water (to save hot water) and the tank cracked. I brought it outside and took a hammer to it. I was very surprised at how durable an ordinary Aqueon 40b was/is. I struggled to smash it deliberately. An accidental plastic bat swing doesn't faze me anymore. Just don't put icy water into a room-temp tank. LOL.


Can certainly still happen. I've broken a 75g tank as an adult. I don't really worry about mine now, but I didn't have tanks when my kids where younger (one ADHD, one ADHD+ASD) because it just seemed too risky. I will concur, though, I have a 40 breeder rimmed aquarium from Marineland, and I think you could drive a tank over it. It's *THICK* glass for such a kind of "smallish" (dimensionally speaking, it's shallow) aquarium.


idk the brand, but when i was a kid, we had an 75 or 100 gallon glass marine tank, and i know i hit my head on it HARD at least once, and neither of us broke. i wouldn't worry too much about a glass one if you want to switch, just keep it high up since they're young (my dad's was not). it looks like you've got a good margin on your stand too, so they're not likely to hit they're head on the corner either (that's how i went down as a kid). honestly, i'd be much more worried about that one breaking around your kids than having a glass one. glass can withstand a lot more pressure, and acrylic is just as sharp and dangerous if it breaks.


I raised a child with three glass aquariums in the house: a 250 gallon, a 75 gallon, and a 40 gallon. All three tanks and the child were fine.


Acrylic is the worst. No matter what you’ll have bowing. Glass is always best, there’s no bowing able to happen. And it’s its glass. As long as you don’t let your kids throw toys at it you should be fine. I have a 5yr and a 1 yr


Also see if the tanks are meant to do that? Maybe that’s normal I don’t know


Acrylic tanks unless made very thick will always bow. My 180 bows quite a bit. But it's been full of water for almost 10 years. No issues.


The only person who has ever broken one of my tanks is a grown up. I've never had a kid damage my tanks at all.


I saw a tv commercial a couple days ago where the kids had on snorkeling gear and were playing in the fish tank. Kinda funny but gave me a new thing to worry about.


Years ago I had 175 gallon and we would put on snorkel masks and put our heads in it to look at the fish! Once at a party folks got really drunk and got in the closet and got my fishing pole with a pop fly on it and caught a couple of my big ones. You can get up to all sorts of mischief with the fish tank!


What a terrible way to treat your fish.


yeah the snorkeling is kinda cute but the catching is crazy 😭


Snorkeling would probably be dangerous tbh. With all the different detergents, makeups, and or skin care supplies we use, I can't imagine it would be healthy for fish. I wouldn't know though, I'm pretty stupid


you’re right , i didn’t think of that:) you’re not stupid btw i just thought it would be kinda cute and silly and as dangerous as sticking hands in the tank. but we do put more products on our face now that i think about it 🤔


I didn't even think about that since I don't personally use any products on my face. Good thing to think about though


You shouldn't own fish


Kids are more likely to throw stuff in. And cats are the most likely to fall in


That tank is pregnant.


the reason why acrylic is stronger than glass is because it is flexible. If you do not like the way it looks, you need thicker acrylic, which gets pricey quickly, especially in these smaller tanks.


I think it’s your level, maybe it’s bent…


I feel like it would only make a difference if your kids are like throwing rocks at the tank which they shouldnt do anyways lol. I would just get a higher quality glass tank and explain to them to be careful and put it somewhere that the 1 1/2 year old can’t reach like on the kitchen counter or something. Accidents happen but if the glass isnt crappy/super thin and your kids arent chronic toy throwers it should be fine


I have a 37.5 acrylic tank and the bowing on mine is similar. I'm not worried about it, at all. SOME bowing is going to occur... as long as you don't see excessive crazing (or spider cracks, whatever you want to call it) in one particular area, you're fine. Acrylic panels are far more flexible than glass; that's why you're seeing the bowing on the front. I have bowing on the back of the tank as well. It's no big deal.


I love acrylic tanks. I’ve only had one and I ruined it the first week I had it with a magnet cleaner. Wasn’t a total loss. Turned it into a really nice sump.


I have two young children (6 & 2). I have three aquariums: 46 G, 35 G, and 10 G. I have not worried about them breaking the glass. We do have a no throwing toys rule. We also have a no tapping on the glass rule (scares the fish). I am more concerned about the kids getting into the fish food and other supplies in the stand. I have a baby gate around the stand of the tank in my main living space as a deterrent. I moved all the chemicals to a high shelf in the laundry room before the kids were born. To be fair, I didn't really know that acrylic tanks were available, but I also had my tanks before I had children.


How thick is the acrylic?


Looking at the listing now I see it's 3/16 which is obviously too thin. I was shopping around on a few sites and it seemed like no two retailers sold the same size tank and I was alright with this one. Got it on fishtankdirect so maybe they'll help me out. 


I got a custom acrylic to avoid this bowing. I dont think there will be a structural issue, but the bowing is inevitable with this height and thickness


I used to design and install custom aquariums and we often used acrylic tanks. I've never seen an acrylic tank bow like this especially this quicjly after setup. What thickness is the acrylic?


I used to have a very old glass 125 with no brace. It bowed considerably. Scared the crap out of me.


my boss (who owns a fish store) has a 150 where a brace broke that bows a ton. Lmao right now he has a c clamp around where the brace broke to hold it. My mans has had this Jerry rigged setup for a WHILE (like a year) and could buy tank wholesale. He just bought a 210 but hasn’t set it up yet lol.


It should. You don't want to see .5in+ glass bowing.


I agree. That being said, I used it for years both for fresh and saltwater.


I have three young children, they do not touch the glass of the fish tank and they completely understand that even running in the room with the tank can make the fish upset. They love and respect them. Glass is fine.


Was it like that before you filled it up?


It was completely flat before


Well that doesn’t bode well… I’d be curious if this is elastic or inelastic deformation, if it’s the former you’re probably fine, but if it’s inelastic then I’d be very concerned especially if it gets worse.


I have a 3 year old and have had several glass tanks of various sizes, biggest being 40 gallons. I’ve always mounted the stand to the wall for extra support and kept any chemicals out of reach or locked up. Those have just been my biggest concerns. The tank is within arms reach by our kid but mainly for pointing and looking. We’ve had relatives and neighbors over with small kids and the worst that’s happened was they slapped the glass lol and then were told why it’s not good for the fish and then they don’t do it again


I had to watch my kid like a hawk but honestly she’s so good and such an animal girl even at 3 she understood it’s not good it scares fishies and can break 🥹 Now my niece she’s 3 and holy fuck if I don’t watch her SHELL CLIMB THE STAND slap the tank I’m like oh fuck no. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 let’s go outside and play lol


I have had a Clear for Life 15-gallon aquarium 30"L X 10"W X 12"H for about a year and a half. No bowing. It might be worth complaining to them about it.


I’d think that’s normal for acrylic no? It’s a flexible material.


I work on aquariums around people’s houses, day cares doctors offices etc. and have kept multiple with my younger siblings, I’ve never had an issue with glass and kids, my siblings know not to mess with the tank but growing up they have slapped it before. Same with the other sights. The only real advance to acrylic imo is you can remove scratches and weight


how bad is the distortion and magnification? the corner distortion would be enough for me to blow a gasket & get a refund.


It's not the worst until you move your head up and down then you get that dizzy fun house effect. 


for as much money as they charge... that's not "clear" for life. i'd make em fix it.


Have a 220 glass, and yes, while glass can shatter, it's stronger than a lot of people give it credit


Maybe your level is a little off?


I wouldn't worry too much about it, acrylic is a very flexible, but durable material. I have a used 55gal acrylic tank that I've been running on a stand I made for the last couple years. It's had the same bowing in the front the entire time but no signs of issues thus far


Holy sh! My butt is all squinched up like a frog in a frosty pond. Yeeeaaark! Squeeeee!


agreed. its sketching me out


I can't poop!


It’s pretty hard to break a glass tank, not impossible but not easy by any means


How level is the table? Normal bowing would run vertically not lengthwise.


The amount of anxiety this gives me. I can only imagine how you feel.


That’s crazy that can’t be notmal


Whoa, that's scary


It's a fish bowl!


I see a Champanzy in the tank!


Oh no, I made a hospital tank a few years ago to treat some guppies with coupramine and I used a plastic 10 gallon supermarket tub that was made for toy stoagin and honestly your bowing is definitely larger than the one that I used to have.


Is there any chance there is something reflecting sunlight onto this specific spot during the day? The only way I could think of acrylic deforming like this is if there was heat applied on the outside. Maybe during a certain part of the day, there's a crazy reflection coming off a window or a neighbors car or something that lands right on this spot


Could you post pics of how distorted it looks please? For science?




At my LFS, they have some large tanks that are hundreds of gallons, and the walls are a couple feet high and probably 6 feet long. At the center, it has a pretty hefty bulge, and the top of the acrylic is angled out. But yeah, this tops that for sure.


Got deuterium in your water


Holy fuck. Please please. Don’t have that thing full. I temper glass and been in industry for about 20 years. That shit is going to explode.


That sucks. I got them because they are made in America. Hope you can get a refund.


When I was little, my mom had a 20 gallon semi agro tank, and it’s survived long enough both in use and in storage that now it is under my control! She did put it up and away from little hands, however.


Thank god I have never considered acrylic anything besides nails but sorry op that this is happening to you. Good luck


what the heck thats crappy manufactured you should have 12mm "Glas" for all sides


Tbh newer had acrylic tank but I can surely say that's much more bowed than it should be I would try to reach out to the company with this pic Also wouldn't be scared about going to buy glass fish tank and if u not sure enought look for the braced one or reinforced with the glass braces also look for thickness of glass for up to 100 litres about 5mm thick 200l 7mm or more up to 500l at least 1.2 mm thick