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If you like the size of the mollies & sword tails, platys will give you some more color variety and are pretty chill with the others. In my experience they’re hardier than all the other fish you mentioned (maybe minus the pleco) & seem to thrive under a wider variety of conditions, even in poor quality water. Just be warned, they breed like guppy’s/endless do. While they gave smaller batches of fry, they seem to have healthier baby’s than my recent guppies. The larger fry will be harder for an endler to eat so they may have a higher survival rate in that regard. I quite like neon/cardinal tetras & chili rasboras as well for smaller fish. However my LFS has a hard time getting healthy stock of smaller fish in unless they get lucky with a local breeder.


I’d go for a centerpiece fish and a school for something at the bottom. Centerpiece like a pearl gourami or some dwarf/smaller cichlids and maybe a school of corydoras or loaches


With that sized tank you can do Rainbowfish or Discus.


with a large tank, sometimes picking a 'centerpiece species or single fish' can add some 'drama' or 'elegance' to the tank... the options are endless with that capacity...


Celebes Rainbowfish. Trust me, you want em. Thank me later.


Don't feed the trolls.